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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 15:21:31 体裁作文

篇一:穿普拉达的女王观后感 英文

To be yourself

---The Devil Wears Prada On the way to dream and happiness, how can we keep our original purpose and

innocence when facing the objection, others’ view and the blind following environment, really make me think heavily.

Through that movie, we know that to be a journalist, Andy gave up her

opportunity to go to Stanford University and the original purpose she went to Runway being Miranda’s assistant was help her open lots of door. And at first she laughed at her colleague and kept her own style. Her courage and innocence for her dream really make me respect on her.

However, as a series of things happening, she changed gradually. Fashioned

clothes made her acquaint lots of different people, serious attitude to work put her into an important position, meanwhile, busy work made her get distant with her friends and family. What’s worse, she even forgot to write. I still remember that plot: when Miranda’s call coming, she tried her best to get a flight for Miranda, when getting off the taxi, she even forgot her dear father. When being pointed out of her change by her father, her friends, her boyfriend and her colleague, “I have no choice” has become her most powerful excuse. The more she devoted herself to her “beneficial” job, the further she’s away her close and her original dream. Fortunately, she realized her missing and was be herself at last.

The dialogue between Andy and Nate “I turned my back on my friends and

family and everything I believed in, and, that, that for what?” “For shoes and shirts and jackets and belts” which impresses me a lot shows off the losing of Andy when she worked for Miranda and also the losing of most people in modern society.

It’s wonderful to pursue our dream and happiness, however, in the materialistic

age, we may always be lost in money, power and glory. I believe that all the official

hope to serve public at first but as time goes on, some of them forget their dream

and become the one he ever hates deeply. We hope to live a happy life, but what a

happy life means? Harmony family, close friends, healthy body, good income, and

what’s more, doing things you love. The problem is that when trying hard to achieve

those we are likely to be buried in the busy work for great income and power which

seems to be the guarantee, getting away from our love, losing our health, suffering

the pain from the boring and disgusting job. Just like Miranda in this movie,

resplendent and confident in public, but when it comes to her private life, the dragon

lady is so tender and sensitive.

What I talked above is not mean to criticize anyone in that movie or any kind of

people in real life. Everyone has his choice on the way of life, his own style of life and

the pursuit of life. Whatever happens, to be yourself can always make you happy and

enjoy the life, just like Nate and Nigel.

Movie Review

To be yourself

---The Devil Wears Prada

41258017 谷雪葳


The Body of the Queen

The Queen’s life is twists and turns, bleak, and brilliant. Her mother was persecuted in her childhood, and she must take the responsibility for the British queen alone. She struggle for the British. She is goddess full of the British people, they pursuit her as the sun. She was supposed to be immortal. She was vain, spiteful, and arrogant, she was frequently unjust, and she was often maddeningly indecisive. But she was also brave, shockingly clever, an eyeful to look at and on occasions she was genuinely wise. In other words, she had all the qualities it took to make the genius politician she undoubtedly was.

She is a strong queen. Facing her mother of persecution and her sister’s death, she did not give up. She face this cruel dynasty alone bravely. Face of someone else's surveillance, she chose to forbear. In the face of rumors, she had not fall in anger, but to calm with practical action to p


rove her self’s innocence.

She is a brave queen. A cherished tradition has it that when Elizabeth heard the news that she was to become queen, on November 17th, 1558, she was seated beneath an ancient oak tree.Her first words were from Psalm 118, "a domino factum est mirabile in oculis nostris" - "this is the Lord's doing and it is marvellous in our eyes." Her first recorded speech is in the war. On the occasion of the national crisis, she did not choose to retreat, but come to the war by her golden coach to

giving people hope. Of course her extraordinary speech and political mind, learned from her teacher, is one of the key to her success.

She is a wise queen. She was always able to recognize their own situation, and did not like Marie, in the face of difficulties and setbacks, easily believe that others, and lost her power and life.In the choice of her own husband, she is very carefully. She prepared for a long time, and she never marriage. In the face of Marie's help, she was not blind eyes by affection and the short of interests. For Britain's safety and do not let Germany have any opportunity, she chose Marie imprisoned. She is a beautiful queen. Even in her old age, the envoys still are the dumping of her beauty. In their eyes, she is always a beautiful girl who is just 20 year old with beautiful, dignified, and generous. Her body is full of charm, attracted from all over the country in the pursuit of.

She just is a woman, a common woman. As she said, "I may be a goddess but I'm also flesh and blood, your flesh and blood. Whatever you go through, I'll go through it with you.” It was a body which, according to some, had not fulfilled the purpose for which God had fashioned it, to have joined itself to a husband, to have grown her seed, to have given her and the country posterity.

She had no children, but she is the mother of Magna Britannia - Great Britain.


All of us must allocate 24 hours a day to our work and personal life. Work and family don’t “balance” automatically.

Andy got her new job in Runway fashion magazine. And her personal life was begun to be hanged by a thread because of her busy work. Her boss Miranda was famous for being

unpredictable and perfectionist. Andy was Miranda’s second assistant. She must complete nearly impossible tasks with constant trepidation of Miranda’s wrath and be Miranda’s beck and call 24/7. Andy worked hard and got promotion then. But in order to complete her work, she neglected her lover, her friends and her families. She almost lost her boyfriend Nate. Luckily, she found that friends and families are more important than my job before everything was too late to retrieve. So, she quitted the job restart with families and friends’ support. I think Andy did right choice at last, because families and friends are more important than work.

Though we try to balance work and family, we have to admit that imbalance is sometimes inevitable. We can balance the two by arranging our time reasonably and working effectively. Also, we should talk to our families and friends often, trying for their understanding and support. Finally, we need to realize that we work hard for better lives. But without families and friends, we won’t be happy anymore, and nobody can share our success.


