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Lesson 18 He often does this! 他经常干这种事!

After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there! As I was looking for it, the landlord came in.

'Did you have a good meal?? he asked.

'Yes, thank you,' I answered, 'but I can't pay the bill. I haven't got my bag.'

The landlord smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.

'I'm very sorry,' he said. 'My dog had taken it into the garden. He often does this!' New words and expressions 生词和短语

pub n. 小酒店 landlord n. 店主 bill n. 帐单





酒店老板笑了笑,马上走了出去。一会儿工夫他拿着我的提包回来了,把它还给了我。 “实在抱歉,”他说,“我的狗把它弄到花园里去了,他常干这种事!”

1. He often does this! 他经常干这种事!

he 在这里指代的是狗。动物通常用it来代表,即被看成像东西一样。但是,指宠物、家畜或民间故事中的动物时,我们经常也用he, she, who等,即使得它们“人格化”并具有性别。用阴性代词指某个动物或东西时尤其有一种亲切的含义:

e.g. 我有一只小猫。她每天早上喝牛奶。I have a little cat. She drinks milk every morning. 乔治的鹦鹉亨利能说几个单词。只要有灯光他就叫。

George?s parrot ['p?r?t], Henry, can speak a few words. He always calls when there are lights.

2. After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. 我在一家乡村小酒店吃过午饭后,就找我的提包。

1) after

过去完成时态常同表示时间状语的从属连词after 一同使用,如:

e.g. 他把信全写完后干了些家务活。After he?d written all her letters, she did some housework. 假如从句中先于主句谓语动词动作发生的那个动词动作很短暂,常可用一般过去时来代替过去完成时态,如:e.g. 他把猫放出去后,它就跑开钻进了灌木丛。

After she put the cat out, it ran off into the bushes.

但是,当两个分句为同一主语时,更早发生的那个动作通常用过去完成时态来表示。如: e.g. 他送走她后就锁上门,睡觉去了。(see sb. off 1. 为?送行;送别2. (BrE)赶走,驱逐(某人)) After he had seen her off, he locked the door and went to bed.

2) have在have lunch这个词组中是完全动词而不是助动词,因此,像其他完全动词一样,它的过去完成时要加助动词had.

3) pub [p?b] n. (also formal public house) (both BrE) a building where people go to drink and meet their friends. Pubs serve alcoholic [??lk??h?lik] and other drinks, and often also food.酒吧;酒馆 (在英国英语的口语中较常见)

e.g. 咱们去酒吧喝杯酒吧。Let?s go to the pub for a drink.

他们下酒馆喝酒去了。They?ve gone down the pub for a drink.

去酒吧喝酒 go round to the pub for a drink

酒馆供的午餐 a pub lunch 当地酒馆的老板 the landlord of the local pub

bar n. a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic and other drinks酒吧

wine bar n. a bar or small restaurant where wine is the main drink available(主要供应葡萄酒的)酒吧;小酒馆

inn n. 1. (old-fashioned BrE) a pub, usually in the country and often one where people can stay the night(通常指乡村的,常可夜宿的)小酒店

2. (AmE) a small hotel, usually in the country(通常指乡村的)小旅馆;客栈

e.g. 住客栈 stay at an inn

4) look for (sb./sth) to try to findsb./sth. 寻找;寻求 look for强调“寻找”这个动作或过程,而不涉及结果。

e.g. 我到处寻找我的钥匙,但还是没找到。

I looked for my key everywhere, but I couldn?t find it.

我正在找我的包。I am looking for my bag.

找工作 to look for a job

find v. ~sth (for sb.)/~(sb.) sth. to get back sth./sb. that was lost after searching for it/them找到;找回 (强调结果,不能用于进行时态)

e.g. 你能帮我找我的包吗?Can you find my bag for me?/Can you find me my bag?

find v. to discover sb./sth. unexpectedly or by chance(意外或偶然地)发现,碰到

e.g. 我们在办公室附近发现了一家挺好的新餐馆。

We?ve found a great new restaurant near the office.

他醒来后发现自己在医院里。When he woke up, he found himself in hospital.

find out (about sth./sb.)/find out sth. (about sth./sb.) to get some information about sth./sb. by asking, reading, etc.查明,弄清(情况) 强调经过研究努力之后发现、找出、搜出结果。 e.g. 我还没有发现有关他的什么情况。I haven?t found anything out about him yet.

你能查清楚会议什么时候开始吗?Can you find out what time the meeting starts?

后来我们才弄清楚我们是校友。We found out later that we had been at the same school.

3. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there! 我曾把它放在门边的椅子上,可这会儿不见了!

