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Shaoxing is the hometown of many celeberites in Chinese history.

In Shaoxing’s history, there have been many celebrities, like Lu Xun, a famous novelist who has a very important status in cultural history of China, and there are also many scientists. There are many kinds of operas in Shaoxing which are very famous in China. So it has a big part in Shaoxing culture history which includes Yue opera,Shaoxing opera.Yue opera is the second largest one in china.

These operas are very popular to local residents.

Historical Evolution

The city of Shaoxing is one of the first 24 famous historic-cultural cities of China announced by the State Council of China. In 2070 B.C., Yu the Great gathered and awarded hundreds of officers in Kuaiji Mountain of Shaoxing and then set up the first dynasty Xia Dynasty in Chinese history. During the Age of Spring and Autumn, about 2500 years ago, Yue State located its capital in Shaoxing. Since then, Shaoxing has nourished a great many celebrities. Yu the Great, Ancestor of the Chinese Nation, Gou Jian, King of the Yue State, Lu You, a great patriotic poet, painters--Xu Wei, Zhao Zhiqian and Ren Bonian; in late history, Cai Yuanpei, Lu Xun, Qiu Jin, Xu Xilin, Tao Chengzhang, Zhou Enlai, Ma Yinchu, Zhu Kezhen etc. are all celebrities of Shaoxing, so Chairman Mao described it as the city of celebrities.

The famous scenic spots in Shaoxing show the integration of a 4000-year-history and civilization of China, classic architectural culture and landscape of the water country of southern China, and depict a splendid historic picture. There are countless beautiful

landscapes and rich cultural relics, such as Kuaiji Mountain, The Mausoleum of Yu the Great, the former residence of Lu Xun, East Lake, the Orchid Pavilion, the Keyan Scenic Spot, the Great Buddhist temple, Five Waterfall in Zhuji, the ancient track road, circling river around the city, the Shen Family Garden, the ancestral residence of Zhou Enlai etc. Shaoxing has been long renowned for being the town of canals, bridges, Yellow Wine and orchids. It is calculated that Shaoxing received 100 million visitors in 2003. Gu Kaizhi, the great painter of Jin Dynasty, described the featuring scenery of mountains and water of Shaoxing as: "hundreds of rocks compeling in elegance, while thousands of rivers run for flowing. The green trees and plants are shadowing the mountains, like rosy clouds rising. "


Shaoxing is well-known as the City of Celebrities. In ancient China, there were Yu the Great,

the King of Yue State, and Wang Xizhi, known as the Sage of Calligraphy. In modern China, Shaoxing is where Lu Xun, Qiu Jin, Cai Yuanpei, Zhou Enlai and other famous people lived or worked. The former residences of these celebrities and their families have become very popular attractions in Shaoxing.

Oriental Venice

Shaoxing's web of rivers and lakes extends to most of its villages where houses of pink walls and black tiles are either built on waterside or on the two banks of rivers. Houses standing on both banks of rivers and bustling traffic on the lane-shaped narrow waterways create the

special feeler of "small bridges crossing flowing water to arrive at prosperous homes." Sailing on rivers amid trees and bamboo trees are Wupeng boats, known for the dark-painted cover over the mini-sized boats and paddled by men with both hands and one foot. There are over 10,000 bridges of different shapes and exceptional features in Shaoxing, which is renowned as the museum of bridges. Of these bridges, the most famous one is Bazi Bridge, built in Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) and

claimed to be the first flyover in China.

Hometown of Bridge

BaZi Bridge

BaZi Bridge (which shapes like a Chinese "八"--eight) is situated at the eastern end of Baziqiao Zhijie street, which is a stone beam bridge of the Song Dynasty. The height and which of the primary bridge opening are 4.60m and 4.50m respectively, and those of the secondary, 2.13m and 3.05m.

Guangning Bridge

Guangning Bridge is situated on Guangningqiao Zhijie Street in the urban district of Shaoxing City, crossing the Caohe River, which was rebuilt in the second year (1574) during the reign of Wanli Dynasty. It is north-south directional seven-sided stone arch bridge with a single opening. The total length of the bridge is 57.2 m, the net span 5.7m,and the net breadth

3.8m.On each of the inner sides of both bridge seata there is 0.5m wide towpath.

