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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 12:31:41 作文素材



1. 安静的


I prefer quiet soothing music.


He grew up in a tranquil village.


The children look so peaceful when they are sleeping.


You can see fishes under the placid water of the lake.


The hotel is set in pacific surroundings.


Just sit still and I will finish the work in a minute.


The couple walked at a sedate pace.


There is a restful quality about that apartment.

2. 昂贵的


It can be very expensive to train new personnel.


Changing your company’s management style can be a costly business.


Where did you get the valuable collection of paintings


Those invaluable ancient scrolls were all destroyed by the fire.


Here is a historic house with rare and precious contents.


The supreme craftsmanship of this sculpture makes it priceless.

3. 保护


We hope that world leaders can agree on a plan to safeguard the environment.


Are you prepared to protect yourself in case of attack


Winson shielded her eyes against the sun’s glare.


We have done our best to secure the embassy against terrorist attacks.


Thousands of young men came forward willing to defend their country.


There were two soldiers guarding the main gate.

4. 抱怨


Do not yammer any more OK We have work to do.


Winson is always complaining about something. Why cannot he be pleasant


The boss did not want his employees to have anything to gripe about.


Winson has everything he needs and has nothing to grumble about.


Stop moaning it doesn’t help solve your trouble.


Do not be a baby and whine about trifles.

5. 本地的


My wife’s a native New Yorker but I am from Atlanta.


This last bit of aboriginal life should be preserved.


Pandas are indigenous to China.


The domestic economy showed no improvement.


Some native-born Americans objected to new immigrants entering their country. Local

The local newspaper regards itself as the voice of the community.

6. 必要的


What type of clothing is necessary for survival at these altitudes


You have promised to do what is needful.


International cooperation is indispensable to resolving the problem of the drug trade. Essential

In large organizations good internal communication is essential.

7. 避免


They could not avoid being drawn into the argument.


Shoppers had to dodge flying glass when the bomb exploded.


The criminal eluded the authorities for six years.


The armed robbers evaded capture escaping in a stolen vehicle.


Winson shunned his friends by living alone in the woods.

Keep away from

You cannot keep the kids away from the computer.

8. 表明或证明正当或有理


They are now of sufficient standing to warrant their entering the married state.


The mayor wants to legitimize the current order.


The hypothesis was substantiated soon afterward by Winson’s discovery.


Winson looked at Tom trying to rationalize the conversation they had already had. Exonerate

Winson was to be exonerated free with those evidences.

9. 不合适的


Laughing and joking are considered improper behavior at a funeral.


I felt very sorry for my unbecoming speech.


Winson’s speech is inappropriate to the occasion.


It is indecorous to laugh aloud during a wedding ceremony.


The ad is offensive to women.


It used to be thought unseemly for women to go to church without a hat.


Winson’s shoes were unsuitable for walking long distance.

10. 不可避免的


Traffic jams are unavoidable on a holiday weekend.


War between those two countries now seems almost inevitable.


The inescapable fact is that the situation is changing.



The congestion at the theater last night was unbelievable.


I think the manuscript is of doubtful authenticity.


This novel is about an almost incredible story of triumph and tragedy.


The teacher feels that the results of the test are questionable.


He gave an unconvincing explanation of the cause of the accident.


Did you observe anything suspicious in that case

12. 不清楚的


The police said the motive for the attack was still unclear.


Witnesses gave only a vague description of the murderer.


I gave Winson an indefinite answer.


The rules for the competition are more or less obscure.


The point of what Winson had said was indistinct.



These two boys are so unlike that nobody would believe they are brothers.


Winson’s latest album is dissimilar to her previous one.


They were classified into two distinct groups.


The magazine aims to cover a diverse range of issues.


There are various hats and pants in the store.


The three experiments gave disparate results.

14. 不注意的


The student seemed completely oblivious to the noise around her.


Winson was unconscious of my presence.


Winson was accused of being forgetful of his duties.


Winson carried on reading seemingly unaware of my presence.


They proceeded mindless of the danger.

15. 澄清阐明


The bank spokesman was unable to clarify the situation.

Clear up

There should be someone to whom you can turn for any advice or to clear up any problems. Explain

The lawyer explained the new law to us.


In this paragraph the writer defined the term.


Our teacher was trying to illuminate a point by reference to current life.


We will need some help to interpret all this data.

16. 持续维持


Our Christmas holiday lasts 20 days.


The Forbidden City has endured for centuries.



