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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 01:21:09 字数作文

篇一:如何回答what's up?千万不要说I'm fine.(在美生活常用习语)


当考路考的考官说"Pull over!"时,你是否会不知所措?有人邀请你参加Potluck Party时,你会不会空手赴宴?在速食店里,店员问"For here or to go?"你是否会丈二金刚摸不着头脑,莫名其妙?"Give me a ring!"可不是用来求婚的。"Drop me a line!"更非要你排队站好。老美说"Hi! What's up? "你可别说"I am fine!"你曾经闹过这些笑话吗? 让我们来看看下面这些表达法你会不会说。

·Potluck Party: 一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,参加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思。

·Pull over! 把车子开到旁边。

·Drop me a line! 写封信给我。

·Give me a ring. =Call me. 来个电话吧!

·For here or to go? 堂食或外卖。

·Cool! That's cool! 等于现在年轻人常用的口语"酷",表示"不赖嘛!"用于人或事均可。 ·What's up? =What's happening? =What's new? 见面时随口问候的话"最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?"一般的回答是"Nothing much!"或"Nothing new!"

·Cut it out! =Knock it out! =Stop it! 少来这套!同学之间开玩笑的话。

·Don't give me a hard time! 别跟我过不去好不好!

·Get yourself together! 振作点行不行!

·Do you have "the" time? 现在几点钟?可别误以为人家要约你出去。

·Hang in there. =Don't give up. =Keep trying. 再撑一下。 ·Give me a break! 你饶了我吧!(开玩笑的话) ·Hang on. 请稍候。 ·Blow it. =Screw up. 搞砸了。

·What a big hassle. 真是个麻烦事。

·What a crummy day. 多倒霉的一天。

·Go for it. 加油!

·You bet. =Of course. 当然;看我的!

·Wishful thinking. 一厢情愿的想法。

·Don't be so fussy! 别那么挑剔好不好。

·It's a long story. 唉!说来话长。

·How have you been? =How are you doing? 你过得如何?近来可好?

·Take things for granted. 自以为理所当然。

·Don't put on airs. 别摆架子。

·Give me a lift. =Give me a ride. 送我一程吧!

·Have a crush on someone. 迷恋某人。

·What's the catch? 有什么内幕?

·Party animal. Party狂(喜欢参加舞会的人)。

·Pain in the neck. =Pain in the ass. 讨厌的东西、人或事。

·Skeleton in the closet. 家丑。

·Don't get on my nerve! 别把我惹火了!

·A faint chance. =A poor chance. 机会很小。

·I am racking my brains. 我正在绞尽脑汁。

·She's a real drag. 她真有点碍手碍脚。

·Spacing out. =Daydreaming. 做白日梦。 ·I am so fed up. 我受够了! ·It doesn't go with your dress. 跟你的衣服不配。 ·What's the point? =What are you trying to say? 你的重点是什么?

·By all means. =Definitely. 一定是。

·steam 蒸,poach 水煮,boil 煮,toast 烤(面包),grill 烤、煎, roast(duck) 烘烤、红烧(烤鸭),braise 油炸过用温火炖,pure 煮成浓汤,broil 烧、烤,season 加调味料,panbroil 用浅锅烧烤,seasoning 调味料,fry 炸、炒,dressing 沙拉酱,bake 烤,gravy 肉汁,saute 用温火慢炒,appetizer 饭前菜、小菜,stew 炖、焖、红烧,entree 主菜,simmer 慢炖、煨,snack 点心、小点,stir fry 快炒、大火炒,marinate 腌、用卤泡、卤,smoke 熏。

·Let's get a bite. =Let's go eat. 去吃点东西吧!

·I'll buy you a lunch (a drink



当考路考的考官说"Pull over!"时,你是否会不知所措?有人邀请你参加Potluck Party时,你会不会空手赴宴?在速食店里,店员问"For here or to go?"你是否会丈二金刚摸不着头脑,莫名其妙?"Give me a ring!"可不是用来求婚的。"Drop me a line!"更非要你排队站好。老美说"Hi! What's up? "你可别说"I am fine!"你曾经闹过这些笑话吗?


·Potluck Party: 一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,参加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思。

·Pull over! 把车子开到旁边。

·Drop me a line! 写封信给我。

·Give me a ring. =Call me. 来个电话吧!