Guangxiang Bridge

Guangxiang Bridge lies by the northwest side of the urban district in Shaoxing City, crossing the City Moat, constructed in the first year (1341)during the reign of ZhiZheng south directional stone arch bridge with a single opening, whose total length is 30.28m, breadth 6.90m, and rise

4.35m. There are 23 steps respectively set on both ends of the bridge.

Rice Wine

Shaoxing is one of five Chinese cities famous for wines. Shaoxing has a history of about 2,500 years making yellow-colored rice wine, which is labeled as Zhuangyuanhong (The Top Red), Jiafan (Rice Plus), Shanniang (The Excellence) and Xiangxue (Fragrant Snow). Crowned " The Best Wine in Asia", the Shaoxing wine in the brand of (ju Yue Long Shan is now included in the wine list of state banquets hosted by central government leaders. The leading producer and exporter of rice wine in China, Shaoxing makes 250,000 tons of wine a year.

Shaoxing boasts 2,500-year history in wine brewing. According to "The Spring and Autumn Collection", local people brewed rice wine as early as in the spring and Autumn Period. The story of the River Toulao (river poured over with wine) is a good proof. In AD 473,the ruler Gou Jian of the State of Yue was about to lead an army to a battle with the State of Wu for redressing the ten-year long humiliation of defeat. On the day of departure, he poured the

mellow wine his countrymen offered him into a river and, together with the rank and file, he set on drinking. Deeply moved, the army fought with heart and soul, and won an enormous victory. From this legend, we get the name Toulao for a river, which is located nowadays in the south of the city proper. In the Southern and Northern dynasties, yellow rice-wine was an article of tribute and, during the Tang and Song dynasties, brewing technique went sophisticated day by

day and the fame of yellow rice-wine spread far and wide. At the Southeast Asia Expo of

1910,at the Panama-Pacific Int'l Expo San Francisco of 1915 and at the West Lake Expo

Hangzhou in 1925,Shaoxing wine came away either with a super award or a gold medal. Since the establishment of new China, it has been among the top eighteen Chinese wines and liquors, and at each national appraisal, it is honored with a gold quality award. In 1985,it won the gold medal at a wine and liquor contest held in Madrid, Spain. The basic ingredients

include choice white non-glutinous rice and top wheat with water from the lucid Jianhu River. With different complimentary materials and different brewing techniques, we are able to obtain Jiafan,Yuanhong,Xiangxue and so on, each with a unique flavor and all being top beverages. The rice wine can also be used in dishes to heighten the flavor. Traditional Chinese medicines steeped in Shaoxing wine possess ideal curative effects. The wine is exported to some 30 countries and regions, and its export volume has been at the top of all the exported rice wines in China.

Shaoxing Opera

Compared with impassioned Shaoju Opera, Yue Opera is famous for its morbidezza. During the Tongzhi Period of the Qing Dynasty, Yue Opera appeared in some rural areas of Shaoxing. Shengxian(now it is called Shengzhou) is one of these areas. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yue Opera was well developed and became an opera of national renown second only to Beijing Opera.

Yue Opera has various schools; each has its strong point. Mainly there are schools of Wang, Xu, Fan, Jin (named after the family name of the founder), and are famous all over the world. There are more than 600 famous plays; among them are Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai , Dream of the Red Chamber , Jade Hairpin , Meng Lijun , Pearl Tower.

In Shengzhou, a museum of Yue Opera lays out the development course of the opera.

Yueju Opera, Shaoju Opera, Xinchang Tiaoqiang and Shaoxing Lianhualao are prevailing local art performances in the city. Yueju is the second most popular opera in China, only after the Peking Opera. The most popular Yueju plays include " A Dream of Red Mansions" and "Butterfly Lovers”. Shaoxing has established special funds to encourage the development of Shaoju and Yueju operas.