1. 到达 reach; get to; arrive in(at)

2. 回来 come back; get back; return

3. 害怕 be afraid of; be(feel) frightened of

4. 担心 be worried about; be anxious about

5. 讨厌 be tired of; be fed up with

6. 因……而出名 be famous for; be well-know for

7. 在……方面好 be good at; do well in

8. 在……方面差 be weak in; do badly in

9. 能 be able to; can

10. 值 be worth; cost

11. 出生 be born; give birth to

12. 当心;小心 be careful; look out

13. 离开 be away; leave

14. 在家 be in; be at home

15. 在外面;不在家 be out; be not at home

16. 装满了 be full of; 被用……装满 be filled with

17. 来自 be from; come from

18. 一直 all the time; always

19. 遍及 all over; around

20. 终年;全年 all the year round; during the whole year

21. 尽快 as soon as possible; as early as possible

22. 立刻;马上 at once; right away

23. 起先(初) at first; first of all; at the beginning

24. 最后 at last; in the end; finally

25. 一次又一次地 again and again; over and over

26. 一整天 all day; in the daytime

27. 有时 at times; sometimes

28. 不再 no longer; not...any more

29. 不久后 before long; soon

30. 及时 in time; at the right time

31. 不超过 no more than; 少于 less than

32. 多于;超过 more than; over

33. 差不多 more or less; about

34. 刚才 a moment ago; just now

35. 就在那时 at that time; just then

36. 今后 in the future; from now on

37. 有一天 one day; some day

38. 到目前为止 so far; up to now

39. 在过去十年间 in the last ten years; since ten years ago

40. 一点 a little; a bit(of)

41. 几个;一些 a few; several

42. 玩得开心 enjoy oneself; have a good time; have fun

43. 独自,孤单 by oneself; alone

44. 事物 food; somethng to eat

45. ……怎么样 what about; how about

46. 名字 first name; given name

47. 姓 family name; last name

48. 展览 on show; on display

49. 在……的中部 in the center of; in the middle of

50. 紧邻着 next to; beside

51. 多亏 thanks to; because of

52. 在某人帮助下 thanks to; with one’s help

53. 照料 look after; take care of

54. 查找 look up; try to find the meaning of

55. 看起来像……一样 look like; look the same as

56. 与……相像 look like; be similar to; take after

57. 看电影 see a film; watch movies; go to the cinema; go to the movies/a movie

58. 告别 see sb. off; say goodbye to sb.

59. 打电话给…… ring up; call up

60. 给某人打电话 give sb. a call; make a call to sb.

61. 坐下 take a seat; sit down

62. 做运动 do sports; play sports; take sports

63. 别挂断 hold on; wait for a moment; just a minute

64. 帮助 help sb.; give sb. a hand

65. 举手 hands up; put up one’s hand

66. 分散;发放 hand out; give out

67. 继续做某事 continue + v-ing; go on + v-ing; carry on + v-ing

68. 起床 get up; be up

69. 下来 get down; come down

70. 入睡 get to sleep; fall asleep

71. 迷路 get lost; can’t find the way

72. 派人去请 send for; ask sb. to come

73. 休息一会儿 have a rest; have a break

74. 举行野炊 have a picnic; go on a picnic

75. 游泳 have a swim; go swimming

76. 吃早餐 have breakfast; have a morning meal

77. 不得不 have to; must

78. 去购物 go shopping; do some shopping; go to buy sth.; go to a shop

79. 复习 go over; review

80. 快点 come on; hurry up

81. 想出 come up with; think up

82. 匆忙离开 hurry off; go away quickly; run off

83. 匆忙地 in a hurry; quickly

84. 处理 do with; deal with

85. 放弃 give up; stop doing sth.

86. 由……构成 be made up of; consist of

87. 诸如;例如 such as; for example; for instance

88. 去睡觉 go to bed; go to sleep

89. 不久前 the other day; not long ago

90. 穿着 wear; be in; be/get dressed in

91. 几乎不 hardly; almost not

92. 不经常 hardly ever; seldom

93. 许多 plently of; a lot of; lots of; a number of; many much

94. 宁可……而不 prefer to...rather than; would rather...than...

95. 取得进展 get on with sth.; make progress with

96. 属于 belong to; be owned by

97. 耗尽,用完 use up; run out of

98. 发生 happen; take place

99. 追逐 chase; run after

100. 对……满意 be happy with; be pleased with

101. 使某人记起 remind sb. of; make sb. remember

102. 同意某人 agree with sb.; have the same opinion as sb.

103. 把……提供给某人 provide sth. for sb.; offer sth. to sb.

104. 被期望做某事 be supposed to do sth.; should do sth.

105. 别着急 take it easy; no hurry

106. 使高兴起来 cheer up; make sb. happier

107. 给某人提供某物 give sb. sth.; provide sb. with sth.

108. 相信;信任 believe in; trust

109. 想要 would like; want; ask for; feel like

110. 解决 solve; work out

111. 一百年 a century; one hundred years

112. 回信 reply to a letter; answer a letter

113. 让某人搭便车 give sb. a ride; pick up sb.

114. 使某人相信某事 convince sb. of sth.; make sb. believe sth. 115. 跟……谈话 talk to/with; speak to

116. 访问;拜访 drop in; visit

117. 与……不相同 be different from; be not the same as; be unlike 118. 对……印象好 be different from; be not the same as; be unlike 119. 在就餐 at table; be having meals

120. 到……去 leave for; go off to

121. 生……的气 be angry with; be annoyed with; be mad at

122. 出现 appear; show up

123. 在国外 abroad; in another country

124. 整理床铺 make the bed; tidy the bed

125. 关闭;关掉 shut down; turn off

126. 出发;动身 set out; set off; start

127. 穿衣服 get dressed; put on

128. 在……上花费 spend...on...; pay...for...