·For here or to go? 堂食或外卖。

·Cool! That's cool! 等于现在年轻人常用的口语"酷",表示"不赖嘛!"用于人或事均可。 ·What's up? =What's happening? =What's new? 见面时随口问候的话"最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?"一般的回答是"Nothing much!"或"Nothing new!"

·Cut it out! =Knock it out! =Stop it! 少来这套!同学之间开玩笑的话。

·Don't give me a hard time! 别跟我过不去好不好!

·Get yourself together! 振作点行不行!

·Do you have "the" time? 现在几点钟?可别误以为人家要约你出去。

·Hang in there. =Don't give up. =Keep trying. 再撑一下。

·Give me a break! 你饶了我吧!(开玩笑的话)

·Hang on. 请稍候。

·Blow it. =Screw up. 搞砸了。

·What a big hassle. 真是个麻烦事。

·What a crummy day. 多倒霉的一天。

·Go for it. 加油!

·You bet. =Of course. 当然;看我的!

·Wishful thinking. 一厢情愿的想法。

·Don't be so fussy! 别那么挑剔好不好。

·It's a long story. 唉!说来话长。

·How have you been? =How are you doing? 你过得如何?近来可好?

·Take things for granted. 自以为理所当然。

·Don't put on airs. 别摆架子。

·Give me a lift. =Give me a ride. 送我一程吧!

·Have a crush on someone. 迷恋某人。

·What's the catch? 有什么内幕?

·Party animal. Party狂(喜欢参加舞会的人)。

·Pain in the neck. =Pain in the ass. 讨厌的东西、人或事。

·Skeleton in the closet. 家丑。

·Don't get on my nerve! 别把我惹火了!

·Get under your skin 惹怒你!

·A faint chance. =A poor chance. 机会很小。

·I am racking my brains. 我正在绞尽脑汁。

·She's a real drag. 她真有点碍手碍脚。

·Spacing out. =Daydreaming. 做白日梦。

·I am so fed up. 我受够了!

·It doesn't go with your dress. 跟你的衣服不配。

·What's the point? =What are you trying to say? 你的重点是什么?

·By all means. =Definitely. 一定是。

·steam 蒸,poach 水煮,boil 煮,toast 烤(面包),grill 烤、煎, roast(duck)烘烤、红烧(烤鸭),braise 油炸过用温火炖,pure 煮成浓汤,broil 烧、烤,season 加调味料,panbroil 用浅锅烧烤,seasoning 调味料,fry 炸、炒,dressing 沙拉酱,bake 烤,gravy 肉汁,saute 用温火慢炒,appetizer 饭前菜、小菜,stew 炖、焖、红烧,entree 主菜,simmer 慢炖、煨,snack 点心、小点,stir fry 快炒、大火炒,marinate 腌、用卤泡、卤,smoke 熏。

·Let's get a bite. =Let's go eat. 去吃点东西吧!

·I'll buy you a lunch (a drink

篇三:用Unit 5 My New Room教学设计

PEP 小学五年级(上)Unit 5 My New Room教学设计 Teaching aims:

Learn new words “mirror,end table,closet,trash bin,curtain” To use the sentence “In my room,I have a ______.”

To understand the furnitures in the room.

Important and difficult points:

Master the 5 new words: mirror,end table,closet,trash bin,curtain The pronunciation of mirror and curtain

Teacing aids:

Word cards,多媒体课件

Teaching steps:

一. Warm-up

1.Listen and do some actions.

2. Guess and race

T: Can you guess what's in my hand?

S: ...

T: It's a key. The key is for my new house. I'm very happy because I have a new house. Do you want to have a look?(点击鼠标,出现一间空房)

T: My new house is empty. I want to buy something to make my house beautiful. Can you help me? What should I buy? Now boys and girls,do you know?

Ss: Desk, bed, chair...

OK, thank you very much. I still have some money. What else should I buy?

3.(Show a picture of my bedroom )Would you like to visit it? (PPT :What can you see in the room?This is my bedroom.You can ask:Is this your bedroom?I say:Yes,it is .You can say:No,it isn’t.)What’s diffirence?


1.[Show a picture of my room](what’s adding?)

Learn word “mirror” ,and practice, “This is a mirror.It’s ____.”


m-i-mi, rr-or-rror, mirror.Spell it.Write it on your desk,together. 自编chant: mirror, mirror, mirror, clean the mirror.

2.Look at my room again.Where is the mirror?