Hometown of Calligraphy

Chinese calligraphy, which is handwriting with a Chinese writing brush, is one of China's traditional art forms. Practicing calligraphy, one need to pay attention to the correct way of holding the brush, the principles of putting down the eight basic strokes, i.e., dot strokes,

horizontal strokes, vertical stokes, rising strokes, left-falling strokes, right-falling strokes, hook strokes turning strokes, and the overall structure and positioning of the tops and bottoms, the left and the right sides, and the inner and the outer parts of each individual character.

Calligraphy as an art form has a very long history in China. Originating from pictographs , the Chinese script gradually evolved into different styles of writing: seal characters, official script, regular or formal script, running hand ,cursive hand , etc. Many distinguished calligraphers have emerged in the history of Chinese calligraphy, each with his own distinctive style, which is often the reflection of his individual temperament and character. This accounts for the popular saying: "The handwriting mirrors the writer."

Wang Xizhi is one of the renowned calligraphers in the history. His handwriting, known as the "style of wang" brings to mind the image of floating clouds in the sky, or a flying dragon on a rampage through space. At the age of seven, Wang Xizhi began to learn calligraphy under the guide of a female calligrapher Madame Wei. He was soon so deeply involved in it that while he was walking , he would often ponder over the structure of a word and how to manipulate the brush. Meanwhile, he would execute the various strokes on his body, until finally his clothes were worn through from incessant practice. Every time Wang Xizhi finished writing, he would wash the brush and ink slab in the pond in front of his house, gradually, the clear water turn to be ink-black. Through years of diligent and unremitting practice, Wang Xizhi became the most outstanding calligrapher in the history of Chinese calligraphy. He and his youngest son Wang Xianzhi were known as "the two Wangs". History abounds with the stories about Wang Xizhi.

Once, Wang Xizhi passed by a stone bridge in Shaoxing, he saw a old woman was selling her bamboo fans, from her gloomy and depressed face, he guessed that seldom of people would buy her fans. Wang Xizhi told the old lady that if he wrote a few word on it, it would attract many buyers. Trusting him to be a kind-hearted person, the old woman handed him all fans. Then Wang Xizhi wrote on each fan some words, and he told the women to sell the fans and tell people these were fans with Wang Xizhi's handwriting. It did work, on hearing that the fans bore the inscription of Wang Xizhi, people clamored to buy them. In present-day Shaoxing,



Introduction of Shaoxing


Shaoxing boasts an ancient history and rich cultural heritages, being an famous city of history and culture in the first list published by the State Council. Of the three legendary saints for the founding of the Chinese civilizations (emperors Yao, Shun and Yu), two of them were related with Shaoxing. Historical documents recorded that Emperor Yu died and was buried in Kuaiji, an ancient name of Shaoxing. There are relics, mausoleum and temples of Emperor Yu as well as places in the legendary tales in relation with Emperor Shun. The Xiaohuangshan Relics unearthed in Shengzhou in 2005 , which was the top of the 10 major archaeological discoveries in China in 2005, brought the Neolithic Age civilization in Zhejiang and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River back to 9,000 years ago.

绍兴市委外宣办 绍兴市政府新闻办 编印

The Information Office

Shaoxing Municipal People's Government



●城市沿革 公元前490年始建,为越国都城。公元前221年,改设会稽郡;公元605年,会稽郡易名为越州;南宋时两次成为陪都,公元1131年,升越州为绍兴府。中华人民共和国成立后设绍兴专区, 1983年改设省辖市,实行市管县体制。下辖绍兴县、诸暨市、上虞市、嵊州市、新昌县、越城区。

The city in the history

In 490 BC, the city was established as the capital of the Yue Kingdom. In 221 BC, the Kuaiji

County was established here. In 605 AD, Kuaiji County changed its name to Yuezhou. During the Southern Song Dynasty, the city twice became the alternate capital of the nation, and Shaoxing Prefecture was established to replace Yuezhou. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, Shaoxing was a special prefecture until 1983 when it became a city under the jurisdiction of the provincial government and administrating counties. It administrates Shaoxing county, Zhuji city, Shangyu city, Shengzhou city, Xinchang county and Yuecheng district.