129. 以……为生 live on; feed on

130. 自学 learn...by oneself; teach oneself

131. 失去生命 lose one’s life; die

132. 败给某人 lose to sb.; be beaten by sb.

133. 开某人玩笑 play a joke on sb.; make fun of sb.

134. 比……更喜欢…… prefer...to...; like...better than...

135. 把……看作 regard... as; treat...as

136. 意外 by accident; by chance

137. 建立;设立 set up; establish; start; found

138. 当然 of course; certainly; sure

139. 修理 mend; repair; fix up

140. 没关系 Never mind; No problem; It doesn’t matter; Don’t mention it 141. 关于 about; on

142. 活着的 living; alive

143. 惊奇的 amazed; surprised

144. 漂亮的 beautiful; pretty

145. 开始 begin; start

146. 聪明的 clever; bright

147. 关闭 close; shut

148. 完成 finish; complete

149. 功课 class; lesson

150. 困难的 hard; difficult

151. 加入 join; take part in

152. 有名的 famous; well-known

153. 饲养 feed; keep

154. 比赛 game; match

155. 高兴的 happy; pleased; glad

156. 巨大的 huge; enormous; large; very big

157. 主意;观点 idea; mind

158. 是否 if; whether

159. 病的 ill; sick

160. 活泼的 lively; lovely

161. 制造;生产 make; produce

162. 也许 maybe; perhaps

163. 照片 photo; picture

164. 阻止 stop; prevent

165. 难过的 sad; unhappy

166. 二手的 second-hand; used

167. 特别的 special; unusual

168. 方法 way; method

169. 愚蠢的 silly; foolish

170. 拥有 own; have

171. 相当 rather; pretty

172. 分离;分开 divide; separate

173. 垃圾 garbage; litter

174. 担心的 anxious; worried

175. 落下 drop; fall

176. 愉快的 pleasant; enjoyable 177. 发现 find; discover

178. 成年人 grown-up; adult 179. 粗鲁的 rude; impolite 180. 主要的 mainly; mostly


1. after—before

2. bring—take

3. close—open

4. closed—open

5. youn—old

6. new—old

7. ahead—behind

8. cloudy—sunny

9. like—dislike

10. cock—hen

11. animal—plant

12. cold—hot

13. ask—answer

14. come—go

15. aunt—uncle

16. cool—warm

17. back—front

18. cry—laugh

19. bad—good

20. danger—safety

21. dangerous—safe

22. friendly—unfriendly

23. begin—end

24. white—black

25. curly—straight

26. lazy—hard

27. short—long

28. short—tall

29. daughter—son

30. behind—in front of

31. day—night

32. clean—dirty

33. best—worst

34 dead—living

35. better—worse

36. death—birth

37. big—small

篇三:雅思词汇 近义词


1. 困难:difficulty / handicap / hardship / complication /

dilemma / plight

2. 将来:future / prospect / forthcoming

3. 障碍:obstacle / barricade / block / obstruction / snag / hurdle

4.动机/目标/成因:motive/ motivation/ incentive/ driving force/ inducement/ intention/ purpose/ object=objective/ for the sake of/ goal / pursuit / ideal/ aim / target/ end

5.评估/估计/期望: estimate assess sth at +figure(具体数字) evaluate(评价,不能用于物品估价) reckon(估计,期望)

6.要求:demand / request / claim / require / call for

7. 下降:decline / decrease / degenerate / drop / fall / worsen / depress

8. 发现:find / discover / come across / encounter / expose / spot / recognize / uncover / notice / observe

9. 模拟:simulate / virtual / create / reproduce / imitate

10.欺骗:deceive sb (into doing) (骗某人做某事) fraud (n.诈骗;骗子) cheat sb (out) of sth(骗某人的东西)

Cheat sb into the belief that….(骗某人去相信…) =dupe sb into doing swindle sb out of sth

Take in sb take advantage of sb(利用某人) defraud sb of sth

11. Isolate(隔离,孤立) split(sth) into…(分裂成…/把sth分离) split from/with sb=break off=part(v.) from sb (与sb分手/绝交) divide sth into (将sth 划分为) sever(断绝) part sb from sb(隔离) separately(分别做…【不能用respectively,respectively表示各自是多少。】)

12. 人工的:artificial / fake / bogus / synthetic

13. 不可避免的:inevitable / unavoidable / destined /fated / inescapable

14. 普遍的:prevalent / widespread / common / systematic / general / popular

15. 真的:genuine true(事实,真相) real authentic

16. 可怕的/令人恐惧的:fearful awful dreadful frightening terrible bloody(血腥的) horrible terrifying scary(口语常用) bloodcurdling hair-raising

17. 传奇般的/了不起的:legendary marvelous miraculous

18. 极好的/引人入胜的:fantastic gorgeous spectacular

amazing tremendous marvelous extraordinary splendiferous wonderful excellent brilliant resplendent

19. 假的/伪造的: fake spurious artificial counterfeit pseudo feigned supposititious false imitative fraudulent

Expect anticipate suppose appraise value(估价)

20. 预言/预计:foretell foresee forecast predict expect anticipate prophecy(n.预言) prophet(预言家)


21. 重要的/根本的/实质的:important significant be of vital importance/significance substantial essential pivotal critical crucial momentous staple

22. 经历/经过:experience undergo go through(经历) get through(通过)

23. 受…困扰/蒙受:be

plagued/assailed/persecuted/tormented/totured/bothered by… be afflicted with… suffer(from)… sustain sth

24. 义务/责任:obligation commitment onus duty responsibility liability

25. 贪婪:greed(n.) greedy(adj.) avarice(n.) avaricious(adj.) cupidity(n. 词源:“丘比特”) rapacious(adj.) rapacity(n.)