1) leave [li:v] v., n.

v. (left, left)

1. vi.& vt. to go away from a person or a place离开(某人或某处)

e.g. 离开某地 to leave some place 离开去某地 to leave for some place

[v] 飞机于12:00起飞前往北京。The plane leaves for Beijing at 12:00.

[vn] 飞机于8:00在希思罗机场起飞。The plane leaves Heathrow at 8:00.

2. to make or allow sb./sth. to remain in a particular condition, place, etc.使保留,让?处于(某种状态、某地等)

e.g. [vn-adj.] 请把门开着吧。Leave the door open, please.

[vn-ing] 别让她在外边雨里等着。Don?t leave her waiting outside in the rain.

[vn to inf] 把米饭煮20分钟。Leave the rice to cook for 20 minutes.

让他们保持原样。Leave them as they are.

3. vt. ~sth./sb. (behind) to go away from a place without taking sb./sth. with you忘了带;丢下: e.g. 我把包丢在公共汽车上了。I?ve left my bag on the bus.

别忘了带上自己的随身物品。Don?t leave any of your belongings behind.

他身体不适,因此我们只好把他留下。He wasn?t well, so we had to leave him behind.

4. vt. to not do sth. or deal with sth. immediately不立刻做;不马上处理:

e.g. 你怎么什么事都留到最后一刻才处理?

Why do you always leave everything until the last moment?

5. (be left) vt. to remain to be used, sold, etc.留下备用(或销售等)

e.g. 还有咖啡剩下吗?Is there any coffee left?

6. to make sth. happen or remain as a result使发生;造成,使留下为(某种结果):

e.g. 她给我的印象是她不满意自己的工作。

She left me with the impression that she was unhappy with her job.

IDM: leave go (of sth.) (BrE, informal) to stop holding on to sth.松手;撒手;放开: e.g. 放开我的手臂-你把我弄痛了。Leave go of my arm-you?re hurting me!

对比:let sb./sth. go / let go (of sb./sth.) 放开;松手


1. leave sth. aside to not consider sth.不予考虑;搁置一边

e.g. 且不说费用多少,我们真的还需要一辆汽车吗?

Leaving the expense aside, do we actually need a second car?

对比:set sth. aside 1. 把?放到一旁(或搁到一边) 2. 暂时不考虑(或放一放)

2. leave sb./sth.off (sth.) to not include sb./sth. on a list, etc.不把?列入;不包括;不含: e.g. 我们未把他列入名单。We left him off the list.

3. be left over (from sth.) to remain when all that is needed has been used剩下;残留: e.g. 饭菜剩下了不少。There was lots of food left over.

n. [u]

1. a period of time when you are allowed to be away from work for a holiday/vacation or for a special reason假期;休假:

e.g. 带薪/不带薪休假一个月 to take a month?s paid/unpaid leave on leave休假中

to be on maternity/study leave 休产假;脱产进修(maternity [m??t?:n?ti:] n. [u] 母亲身份;怀孕)

你们的年假有多长?How much annual [??nju?l] leave do you get?

2. ~(to do sth.) (formal) official permission to do sth.准许;许可:

e.g. 未经许可擅离职守 to be absent without leave

2) beside [bi'said] prep.

1. next to or at the side of sb./sth.在旁边(或附近):

e.g. 整个晚上他都坐在她的身边。He sat beside her all night.

过来坐在我们旁边吧。Come and sit beside us.

门旁边有一把椅子。There is a chair beside the door.

2. compared with sb./sth.与?相比:

e.g. 同你的相比,我的画显得很幼稚。My painting looks childish beside yours.

(childish ['t?a?ld??] adj. 1. 孩子的;孩子气的;稚嫩的 2. (成人)幼稚的;天真的)

IDM: beside yourself (with sth.) unable to control yourself because of the strength of emotion you are feeling (情绪上)失去自制力;失常:

e.g. 我告诉他我做了什么事,他就勃然大怒。

He was beside himself with rage when I told him what I had done.(rage [reid?] n. [u, c] 暴怒;狂怒 ) besides [bi'saidz] prep., adv.

prep. in addition to sb./sth.; apart from sb./sth.除?之外(还):

e.g. 除了音乐,我们还有很多共通点。We have lots of things in common besides music.

(have sth. in common (with sb.) (人)(想法、兴趣等方面)相同

have sth. in common (with sth.) (东西、地方等)有相同的特征(或特点等))


Besides working as a doctor, he also writes novels ['n?vl] (n. (长篇)小说) in his spare time. 除了我的父母,我没有其他亲人。I?ve got no family besides my parents.

除了我们以外,晚会上还有许多(其他)人。There were a lot of people at the party besides us. adv.

