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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 08:35:52 字数作文

篇一:A wonderful story

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."

"Is the man of the house home?", they asked.

"No", she replied. "He's out."

"Then we cannot come in", they replied.

In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.

"Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"

The woman went out and invited the men in"

"We do not go into a House together," they replied.

"Why is that?" she asked.

One of the old men explained: "His name is Wealth,"

he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your


The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!!", he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let

him come and fill our home with wealth!"

His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite Success?"

Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own

suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!"

"Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice," said the husband to his wife.

"Go out and invite Love to be our guest."

The woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest."

Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: "I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?"

The old men replied together: "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!!!!!!"

MY WISH FOR YOU... -Where there is pain, I wish you peace and mercy. -Where there is self-doubting, I wish you a renewed confidence in your ability to work through it.

-Where there is tiredness, or exhaustion, I wish you understanding, patience, and renewed strength. -Where there is fear, I wish you love, and courage.

You have two choices right now:

1. Click this off

2. Invite love by sharing this story with all the people you care about.

I hope you will choose #2. I did.

篇二:This is a wonderful story of adventure and danger written

This is a wonderful story of adventure and danger written by the entire class of Reading and Writing 31:

Rau'l Ara'gon Jorge Gonzalez Xavie'r Rojas

Abdoul Arizou Carlos Layrisse Panita Suebvisai

Saeed Al-Nuaimi Kim Seung Chang Enrique Vivas

Dayana Cabeza Bella Ramire'z

Xavier's Terrible day!

Group 1:

One rainy day Xavier was flying above the Central African jungle. Suddenly, lightning hit the tail of the plane. So, Xavier lost control of the plane and it crashed into the ground.

Xavier was unconscious for two hours. When he woke up he saw that his leg was broken. Then he smelled gas and thought that the plane was going to explode. So, he jumped off the plane and, unfortunately, broke his other leg. Therefore, he had to drag on the ground like an ugly animal because he couldn't walk.

Xavier was hungry and was looking for some food, but he wasn't the only one because there was a big lion looking for some food too. He tried to run away but it was impossible. The lion bit his arm off. Then Xavier found a hole and entered it.

Group 2:

Eventually, Xavier got out of the whole and he continued to drag himself across the jungle because he wanted to get away from this lion. He climbed up a tree in order to escape this wild animal. While he was trying to climb up, some bees stung him and he plummeted onto the animal. Luckily it was afraid and ran away.

He was very hungry, so he tried to find some fruits to eat. Finally, he found some kind of fruits that he didn't know. He picked up some and ate. After a few minutes he started feeling nauseous and began to throw up. So, after he vomited for many times he became dehydrated and was thirsty. He needed to drink water, but there was no river near. He felt sick and tired, and needed rest.

Group 3:

After dinner he got a pain in his stomach. Then, while he was going into the jungle to find a place to throw up and get some water, he was bitten by a snake. He fell down and some ants started to bite him. After that he returned to the camp, which he had already set up; but when he arrived he saw that a few wild pigs had destroyed the camp. Group 4:

After midnight it began to rain and he had been looking for a safe place. His injuries continued bleeding. He started to run as fast as he could (What a miracle!) because he thought he heard a tiger. He climbed a hill and suddenly saw a little village. He ran into it and somebody knocked him down. When he regained consciousness he

noticed that he was in a big hot-tub, tied with a lot of ropes and surrounded by vegetables. He noticed that he was the guest of honor of a big party because everyone was dancing around the hot-tub. Since that day nobody has heard anything about him.

篇三:Human Cloning:A Scientiet'a Story 全新版大学英语 第三册UNIT 8课文翻译

Human Cloning: A Scientist's Story

Dr. Samuel Wood via interview

I was extremely close with my mother all my life. She was a brilliant educator, writer and wonderful woman. Sadly, she developed complications related to diabetes. When she lost her eyesight and most of her ability to walk, it was absolutely horrifying for me. She passed away from a fall seven or eight years ago. At her funeral, I swore that one day I'd do something about conditions like hers.




2. Years passed and I read about the work the South Koreans had done with stem cells. In 2004 and 2005 Hwang Woo-Suk fraudulently reported that he had succeeded in creating human embryonic stem cells by cloning.


3. Back then it wasn't known it was a fraud, so it was very exciting to think that a long list of diseases could be treated.


4. I founded the stem cell research company Stemagen with another gentleman whose father had died of ALS. We went out for drinks one night and we started talking about our parents. We wanted to do something that would be a legacy for them.