26. 报仇/报复:avenge/revenge oneself(复仇者) on sb(仇人) avenge sth(为某事复仇) sb1 (复仇者)be revenged on sb2(仇人) take one’s(复仇者) revenge on sb(仇人)

27. 合适的/适当的/可行的:viable(可行) feasible(可行)

practicable=practical(可行) workable(可行) proper(适当)

28. Appropriate(适当) be suitable for(合适) moderate(合适的) fit(v. 适合) likely(合适) apt(合适的)

29. Felicitous(适当) corresponding(合适的,对应的)

30. 证明/证明…有道理: prove sth be proved to be sth/sb prove a+n.(结果是…)=sth/sb turn out to be demonstrate testify

about/aginst…(就…作证)=attest verify(核实) justify(证明…有道理) authenticate sth.(证明…是真的) warrant(证明..有道理)


31. 保证/确保:guarantee(n./v.保证) guarantee (v.)to do…/that…/sth ensure(确保) assure(使确信,使放心)

32. Secure sth(保障获得某物) make sure vouch for sb/sth(为…作担保)

33. 调查/查明:inquire(Am.)/enquire(Eng.) into sth investigate sth take inquiries into sth examine ionto sth.

34. Survey research into sth look into scan(仔细检查,扫描) ascertain(查明) find out(查明)

35. 惩罚:punish sb with /by sth1 for doing sth2=penalize(因sth2 而用sth1来惩罚sb)

36. Inflict + 刑罚的名称 (施加…惩罚) corporal punishment(体罚) =chastisement capital punishment(死刑,形象的理解为“断头刑”)

37. 批评/训斥/责备:criticize reprimand scold condemn

chastise castigate blame reproach sb with/by sth1 for (doing)

sth 2. reproach oneself(自责) criticism(n.批评) rebuke(n./v.) censure(n./v.) call sb off(口语常用) denounce

38. 仪器/设备/装置:instrument(仪器) appliance(仪器/设备)

apparatus(仪器) device(设备) equipment(装置/设备) facility(设备) installation(设备,还有名词安装的意思)

39. 延长(空间上)/推迟(时间上)/耽误:prolong (doing) sth(时间) stretch(空间) elongate(空间 fml)

40. Protract(时间) sb be held up in…/hold sb up in(耽误)

delay(耽误,推迟) postpone(推迟) extend(空间) Defer(推迟) put off(推迟) lengthen(时间或空间) temporize(时间) respite(时间)

41. 认出/识别出/区分/不同:identify(识别) distinguish(区分) spot(发现/认出) tell sth1 from sth2(区分)

42. Differentiate(区分) tell apart(区分) make a distinction

between A and B(区分 A和B) be different/distinct/dissimilar

from …(与..不同) disparate(不同) diverse(多样的) variant(不同的) sth vary from person/individual to person/individual(sth 因人而异) differ(v.) from(不同)

43. 分开/分离/隔离/离开:separate set apart(分开,留出) depart from…(从…离开) leave for…(离开去…)

44. 渴望/想…: be avid for sth long for sth be eager to do…/for sth thirst for sth aspire after yearn for


1、hear from = get/receive a letter from 2、at present = now

3、at once = immediately 4、apologize = say sorry to sb 5、another three = three more 6、belong to = the own of sth

7、help sb remember = remind of doing 8、be lack of = be short of

9、have enough money to buy = afford sth

10、be not the same as = be different from

11、be famous for = be well-known for 12、at times = sometimes 13、be filled with = be full of 14、by oneself = alone

15、in the first place = in the beginning 16、take place = happen 17、set off for = leave for

18、be responsible for = be in charge of = take charge of

19、be afraid of = be frightened of 20、when sb. was ...years old = at the age of

21、be good at = do well in

22、be keen on = be interested in/show interest in

23、be located in = lie in

24、do harm to = be harmful to 25、watch out = look out /be careful 26、be able to do= can do 27、cross = go across

28、consist of = be made of 29、have sth in = contain 30、finish school = leave school/graduate from

31、not pass the exam= fail the exam 32、finally = at last

33、be satisfied with = be pleased with 34、dear = expensive/ high price

35、go to school by bus = take a bus to school

36、die out = disappear

37、not hear anything = hear nothing/stone deaf

38、lose one’s temper = be angry

39、do sb a favor = help sb/give sb a hand

40、as a result of = because of 41、become lower =

42、just now = a moment ago 43、over = more than

44、ought to do= should do

45、make up one’s mind = decide = make a decision to do

46、do everything possible = try one’s best

47、depend on=rely on

48、teach oneself = learn by oneself 49、the Read family = the Reads 50、stand for = represent 51、work as = sb is