●地理位置 绍兴位于北纬29度14分至30度16分,东经119度53分至121度14分,地处宁绍平原西部,长江三角洲南翼,浙江省中北部,西接杭州,东临宁波,北濒杭州湾。浙东运河和杭甬铁路贯穿,离萧山国际机场和宁波机场分别只有40分钟和60分钟的车程,公路四通八达,水陆空交通十分便捷。

Geographic location: Shaoxing is located between 29.14 degrees and 30.16 degrees north latitude, and between 119.53 degrees and 121.14 degrees east longitude. Situated in the western part of the Ningbo – Shaoxing Plain, in the south of the Yangtze River and in the central and northern parts of Zhejiang Province, the city is adjacent to Hangzhou in the west, Ningbo in the east and Hangzhou Bay in the north.. The Eastern Zhejiang Canal and Yangzhou – Ningbo Railway run across the city. It has an easy access to land, water and air transportation. It takes only 40 minutes to drive to the Xiaoshan International Airport and 60 minutes to arrive at the Ningbo Airport.

●面积、人口 面积8256平方公里,人口437万。市区面积362平方公里,人口65万。 Population and land: Shaoxing has a population of 4.37 million living in an area of 8,256 square kilometers. Urban areas total 362 square kilometers and urban population arrives at 650,000.

●气候、矿产 属亚热带季风气候,四季分明,气候湿润,光照充足。年平均温度16.4摄氏度,年平均降水量1380毫米。海岸线长约40公里,滩涂、河口和浅海面积4万公顷,实有耕地面积19.12万公顷,年均自产水资源总量63.8亿立方米,拥有矿产60余种,其中铜、铁储量占全省一半以上,硅藻土储量居全国第一。

Climate and mineral resources: The subtropical monsoon climate brings distinctive four seas,

humid and mild weather, as well as abundance of sunshine. The city has an average annual temperature of 16.4 degrees centigrade and an average annual precipitation of 1,384 mm. In addition to approximate 40 kilometers of offshore coast, Shaoxing has 40,000 hectares of low beaches, estuaries and shallow sea areas. It has 191,200 hectares of arable land and produces

6.38 billion cubic meters of water resources a year. Over 60 mineral resources are founded in Shaoxing, with copper and iron ore reserves amounting over half of the province. Its reserve of diatomaceous earth ranks first in China.

●河流、湖泊、自然保护区 境内河道密布,湖泊众多,主要河流有曹娥江、浦阳江和浙东运河。主要湖泊有30多个,其中千亩以上的湖泊14个,尤以镜湖为最。2005年5月,绍兴镜湖湿地公园被建设部批准为国家城市湿地公园,成为浙江省首个国家城市湿地公园。有省级自然保护区13处,其中兰亭森林公园和五泄风景区被列为国家级自然保护区。

Rivers, lakes and nature reserves :Shaoxing has an extensive web of rivers and lakes, including Cao’e River, Puyang River and East Zhejiang Canal. There are over 30 lakes in the city, including 5 large ones, with each covering at least 60 hectares in area. The most famous one is the Jinghu Lake, where the Jinghu Lake Wetland Park was approved to become a national reserve of its kind in May 2005. Approved by the Ministry of Construction, the park was the first wetland reserve in Zhejiang Province. Shaoxing has 13 provincial-level natural reserves, including the Lanting National Forest Park and Wuxie Waterfall listed among the national natural reserves.

●荣誉称号 绍兴素有水乡、桥乡、酒乡和书法之乡、戏曲之乡、名士之乡的美称,相继获得首批国家历史文化名城、首批中国优秀旅游城市、中国环境保护模范城市、国家卫生城市、国家双拥模范城、国家园林城市、全国文明城市创建工作先进城市、全国科技进步先进城市、全国综合治理工作优秀市、全国节水型城市、中国品牌经济城市、中国优秀创新型城市、中国人居环境奖和联合国人居奖等荣誉称号。

High-profiled image: Shaoxing is known for its waterside landscapes, bridges of different shapes, rice wine, calligraphy, local operas and celebrities. The city has won many national titles, including the famous national historic and cultural city, the excellent tourist city, the model city in environmental protection, national garden city, advanced city in in the work of building a

civilization city, national advanced city of science & technology development, national excellent city of comprehensive management, national water economic city, China brand economy city, China excellent innovative city, China Habitat City, UN Habitat City.


