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《英雄联盟》(League of Legends,简称LOL)是由美国游戏开发商Riot Games开发的一款英雄对战网络游戏。国内最大的网络游戏社区腾讯游戏引进了这款游戏并将其本土化,不过我们在其中还是可以发现很多原汁原味、生动有趣的英文术语。作为一个好奇又好学的玩家,笔者在玩游戏之余对其中的术语进行了研究,并将其分为三大英语词汇联盟:角色词汇联盟、数字词汇联盟和战绩词汇联盟。下面就一一与大家分享。

1. Summoner


【词语拓展】这个词由summon和后缀-er构成。其中-er表示“做……动作的人;做……工作的人”,如worker (工人)、employer (雇主,雇佣者)。Summon为动词,表示“召唤;号召,召集”,比如:She summoned the waiter. (她把服务员叫了过来。) 除此之外,summon还可以表示“鼓起(勇气)”,如summon (up) the courage。在游戏中,当玩家掉线时,系统会提示:A summoner has disconnected. 而当玩家重新上线时,系统会再次提示:A summoner has reconnected. 由此我们可以学到connect表示连接游戏或网络的这一用法,还可以学到两个词缀:dis-是否定前缀,表示“相反;剥夺”;re-是前缀,表示“再,重新”。

2. Legend


【词语拓展】Legend有“传说;传奇人物”的意思,游戏中为了简化名称,就将legend译成了“英雄”。鉴于此,该游戏名称League of Legends就指“英雄联盟”,其中的league有“联盟;社团”的意思。需要注意的是,该游戏简称LOL,和英文中的laugh out loud (大声笑)以及lots of love (许多的爱)的缩写一样,大家要注意区别。此外,legend和hero都可表示“英雄”,为什么设计者不用hero呢?这是因为hero一般指男性英雄,而legend指的是传奇人物,男女皆可。

3. Enemy


【词语拓展】Enemy作名词时表示“仇敌;反对者;敌国;敌军”。在游戏中,你杀死竞争对手时就可以听到“You have slain an enemy”或“The enemy has been slain”的提示。其中的slain是slay的过去分词,意思是“杀死;杀害”。在游戏中杀死某方一般都会用这个词。有的同学可


4. Ally


【词语拓展】Ally作名词时读作/'?la?/,表示“同盟国,同盟者”。如果你的盟友或队友在游戏中被对方干掉,你就会听到“An ally has been slain”的提示。另外,ally还可以作动词,读作/?'la?/,表示“(使)联盟”。其常见用法是构成短语be allied to,表示“(在性质上)与(某物)有关联”,比如:The English language is allied to the German language. (英语和德语属于同一语系。)

1. First Blood


【词语拓展】First blood是个多义词语,它可以指“(拳击、战争中的)第一次流血”,也可以指“首战告捷;初步领先”,比如:If you can get the first blood, to some extent, you have won the game. (如果你能首战告捷,那么从某种意义上来说,你已经赢了这次游戏。) 我们都知道first表示“第一”,是one的序数词,那么表示“一”的词缀大家知道吗?没错,就是前缀uni-,如union (联合)、unique (唯一的)。

2. Double Kill


【词语拓展】Kill一般都用作动词,表示“杀死”,但在这里作名词,表示“(尤指动物被)屠杀;杀戮”。Double我们都知道其可以作形容词,表示“双重的,两倍的”。除此之外,double还可以作名词,表示“两倍;酷似的人或物”,比如:Your mother sees you as her double. (你妈妈把你看成是她的翻版。) 另外,double还可以构成许多短语,比如at/on the double,表示“快速地”。前面我们提到,uni-是表示“一”的前缀,那么表示“二”的前缀都有哪些呢?在英语词缀中,表示“二”的前缀有bi-和twi-,如bilingual (双语的)、bilateral (双边的)、twice (两次)、twin (双胞胎)。

3. Triple Kill


【词语拓展】Triple在此意为“三倍的”,从triple可知,tri-是表示“三”的词缀,如triangle (三角形)、trilogy (三部曲)、tripod (三脚架)。

【游戏释义】四杀,指在短时间内连续击败四名敌方英雄,在游戏中常简化为Quadra Kill。

【词语拓展】Quadruple在此作形容词,表示“四倍的”。它还可以作名词,表示“四倍”。新闻报道里经常会提到“到2020年中国的经济总量要翻两番”,此处的“翻两番”就可以用quadruple来表达,此时quadruple要用作动词,表示“(使)成为四倍”。不难看出,quadr-是表示“四”的词缀,如quadruped (四足动物)、quadrangle (四方院子)。