52、with the help of = Thanks to 53、wonder = want to know

54、stop...from = keep/prevent...from 55、not forget

look out for 近义词

to do = remember to do 56、remote = far away

57、such a good girl = so good a girl 58、Sth worth thinking about = food for thought

59、for the time being = now

60、interesting places for tourists = places of interest

61、be fortunate = be lucky

62、feel the same way = identify with 63、in no time = very soon

64、in addition = What’s more = besides 65、make a sudden noise = go off 66、speak in a low voice = whisper 67、come along = appear = show up 68、be humorous = have a sense of humor

69、wealthy = rich

70、present sb sth = give sb sth 71、pass by = go past

72、be ahead of = in front of = do better than

73、make sb. disappointed = let sb down

74、be shocked = be surprised

75、think of an idea = come up with an idea

76、with a lot of hard work = at a price 77、like…better = prefer…to 78、attend a club = join in a club 79、take in = absorb

80、put pressure on sb = force sb to do 81、think of sb as = regard sb as 82、be against the law = illegal

83、give up smoking = stop smoking 84、as much as 3 minutes = up to 3 minutes

85、be available = be free

86、conclude the meeting = end the meeting

87、put up one’s hand = raise one’s hand 88、make…better = improve 89、freeze=stop moving

90、drop in on sb=call on sb/ visit sb 91、appreciate=be thankful for/be grateful for


93、escape from=go away from 94、false=wrong

95、unusual=not common 96、error=mistake 97、defeat sb=beat sb.

98、as a matter of fact=in fact/actually 99、take pleasure in doing=enjoy doing 100、create=produce

101、 require doing sth=need doing sth 102 、collect money=raise money 103 、keep still= not move

104 、operate=run/make sth work 105 、What’s the distance=How far… 106 、go into=enter 107 、describe sth to sb.=tell sb what sth is like

108 、in a right way=properly 109 、apply for=ask for 110 、by mistake=wrongly 111、by accident=by chance 112.discuss=talk over/talk about


+ abide [E5baid] vi.(abode, abided, abiding)坚持, 遵守, 居住(live, stay)

abide by(= accept/adhere to/carry out/ conform to/follow/keep to/obey/observe) v. 遵守...

* abnormal [Ab5nC:mEl] adj. 不正常的,反常的(eccentric, irregular, odd, unnatural, unusual,

exceptional, funny, extraordinary)

+abrupt [E5brQpt] adj. 突然的(sudden, unexpected, unexpected, unpredicted), 粗鲁的(impolite,


+ absurd [Eb5sE:d] adj. 荒谬的(foolish, irrational, mad, silly, foolish, stupid, unreasonable) ,

可笑的(amusing, crazy, funny, ridiculous)

* abundant [E5bQndEnt]adj. 丰富的,充足的(ample, excessive, rich)

* accelerate [Ak5selEreit] v. 加速(hasten, pick up speed, speed up, quicken),促进(promote, step

up, stimulate)

* accessible [Ek5sesEbl]adj. 易接近的, 可到达的, 容易拿到的(at hand, available, convenient,

handy, with reach)

* accordingly [E5kC:diNli]adv.因此(therefore, thus, consequently, hence), 相应地


* accumulate [E5kju:mjuleit] v. 积累(build up, increase),聚集(assemble, bring together,

collect, gather, pile up)

* acquaint [E5kweint]vt.(与with 连用)使熟悉,使相识

acquaint sb. with...(=advise of, announce, disclose, inform of, notify, reveal, tell about) v.


*activate [5Aktiveit] vt. 刺激, 使活动(arouse, excite, initiate, motivate, stimulate, prompt, start)

+adhere [Ed5hiE] vi. 粘附,坚持(stick)

adhere to(=persist in, persevere in, insist on, stick to, follow) v. 坚持...

*administer [Ed5ministE]v. 管理(control, direct, lead, look after, manage, organize, oversee,

regulate, rule, run, supervise),给与(distribute, provide, supply), 用(药等)

+advent [5AdvEnt] n. (尤指不寻常的人或事)出现(appearance), 到来(arrival, reach)

+adverse [5AdvE:s] adj.敌对的(critical, hostile, unfriendly, unkind), 有害的(contrary, harmful,


*advertise [5AdvEtaIz] v. 做广告, 登广告,宣扬(announce, broadcast, display, notify, inform)

* advisable [Ed5vaizEbl] adj. 明智的(wise, sensible),可取的

* advocate[5AdvEkeIt] vt. 提倡(recommend),主张 n. 提倡者(supporter)

+affluent [5AfluEnt] adj. 丰富的(abundant, ample), 富裕的(prosperous, rich, wealthy)

* agreeable [E5^riEbl]adj.使人愉快的(pleasant, pleasing, cheerful, satisfying), 与...一致的(to)

+ alert [E5lE:t] adj. 提防的, 警惕的(attentive, careful, cautious) vt. 使...警觉(caution, warn)

+alien [5eiljEn]adj. 外国的(foreign), 相异的(strange, unfamiliar)n. 外国人, 外来人(foreigner)