[ Learn word “end table” ,and practice ]PPT: “I have an end table.It’s_yellow ___.”Boys,spell it;Girls spell it.write it on your hand.

Look at my room, I have a lot of clothes. What should I buy?Ss: closet


cl-o-clo, s-e-t-set, closet.(按音节直拼,暗示发音及拼写规律) 自编chant: closet, closet, open the closet.

Learn word “closet”

4.Show 4 closets.Practice “I like closet_A__.It’s __good___.” Write it on the back of your partner,your patner spell it.

5.Say “goodbye”to the closet ,and look into the last closet ,there is a trash in it.

Learn “trash bin.”

6.Show 4 trash bins.Practice “I like _red trash bin.”

7.play a play

Guess “what’s this?”(出示图片一部分来猜是什么?) (Then learn word “curtain”)

8. 教授新词:curtain

T: Look at the window. How to make it beautiful?

c-u-r-cur, t-ai-n-tain, curtain.(课件出示图片)

自编chant: curtain, curtain, close the curtain.

Show 3 curtain ,and practice “I like curtain A___.”

9. 教授新词:air-conditioner

T: Are you tired? I'm very tired and hot. What things can make me cool?

air-air, c-o-n-con, d-i-di, tion-er-tioner, air-conditioner.(课件出示图片)

自编chant: air-conditioner, air-conditioner, make me cool. 冷暖 游戏

10.Listen to the tape.


1.Act1:Find friends.

[黑板上出示主题图:Show a pictures and 6 word cards,find the corrot friend.

Ask some students to come to the front to choose a card and say “I have a ___ in my room.”

2. Act 2:PPT:Let’s chant.

mirror, mirror, mirror, clean the mirror.

closet, closet, open the closet.

curtain, curtain, close the curtain.

air-conditioner, air-conditioner, make me cool.


Show an apple tree,there are some words on it.Look carefully,what’s missing?

4.act4 Design your new house.

Every five students share one house.But your houses are still empty.Please design your houses together.What do you have in

your room?You can use the sentences:In my room I have …At first In groups,put the picture on your room,then write and say the dialogues.

Make a dialogues.[每组一张4开纸,组长分工,有贴图的,有写句中单词的,有汇报的。]

A:Is this your room?

B:Yes,it is.In my room,I have a_____.

C:I have _______and ________..

D: I have _______, ________and __________.

... ...


1.Draw your room,write down the new words

2.Remember the new words

3.To teach the words for your parents.

4.自编Let’s chant.

篇四:PEP Book5 Unit 5 My new room 第一课时教学设计

PEP Book5 Unit 5 My new room 第一课时教学设计


Brainstorm A Let's learn Let's play Let's chant


1. 认知目标

(1)听说读写单词:closet, curtain, mirror, air-conditioner

(2)熟练运用句子Where is...? Put the...on /in/under/near the...

2. 能力目标



3. 情感目标



1. 本课时的重点是掌握Let's learn部分的6个单词。

2. curtain、closet、air-conditioner的发音是本节课的难点。









Step 1: Warm-up ---- Revise

1. Sing a song: "My new bedroom"

2. Guess and race

T: Can you guess what's in my hand?

S: ...

T: It's a key. The key is for my new house. I'm very happy because I have a new house. Do you want to have a look?(点击鼠标,出现一间空房) T: My new house is empty. I want to buy something to make my house beautiful. Can you help me? What should I buy? Now boys and girls, let's have a race, OK?(出示一张评价图表,鼓励学生多说)

Ss: Desk, bed, chair...


Step 2: Presentation

T: OK, thank you very much. I still have some money. What else should I buy?(做沉思状)

(CAI出示很多衣服)Look, I have a lot of clothes. What should I buy? (课件出示有镜子的衣柜图片)教授新词:closet

cl-o-clo, s-e-t-set, closet.(按音节直拼,暗示发音及拼写规律) 自编chant: closet, closet, open the closet.

T: Look at the closet. There is a mirror on it.


m-i-mi, rr-or-rror, mirror.

自编chant: mirror, mirror, mirror, clean the mirror.

T: Look at the window. How to make it beautiful?


c-u-r-cur, t-ai-n-tain, curtain.(课件出示图片)

自编chant: curtain, curtain, close the curtain.

