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狗狗生了宝宝的注意事项 医仕高供稿



1.狗狗的全屋要大小合适,通风,保暖,如果没有全屋的话,可以用地毯或者大毛巾等东西为狗狗提供一个暖和的休息地方,不过要注意清洁毛巾和地毯噢!!PS:新 出生的狗狗特别要注意保暖!!

2.室内的温度应该在23摄氏度以上,室温低于21摄氏度以下时应该使用小电热毯、热水袋增加温度,但一定用毛巾包起来,以免把小狗烧伤。一般情况下,小狗和婴 儿一样,大部分时间是睡和吃,如果出现叫声、不安应考虑是否温度低,母犬是否按时给小狗清理大小便(因幼犬的大小便由母犬清理)、奶水是否充足,对体弱小 狗可给予人工帮助,让弱小的犬先吃或人工喂一些奶粉,AKC牛初乳奶粉和医仕高的完美奶粉,都是不错的选择!







感人视频:狗狗和患病宝宝做朋友 难度:适中 作者:沪江英语 来源:每日邮报 评论:4


? 中英双语

This is the heart-warming moment that a gentle dog befriends a young boy with Down's Syndrome and persuades the child to play.


Herman, now five, from La Plata, Buenos Aires, was captured on camera being approached by Himalaya, a Labrador.


Herman's mother Ana, who posted the video on YouTube, said her son usually backs away from contact.

Herman的母亲Ana将视频放到了YouTube上,她告诉大家儿子一般不愿与人接触。 Herman, who has two older sisters was aged three when the tender moment was filmed.


The video shows the little boy sitting on a patio in front of Himalaya. Herman then over to the dog and looks at him, but when Himalaya places a gentle paw on the little boy's foot he and moves away again.


Himalaya, sensing the boy's hesitancy, decides to try contact again and puts her paw on Herman's feet before dropping her head in his lap.


Herman seems to signal the level of contact is welcome as he picks up the dog's paw, but then pushes the dog away as she contently at Herman's feet. Herman先是抓起了狗狗的爪子,似乎表示他乐于接受这种程度的接触;但是随后他又推开了在自己脚边心满意足嗅着气味的狗狗。

At this point Herman is backed up against the wall, but Himalaya

is and rolls over on to her back stretching out a paw.


Herman then moves across the patio, only to be followed by the determined canine and the scene repeats itself with the little boy being followed by Himalaya.


Although Herman does continue to push the gentle giant away it becomes more of a game and towards the end of the four minute video the pair sit side-by-side contentedly.


Down's Syndrome is a genetic condition that typically causes some level of learning disability and a range of physical features.


Herman's mother wrote on YouTube: 'Herman, is a bit and flees from physical contact.


'He does not like be touched, but Himalaya (the dog) insisted so patiently, and she was so soft that's why it is so moving. '




A YouTube video of two Alaskan malamute dogs mimicking a crawling baby as he makes his way up the hallway of his home has been rated as "too cute," so be careful as not to keep watching this if you're still at work and not prone to smiling on the job.


The video made by Kenji Chen has already been viewed 265,000 times according to the Huffington Post.com, and shows the two dogs named Brown Sugar and Rice Candy following an adorable little baby; however the dogs are wiggling down the hallway in a crawl following the baby wiggle and crawl.

根据《赫芬顿邮报》的报道,这段视频由网友Kenji Chen制作的视频已经获得了26.5万的收视率。在这段视频里,两只分别"红糖"、"白糖"狗狗跟着可爱的小宝宝,小宝贝在前面左摇右晃地慢慢爬,狗狗们匍匐前进很快就超过了婴儿。 The mother of the baby, nicknamed Maple Syrup stated the purpose of the video is to show how pets and babies can be best friends.


Did I mention that both dogs are rescues?


The American Kennel Club describes Alaskan malamutes as highly

intelligent dogs who are highly athletic, affectionate, and friendly. They are an athletic breed and require daily exercise, and with their thick coats prefer cooler climates.


Kenji Chen has other YouTube videos with the dogs skating and on bikes. Kenji Chen还在YouTube网上传了狗狗滑雪和骑自行车的视频。



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The world has never before seen the moment a polar bear cub opens its eyes for the first time and sees its mother.. until now.


A video taken at Hellabrun Zoo in Munich, Germany, shows polar bear Giovanna tenderly cradling her two snow-white cubs in her paws, breathing on them gently to keep them warm.

德国慕尼黑的Hellabrun动物园拍摄了一段视频,视频中北极熊妈妈Giovanna温柔地用手掌抚摸着她的两个雪白的宝宝,并轻轻地呵气让宝宝们暖和起来。 As Giovanna's breath slowly wakes the month-old infants they open their eyes for what keepers believe is the first time, gazing up at her. Giovanna的气息慢慢地使得一个月大的宝宝睁开了眼睛,饲养员认为这是它们第一次睁开眼睛看着妈妈。

They were the only polar bear cubs to be born in captivity in Europe last year and, incredibly, their mother positioned herself in the direct view of CCTV cameras set up to record the moment.


Now the baby cubs' first tentative blink has been recorded on day 33 of their lives, and the footage released by Hellabrun's zoologists. 如今,宝宝们出生后33天试探性的第一次睁眼也被记录了下来,这段视频由Hellabrun的动物园管理者公开。

In the heartwarming video, the twins are seen sleeping in their mother's protective embrace when one begins to stir and stretch its forelegs. The movements(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:狗狗生宝宝视频) wakes its sibling, who bursts from beneath their sleeping mother's clasp, the commotion in turn waking Giovanna, who delicately nuzzles and sniffs the nearest cub.


Giovanna gave birth to her cubs on December 9, with the first emerging at 8.39am following a short labour. Minutes earlier she had been biting her front paw to counteract the pain of contractions, before the eight-inch-long cub slid out.

12月9日,Giovanna生下了双胞胎宝宝,从早上8点39分开始只用了短短的一段时间。在8英尺长的宝宝诞生的几分钟前,她咬着前爪试图忍耐着宫缩的疼痛。 The infant cub was hairless, smeared in blood, blind and deaf.


Hellabrun Zoo is now bracing itself for a surge in visitors. When Knut the polar bear was born in Berlin Zoo at the end of 2006 the capital's animal park was flooded by visitors keen to catch a glimpse of the cub. Hellabrun动物园正迎接着一大波的参观者。2006年末,当北极熊克努特在柏林动物园诞生时,首都的动物公园人满为患,大家都想看一眼北极熊宝宝可爱的模样。

That Giovanna has managed to keep her youngsters alive this long is already an impressive achievement. Polar bears are at greater risk of dying in the first week of their lives than any other mammal.

