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篇一:Change in life作文

Change in life

旅管104班 梁斌清 2010220892 Nowadays, things have changed in every aspect of people’s daily life, which signally indicate our life have been much more different and better than the past.

To begin with, people all over the world have got better accesses to nutritious and also delicious foods. Since the 1980’s, globalization have made local foods become “international”. People those who had great experiences of some exotic foods love to introduce these to people in their hometown, and thus merchants seize the commercial opportunities to set up some imports business locally. Later on, more and more businessmen will get into this field and fierce competition will make a comparatively reasonable and steady price of this food. In this way, People will have richer and better diet through various kinds of foods.

What’s more, an increasing number of people choose travelling as one of the best ways to relax themselves when they are free from work. With the progressively advanced transportation systems, people are freer to choose how to travel and where to go. Many citizens feel bored with the city environment and want to get a freshly experience by driving or even riding to the downtown areas for the weekends. Those who regard

happiness as the primary in life would like to spend most of their savings to go abroad, eager to know more about the different histories, views, and cultures on the globe.

Moreover, there are significant alternations in people’s attitudes towards life. Instead of the old ones who think that the best way to finish life is to end with fortune and success via ceaseless hard-working, they are holding the idea, as above mentioned, that pursuing happiness is the first thing to do, surpassing anything else. So they seldom save money for future use, and they tend to spend most money on enjoying the gourmet, buying new clothes, or doing whatever they like, which will lead to a nice experience. On the contrary, there are people as well who think they should have left something for the whole world by the end of their lives, thus they sacrifice themselves in science researches, in order to make some breakthroughs for human beings; or they seek something unusual to the public, like some rock stars, expressing their viewpoints of life from their unique pieces of music.

To sum up, people’s life has totally changed from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head. All of these changes have made our lives full of variety.



1. I used to swim in Junior 1 and 2, but I don’t have the time any more. I have a tight schedule every day.

2. I used to addicted to computer games when I was in primary school. I was so obsessed with those games that I did not even want to have meals. I sat in front of the computer and played and played, day and night, day after day. Then one day I felt so uncomfortable that I realized playing computer games was bad for my health, so I made up my mind to kick off the habit of getting addicted to computer games. First of all, I uninstalled all the games from my computer. Second, I made a plan which clearly stated what I should do every day. I also set goals for myself. Every day I got up, I read the plan to see what I should do as it was planned. Before going to sleep at night, I thought over what I had done in the day time and kept a record.

After a month, I got rid of the habit of playing computer games and I found that there were more interesting things in my daily life. From that time on, I am not addicted to computer games any more.


Unit 1 How can we became good learners?

Dear Wenxin,

There are three good ways to learn English.(有三种学英语的好方法) One way is being interested in what you are doing.(一种方法就是对你正在学的感兴趣)If you are interested in something, your brain will be more active and you will pay more attention to what you learned.(如果你对什么感兴趣的话,你的大脑就会更活跃并且你会对你所学的更加注意)If you like music, I think you should listen to English songs.(如果你喜欢音乐,我想你应该听英语歌)If you do this, you will be able to improve your pronunciation.(如果你这么做了,你就能够提高你的发音水平)

It is also a good idea to read English books because well-written books can teach you many new words and how they are used.(看英语书也是个好办法,因为写得好的书可以教你很多新单词以及怎样运用他们)

You could try to improve your English by watching English movies.(你还可以通过观看英语电影尽量提高你的英语)This will help you to improve your listening and speaking skills as you will have a chance to listen to natural speech.(由于你有机会听到纯正的发音,这样做也会帮你提高你的听和说的技能)

I hope these three ways will work well for you!(我希望这些方法会对你有帮助!)

Your friend,

Li Ting

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

Dear Sue,

My favorite Chinese festival is the Spring Festival(我最喜欢的中国节日时春节). It is celebrated on the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar(它在中国农历的第一天庆祝).

Before the festival, our houses have to be cleaned and we need to buy new clothes for a new year’s coming(在节前,我们的房子必须打扫干净,而且我们要为新年的到来买新衣服).

On the eve, my family goes to my grandparents’ home for a reunion dinner(在除夕夜,我们全家去爷爷奶奶家吃团年饭). Our family usually has dumplings, fish, niangao and a great many dishes(我们家通常吃饺子,鱼,年糕和许多丰盛的菜肴).

On the first day of our New Year, people wear their new clothes and visit family and friends(在新年的第一天,人们穿上新衣服去看望亲戚,拜访朋友). Children will receive red packets filled with “lucky” money(孩子们会收到装满压岁钱的红包). That’s one of my favorite parts of this festival(那是我最喜欢这个节日的部分).