T: Are you tired? I'm very tired and hot. What things can make me cool? 教授新词:air-conditioner

air-air, c-o-n-con, d-i-di, tion-er-tioner, air-conditioner.(课件出示图片) 自编chant: air-conditioner, air-conditioner, make me cool.

T: Thank you, everyone. I have bought a closet with a mirror and some curtains. Please sit down please and have a rest.(课件出示一茶几,上面放着一些水果)

T: There is some fruit on the end table.

教授新词:end table

e-n-d, t-a-b-l-e.

T: Have some bananas please, and put the banana peel into the trash bin. (课件出示垃圾桶图片)

教授新词:trash bin

tr-a-sh, b-i-n.

Step 3: Practice

Activity 1: Find your roommate找室友(学生之间个体活动)

T: Look! My house is very beautiful now. Thank you so much. I prepare some presents for you! I will give you some new houses. But every four students share one house. Please look for your roommates who live with you.



S1: What's in your house?

S2: The mirror, the...

S1: Oh, I have no... in my house, bye!

S3: Do you have...?

S4: Yes, we are together.

Activity 2: Design your new house设计自己的房子(学生小组活动) T: Now we all have found our roommates. But your houses are still empty. Please design your houses together. What do you have in your room? You can use the sentence: In my room I have...

点击鼠标,屏幕逐个出现“a trash bin, a mirror, an air-conditioner” 学生完成任务后上前展示作品,S1, S2, S3依次描述:

S1: In my room, I have a trash bin.

S2: In my room, I have a trash bin and a mirror.

S3: In my room, I have a trash bin, a mirror and an air-conditioner. S4: ...


Step 4: Assessment

课件出示一棵树,树上有各种颜色的苹果,每个苹果上有一个问题。 T: Well done. Now let's have a competition. Look at the apple tree. In each apple there is a question. You can get one point for your group if you answer it right. Now Group 1, which apple do you like?

S: I like the red apple.

T: Ok, listen. What thing can make us cool?

S: ...

Step 5: Homework

1. Introduce your house.

2. Do housework for your parents.

3. Listen to the tape and copy the words have learnt.

篇五:周末7A Unit 6 Fashion Show

7A Unit 6 Fashion Show学业水平评估(一)

(Welcome to the unit--Vocabulary)


___________________ 知道穿什么 ___________________ 再花十分钟 _______ 卧床(休息) ___________________懒惰 ___________________ 准备做某事 ___________________举办一个时装秀 ___________________________募集钱给希望工程 ___________________ 贫穷地区的孩子

___________________________为表演打算穿…… _____________________________ 给某人看某物

___________________在表演中 _____________________________ 来自于20世纪70到90年代

_______________________________ 猜我的衣服来自什么时候 ___________________希望做某事

_______________________________ 穿着来自90年代流行的衣服 希望某人做某事,只能用___________________ ___________________西蒙过来了 ___________________看起来色彩鲜艳/酷 ___________________一件黄色棉衬衫 how+形容词/副词+(主语+谓语)!/what a/an+形容词+名词单数+(主语+谓语)!/what+形容词+名词复数或不可数+(主语+谓语)! ___________________一件黑色羊毛短裙 ___________________ 长红色的皮靴

___________________一件红色丝绸衬衫 ___________________发型 ___________________ 看起来很帅很时髦 ___________________________________ 年轻人最喜爱的一种鞋子 ___________________ ……到此结束 ___________________ 把你的想法给我们 ___________________ 让某人(不)去做某事

___________________ 谈论做某事 ___________________ 在……之后出现 ___________________ 相当不同 ___________________ 穿……看起来很酷 _______________________________衣服穿在某人身上看起来很酷 写出下列形容词的反义词:

1) interesting ___________ 2) heavy_________ 3) old _________ 4) expensive ____________

5) black__________ 6) long __________ 7)light___________ 8) happy_____________

一. 单项选择:(15分)

1.---What are you going to_________for the party? ---A red blouse and a green kirt.

A.wear B.put on C.dress D.dress up

2.---What do you think of the story? ---I don't like it. I think it's __________ .

A. interesting B. nice C. fun D. boring

3. ---Tom always gets up late in the morning. ---Wow,how________he is!

A. busy B. excited C. lazy D. free

4. This is the most fashionable T-shirt this year.I _________you enjoy it.

A.want B.hope C.wish D.would like

5. I like the colour of the trousers. _________ I ?d like to buy a pair.

A. so B. but C.because D.if

6. ---Can you do some work _____ the fashion show? ---Of course.