1. used for making an extra comment that adds to what you have just said 而且;再说:

e.g. 我并不真的想去。而且现在太晚了。I don?t really want to go. Besides, it?s too late now. 我今天很忙,而且我还感冒得厉害。I?m quite busy today. Besides, I?ve got a bad cold.

2. in addition; also此外;以及;也:

e.g. 此外,她还有许多其他事要做。She has so much else to do besides.

besides / apart from / except

besides 作介词表示除?之外(还)

e.g. 除足球外你还喜欢哪些运动?What other sports do you like besides football?


e.g. 除足球外我喜欢所有的运动。I like all sports except football.

上述两种含义均可用apart from:

e.g. 除足球外你还喜欢哪些运动?What other sports do you like apart from football?

除足球外我喜欢所有的运动。I like all sports apart from football.

except, except for与apart from


e.g. 每个人都帮了点忙,只有你没有。

Everyone has helped in some way apart from/except for/except you.

除了这些书以外我再没有其他书了。I have no other books except/except for these.

但是except不用于句首,except for/apart from则可以:

e.g. 除了你,每个人都帮了点忙。Apart from/Except for you, everyone has helped in some way.

4. As I was looking for it, the landlord came in. 当我正在寻找时,酒店老板走了进来。 landlord ['l?ndl?:d] n.

1.a man from whom you rent a room, a house, etc.房东;地主

2. (BrE) a man who owns or manages a pub or a guest house(酒吧或招待所的)店主;老板 (guest house n. 1. (BrE) a small hotel小旅馆 2. (AmE)(大房子旁供客人居住的)客房)

landlady ['l?ndle?di] n. (pl.--ies)

1.a woman from whom you rent a room, a house, etc.女房东;女地主

2. (BrE) a woman who owns or manages a pub or a guest house(酒吧或招待所的)女店主;老板娘


1) n. + n. 构成复合名词

e.g. silk((蚕)丝) + worm(蠕虫,虫子) 构成复合名词 silkworm(蚕)

blood + test 构成复合名词 blood-test (验血)

2) adj. + n. 构成复合名词

e.g. double-dealer n. (informal) a dishonest person who deceives other people两面派;口是心非者 (dealer n. 1. ~(in sth.)交易商;贸易商 2. 贩毒者;毒品贩子)

shorthand n. 1. [u] 速记(法) 2. [u, c] ~(for sth.) (对某事)简略的表达方式

3) v. + n. 构成复合名词

e.g. pickpocket 扒手;小偷

breakwater a wall built out into the sea to protect the shore or harbour from the force of the waves防波堤

4) n. + 现在分词(v-ing) 构成复合名词

e.g. handwriting n.[u] 1. 手写;书写 2. 笔迹;书法

sun-bathing [bɑ:θ??] 日光浴

5) v. + adv. 构成复合名词

e.g. get-together n. (informal) an informal meeting; a party(非正式的)会议;聚会;联欢会 e.g. 家庭圣诞聚会 a family get-together at Christmas

breakthrough n. 重大进展;突破 e.g. 作出/取得突破性进展 to make/achieve a breakthrough

6) adv. + v. 构成复合名词

e.g. downfall 衰落;衰败;垮台

outbreak (暴力、疾病等坏事的)爆发,突然发生 e.g. 战争的爆发 the outbreak of war lord [l?:d] n.(in Britain) 贵族;勋爵(统称);(usually the Lord) 主;上帝

e.g. as drunk as a lord酩酊大醉

IDM: (good) Lord!oh Lord!(表示惊讶、讨厌或忧虑)主啊,天哪!

duke [dju:k] 公爵 marquis [?mɑ:kw?s] 侯爵 earl [?:l] 伯爵 viscount [?va??ka?nt]子爵 baron

[?b?r?n] 男爵sir统称爵士

Sir n. (a title used before the first name of a knight or baronet 用于男爵或从男爵名字之前的尊称)爵士(baronet ['b?r?nit] n. 从男爵) (knight n. (近代英国的)爵士)

e.g. 詹姆斯·威尔逊爵士 Sir James Wilson 詹姆斯爵士 Sir James (不能称Sir Wilson)

5. 'Did you have a good meal?’ he asked. 您吃得好吗?”他问。

6. 'Yes, thank you,' I answered, 'but I can't pay the bill. I haven't got my bag.'“很好,谢谢。”我回答,“但我付不了帐,我的提包没有了。”

bill [bil] n., v.