+alleviate [E5li:vieit] vt.减轻, 缓解,缓和(diminish, ease, lessen, reduce, relieve)

*allocate [5AlEukeit] vt. 分派, 分配(distribute, assign)

+ambiguous [7Am5bi^juEs] adj. 模棱两可的, 不明确的(confusing, indefinite, puzzling,

uncertain, unclear, vague)

+ amend [E5mend] v. 修正, 改进(adjust, alter, change, correct, improve, remedy, modify, revise)

+ample [5Ampl] adj. 充足的(more than enough, sufficient), 丰富的(rich, abundant,

considerable, extensive, substantial), 宽敞的(great, large, big)

+amplify [5Amplifai] vt.(amplified, amplified, amplifying)扩大(add to, develop, enlarge, expand,

extend, lengthen), 增强(boost, increase, intensify), 详述(expand on)

+anonymous [E5nCnimEs] adj. 匿名的(unknown, unnamed, unidentified)

* anyhow [5enihau] adv. 无论如何(anyway, in any case), 总之

* appalling [E5pC:liN] adj. 令人震惊的(shocking), 可怕的(terrible, awful, frightening, horrible, terrifying)

* appetite [5Apitait]n. 食欲(stomach),胃口,(常与for连用)欲望(desire, hunger, passion) * applaud [E5plC:d] v. 拍手喝彩(cheer), 称赞(approve, compliment, praise)

+ appliance [E5plaiEns] n. 用具, 器具(apparatus, instrument, tool)

+ appraisal [E5preizEl] n. 评价, 估价(尤指估价财产,以便征税)(evaluation, assessment) * apt [Apt] adj. 易于...的(prone, likely),适当的(proper, appropriate, correct, right, fir, suitable) + aptitude [5Aptitju:d] n. 天才(genius, gift, talent),才能(capacity, faculty, ability, capability) * ascend[E5send] v. 攀登(climb, go up, mount, move up), 上升 (rise, soar)

* assign[E5sain] vt. 分配(allocate, distribute, give), 指派(appoint, choose, delegate, designate, nominate, select), 选定(时间, 地点)

+ assimilate [E5simileit] v. 吸收(absorb, digest, learn), 使同化

* attain [E5tein] vt. 达到(arrive at, get to, reach),获得(accomplish, achieve, acquire, complete, earn, fulfill, obtain, get, gain, secure, win)

* authentic [C:5Wentik] adj. 真正的(genuine, real, original, true), 可信的(reliable, believable, credible)

* authorize [5C:WEraIz] v. 授权, 批准(agree to, approve, consent to, entitle, permit, allow) * awkward[5C:kwEd]adj. 笨拙的(unskillful, clumsy),难以应付的(人)(difficult),使用不方便的(inconvenient)


+ bald [bC:ld] adj. 光秃的(uncovered, bare), 秃顶的(hairless), 赤裸裸的(naked)

+ barren [5bArEn] adj. 荒芜的(bare, desert, desolate, infertile), 不生育的, 不结果实的(unproductive, unfertile)

+ bearing [5bZEriN] n. 关系(connection, relationship, significance), 忍受, 举止(behavior, conduct, manners), (pl.)方向(direction, orientation)

+ beforehand [bi5fC:hAnd] adv. 预先(in advance),提前地(ahead of schedule)

* beneficial[beni5fiFEl]adj. 有利的(favorable, good, helpful, useful, profitable, valuable),受益的

+ bias[5baiEs] n. 偏心(preference),偏爱(injustice, prejudice)

*blend [blend]vt. 使...混和(combine, integrate, mingle, mix up) n. 混和(combination), 混合物(mixture, compound)

* bloom [blu:m] n. 花(flower, blossom), 旺盛v. (使)开花, (使)繁荣(flourish, thrive)

+blunder [5blQndE] n.大错, 失误(error, mistake, fault, slip)

+ blunt [blQnt] adj. 钝的, 迟钝的(dull, slow), 直率的(direct, frank, straightforward)

* bold [bEuld] adj.大胆的(brave, fearless, daring),冒失的(rude), 醒目的(字等)(clear, bright, obvious, prominent, striking, vivid)

+ bound [baund] adj. 必定的(certain, sure), 一定的, 正要到...去的, 开往...的, 受约束的 + breakdown [5breikdaun] n. (机器等)崩溃(failure),(健康,精神等)衰竭(collapse) * brutal [5bru:tl] adj. 残忍的(cruel, merciless), 野蛮的(wild)

+ bump [bQmp] v. 碰/撞(伤)(bang, collide with, crash into, knock, smash into, hit) n. 撞击(bang, blow, crash, hit, knock, smash), 肿块

bump into(= run into/knock into) v. 不期而遇;偶然碰见


* capability [7keipE5biliti] n. (实际)能力(ability, capacity, competence, faculty),性能(performance),容量(capacity, volume)

+ cardinal [5kB:dinEl] adj. 主要的(primary), 最重要的(important),基本的(elementary, essential)

* cautious [5kC:FEs]adj. 谨慎的,小心的(careful, attentive)

+ celebrity [si5lebriti] n. 名声(reputation, fame), 名人(big name)