A.of B. at C.for D.on

7. ---It?s very cold in the room._______I close the window? ---Yes,you________.

A.May,can B.May,may C.Can,can D.Can,may

8.There are many jackets. I don?t know ______.

A. which choose B. which to choose C. to choose which D. choose which

9. Look at the __________ on her head. It?s so nice.

A. blouse B. tie C. shirt D. hat

10. The skirt made of ________is very light.

A. silk B. wool C. cotton D. leather

11. ---Do you like that coat? ---Yes. It is from ___________. It looks nice.

A. the 1990s B. 1990s C. the 1990?s D. 1990s?

12. You bought a new dress.Can you____________?

A.Show it me B.show it to me C.show it for me D.show me for it

13. This kind of ice cream is very nice. Could you give me A. some more B.no more C. any more D.some too

14. ---What are the students of Class 1 doing? ---They are___________money for the people in Wenchuan area.

A.collecting B. borrowing C. raising D.donating

15.---You look beautiful _______ your new blouse! ---______________.

A.in,That?s right. B.on,Not at all. C.on,It?s niceof you to say so. D. in,Thank you.

( )16 -----Welcome to our fashion show! -----_____________.

A Thank you B That?s all right C It doesn?t matter. D No, thanks.

( )17 I am hungry. I need ________ bread.

A one more B some more C more some D more one

( )18 One of the ____ her very well. A skirt fits B skirts fit C skirt fit D skirts fits

( )19 She doesn?t know________.

A. what she can do it B. what to do it C. how to do D. how to do it

20. At the fashion show, they wore different clothes __________.

A. different time B. different times C. in the 1990s D. from the 1990s

21. I hope ________ your best clothes next week.

A. you to design B. you can design C. you D. design

22. Bruce?s mother is wearing_________.

A a nice Chinese red silk dress B a nice red Chinese silk dress

C a Chinese nice red silk dress D a Chinese nice silk red dress




colorful trainers.


to help those children in poor areas?

2. We?d likeat Halloween. They play “trick or treat”.

it her mother.

6. How long_______ you_______ reading English every day?

7. What______ your wallet_______? Leather. 8. Do dogs need___________? No, they don?t.


( A B C D ________________

( A B C D ________________

( A B C D ________________


A B C D ___________________

( A B C D ___________________

( ) __________


( ) __________


( ) __________


( ) __________


( ) __________




1.Football is a very___________game in the world.(受欢迎的)

2.Lucy?s sweater is made of _____________.(羊毛)

3.___________ people like wearing trainers .(年轻的)

4.I?m looking for two pairs of____________for my son.(短裤)

5.Do you like___________fashion show?(今天)

6. Thank you for telling me what to do ,but would you please a______ tell me how to do it?

7.His sports shoes look _________________.(beautiful)

8. Girls usually hope __________ many dresses in their wardrobe. (have)

9. Sometimes my sister doesn?t know which dress _________ because she has too many of them. (wear)

10. My mother bought two nice _________ for me last week. (scarf)

11 ------What are you going to wear for the f_____________ show? ------I don?t know. Do you have any good i___________? 12 Your ___________(衬衫) looks very nice, Millie! 13 Eddie is very l____________. He never exercises.

14 There will be a meeting this afternoon. My father is wearing a new s____________.

15 This song is p_____________ among our students. 16. Sandy?s hair style was____________ (流行)in the 1990s

舞蹈家) when they grow up.

18 This pair of ______________(皮)shoes looks nice. 19 She likes wearing _______________ (棉)clothes.

20 –Why do you like trainers so much? ---- Because they are very ________________(舒适)

21 this bag is too h__________ for me to carry. Could you give me a l___________ one?

22 My grandma likes wearing the c_________ dress.

24 Many ____________(年轻的) people __________(希望) to be film stars.

25 This scarf(围巾) is made of _____________(丝绸).

★26.All of the boys are busy getting ready for the show. They’re t_________ some nice ties to match their shirts.

27.Red and white is p________ and red and yellow is orange.

28. Please tell me w_______ skirt to buy, the red one or the green one?

29.The twins’parent r________money for the children in poor areas often.

30. He does his homework s_______ carefully. He never does anything wrong.

31. Look at those girls! How tall and beautiful they are. Maybe they are all m____________ .

32. How c___________ he feels after having a good sleep in bed!

33. blouse very much in summer .