5. Penta Kill


【词语拓展】通过该词语的游戏释义,相信大家已经猜出penta-是表示“五”的词缀,比如pentagon (五角形)、pentahedron (五面体)、pentagram (五角星形)。此外,美国的五角大楼(the Pentagon)在口语中也叫做Penta。

1. Killing Spree


【词语拓展】Spree在此作名词,表示“无节制的狂热行为”,也可以表示“欢闹;狂饮作乐”,比如:He went on a drinking spree. (他继续狂饮作乐。) 除此之外,spree还可以作动词,表示“狂欢;狂饮”。

2. Rampage


【词语拓展】Rampage作名词,表示“横冲直撞,暴跳;一阵狂怒;狂暴行径”,比如:Rioters went on a rampage through the city. (暴乱分子在城中横冲直撞,胡作非为。) 此外,该词也可以作动词,表示“发怒;狂暴地行动”,比如:Several villages were destroyed by rampaging soldiers. (好几个村子都惨遭狂暴撒野的士兵的破坏。)

3. Unstoppable


【词语拓展】Unstoppable是形容词,该词由stop加前缀un-和后缀-able演变而来,表示“无法停止的,不可阻挡的”。比如在写作中经常使用的句子“科学的前进步伐不可阻挡”就可以写成:The progress of science is unstoppable.




义)”,比如:He certainly was a dominating figure in politics. (在政坛上,他无疑是一个强势人物。) 该词也可看做是dominate的现在分词形式。Dominate为动词,表示“在……中占首要地位”,如dominate the market (欺行霸市)。

5. God-like


【词语拓展】God-like作形容词,表示“如神的;上帝般的”,比如某个同学解决了一道连老师都解决不了的难题,我们就可以说:He is God-like. (他真是个神人。)

6. Legendary


【词语拓展】Legendary为形容词,表示“传奇的,传说的”,常用来形容非常有名的、有许多传奇故事的人,比如“传奇的流行音乐之王迈克尔·杰克逊”就可以说成the legendary "King of Pop" Michael Jackson。

7. Aced


【词语拓展】Aced是ace的过去分词,ace可以作动词,表示“发球得分;打败;在……中取得好成绩”,其常见的表达有ace it,表示“得满分;出色完成”,比如:I am gonna ace it next time! (我下次要把它考好。) 此外,ace也可以用作形容词,表示“一流的”;还可以作名词,表示“发球得分;能人;佼佼者”,如ace in the hole (秘藏的王牌;杀手锏)。

8. Executed


【词语拓展】和aced类似,executed是execute的过去分词。Execute作动词,最常见的意思是“执行;履行”,比如:We are going to execute our campaign plan to the letter. (我们将严格执行我们的竞选计划。) 其中的to the letter意为“严格地;不折不扣地”。在游戏中execute的意思是“(依法)处决,处死”,比如:One group claimed to have executed the American hostage. (一个组织声称已经处决了那名美国人质。)


【词语拓展】Shutdown为名词,表示“停工;关门;停播”,其词义源于短语shut down (关闭;停止运转)。Shut这个词有很多意思,但最常见的意思是“关闭”,比如shut out (把……关在外边)、shut off (停止;切断)、shut up (闭嘴)。此外,shut还可以作形容词,表示“关闭的,关上的”,如a shut door (一扇关上的门)。

限于篇幅,我就分享这么多。怎么样?是不是发现游戏中原来还有这么多知识呢?希望大家以后不要单纯沉迷于游戏,而要成为一个有内涵的game learner。204235.png





Where Is God?

A couple had two little boys, aged 8 and 10, who were excessively mischievous. They were always getting into trouble. And their parents knew that. If any mischief (恶作剧) occurred in their town, their sons were probably involved.

The boys? mother heard that a clergyman in town had been successful in disciplining (管教)children, so she asked if he would speak with her boys. The clergyman agreed, but asked to see them individually. So the mother sent her 8-year-old first in the morning, with the older boy to see the clergyman in the afternoon.

The clergyman, a huge man with a booming voice, sat the younger boy down and asked him sternly(严厉地), "Where is God?" The boy's mouth dropped open, but he made no response(回答), sitting there with his mouth hanging open, wide-eyed. So the clergyman repeated the question in an even sterner tone, "Where is God!!?" Again the boy made no attempt to answer. So the clergyman raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy's face and bellowed(吼叫), "WHERE IS GOD!?”?

The boy screamed and bolted(逃跑) from the room, ran directly home and dove(扑,冲) into his closet, slamming the door behind him. When his older brother found him in the closet, he asked, "What happened?"

The younger brother, gasping for breath, replied, "We are in BIG trouble this time, dude. God is missing – and they think WE did it!"