1. a piece of paper that shows how much you owe [?u] sb. for goods or services账单

e.g. 电话费/电费/煤气费账单 the telephone/electricity/gas bill

她总是按时支付账单。She always pays her bills on time.

pay the bill付账单

2. (esp. BrE) (AmE usually check) a piece of paper that shows how much you have to pay for the food and drinks that you have had in a restaurant(餐馆的)账单:

e.g. 买单!Bill, please! 我们结账吧。Let?s ask for the bill.

3. (AmE)=note 纸币: e.g. 一张十美元的钞票 a ten-dollar bill

4. a written suggestion for a new law that is presented to a country?s parliament so that its members can discuss it(提交议会讨论的)议案,法案:

e.g. 提出/通过/否决一项议案 to introduce/approve/reject a bill

(introduce v. 将(法案)提交讨论 approve v. 1. [v] ~(of sb./sth.) 赞成;同意 2. [vn] 批准,通过(计划、提案、要求等) reject v. 拒绝接受;不予考虑)

教育改革法案 the Education Reform Bill

5. a programme of entertainment at a theatre, etc. (剧院等的)节目单:

e.g. head the bill / top the bill 领衔主演,挂头牌

领衔演出的是汤姆.汉克斯。Topping the bill (=the most important performer) is Tom Hanks.


Lesson 18 He often does this!

【New words and expressions】(3)

pub n. 小酒店

landlord n. 店主

bill n. 帐单

★pub (口语)大众酒吧,酒馆

go round to the pub for a drink 去酒吧喝酒

public house 酒馆

bar 酒吧

wineshop 酒店

inn 客栈,小旅馆

stay at an inn/put up at an inn 住客栈

★landlord 主人,老板, 房东(旅馆,家庭,公寓)

landlady 女房东,女主人

○1n. +n.→合成n.

silk+worm → silkworm 蚕 blood+test → blood-test 验血

○2adj.+n. → n.

double-dealer两面派 shorthand 速记

○3v.+n. → n.

pickpocket 扒手 breakwater 防波堤

○4n.+v-ing → n.

handwriting 书法 sun-bathing 日光浴

○5v.+adv. → n.

get-together 联欢会 break-through 突破

○6adv.+n. → n.

downfall 垮台 outbreak 爆发


1) n. 账单,纸币 (note)

pay the bill/settle the bill 付账

eg. It’s wrong to leave a hotel without paying all your bills. 账离开旅馆是不对的。

eg. Bill, please! 买单!

2) n. 招贴,广告,海报

a movie bill 电影海报 没有付

eg. No bills! 禁止张贴!

fit the bill/fill the bill 合乎要求

head the bill/top the bill 领衔主演,挂头牌


After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there! As I was looking for it, the landlord came in.

'Did you have a good meal?" he asked.

'Yes, thank you,' I answered, 'but I can't pay the bill. I haven't got my bag.'

The landlord smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.

'I'm very sorry,' he said. 'My dog had taken in into the garden. He often does this!'


我在一家乡村小酒店吃过午饭后, 就找我的提包. 我曾把它放在门边的椅子上, 可这会儿不见了!当我正在寻找时, 酒店老板走了进来.

“您吃得好吗?” 他问.

“很好, 谢谢. “我回答, “但我付不了帐, 我的提包没有了. “

酒店老板笑了笑, 马上走了出去. 一会儿工夫他拿着我的提包回来了, 把它还给了我.

“实在抱歉, “他说, “我的狗把它弄到花园里去了, 他常干这种事!”


1、After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag.

★Pub是public house(酒店,酒店)的缩写

Let’s go to the pub for a drink.

★look for 寻找(过程)

eg. I am looking for my bag.

look for a job 找工作

find 找到(结果,不能用进行时态)

eg. I found my brooch under the sofa. 我是在沙发下面找到胸针的。 find out 发现,找出,搜出(结果)

eg. You should find out (the answer) for yourself. 你应该自己找出答案来。

find 发现(有偶然之意)

eg. When he woke up, he found himself in hospital. 当他醒来时,发现自己躺在医院里。

2、I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there!



1) v. 把(人/物)留下,遗留,丢下

eg. My I leave my shoes here? 我能把鞋放在这儿吗?

2) v. 听任?,使?处于某种状态

leave sth + adj.

eg. Don’t leave the door open. 别把门开着。

eg. Better leave it unsaid. 话还是不讲出来的好。

eg. Leave them as they are. 让它们保持原样。

3) v. 离开

leave some place 离开某个地方

leave for some place 离开去某地

eg. Leave England for a tour of the world. 离开英国去环球旅游。

4) on leave 休假中

★besides 除?之外,还有

eg. Besides this photograph, I have a number of others.除了这张照片外,我还有很多其它的照片。

be beside oneself (乐极)忘形,发狂

beside the point 离题

3.As I was looking for it, the landlord came in.