34. She doesn’t like the s___________ of these shoes at all. What about the newest ones on that shelf?


1 Sandy looks very pretty.(感叹句)_________ _________ Sandy looks!

2 Can you show us your new trainers?(同义句)

Can you __________ your new trainers __________ ___________?

3 How do you like the colour? (同义句)_________ do you ______ ________ the colour?

4 He doesn?t know what he can wear today. (同义句) He doesn?t know what _________ ___________ today.

5 The girl is wearing a red dress. She is Andy.(合并为一句) The girl __________ ___________ _________ dress is Andy. 6 The white skirt goes well with her blouse. (同义句) The white skirt _________ her blouse _________.

7. Millie and Kitty are not wearing the same clothes. (改为同义句) clothes.

8. I can?t choose what clothes I can wear for the party. (改为同义句)

I can?t choose for the party.

9. I hope you can enjoy the show. (改为同义句)

at the show. 对画线部分提问)


11. He spends thirty yuan on this suit. (分别用pay 和cost改写句子)


(2)__________________________________________________________ 对画线部分提问)


13. What do you think of the fashion show? (写出同意句)

____________________________________________________________ 对画线部分提问)


15.He’否定句: He _____ ______ with the principal about_________ _______ at present.

提问: ______ _____ he ________ _______ ________ _______ important at present?

16. When are we going to have the sports meeting? Please tell us.(合并成一句)

Please tell us________ ________ _______ _______ the sports meeting.

17.It takes him half an hour to take his dog for a walk.(同意句)

He ________ _______ ________ ________ his dog every morning.

18.The house is too expensive. We can’t buy it. (合并成一句)

The house isn’t _______ _______ _____ ______ _______ _______

19.His mother wishes him to be a dcctor when he grows up. (同意句)

His mother _______ ______ ______ a doctor when he grows up. 提问:_______ ________ his grandma______ _____ ______ every day?

(同意句)His grandma ______ ______ ______ ______ with him about his school life every day.

五. 根据所给的汉语完成下列句子(10分)(每空一词)

1. 我不知道该在聚会上穿什么。 I don?t know _______ _________ _________ at the party.


Peter is wearing a jacket made of ____________.He looks very _____________.


The students of Class Three are____________a fashion show to ____________money ________the Wenchuan Earthquake.

4. 这外套一点也不合我的身。 The coat _________ __________ me very _______.

5. 今天她梳着二十世纪八十年代的发型。 She has a __________________________.


The blue and white dress ___________ _________ ___________ Amy.


________ ________ does it take you _________ __________your homework?

8. 每周我们学校举办一次时装表演。希望你能够喜欢这些演出。

Our school _______________________ every week. We _______________________ the show.

9. 多漂亮的鞋子啊。我认为他们很舒服。

How____________________________!I think they ___________________________________..


You can _______________________ without __________________

11.她在等轮到她看90年代的?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路?/p>

She is _______________________ watch the clothes __________________________.

12. 我们正在进行展览因为我们想为希望工程募捐钱。

We ________________________because we want to______________________________

13. 你能猜出我的衣服来自什么时候么?

Can you___________________when my______________________________________

14. 今天的时装展到此结束,你认为我们的展览怎么样?

That?s __________________________, what do you________________________ our show?

15. 这领带的颜色一点也不配我的外套。

The colour of the tie _________ __________ my coat ________ _______.

16.The little boy is ______ ______(如此懒), he should______ _______ _______ _______ (再花多点时间)studying.



The Class 1, Grade 7 students are having a fashion show to r_____ money for Project Hope. Kitty is wearing clothes form the 1990s. Simon is wearing clothes from the 1980s. His t________ are white and his shirt is purple. His tie is yellow and red. He looks c_________.

what me cool

Amy is wearing a yellow c_______ blouse, a pair of blue jeans. She looks cool. Sandy is wearing clothes form the 1990s. She is wearing a black wool skirt, long red l_____ boots and a red silk blouse. She is a______ wearing her hair in a 1990s style. She looks quite beautiful. Daniel?s sports clothes are blue and yellow. He is wearing a pair of colorful t_______. They are very c________. He looks smart and m________.



. Many families take their lunch to a park or somewhere far to other like France, Japan or Argentina. They usually fly there.Many families travel by car or train to see places in their own countries. Their favourite cities are New York, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles.


1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________

6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ ____