I stand in front of The New York Mirror, where I just got my new job. Now I am one step further to become the journalist that I always dream for.

I’m Andy. Nearly a year ago, I came to New York and luckily found a job in Runway fashion magazine, which saved me from the urgent need of job for rent. I worked as the second assistant of Miranda, being her beck and call 24/7. This was a job that a million girls would die for. But for me, I didn’t care about fashion. I needed the job to pay for my rent. I hadn’t realized how

destructive changes that the job would bring to me till the end of Paris Fashion Week-Miranda had a deep inner talk with me.

Miranda Priestly, the powerful and ruthless executive of the magazine, is famous for being unpredictable. As her assistant, I must complete nearly impossible tasks with constant trepidation of her wrath. However, I had changed my attitude towards her after I got close to her and her privacy. A woman liked her, who was seemed to put perfection in her work above and beyond everything else in life, was fragile and poor in her marriage and family. Liked many of the

hard-driving men running a high-stress business, she let fashion and clothing lines come first, put her twin daughters a close second and married life (two divorces) a distant third. Although she was seemed to be cold, she did have a heart, not entirely made of iron. When her personal matters hit the pages of the tabloids, a softer side emerged.

Paris Fashion Week meant a lot to Miranda. She must to keep her dominant in magazine for a shelter of her second marital crisis. And to my surprise, she promoted me as her principal assistant and asked me to go to the fashion week with her, replaced Emily-the ex- principal assistant. I finally agreed. But I didn’t want to hurt Emily, I was forced.

At the same time, my personal life had hanged by a thread. My boyfriend and I reconsidered our relationship and decided to separate for a week. My friends mad at me too. But I didn’t think I was changed.

During the fashion week, I experienced what I never had-the amazing shining things and gorgeous people. I almost obsessed in this fascinating show and lost myself. But I was woken by what Miranda had done. Miranda sold her long-time right-hand man Nigel out to keep her position, ruined his dream and trust. I hadn’t realized that I was the same as Miranda until she reminded me of Emily, my boyfriend, my families and friends. I gave up and betrayed them in order to keep my job. I became the person that I never want to be. This reflection made me find what is the most important for me. Without friends and families, my success will be nothing since there will be no one to share with.

So, I quitted the job and restarted at The New York Mirror.



2015022025 经济法学院中外合一班赵娣


戴安娜死前媒体曝光率很高,以其慈善事业、离婚、绯闻、接受采访等最有效的现代 炒作方式,迎合了当代的人文主义思潮:民主、自由、平等、博爱,从而赢得人民的爱戴。在其死后,英国上下群情悲痛。媒体更是尽其煽情的能事,将矛头指向了与戴安娜对立的王室,而此时只有王室保持沉默。女王的理由很简单:一是保护两个孙子,尽量让他们少受刺激;二是戴安娜已经不是王室的人,王室不宜作出反应。但是,在媒体的煽动下,民众很快就对王室的沉默表示了愤怒,并提出了不理智也不合法的要求:为非王室成员的戴安娜举行王室最高规格的葬礼,白金汉宫降半旗,女王对事件表态,等等,并有失控的趋势(民意出现了取消君主立宪制的倾向)。迫于民意的压力,布莱尔紧张斡旋,最终女王作出重大妥协,接受了人民的所有要求,危机圆满解决。





而我们并没有责任内阁制与议会主权原则,相似的虽然有人民代表大会制度,但是两者的权力大小相差悬殊,且职能也有很多不同。区别源自传统的不同以及近代社会变迁道路选择的不同。英国的变迁相对而言上下承接,且有着几百年的历程,而我们变迁史不仅短暂且很突然,至今也不过是六十几年而已。各种机制都相对不成熟,且大众认同度也比较低。 对于女王,我觉得她很可怜,但却很伟大。在片中,她的权力仅限于指挥她养的那几 条狗,她孤独地驾着汽车驶在旷野,她相信人民的智慧和判断但她的人民却背弃了她, 连她的儿子查尔斯王子也出卖她,旷野里的那只孤独而优雅的大麋鹿就是她的化身,

其次,电影让我们不得不思考君主立宪制及其背后的东西。英国是第一个实行君主立 宪制的国家,女王只是国家和英联邦的象征,并无实权,随着现代思潮的发展,她的位置 越来越尴尬。片中改革派的布莱尔在走马上任时接受女王任命,一切显得那么扭捏和形式 化,现代思想和皇权传统的冲突表露无遗。这时候我们不仅要问:英国人为什么还要设皇 帝?这得从宗教和文化的层次找答案了。西方信仰上帝,皇帝是替上帝管理世间国度的人, 她向上帝汇报工作,她必须是公义的、正直的、圣洁的、智慧的、勇敢的人格榜样,所以 她是人民信仰体系中一个很重要的、可以在人间被感知的上帝的代理人,有些类似主教的 意思。所以,女王不仅仅是国家元首,她更是民族的精神领袖,民族团结的灵魂,大家可 能不知道,连英国的国歌都是《神佑女王》所以说,君主立宪制不仅仅是资产阶级和封建贵族之间妥协的结果,更是宗教文化与政治经济之间妥协的结果,而且很显然这种结果对一些国家来说是行之有效的政治体制。美国在二战后接管日本时,也是出于对宗教和文化的考虑,才保留日本天皇的,日本民族也才得以留存其灵魂,也才有后来的国力迅速提高。世界上除了英国,实行君主立宪制的还真不少。这些国家的皇权基本都跟宗教信仰的传统有关。