★as 当?时候

1) 随着(表示事态及状况的变化和进展)

eg. As she grew older, she became more pessimistic [,pesi'mistik]. 随着年龄的增长,她变得愈加悲观。

2) 多用于引导“在某行为的发展过程中间发生某事”即“继续中的行为”,所以多与过去进行时连用。

eg, As I was walking down the street , an American asked me for directions to the nearest station.

当我正沿着马路散步时,一位美国人向我询问去最近车站的路怎么走。 while

1) 描述两件事情同时进行时,多用while以表示“一面?一面”。

eg. While he was taking bath, he sang songs. 他一边洗澡一边唱歌。

2) while所引导的从句中主语与主句主语相同,且从句为进行时态时,从句的主语有时被省略。

eg. He took a bath while I was preparing dinner. 我在做饭时,他在洗澡。 eg. He watched TV while (he was) eating. 他在吃饭时看电视。


1) 当?时候

eg. Come to me when you like. 当你愿意时到我这儿来。

eg. I first met him the day when I arrived here. 我到这儿的那天第一次碰见他。

2) 每逢?时候

eg. When (you are) in trouble, visit this man. 每当你有麻烦的时候,就找这个人。

3) 倘若

eg. He will likely recover when he undergoes the operations. 一旦他经历手术治疗的话,很可能康复。

4.The landlord smiled and immediately went out.

★immediately / at once / right away /straight away 立刻,马上

5.In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.

★give it back to me / return it to me


1) give sth back 返还

eg. He returned with my bag and gave it back to me.

2) give in (hand in) 上交

eg. Give in your exercise books to me. 把练习册交给我。

3) give in (surrender) 投降

eg. He can’t continue fighting. He will soon give in. 他不能继续战斗了,很快就会投降。

4) give away 赠送

eg. I give my collection of stamps to the little boy. 我把收集的邮票送给那个小男孩了。

5) give up 放弃

eg. I have given up smoking. 我已经戒烟了。

6) give oneself up (surrender) 投降

eg. Three of our officers gave themselves up to the enemy. 我们的三位军官向敌人投降了。

6、'I'm very sorry,' he said. 'My dog had taken in into the garden. He often does this!'

★he指店主的狗,英语国家人士常用人称代词he或she指自己喂养的宠物。 ★take 带走(把某人/物带到某地)

take sb/sth into a place

take sb/sth to a place

bring 带来(为某人带去某物)

bring sth to sb

bring sb sth

fetch “去拿(某物)来”的动作(去取)

eg. I’ll fetch a glass. 我去取个杯子。

【Key structures】



2、have还可以作完全动词,当作“具有、拥有”讲时,它和have got通常可以互换。have做 “有, 患病” 概念时, 可作为实义动词, 也可作为非实义


I don’t have a pen/a headache.

I haven’t a pen /a headache.

三种情况have 可以用 have got取代

I have a pen. I have got a pen. “有” I have a headache. I have got a headache. “得病”

have to== have got to

have作“具有,拥有”讲时是状态动词,不能用于进行时态或被动语态,通常用于一般现在时。在其它时态中,一般用have而不用have got。

You can have these apples if you want them. I’ve got a lot more. 如果你想要这些苹果你可以把它们拿走。我还有许多。

He must be very fond of animals to have five dogs. 他一定非常喜欢动物,才会养五条狗。


have dinner,have a cigarette,have coffee,have a holiday,have a good time,have a swim,have a rest

Exercises C

在下面哪几句话中可用have got来代替have?

1 He had a drink before dinner. ⑴...不换...

2 Mrs. Sullivan has a lot of money. ⑵...换... 有钱 3 He had to leave early. ⑶...换...

4 We have had a long conversation. ⑷...不换... 进行 5 My mother has a headache. ⑸...换... 患病 6 They had a good time at the party. ⑹...不换... have a good/long time : 过的愉快(固定短语)

7 This sock has a hole in it. ⑺...换...

8 She has to be patient with him. ⑻...换... has to patient [5peiFEnt] n.病人, 患者adj.忍耐的, 耐心的

9 I have a bath every day. ⑼...不换... have a swim,have a bath

10 This room has four windows. ⑽...换...

11 He has a farm. ⑾...换...

12 We had a letter from Jill yesterday. ⑿...不换... have a letter from==receive a letter from 收到

【Special Difficulties】




Lesson 18 He often does this他经常干这种事!

