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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 02:35:46 体裁作文







除了飞手自身技术、安全意识以及规范性操作,还通过在无人机上设置避障系统就能避免事件中大妈轻易击落飞机的危险,这场无谓的纷争就不会产生。放眼全球,不同消费级、商业级无人机制造商都开始将“避障系统”(Obstacle Avoidance)列入产品开发重点。而基石信息已将超声波原理应用于无人机“避障系统”,当超声波遇到猎物或者障碍之时立即反射回来,从而避开障碍,实现安全飞行。



20 most annoying things people do on planesCNN:乘飞机千万别做这20件事!


(CNN) — The list could clearly be endless: let loose your own bugbears in the comments.

20. Abusing someone else's possessions in overhead bin(滥用其他人寄放行李的空间)

19. Taking ages to choose a movie(花很长时间选择观看的电影)

18. Compulsive leg-shaking(强迫性的跺脚)

17. Boarding before group number is called(被催促登机)

16. Babies crying(婴儿的哭声)

15. Getting huffy when a neighbor leaves their seat(因其他的乘客借道通过而发怒)

14. Yapping on cell phone(大声讲电话)

13. Scarfing smelly food(吃味道浓烈的食物)

12. Loud talking(大声交谈)

11. Establishing armrest hegemony(建立扶手霸权)

10. Poaching the empty middle seat(占用空置的位置)

9. Coughing, sneezing, germ sharing(咳嗽、打喷嚏)

8. Playing games without turning sound off(打游戏时没有关音乐)

7. Rolling huge suitcases up aisle(拿着大箱子在过道上行走)

6. People behind you trying to disembark first(在你身后的乘客赶到你前面下飞机)

5. Neglecting personal hygiene(忽视个人卫生)

4. Bare feet(赤脚)

3. Hogging the toilet(长时间占用卫生间)

2. Reclining the seat(把座椅靠背调到最低)

1. Kicking/bumping/shoving the seat back(踢、撞到你的椅背)



After a two-year campaign of robbery across several states and three countries, authorities in the US and the Bahamas are getting ready to throw the book at Colton Harris-Moore, also known as the "Barefoot Bandit." Thousands of people online, however, just want to give him a round of applause.


More than 85,000 people have joined various Facebook pages and online fan groups in support of Harris-Moore, who was arrested Sunday in the Bahamas after a high-speed boat chase. While some have decried

Harris-Moore's robberies, he has also become the latest in a long line of American celebrity criminals. Harris-Moore's exploits stealing cars, boats, and planes from the wealthy are a big part of his appeal to his fans. "He made them all look like a fool," one wrote at the "Colton Harris-Moore Fan Club" on Facebook.


Many more fans have gravitated to Harris-Moore simply because of his audacity. "He was living life the way a lot of people wish," one commenter on the "Barefoot Bandit" page wrote. "It's about time someone live free and fly," wrote another. Since his capture, a number of people have written sadly about not being able to live vicariously through Harris-Moore anymore.


The proliferation of television shows and websites make it easy for criminals to earn fame, says James Alan Fox, a professor of criminology at Northeastern University. "It's just the idea that he's been so elusive, and the unusual things he's done," Fox says. "And there's an element that it's out of the ordinary. Most people's lives are pretty ordinary, and this kind of thing can be entertaining, for some people."


19-year-old Harris-Moore has been evading capture since 2008, when he escaped from a group home in Washington State after pleading guilty to three counts of burglary. Since then, he has embarked on a more high-powered crime spree, allegedly stealing cars, boats, and at least five airplanes, including one he allegedly flew to the Bahamas and crash-landed earlier this year despite lacking flight training.




After a two-year campaign of robbery across several states and three countries, authorities in the US and the Bahamas are getting ready to throw the book at Colton Harris-Moore, also known as the "Barefoot Bandit." Thousands of people online, however, just want to give him a round of applause.


More than 85,000 people have joined various Facebook pages and online fan groups in support of Harris-Moore, who was arrested Sunday in the Bahamas after a high-speed boat chase. While some have decried

Harris-Moore's robberies, he has also become the latest in a long line of American celebrity criminals. Harris-Moore's exploits stealing cars, boats, and planes from the wealthy are a big part of his appeal to his fans. "He made them all look like a fool," one wrote at the "Colton Harris-Moore Fan Club" on Facebook.


Many more fans have gravitated to Harris-Moore simply because of his audacity. "He was living life the way a lot of people wish," one commenter on the "Barefoot Bandit" page wrote. "It's about time someone live free and fly," wrote another. Since his capture, a number of people have written sadly about not being able to live vicariously through Harris-Moore anymore.


The proliferation of television shows and websites make it easy for criminals to earn fame, says James Alan Fox, a professor of criminology at Northeastern University. "It's just the idea that he's been so elusive, and the unusual things he's done," Fox says. "And there's an element that it's out of the ordinary. Most people's lives are pretty ordinary, and this kind of thing can be entertaining, for some people."


19-year-old Harris-Moore has been evading capture since 2008, when he escaped from a group home in Washington State after pleading guilty to three counts of burglary. Since then, he has embarked on a more high-powered crime spree, allegedly stealing cars, boats, and at least five


airplanes, including one he allegedly flew to the Bahamas and crash-landed earlier this year despite lacking flight training.







母爱是人类感情中最美丽、最伟大的,因为它没有利禄之心掺杂其间。 漫漫人生历程,正是无微不至、无私奉献的母爱,抚育我们茁壮成长,教会我们用爱心拥抱真善美的生活。可是,在我们成长的过程中,甚至在我们长大成人后,却常常会忽视这份爱:母亲的老传统、老思想与我们格格不入,母亲的“望子成龙、望女成凤”让我们反感,母亲关爱的唠叨常常使我们厌烦,就像《感悟母爱》书中的一个故事。