5. For Better Or Worse?


6. The moment we decided to start Stemagen, I read all there was to read about the various cloning efforts in the past. The cloned sheep Dolly in 1997 was very interesting, but at that stage people were not focusing on the stem cell aspect of cloning; they were focusing on the reproductive possibilities of cloning.



7. Human reproductive cloning is just simply wrong ethically from a medical standpoint and a scientific standpoint, even ignoring any religious issues associated with it. The reason is that the majority of reproductive clones in other species are actually abnormal, with very high miscarriage rates, very high stillbirth rates, fetal anomalies, death soon after birth, et cetera.


8. It would just be absolutely wrong to take a human being and put them through what may well involve significant suffering for really no good end. Even though people could take the techniques that we've developed and attempt to do it (or perhaps even be successful doing it), we hope that they would not.


9. On the other hand, therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of risk to human life and actually provides tremendous potential for the relief of suffering in real human beings who are going through some awful things.


10. I'm a pure scientist in some ways, and I know that many different studies or findings could be used for evil. Our job as scientists is to make the most of this technology and make it available to the greatest number of other scientists who can help us do good things with it. There's really no effective way for an individual scientist to stop someone else from using the knowledge for something they shouldn't.


11. We need to be honest about the techniques that we used. They need to be able to be replicated by other people, and so, we are providing a roadmap. I would hope that the legislation that's in place and the great public disapproval that would result from any attempt to clone a human would dissuade anyone from going down that path.


12. What is it they say? There is no technology that hasn't been used for some evil purpose at some point. Quite honestly I do think that someone will attempt human reproductive cloning. I do think it's inevitable, and it's virtually impossible to legislate that away.


13. Claim to Fame


14. I am spoken of as the first man to "clone himself." There are different types of cloning. At the cellular level, yes, it's true I am the first man to clone himself. We thought a great deal about how to deal with the issue of whose cells we should use and whether we should let the world and the scientific community know who the first cellular clone was.


15. In the end we decided that we wanted to put a human face on cloning.


16. I didn't anticipate it would create the firestorm of controversy that it's created, but I'm still glad we went down that path. We received thousands of e-mails and phone calls from people who need help.


17. I think by coming forward and putting a face to it we made it very real, and now people around the world know that cloning is here. I believe that very soon it will be used therapeutically, so I think our purpose was served.


18. Pure Science


19. What happens is an informed and consenting woman donates an egg and we remove her genetic material from the egg. Then we place a single skin cell inside that egg.


20. What we're really interested in is creating disease-specific and person-specific stem cell lines. The procedure of taking cells from a person takes no more than a minute or two. You can take some skin cells from the arm, for example, and in one to two minutes, you can get the cells that you need to carry out this process.



21. This process enables us to study the causes of specific diseases, such as Alzheimer's Disease, ALS or Parkinson's Disease, and then research a variety of treatments for these diseases. If the stem cell lines are created for any given individual and are later transplanted back into the individual, they will not be rejected by the individual.


22. Sweet Success


23. I always thought that when our research was successful I would just be pleased that we had accomplished this when others had not. In reality, it is transcendent — when you look through the microscope, you see what you may have looked like a long time ago, at least in part.


24. When I looked down and saw that cloned blastocyst, it brought tears to my eyes. I had done this for my mother, and I realized, had she only been able to live a few years longer, maybe we could have used this technology to help her. It was emotional to see that potential, which she never had a chance to experience.


25. There's a big misconception out there that we decided to destroy these embryos for some reason. There was so much skepticism about this process because of the scientific fraud from the past that it was critical that there be no doubt that they were clones.


26. In the process of analysis, the embryos were destroyed by necessity. In other words, to get the genetic material from inside the cells to analyze it, you have to destroy the cell. We would have loved to have been able to avoid destroying them.


27. Now we're working full-time on creating stem cell lines, and people are watching with great interest.


28. The Pope And The President


29. There are a variety of opponents to our work.


30. We were condemned by the Vatican and mentioned in a negative light in President Bush's State of the Union address. In a sense it's an honor because it shows that we're doing something significant. It's not every day that you get condemned by the Vatican and President Bush in the same week.


31. There's usually no dialogue between the researchers in the embryonic stem cell field and those who oppose it.


32. It doesn't make sense to me that it's such an emotional and contentious topic. Logically, this is not life. I agree it's a potential life, but the vast majority of embryos never become life. The majority generate, don't implant and die. A fetus is a life. That argument makes sense to me, but it doesn't make sense to me to look at an embryo in a lab and give it all the rights of a human life.


篇四:A wonderful present

A wonderful present

Pete Richards was the loneliest man in town on the day that little Jean Grace opened the door of his shop.