【New words and expressions】

? pub (口语)大众酒吧,酒馆

public house 酒馆

bar 酒吧

? landlord 主人,老板, 房东(旅馆,家庭,公寓)

landlady 女房东,女主人



1) n. 账单,纸币 (note)

pay the bill/settle the bill 付账

eg. Bill, please! 买单!

2) n. 广告,海报

a movie bill 电影海报

eg. No bills! 禁止张贴!

fit the bill/fill the bill 合乎要求

head the bill/top the bill 领衔主演,挂头牌


l、现在完成时have/has + V. -ed



2、过去完成时:had + V. -ed



例:Have you had lunch yet? 你吃过午饭了么?

He and I have known each other for a long time.


After he had finished work he went home


We had been waitiing for an hour when he showed up.


3. have拥有(相当于own,possess)

eg: He owns/has/possesses /has got a house.


Does/Has he possess a lot of money? 他有很多钱么?

Has he got a lot of money?

4. have替换其他动词

take/have a bath洗澡

take/have a biscuit 吃饼干

enjoy oneself= have a good time 度过...

receive/have a letter 收到一封信



have lunch吃午饭


have a cup of coffee喝一杯咖啡

3)患(得)病have a fever发烧have a headache头疼


Do you have any brothers or sisters?你有兄弟姐妹么?


What opinion do you have?你有什么看法?

4. have不得不做某事

)have to do sth

I have to finish this paper. 我不得不完成这份文件。

2)have sb do sth

Have sth done

下面哪句话可以用have got来代替have。

l. He had a drink before dinner.


2. Mrs. Sullivan has a lot of money.

苏利文太太有很多钱。——可以替换has got

3. He had to leave early.

他不得不早点走。一一可以替换had got to

4. We have had a long conversation.


5. My mother has a headache. 我妈妈头疼。——不可以替换

6. They had a good time at the party.

他们在舞会上玩的很高兴。 ——不可以替换

总结:当have sth或have got sth表示“拥有”时可以替换;

当have to do sth或have got to do sth表示“不得不做”时可以替换。

After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there!

look for 寻找(过程)

eg. I am looking for my bag.

look for a job 找工作

find 找到(结果,不能用进行时态)

eg. I found my brooch under the sofa. 我是在沙发下面找到胸针的。

find out 发现,找出,搜出(结果)

eg. You should find out (the answer) for yourself. 你应该自己找出答案来。

find 发现(有偶然之意)

eg. When he woke up, he found himself in hospital. 当他醒来时,发现自己躺在医院里。


1) v. 把(人/物)留下,遗留,丢下

eg. My I leave my shoes here? 我能把鞋放在这儿吗?

2) v. 听任…,使…处于某种状态

leave sth + adj.

eg. Don’t leave the door open. 别把门开着。

eg. Better leave it unsaid. 话还是不讲出来的好。

eg. Leave them as they are. 让它们保持原样。

3) v. 离开

leave some place 离开某个地方

leave for some place 离开去某地

eg. Leave England for a tour of the world. 离开英国去环球旅游。

4) on leave 休假中

beside 在…旁边

eg. Come and sit beside me. 过来坐到我旁边。

besides 除…之外,还有

eg. Besides this photograph, I have a number of others.


As I was looking for it, the landlord came in.

'Did you have a good meal?" he asked.

'Yes, thank you,' I answered, 'but I can't pay the bill. I haven't got my bag.'

The landlord smiled and immediately went out.

as 当…时候

1) 随着(表示事态及状况的变化和进展)

eg. As she grew older, she became more pessimistic [,pesi'mistik].


2) 多用于引导“在某行为的发展过程中间发生某事”即“继续中的行为”,所以多与过去进行时连用。

eg, As I was walking down the street , an American asked me for directions to the nearest station. 当我正沿着马路散步时,一位美国人向我询问去最近车站的路怎么走。


1) 描述两件事情同时进行时,多用while以表示“一面…一面”。

eg. While he was taking bath, he sang songs. 他一边洗澡一边唱歌。

2) while所引导的从句中主语与主句主语相同,且从句为进行时态时,从句的主语有时被省略。 eg. He took a bath while I was preparing dinner. 我在做饭时,他在洗澡。

eg. He watched TV while (he was) eating. 他在吃饭时看电视。


1) 当…时候

eg. Come to me when you like. 当你愿意时到我这儿来。

2) 每逢…时候

eg. When (you are) in trouble, visit this man. 每当你有麻烦的时候,就找这个人。

3) 倘若

eg. He will likely recover when he undergoes the operations.


come in/enter 进入

immediately / at once / right away /straight away 立刻,马上

In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.

'I'm very sorry,' he said. 'My dog had taken in into the garden. He often does this!'