* cheerful [5tFiEful]adj. 高兴的(glad, pleased, happy)

+ cherish [5tFeriF] vt. 珍爱(be fond of, care for, love, treasure, value), 怀抱(希望等)(nourish),抚育(bring up, raise, foster)

* childish [5tFaildiF]adj. 孩子气的,幼稚的(foolish, immature, silly)

* chip [tFip] n. 芯片, 薄片(slice),碎片(fragment, piece)

* clarify[5klArifai] v. 澄清, 阐明(explain, make clear, throw light on)

* classify[5klAsifai] vt. (classified, classified, classifying)分类, 分等级(arrange, group, organize, sort)

* climax [5klaimAks] n. 顶点(peak, high point, summit), 高潮 v.(使)达到顶点,(使)达到高潮

* clue [klu:]n. 线索,暗示(hint, cue)

+ clumsy [5klQmzi] adj. 笨拙的(awkward, unskillful)

* coarse[kC:s] adj. 粗糙的(rough, crude), 鄙俗的(impolite, rude, offensive)

* coincide [7kEuin5said]v. 一致(agree),符合,同时发生(happen together)

+collaborate[kE5lAbEreit] vi. 合作(work together, cooperate)

+ collide [kE5laid] vi. 碰撞(hit, crash, bump), 冲突(conflict)

+ collision [kE5liVEn] n. 碰撞(hit, crash, bump), 冲突(conflict)

+ combat [5kCmbEt]v. 战斗(fight), 搏斗(struggle) n.战斗(battle, fight)

* committee [kE5miti] n. 委员会(commission, council)

+ compatible [kEm5pAtEbl] adj. 谐调的(harmonious), 一致的(consistent)

+ compel [kEm5pel] vt. (compelled, compelled, compelling)强迫, 迫使(force, oblige) * compensate [5kCmpEnseit]v.偿还,补偿(make up)

+ competent [5kCmpitEnt] adj.有能力的(able, capable), 胜任的(adequate, qualified) * compile[kEm5pail] vt. 编辑(edit), 汇编

+ compliment [5kCmplimEnt] n. 称赞(approval, appreciation, praise)

+ comply[kEm5plai] vi.遵守, 依从

comply with(=conform to/abide by/observe/obey/follow)

v. 遵守/依从...

+ comprehend[7kCmpri5hend] vt. 领会, 理解(understand, catch on, follow)

+ comprehension[7kCmpri5henFEn] n. 理解(力)(understanding), 领悟

+ compress[kEm5pres] vt. 压缩(condense, cut down, reduce), 浓缩(concentrate) * compulsory[kEm5pQlsEri] adj.被强制的(required, imposed), 必修的,义务的

* conceive[kEn5si:v] vt.构思(主意, 计划等)(think of), 设想(imagine, assume)

* concerning [kEn5sE:niN] prep.关于(about)

+ concise [kEn5sais] adj.简明的(brief, short), 简练的

+ condense [kEn5dens] v. (condensed, condensed, condensing)(使)浓缩(concentrate), 压缩

(compress, cut down, reduce)

*confident [5kCnfidEnt]adj. 自信的(assured, certain, sure, positive),确信的(convinced) +confidential[kCnfi5denFEl] adj. 秘密的(secret, private), 机密的,表示信任(或亲密)的(personal, private)

* conform [kEn5fC:m] v. (与to, with连用)符合,与..一致, 使遵守

conform to(=comply with/obey/abide by/follow) v.与...一致, 遵照...

+ conquest[5kCNkwest] n. 征服(defeat, beat, overcome)

* consent[kEn5sent] v./n. 同意, 赞成

consent to(=approval of/comply with/agree to) v.同意...

+ consequent[5kCnsikwEnt] adj. 作为结果的, 随之发生的(following, subsequent)

*consequently[5kRnsIkwEntlI] adv.因此(so, therefore, thus, accordingly, hence)

+ considerate[kEn5sidErit] adj. 考虑周到的(thoughtful), 慎重的(careful)

+consolidate [kEn5sClideit] v. 巩固(reinforce, make strong, strengthen),合并(unite, combine)

+ contaminate[kEn5tAmineit] v. 污染(pollute)

+contend[kEn5tend] v. 斗争, 竞争(compete, contest, strive, struggle ), 主张(argue, assert, claim, maintain, allege, affirm)

contend with(=deal with/ cope with/ manage) v. 对付...