1. The underlined sentence means _______.

A. Their sons were probably beaten.

B. Their sons were probably hurt.

C. Their sons probably played a part in it.

D. Their sons were happy.

2. The clergyman promised to __________.

A. frighten the children.

B. beat the children.

C. talk to the 2 children at the same time.

D. talk to the two children one by one.

3. According to the passage, which of the following sentence is true?

A. The two children always obey their mother.

B. The two children?s father didn?t know that their children were naughty.

C. The clergyman was very rich.

D. The two children liked to play tricks.

4. By “where is God”, the clergyman wanted to tell the child _______.

A. they should behave themselves.

B. he was angry, for they have had stolen God.

C. that God is missing.

D. to find God.

5. At last, when the younger child rushed home, he was_______.

A. happy B. frightened C. ill D. angry


Tie a knot (结)in the equator(赤道)?

When Ted Hughes finished training college, he became a teacher in a primary school. His favorite subject was geography, because he had always wanted to travel, and he studied various parts of the world so that he could feel as if he knew them a little.

Ted liked children, and was always ready to have a joke with them, so they learnt a lot from him while at the same time having fun.

One September, he was having his first lesson with a class of boys and girls. And to start with he decided to ask them some general questions, so that he could see how much they already knew. He found that this was about the average for their age, and that some of the boys and girls had obviously heard that he enjoyed a joke and were ready to have some fun with him

"Where's Turkey"" Ted asked the first boy.

”Turkey, sir?" the boy answered. "You'll find it on the Christmas dinner table, sir" ”Very funny!" said Ted with a smile, while the class laughed loudly.

"Do you really know where it is?"

The boy did, in fact, know. "Part of it is in Southeast Europe and part in Asia, sir," he said.

"Good." said Ted. The next few pupils also had funny answers to Ted's questions. But they all knew the correct answers too.

Ted knew that there was one girl in the class who was very clever. She had entered the school on a scholarship that term, and it was her he turned to next.

"Well," he said, "now let's see if there's at least one of you who doesn't talk nonsense(废话)?. What is the equator?'"

"It's an imaginary line drawn round the earth equally distant from the North Pole and the South Pole, sir," the girl answered at once.

"Good," Ted said. "Very good." But it sounded to him as if the girl had learnt this by heart, so he asked her another question to see whether he was right or not.

"Now, do you really know what that means'” he asked. "Could you, for example, tie a knot in the equator?"

The class laughed, but she answered, "Yes, sir" "Yes, sir," the girl said "As the equator's an imaginary line, you could tie an imaginary knot in it."

This time Ted joined happily m the class's loud laughter.

1. Why did Ted like geography very much? Because _______.

A. he had traveled a lot.

B. he could make a lot of money .

C. he had always wanted to travel.

D. He is geography teacher.

2. Why did the first boy give that answer at first? Because ________.

A. He wanted to laugh at Ted.

B. He didn’t know the correct answer.

C. He didn’t like Ted.

D. He wanted to joke with Ted.

3. Look at the underlined sentence. Why did Ted smile? Because_______.

A. he was quite satisfied with the answer.

B. the girl’s answer was very funny.

C. Ted thought maybe the girl didn’t really understand the definition (定义) of equator.

D. Ted was very kind and always wore a smiling face.

4. According to the passage, which of the following sentence is true?

A. This is Ted’s 1st lesson after his graduation from college.

B. The students had known of him before this lesson.

C. The 1st answer given by the girl was wrong.

D. Ted’s favorite subject was biography.

5. Why the class and Ted burst into laughter in the end? Because ________.

A. the girl had given a very intelligent answer.

B. the girl’s answer was wrong but funny.

C. the other students wanted to make fun of the girl.

D. the girl had learnt the definition of equator by heart but actually she didn’t

understand it.


The holiday flight

I am not a good traveler. I suffer from car sickness, sea sickness and air sickness. Sometimes I feel ill when I am riding a bicycle! Therefore I was hesitant before I accepted an invitation from my sister, Lucy, to join her for a holiday in Hawaii. The problem was the six hour flight from Tokyo. On the other hand, I had not seen Lucy for nearly two years, and a holiday in Hawaii was very attractive.(有吸引力的)

We met up in Narita Airport. The flight took off, and I experienced the usual queasy(想呕吐的) feeling in my stomach. I had taken some travel sickness pills but these never seem to do the ticket for me. I missed lunch and settled into my seat to try to sleep.

About four hours into the flight, I was woken by some violent bouncing(弹起的动作). The flight attendants were hurrying through the plane, telling people to sit down quickly and to fasten their seatbelts. Then suddenly the plane seemed to fall out of the sky. We must have dropped several thousand metres. I was thrown into the air before my seatbelt pulled me back again. The cabin lights went out and many people started screaming.