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:新概念英语第二册18)

give it back to me / return it to me


1) give sth back 返还

eg. He returned with my bag and gave it back to me.

2) give in (hand in) 上交

eg. Give in your exercise books to me. 把练习册交给我。

3) give in (surrender) 投降

eg. He can’t continue fighting. He will soon give in. 他不能继续战斗了,很快就会投降。

4) give away 赠送

eg. I give away my collection of stamps to the little boy. 我把收集的邮票送给那个小男孩了。

5) give up 放弃

eg. I have given up smoking. 我已经戒烟了。

take 带走(把某人/物带到某地)

take sb/sth to a place

bring 带来(为某人带去某物)

bring sth to sb

bring sb sth

fetch “去拿(某物)来”的动作(去取)

eg. I’ll fetch a glass. 我去取个杯子。


新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 18

练习答案 Key to written exercises


A 1 I looked for my bag after I had had lunch at a village pub. 2 I had left my bag on a chair beside the door.

3 The landlord asked me:‘Did you have a good meal?’

4 I answered:‘I can't pay the bill because I haven't got my bag.’ 5 The dog had taken the bag into the garden.

C Sentences 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11


A 1 back 2 away 3 in 4 in

B 1 Besides 2 beside

1. b根据课文第1-2行I had left it on a chair beside the door and not it wasn’tthere, 只有b. had her bag with her when she went to the pub与课文实际内容相符合,而其他3个都与课文内容不符。

2. d根据课文最后两段可以推测,只有d. knew that the writer could pay her bill符合课文的含义,这正是课文所暗示老板当时的心态,而其他3个选择都与课文内容不符。

3. b前一句中的had lunch 是“吃过午饭”的意思,只有b. eaten(吃了)同它的意思相同,而其他3个选择a. paidfor(付钱) ,c. kept(保持),d. bought(买)都同had 意思不同,所以选b.是对的。

4. d只有选d. there ,才能使这一句话同前面的句子She couldn’t find her bag 意思相符。 而其他3个选择a.

their( adj. 他们的),确b. theirs(他们的), c. they’re(他们是)都不符合题目意思和语法。

5. b只有选一个引导时间状语从句的连词才能使这个句子通顺并符合逻辑。 a. Because(因为)种种原因是引导原因状语从句的;c. But(但是)是表示转折的;d.even if (虽然)是引导让步状语的。 这3个选择都不符合题目意思。 只有b. While是引导时间从句的,因此只有选b.

6. c只有c. own(拥有)同前一句中的have got 意思相同。

a. get (得到,获得);b. buy(买);d. owe(欠,负债);这3个选择都与have got 意思不符合;因此c. own是正确的答案。

7. d根据前一句 My dog taken it into the garden.我的狗把它带进花园里去了,这一句选in最符合逻辑,其它3个都不合乎题目意思。

8. c前一句中的look for 是“寻找”的意思,寻找某物的目的是为了找到,因此只有c.

tried to find 才符合题目意思。

而a. tried to look after(设法照看),b. tried to look at (设法看),d. tried tosee (设法看见)都不符合逻辑。

9. a只有a. put 才能使这个句子同前一句I had left it on the chair 意思相吻合并符合逻辑。而其他3个选择b.

let(让),c. allowed(允许),d. permitted(许可,允许)都不符合题目意思。

10. c只有c. next to 同前一句的beside在??旁边意思相同。

a. near 在??附近,意思不够准确。

b. far from 离??很远, 词意思不对。

d. besides 除??外, 词意思不对。

11. c只有c. came back 与前一句的returned(回来)意思相同.a. turned(转过去),b. turnedback(转回,折回)与d. turned around(旋转,转向)这3个选择都不准确.

12. b只有b. returned it 才能使句子同前一句He gave it back tome(他把它还给了我)的意思相同,而其他3个选择a. turned it, c. turned it back 与 d. turnedit round 均不符合题目意思.

篇五:裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第18课


pub (口语)大众酒吧,酒馆

go round to the pub for a drink 去酒吧喝酒

pub-crawl 在数家酒馆连续喝酒

public house 酒馆

bar 酒吧

wineshop 酒店

inn 客栈,小旅馆

stay at an inn/put up at an inn 住客栈

landlord 主人,老板, 房东(旅馆,家庭,公寓)

landlady 女房东,女主人

n. +n.→合成n.

silk+worm → silkworm 蚕

blood+test → blood-test 验血

adj.+n. → n.


shorthand 速记

v.+n. → n.

pickpocket 扒手

breakwater 防波堤

n.+v-ing → n.

handwriting 书法

sun-bathing 日光浴

v.+adv. → n.

get-together 联欢会

break-through 突破

adv.+n. → n.