●数据 2009年,全市实现生产总值2375.5亿元,增长9.3%。财政总收入298.5亿元,其中地方财政收入160.4亿元,分别增长8.7%和11.7%。城镇居民人均可支配收入26874元,农村居民人均纯收入12026元,分别增长9%和9.8%。

Statistics: In 2009, the city’s GDP arrived at 237.55 billion RMB yuan, rising 9.3% over the previous year. Fiscal revenues grew 8.7% to arrive at 29.85 billion RMB yuan, which include 16.04 billion of local fiscal revenue, growing by 11.7% Per capita expendable income of urban citizens arrived 26,874 RMB yuan on average, growing 9% The average per capita net income for rural residents was 12,026 RMB yuan, growing 9.8%

●产业特色 改革开放以来,绍兴逐步形成了以第二产业为主、民营经济为主、轻纺产业为主的产业格局,第二产业增加值占全市经济总量的58%以上,民营经济总量占经济总量的95%以上,轻纺产业占工业总量的41%以上。绍兴是亚洲最大的化纤面料生产基地,“中国轻纺指数”全球发布,印染布占全国的28%;嵊州市是全国最大的领带生产基地,年产量占全国的80%、世界的40%;诸暨市是全国最大的袜业生产基地,年产量占全国的2/3。建筑业产值实现利税和创省部级以上优质工程等指标保持全国地级市首位。全市拥有上市企业37家。近年来,绍兴积极改造提升传统产业,大力培育发展现代服务业,2009年全市三次产业比重为5.2∶ 58.1∶ 36.7。 Industrial Features

Along with China's reform and opening up, manufacturing, private sector and textile industry have become major features of industries in Shaoxing. The added value from the manufacturing sector accounts for at least 58% of the city’s economy. Private businesses have become very active to provide 95% of the total economic strength in the city. Forty one percent of Shaoxing’s economy is from textile industry. As the largest production supplier of chemical fiber fabrics in Asia, Shaoxing announces the "China Textile Index" globally, and Shaoxing County produces 28% of the printed and dyed fabrics of China. Shengzhou city is the larges tie supplier in the country. Every year, 80% of the total necktie in China, 40% of the world, are produced here.

Around two third of the hosiery in China are produced in Zhuji, the last hosiery base of the country.Shaoxing is also a major construction supplier, ranking at top position in China in many index like total constraution output, profit and tax, number of ministry level quality projects. The city has 37 share-holding limited companies listed on the stock market. The recent years has seen a large upgrading of the traditional industries, and rapid evelopment of modern service sector. The current proportion of the three industries is 5.2:58.1 :36.7

●投资环境 作为长三角先行规划、先行开发的重点城市,绍兴已与日本、美国、丹麦等世界上20个城市建立了友好城市和友好交流关系,产品远销200多个国家和地区,来自美国、日本、欧盟等50多个国家和地区的外商投资办厂超过5100家,被世界银行评为国内投资环境六大“金牌城市”之一。嘉绍跨江大桥动工建设,绍兴融入长三角和全球化的步伐进一步加快。

Investment environment

Shaoxing is a city given priority by the state government in planning and development in Yangtze River Delta. It has established friendship city relationship with 20 cities of Japan, USA, Denmark and etc. Shaoxing commodities are exported to over 200 countries and regions. Some 5100 enterprises are built in Shaoxing by investment from 50 countries and regions including USA, Japan and Europe. It is evaluated by the World Bank as one of the six "golden cities" of China with excellent investment environment. The Jiaxing Shaoxing cross bay bridge under construction will accelerate its pace of integration with Yangtze river delta and globalization.


Landscape & culture heritage

●总述 “山阴道上行,如在镜中游。”绍兴风景名胜秀甲江南,尤以山水风光、古城风貌、人文景观为特色。近年来,创新古城保护模式,深化旅游体制改革,做好“水乡风情”、“江南古城”、“休闲度假”文章,发展文化旅游、全城旅游。2009年接待国内外游客2894万人次,实现旅游总收入252亿元。


The beautiful landscape of Shaoxing is a top attraction of the region in the lower reach of




(2)简要评价必须在2个句子以上; .