It’s my favorite festival because I enjoy spending time with my relatives(它是我最喜欢的节日因为我喜欢和我的亲人们一起度过时光). It makes me feel very happy and loved to be with my family!(这使我觉得非常高兴,而且我喜欢和家人在一起!)

Yours truly,

Mei Li

Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Li Jie and I’m from Beijing, China(我来自中国北京). I’ll be coming to your school for a short study vacation this year(今年我要到你们学校进行一次短期的学习). I’d like to know more about your school and the courses I will study(我想知道更多关于你们学校的信息以及我将学到的课程).

First, I would like to find out the time of the course(首先,我想查一下课程所需的时间). Could you please tell me where and what I can eat in your school(你能告诉我在你们学校哪里吃饭和有些什么品种的吃的吗)? And do you know where I will stay(还有你知道我该在哪儿住吗)? I also wonder what activities I can do as a student and how I can get to school(我也想知道作为一个学生我能参加些什么活动以及我用什么方式上学呢). Could you tell me how much the course costs?(你可以告诉我学习的费用是多少吗?)

I would like to thank you for your help and I’m looking forward to your reply.(我衷心感谢你的帮助,并且期待你的回复)

Yours faithfully,

Li Jie


Unit 4 I used to be afraid of dark.

How I’ve changed!

My life has changed a lot in the last few years(在过去几年里我的生活发生了很大的变化). I used to be short but I’m not anymore now(我过去个子矮但是现在我不再矮了). I became taller after I stated playing tennis(在我开始打网球后我长高了). Playing tennis three times a week is very good exercise(一天打三次网球是不错的锻炼). Now I’m taller and healthier(现在我更高更健康了).

The biggest change in my life was becoming much better in English(我生活中最大的变化时我的英语学习更好得多了). This is thanks to my English teacher, Ms. Wong, who gave me an interesting book to read(这得谢谢我的英语老师,王老师,她给我阅读了一本有趣的书). I enjoyed it so much that I started to read other books(我如此喜欢这本书以致于我开始看其他的书). This is the most important change because I am no longer afraid of the English language and I am doing better in my exams(这是最重要的变化因为我不再害怕英语语言而且我在考试方面更好了). This has made my parents even prouder of me.(这使我的父母更为我骄傲)

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?

My city, Suzhou, is famous for its silk quilts(我住的城市苏州,因它的蚕丝被而闻名). These quilts are made of pure silk(这些被子是用天然桑蚕丝制作的). They are made by skillful workers in many silk factories in the city(他们是由城里许多家丝绸厂里的熟练技术工人制作的). The silk quilts are used to keep people warm and comfortable in bed(这些蚕丝被被人们用来保暖和使床铺舒适. They are known to be very comfortable because they are light and soft to touch(他们因舒适闻名是因为触感轻柔). In addition, they look beautiful as they are decorated with beautiful patterns(此外,他们看起来美丽而有装饰漂亮的图案). Many people from all over the world come to Suzhou to visit the silk factories and buy not only the silk quilts but many other silk products too(来自世界各地的许多人来到苏州参观丝绸厂,不仅购买蚕丝被还买其他的丝绸产品).

Unit 6 When was it invented?

在学校举行的小发明大赛上,Andy的发明是Cool shoes,这种鞋子是用一种特殊材料做成的,可以根据脚的尺码调整大小。假设你是Andy,请你根据下面的问题提示,以My cool invention为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍自己的发明。

1. What problem do you want to solve? 2. What’s special about your invention?

My cool invention

Many of us may have to throw away our shoes when they are too small for our feet. (我们大多数人不得不扔掉我们的鞋子当他们对我们的脚来说太小的时候。)It’s a big waste(浪费). And sometimes new shoes can be too tight for us to wear(而且有时候新鞋可能我们穿起来太紧了).

This will not be a problem if you wear my Cool Shoes.(如果你穿我的酷鞋,这将不会是一个问题。)The shoes are made of special materials, which can grow with your feet and always fit your feet(这鞋是特殊材料做的,可以随着你的脚生长而且总是合你的脚。). What’s more, you don’t need to worry about wearing too small or too big shoes anymore.(还有,你不必再担心穿太小或太大的鞋了。)

The shoes don’t cost much. So just have a try!(鞋子不贵。所以就来试一试吧!)

Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

I do not agree with the rule that I must be home for dinner every day. (我不同意那条关于我必须每天在家吃饭的规矩。)This is because the rule affects my social life.(这是因为这条规矩影响我的社交生活。)It takes away important opportunities(机会) for me to spend time with my friends. (它夺走我和朋友们相处的重要机会。)As a result, my life is quite uninteresting(boring) sometimes. (结果,我的生活有时候相当的无趣无聊。)I think I should be allowed to have dinner with my friends once a week. (我想我应该被允许每周和朋友吃一次饭。)For example, I would like to ha0ng out with my classmates until after dinner on some Fridays.(比如,我想在一些星期五和朋友闲逛直到饭后。) I wish my parents will allow me to do this if I promise not to stay out too late and if there is no important family activity on those days.(如果我承诺不在外面呆太晚或者在那些天没有重大的家庭活动,我希望我的父母会允许我这么做。)


Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands.

Dear Ivan,

You must be excited about coming to China soon.(你一定对很快要来中国感到兴奋吧。) Let me give you some suggestions and advice about Chinese customs. (让我给你一些关于中国的建议和意见。)When you’re eating at the table, it’s impolite to start eating first if there are older people at the table. You should let them start first. When you are eating with(用) chopsticks. It is also impolite to stick your chopsticks into the bowl of rice and leave them there(把它们留在那儿).

In our house, you’re supposed to take off (脱下)your shoes before you enter the house or just inside the front door. In our culture(文化), we don’t usually hug or kiss people.

When you go out with people, you should tell the hostess(女主人) where you are going, who you are going with and when you will come back. In our culture, the hostess will worry a lot about the safety of her guests(客人), so a polite guest will always let her know these things.

Have a safe trip(祝旅途愉快), and I look forward to meeting you soon!(期待很快见到你!)

Best wishes,(衷心祝福)

Xiao Wei

Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.

My lucky day

I will always remember the date February 28, 2004. This was the luckiest day of my life.

When I woke up that morning, the sky was very dark. I took the early bus to school as usual(像往常一样). As soon as I arrived at school, it started to rain very heavily(雨下得很大). Many students were late and were all wet(全身湿透) when they got to school. But I wasn’t because I caught(赶上) the early bus, I would have been late and wet as well(也)!

Later that day, I realized that I had forgotten my wallet(钱包) and couldn’t buy lunch. I couldn’t believe it. Then my friend Lisa said that she could share(分享) her lunch with me.

Finally, my older brother told me that night he could take me to the concert that weekend. I was so happy!

I think that was the best day I’d had in a long time.

What a lucky day!



要点:1. 表明观点,Simon是否应该抄袭Anna的作业;2. 你对抄袭作业的看法。

【范文】It is known to us(我们都知道) that some students copy others’ homework. Here is an example. Simon isn’t good at math, so he always copies the homework from his best friend, Anna. In my opinion(我觉得), Simon shouldn’t be allowed to copy the homework.

Copying others’ homework is a bad habit. For one thing, it’s against(违背) the school rules. The more we copy others’ homework, the less interest we will have in what we are learning(对我们所学就越缺乏兴趣). For another, by copying others’ homework too often, we will lose the ability of thinking(失去思考的能力). What’s more, homework is useful. It helps us know our weakness(弱点).

We should try to finish our homework by ourselves instead of by copying. Let’s take action to prevent such bad behavior from spreading.(让我们积极行动起来防止这种坏行为蔓延。)



内容包括:1. 向父母道歉,并和他们谈一谈你的情绪问题。2. 做一些休闲活动(听音乐,做运动??)。

3. 将卧室涂成蓝色。蓝色会使你平静,放松。

要求:1. 邮件内容必须包含所有要点,语句通顺,

changein组 作文

逻辑合理。2. 80词以上。

【范文】Dear Zhang Lin,

Thanks for your e-mail.

I am very happy to give you some advice.

First, you must say sorry to (对…说抱歉)your parents and friends. Talk about your problems with 3

them. When you are in trouble(遇到困难), your parents and friends will always be there(在你旁边陪伴). They may help you. Second, you should spend some time listening to soft music(轻音乐), reading books or doing some exercise. They can make you relaxed. Third, try to paint your bedroom blue(把你的卧室涂成蓝色). This color can help you be calm and peaceful(冷静和平静).

I know that your problems make you feel upset(沮丧). I hope my advice can help you.