downfall 垮台

outbreak 爆发


as drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉

eg. Lord! 天啊!哎呀!哎哟!

lord n. 贵族,勋爵

duke [dju:k] 公爵

marquis ['mɑ:kw?s, mɑ:'ki:] 侯爵

earl [?:l] 伯爵

viscount ['va?,ka?nt] 子爵

baron ['b?r?n] 男爵

sir 爵士


eg. Lady first. 女士优先。

Ladies and gentlemen 先生们,女士们 (称呼套话)

Ladies 女厕所


1) n. 账单,纸币 (note)

pay the bill/settle the bill 付账

eg. It’s wrong to leave a hotel without paying all your bills. 没有付账离开旅馆是不对的。

eg. Bill, please! 买单!

2) n. 招贴,广告,海报

a movie bill 电影海报

eg. No bills! 禁止张贴!

fit the bill/fill the bill 合乎要求

head the bill/top the bill 领衔主演,挂头牌


look for 寻找(过程)

eg. I am looking for my bag.

look for a job 找工作

find 找到(结果,不能用进行时态)

eg. I found my brooch under the sofa. 我是在沙发下面找到胸针的。

find out 发现,找出,搜出(结果)

eg. You should find out (the answer) for yourself. 你应该自己找出答案来。

find 发现(有偶然之意)

eg. When he woke up, he found himself in hospital. 当他醒来时,发现自己躺在医院里。


1) v. 把(人/物)留下,遗留,丢下

eg. My I leave my shoes here? 我能把鞋放在这儿吗?

2) v. 听任…,使…处于某种状态

leave sth + adj.

eg. Don’t leave the door open. 别把门开着。

eg. Better leave it unsaid. 话还是不讲出来的好。

eg. Leave them as they are. 让它们保持原样。

3) v. 离开

leave some place 离开某个地方

leave for some place 离开去某地

eg. Leave England for a tour of the world. 离开英国去环球旅游。

4) on leave 休假中

beside 在…旁边

eg. Come and sit beside me. 过来坐到我旁边。

besides 除…之外,还有

eg. Besides this photograph, I have a number of others.


be beside oneself (乐极)忘形,发狂

beside the point 离题

as 当…时候

1) 随着(表示事态及状况的变化和进展)

eg. As she grew older, she became more pessimistic [,pesi'mistik].


2) 多用于引导“在某行为的发展过程中间发生某事”即“继续中的行为”,所以多与过去进行时连用。 eg, As I was walking down the street , an American asked me for directions to the nearest station.



1) 描述两件事情同时进行时,多用while以表示“一面…一面”。

eg. While he was taking bath, he sang songs. 他一边洗澡一边唱歌。

2) while所引导的从句中主语与主句主语相同,且从句为进行时态时,从句的主语有时被省略。 eg. He took a bath while I was preparing dinner. 我在做饭时,他在洗澡。

eg. He watched TV while (he was) eating. 他在吃饭时看电视。


1) 当…时候

eg. Come to me when you like. 当你愿意时到我这儿来。

eg. I first met him the day when I arrived here. 我到这儿的那天第一次碰见他。

2) 每逢…时候

eg. When (you are) in trouble, visit this man. 每当你有麻烦的时候,就找这个人。

3) 倘若

eg. He will likely recover when he undergoes the operations.


come in/enter 进入

immediately / at once / right away /straight away 立刻,马上

give it back to me / return it to me


1) give sth back 返还

eg. He returned with my bag and gave it back to me.

2) give in (hand in) 上交

eg. Give in your exercise books to me. 把练习册交给我。

3) give in (surrender) 投降

eg. He can’t continue fighting. He will soon give in. 他不能继续战斗了,很快就会投降。

4) give away 赠送

eg. I give my collection of stamps to the little boy. 我把收集的邮票送给那个小男孩了。

5) give up 放弃

eg. I have given up smoking. 我已经戒烟了。

6) give oneself up (surrender) 投降

eg. Three of our officers gave themselves up to the enemy. 我们的三位军官向敌人投降了。 take 带走(把某人/物带到某地)

take sb/sth into a place

take sb/sth to a place

bring 带来(为某人带去某物)

bring sth to sb

bring sb sth

fetch “去拿(某物)来”的动作(去取)

eg. I’ll fetch a glass. 我去取个杯子。

Special Difficulties

A. 用适当的词填空:

1. Will the person who took my ruler please give it to me.

2. When my children grew up, I gave all their toys .

3. When do we have to give our compositions?

4. We were losing the battle but we did not give .

B.用 beside或 besides填空:

1. football he plays tennis.

2. Can you see that boy standing the tree.