Pete’s grandfather had owned the shop until his death. Then the shop became Pete’s. The front window was full of beautiful old things: jewelry of a hundred years ago, gold and silver boxes, carved figures from China and Japan and other nations.

On this winter afternoon, a child stood there, her face close to the window. With large and serious eyes, she studied each piece in the window. Then, looking pleased, she stepped back from the window and went into the shop.

There was not much light inside the shop, but the little girl could see that the place was full of things: old guns and clocks, more jewelry and boxes and figures, and a hundred other things for which she didn’t even know the names.

Pete himself stood behind the counter. He was only 30 years old, but already his hair was turning gray. His eyes were cold as he looked at the small girl.

“Please,” she began, “would you let me look at the pretty string of blue beads in the window?” Pete took the string of blue beads from the window. The beads were beautiful against his hand as he held the necklace up for her to see.

“They were just right,” said the child as though she were alone with the beads. “Will you wrap them up in pretty paper for me, please?”

Pete studied her with his cold eyes. “Are you buying these for someone?” he asked.

“They are for my big sister. She takes care of me. You see, this will be the first Christmas since our mother died. I’ve been looking for a really wonderful Christmas present for my sister. ” “How much money do you have?” asked Pete.

From the pocket of her coat, she took a handful of pennies and put them on the counter. “This is all I have.” She explained simply. “I have been saving the money for my sister’s present.”

Pete looked at her, his eyes thoughtful. Then he carefully closed his hand over the price mark on the necklace so that she could not see it. How could he tell her the price? The happy look in her big blue eyes struck him like the pain of an old wound.

“Just a minute,” he said, and went to the back of the shop. “What’s your name?” he called out. He was very busy about something.

(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:a,wonderful,story)

“Jean Grace,” answered the child.

When Pete returned to the front of the shop, he held a package in his hand. It was wrapped in pretty Christmas paper and tied with green ribbon.

“There you are,” he said, “don’t lose it on the way home.”

She smiled happily at him as she ran out the door. Through the window he watched her go. He felt more alone than ever.

篇五:Wonderful Friends

Wonderful Friends, a 3-month-long reality show on Hunan TV, came to an end on March 28th. But the debate it aroused is far from dying out.

The weekly show features interactions between animals and six celebrities working as zookeepers in Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou. The show is a programming success for Hunan TV.

“People are more interested in TV shows with celebrities than in documentaries,” animal protection expert Deng Xuejian told Netease News. “The program is a good way to get people closer to animals.”

However, animal welfare advocates say that is exactly what should be avoided.

“It is hugely misleading to the public about the needs and welfare of captive animals,” Dave Neale of Animals Asia, an advocacy group based in Hong Kong, said in a statement. In one scene, celebrities took two baby chimps out and competed to buy the best clothes for them. One of the two chimps suddenly became restless and bit Myolie Wu, one of the star zookeepers.

In another scene a baby chimp was placed near its father to demonstrate that the older animal would treat the infant as a stranger. The baby becomes distressed and the chimp?s father appears anxious and throws a rock at the TV crew.

The TV company created “stressful and harmful situations” to provoke entertaining storylines, said the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

Despite the criticism, Animals Asia founder and CEO Jill Robinson has witnessed a significant rise in the number of Chinese citizens showing concern for animal welfare. “When I first began working in the country from 1985 there was one welfare group in Beijing and now there are over 100 spread across every province,” Robinson said on the website of Animals Asia. “Today, we work with them to give a voice to wild and

companion animals and provide a convincing argument as to why they should no longer be exploited as entertainment, ?medicine? or food.”

But a lack of knowledge about animals? habits and needs may lead to some wrongs. “Many people may think getting cuddly is an expression of love. What they don?t realize is wild animals need space,” Xie Yan, a zoologist and China director of the US-based Wildlife Conservation Society, told The New York Times. “Putting clothes on chimps is not as adorable as you may think from the animals? point of view.”

Better leave them alone

Teaching chimps to dress could harm their health because it may raise their body temperature and also mentally confuse them.

In the world, it?s a common practice to use celebrities to focus public attention on wildlife protection. Yao Ming, for example, traveled to Africa last year to shoot a documentary for WildAid highlighting the problem of elephant and rhinoceros poaching.

But in Yao?s case, human observers kept their distance, according to The New York Times.

The debate has also gotten young people thinking. “Who doesn?t want to make friends with those cute animals who melt your heart? But after that sentiment, we should put ourselves in their shoes: Is this love what they need?” said Liu Yi, a 19-year-old animal medicine student at Qingdao Agricultural University.