There were still some bumps, but nothing as bad as before. My heart was pounding and I was very, very sick..

A few minutes later, the pilot’s calm voice came over the intercom. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he said, “I am afraid we hit some unexpected and severe turbulence(气流). We shall continue to Honolulu and expect to arrive there on schedule(按时) in a little over one hour’s time. Please keep your seatbelts fastened at all times for the rest of the flight.”

We reached Honolulu safely and had a good holiday, but I will never forget that flight.(315 words)

1. A. in Hawaii B. in Honolulu C. in Tokyo D. It can’t be known from the passage.

2. In the passage the word “age” means _A. length of time a person has lived

B. later part of life

C. period

D. very long time

3. From the passage, we know how long it took the writer to make her journey to Hawaii? A. about 6 hours B. about 7 hours C. 5 hours D. 8 hours

4. From the passage we can’A. The writer missed her sister very much.

B. The writer and her sister left Tokyo for Honolulu together.

C. On the plane the writer missed her lunch because of the pills.

D. The plane was under control in seconds.

5. a. The writer fell asleep.

b. The writer suffered the queasy feeling in her stomach.

c. There were some bumps on the plane.

d. A violent turbulence hit the plane.

e. The writer was thrown into the air.

A. a,c,d,b,e B. b,a,c,e,d C. c,b,a,e,d D. b,a,d,e,c

(answers: 1.c2.d3.a4.c5.d)

The holiday meeting

Mike Tell was enjoying a holiday in Malaysia with his wife and children. One day he decided to go and explore the countryside. His family chose to go swimming, so Mike went for a walk by himself.

He walked through several villages, following a path, but soon he saw a small hill that looked interesting. Leaving the path, he set off up the hill. There was a good view from the top. And Mike stood there for several moments. He was about to return to the path, when he saw a river nearby, so he went to have a closer look. Suddenly there was a loud bellow(吼叫). Mike looked up in alarm. It was an angry female water buffalo. Mike realized that he was walking very close to a baby water buffalo, and the mother thought he was going to hurt it. Suddenly, the water buffalo charged at Mike. He was a good athlete, but he could not get back

to the path because the water buffalo(水牛) root of a tree and fell on his face.

There was a terrible pain in his leg. The water buffalo was stabbing(刺) it with her horns. Mike thought he was going to die. Then there was a loud shout. The water buffalo moved away. A group of villagers had spotted what was happening and had come to help Mike. “Always stay on the path,” they told him. It was good advice. (249 words)

1. In the passage the word “trip” means ___A. journey B. make a trip C. something catches the feet and fall D. walk quickly

2. A. Mike blocked her way.

B. Mike hurt her baby water buffalo.

C. a group of villagers shouted at her and rescued Mike.

D. she thought Mike was going to hurt her baby.


(path river )

A. B. C. D.

4. A. Human beings should kill the animals because they will bring danger.

B. Human beings are the owner of the world. We can do anything we like.

C. Human beings should respect the animals’ life and peacefully share the earth with


D. While human beings meet dangerous animals, we should shout loudly for help. (answers: 1.c2.d3.b4.c)

The history of the yo-yo

The yo-yo was first played in China, around three thousand years ago. The same principles of the hobby are found in the performances of acrobats(杂技演员) in modern China., where they spin pieces of wood on a string.

The hobby was popular in ancient Greece. A vase dating back to 500 BC has been found with a picture of a boy playing with a yo-yo on it. Also, a museum in Athens has a yo-yo from that time.

In the Philippines, around five hundred years ago, hunters threw rocks at wild animals to try to kill them. Each rock was attached to a string, which the hunter would pull to get the rock back. The name “yo-yo” come from the Philippines. It means “come-come”.

Yo-yos were also known in India, as shown by a picture on a small box that was produced in 1765; in France, where a painting of 1789 shows a small prince playing with a yo-yo; in England, where a drawing dating back to 1791 shows members of the royal family with yo-yos; and in the USA in the 1860s, where records of new inventions include a yo-yo with weights around the discs. In the twentieth century, people even played with a yo-yo in space. In 1985, astronauts on the Space Shuttle found that the yo-yo did not spin in the same way as on earth, because of the lack of gravity.(234 words)

1. Which of the following shows the right order of the length of the history of yo-yo?











我实在看不下去了,这段令人伤痛,心碎的往事。那眼泪,那语言,让我重新认识了我的妈妈,这个伟大的女人!当我与妈妈冲突时,就想着妈妈曾经为了我洒了一地的心碎,这不是错觉,心中的怒火自然也就熄灭了 一个人爱着一个人??



篇四:原汁原味 清炒鲫鱼

原汁原味 清炒鲫鱼

朵颐幸福的味道 blog



