Best wishes,



【写作任务】假如你是Bob, 你表妹Lucy进入初中已经一学期了, 她的生活中遇到了很多困难,请根据以下提示给她写一封信,阐述清楚她的问题,并针对每个问题提出你的建议。100词左右。

Lucy’s Problems: (Study)too much pressure; (Friendship)be afraid of talking to strangers a small circle; (Health)get pimples(长痘痘)……

【范文】Dear Lucy,

I’m so sorry to know you’ve had so many problems since you came to the middle school for one term. Don’t worry, I can give you some suggestions to help you.

First, about study, you told me you were under too much pressure(压力山大). I think you can ask your parents or teachers for help.

Then, you said you were afraid of talking to strangers(害怕和陌生人说话) and only had a small circle of friends(朋友圈子很小). In my opinion, you’d better be more outgoing and brave enough to make friends with more classmates.(你最好是更外向些,并且够勇敢地去和更多的同学交朋友。)

Finally, as for your health(至于说到你的健康), I think because you often get pimples(长痘痘), you can’t eat any hot food(燥热的食物) and eat more vegetables.

In a word(总而言之), being more outgoing, doing more sports and having good eating habits(养成良好的饮食习惯) can help you a lot in your life(在你的生活中会有很大帮助). Hope to hear your good news. 综合题(四)

【写作任务】现在越来越多的人认识到阅读的重要性。现在,请以“The advantages of reading”为题,写一篇90-110词的英语短文, 内容必须包括:1. 阅读可以愉悦身心;2. 阅读可以增长知识;3. 再给出一条你的理由,并简要说明;4. 应该有明确的主题、合理的支撑以及适当的结尾。

【范文】 The advantages of reading阅读的优点

Now more and more people realize(know) the importance of reading, because reading has a lot of advantages(优点).

First, reading can make us happy. When we are reading, we can enjoy ourselves(自娱自乐) and fell very pleased(觉得非常高兴).

Second, reading can bring us more knowledge(知识). We can know(了解) more about the world after reading. And also we can improve(提高) ourselves(自身的修养、素质).

For me(对我而言), I like reading because reading can improve my scores(提高我的分数). I can get good grades(取得好成绩) after reading.

So, I think reading is very useful and important. I like it.


【写作任务】假设某英语课上,老师要求写题为“在日常生活中如何用实际行动关爱和尊重父母”的英语作文。现在,请根据下列提示完成该英语作文:1. 我们应该尊重父母。例如:仔细聆听父母讲话;

2. 我们应该帮助父母。例如:替父母做些家务;3. 我们应该关爱父母。例如:我们应把自己事情做好(按时休息,自觉完成作业等)让父母少操心;4. 建议:日常生活中如何更好地关爱尊重父母(2条)。

注意:1. 字数:90---110词;2. 文中不能出现考生及所在学校的真实名字。

【范文】 How to care and respect our parents in our daily life?

In our daily life, parents love us so much. Can we do something for them, too? Sure, but how?

First, we’d better respect our parents, such as listening to them carefully when they talk. Then, we should help them. Doing some housework is good. Next, we can do something to care them like going to bed on time, finishing our homework by ourselves and so on.

And I think in our daily life we shouldn’t argue with(和…争吵) our parents. We can say “I love you!” often to them.(我们可以常对他们说“我爱你们!”

Let’s do something for our parents right away!(让我们立即为我们的父母做点事吧!)


篇四:高中易背作文5. on change


Change has been an important and popular concept in the world since American President Obama said” Change has come to America” in his election speech. In our daily life, changes are going on all around us. Take the way of having holidays as an example. In the past, people used to spend holidays at home, watching TV and getting relaxed. Nowadays, more and more people prefer to spend time in traveling when there are holidays. The Spring Festival, May Day and National Day are the most popular holidays in China because people have more time to travel during these three holidays. This is a small change in people’s habits to spend holidays and it shows that people’s living standards have been greatly improved.

There are also many other changes around us, such as changes in the environment, in public transportation, in climate, etc. Some of the changes are good while some are not. We hope that there are more good changes rather than bad ones. Only with good changes can the world and the society become more harmonious.

1.used to do 过去常做 2.living standard 生活水平

3.piblic transportation 公共交通 4. harmonious adj. 和谐的


起始段: Life is full of changes. 生活充满了变化。

中间段适用:Nowadays, more and more Chinese young couples exchange gifts on Valentine’s

Day. 现在,越来越多的中国年轻夫妇在情人节互赠礼物。

结尾段适用:Great changes have taken place in the world in the past 100 years.


篇五:六年级my change作文

依据表格内容,以My change 为题写篇小短文。

My change

依据表格内容,以My change 为题写篇小短文。

My change

My change