*content [kEn5tent]vt. 使满意(satisfy)adj.满意的(pleasing, satisfying, satisfactory) n. 满意(satisfaction)

*correspond[kCris5pCnd] vi. 符合(agree, conform), 通信(communicate), 相当(于)

*costly [5kCstli]adj. 昂贵的(expensive),贵重的

+courteous[5kE:tjEs] adj. 有礼貌的(polite, good-mannered)

*coverage[5kQvEridV] n. 新闻报告(report), 范围, 保险额

*credible [5kredEbl, -ibl]adj. 可信的(believable),可靠的(reliable, convincing)

+crude[kru:d] adj. 天然的(natural, raw), 未加工的(unprocessed), 粗糙的(coarse, rough), 拙劣的, 粗鲁的(impolite)

*cultivate[5kQltiveit] vt. 培养(foster, develop, promote), 耕作(farm, grow), 教化(civilize, educate)

+cute[kju:t] adj. 娇小玲珑的, 漂亮的(attractive, beautiful, pretty, handsome), 聪明的(clever, bright, intelligent)


*damp[dAmp] adj. 潮湿的(moist, wet)vt. 使潮湿(wet)

*deadly [5dedli]adj. 致命的(fatal, dangerous, terminal)adv. 如死一般地, 非常地(very, highly, greatly)

*decay[di5kei] vi. 腐烂(perish, go bad), 衰败(corrupt, worsen)

+deceive[di5si:v] v. 欺骗(cheat, trick, mislead),使弄错

*decent [5di:snt] adj. 正派的(nice, honest), 端庄的(elegant), 得体的, 大方的(acceptable, appropriate, courteous, polite, proper, respectable)

*decisive[di5saisiv] adj. 决定性的(crucial, final),果断的

*decrease [di:5kri:s]v. 减少(reduce, lessen, cut down) n. 减少,减少之量

+deduce[di5dju:s] vt. 推论(infer), 推断(conclude)

+defect[di5fekt] n.缺点(disadvantage, shortcoming, fault, weakness), 缺陷

+defer[di5fE:] vi. (deferred, deferred, deferring)推迟(suspend, postpone, put off), 延期

+deficient[di5fiFEnt] adj. 缺乏的(short, insufficient), 不足的

*defy[di5fai] vt. 不服从(disobey), 公然反抗, 藐视, 向...挑战(challenge)

*delete [di5 li:t]vt. 删除(write off, cancel,cross out )

*deliberate [di5libEreit]adj. 深思熟虑的(thoughtful, cautious, careful),故意的(intended)v. 仔细考虑(ponder)

+demolish[di5mCliF] vt. 拆毁(建筑物等)(pull down, break down, destory, wreck, knock down), 推翻(计划, 制度等)(overthrow, cancel)

*depart[di5pB:t] vi. 离开(go, leave, go away), 起程(start off, set out)

+depict[di5pikt] vt. 描述(describe), 描写

*depress[di5pres] vt. 使沮丧(discourage, upset), 使消沉, 使萧条

*deprive [di5praiv]vt. 剥夺(rob... of..., take ...away),使丧失

*derive [di5raiv]v. 得到(gain, obtain, get, acquire), 追寻...的起源, 派生

*desirable[di5zaiErEbl] adj.理想的(perfect, ideal), 称心的

*detain[di5tein] v. 拘留(arrest, capture)

*deteriorate[di5tiEriEreit] v. (使)恶化(worsen, become worse, decay)

*diagram[5daiE^rAm] n. 图表(chart, graph, illustration)

*digest [di5dVest; dai5dVest]vi. 消化(assimilate, absorb), 领会(comprehend, follow, grasp, understand)n. 文摘

*diligent[5dilidVEnt] adj. 勤勉的(industrious, hardworking)

*dim[dim] adj. 暗淡的(faint, dark), 模糊的(unclear)vt. 使暗淡

*diminish [di5miniF]v. (使)减少(lessen, reduce, decrease, cut down),(使)缩小

+discard[dis5kB:d] vt. 丢弃(throw away), 抛弃(abandon, give up), 解雇(dismiss, fire) *discharge[dis5tFB:dV] v./n. 释放(release, set...free), 排放出(give out, emit, let...outt), 放电 +discriminate[dis5krimineit] v. 歧视, 区别(distinguish, tell...apart)

+disgust[dis5^Qst] n. 厌恶(hatred)v. 令人厌恶(dislike, hate)

*dishonest[dis5Cnist] adj. 不诚实的(insincere, unfaithful)

+disparity[dis5pAriti] n. (职位、数量、质量等)不一致(disagreement, difference, distinction, variety, contrast)

+disperse[dis5pE:s] v. (使)分散, (使)散开(dismiss, scatter)

*dispose [dis5pEuz]v. 处理(deal with),安排(arrange,place)

dispose of(deal with, get rid of, throw away) v. 处理, 丢掉

*distinguished [dis5tiN^wiFt]adj. 杰出的,著名的(famous, noted)

*distress[dis5tres] n. 苦恼(worry, anxiety), 不幸(misfortune), 危难(difficulty), vt.使苦恼(annoy, upset, bother)

*diverse [dai5vE:s]adj. 不同的(different, distinct),变化多的(various)

*doctrine [5dCktrin] n. 教条, 学说(theory)

*domain [dEu5mein] n. 领土(land, territory), (活动、研究等的)领域(field, area)

*donate [dEu5neit]v. 捐赠(contribute, endow),赠予

*draft[drB:ft] n. 草稿, 草案, 汇票(bill of exchange)vt. 起草(draw up)

+duplicate[5dju:plikeit] vt. 复写, 复制(copy), 使加倍(double)n. 复制品(copy), 副本 *durable[5djuErEbl] adj.耐久的(lasting)

+dwell[dwel] vi. 居住(live)

*dynamic [dai5nAmik]adj.有活力的(energetic), 动力的, 动态的