Hello, Everyone! Here are two important activities that happened this week. ______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


That's all, thank you \


77. 你在和Eric的交流中了解到中美两国课堂有各自不同的一些特点,请你根据下表简要描述这些特点,并就此 ⑵ 想法必须在2个句子以上;

⑶ 文章的开头已给出(不计入总词数),你只需接着写;

⑷ 词数在80左右。

There are some differences between a Chinese class and an American class. Let' have a look. In China, ____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






参考词汇:演讲比赛speech contest;自信的confident

I have recently done a survey to learn whether students would like to join in the English speech contest. Here are the results. _________________________________________________________________________________________



77. 最近,你校就学生英语阅读情况做了一次调查,结果不令人满意(见下表)。请你根据表格内容用英语写一篇

2. 建议可面向学生或教师提出,但至少写三条;

3. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数,只需接着写;

4. 词数:80—100个。

参考词汇:合适的suitable 材料material

Recently, our school has done a survey of students’ English reading situation, but the results are not pleasing. _____

________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-


76. 假如你刚从英国回来,你的英语老师要求你在课上谈谈中英两国学生的一些差异,请根据下表内容用英语写

注意:1. 2. 想法至少在两句以上;

3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数,你只需接着写;

4. 词数80—100.

参考词汇:清理 clean up; 零花钱 pocket money


Hello, everyone! I’m glad to be here to talk about some differences between the English students and the Chinese




参考词汇:团队旅游travel with a group;个人旅游travel alone安排arrange

Recently, we have discussed the ways to go traveling. Here is the result. Some students choose to travel with a group. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




基本概况 ......................................................................................... 2 经济概况 ..................................................................................... 3~4

政治 ................................................................................................. 4 社会 ............................................................................................. 4~5

旅游 ................................................................................................. 6


1 / 7 2014.11.30


我的家乡绍兴 1.基本概况

年11月数据)。 兴市是浙江省辖市,位于浙江省中北部、杭州湾南岸。东连宁波市,南临台州市和金华市,西接杭州市,北隔钱塘江与嘉兴市相望,位于东经119°53′03"至121°13′38"、北纬29°13′35"至30°17′30"之间,属于亚热带季风气候,温暖湿润,四季分明。全境域东西长130.4千米,南北宽118.1千米,海岸线长40千米,陆域总面积为8273.3平方千米。市辖区总面积2942平方公里,人口216.1万(2013










绍兴所属五县(市)全部进入全国综合经济实力百强县行列。2012年绍兴市工业经济 3 / 7 2014.11.30






? 科技




? 卫生

2010年,绍兴市率先全面实施基本药物制度,降低药品费用2.35亿元。新农合人均筹资283 元,居浙江省第3位,参加率96.3%,参加率较上年提高1.1个百分点,政策范围内住院补偿率46.67%,较上年提高10.4个百分点。全年新、改、扩建社区卫生服务机构202家,新创建27家省级规范化中心。绍兴县、嵊州市和新昌县”2+X”改革试点正式启动。全年完成第三轮农民健康体检数138.41万人次,体检率45.92%,重大公共卫生服务项目进度列浙江省前列。启动国家卫生城市复查准备工作,创建5个市级卫生镇和5个卫生强镇。市人民医院挂牌”浙江大学绍兴医院”。麻疹强化免疫接种率98.26%。37个乡镇基层卫生监督派出机构规范化运转率达100%。年末有卫生机构1457个,其中医院39个,卫生院、分院及社区卫生服务中心(站)867个。卫生机构床位数14916张,其中医院11676张。医生数9414人,注册护士数7506人。每万人拥有医疗床位数33.98张,每万人拥有医生21.45人。每10万孕产妇死亡率10.49人,婴儿死亡率4.76‰,保持在较低水平。

? 文化


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. 请谈谈你对你学校的感觉等..

(在哪自己写吧).First here is our favourite place our beautifui garden many trees and many flowers in it. Then you can go into it .Now,you know why we love it right .we can write red and chat in it.

I think my school is one of the best schools in the world.Because we have good teachers good students and everything is beautiful. I like it, every at it likes it.
