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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 20:14:22 字数作文


Canada is a country where you can find the most amazing landscapes in the world. From coast to coast, the diversity of scene in Canada is huge, the Northern Lights, the Great Lakes, magnificent falls, woods, and fauna, no doubt it is a country with plenty of beauty.

Few countries in the world offer as many choices to the traveller as Canada. Whether your passion is skiing, sailing, museum-combing or indulging in exceptional cuisine, Canada has it all. Western Canada is renowned for its stunningly beautiful countryside; Eastern Canada mixes the flavour and charm of Europe with the bustle of trendy New York; wildlife viewing is at its best in Northern Canada; and, everywhere, you will be surprised by how much more there is to this country than just maple syrup and Mounties.

Indeed, Canada is so beautifully diverse that it makes it that little bit easier to comprehend why so many people fought for possession of it. During the 17th century, the Anglo-French war over Canada ended with the

capitulation of the French Canadian capital, Québec, to the besieging forces of the English General Wolfe. The Americans made a number of efforts to seize control of Britain’s Canadian territories after British defeat in the American War of Independence, but failed, and the two countries thereafter evolved along different historical paths. In 1791, Canada was divided between regions occupied by the English-speaking and the

longer-established French-speaking community, but the arrangement did not work and was replaced by a unified system.

Canada now promotes itself as a country of peace, most notably in recent times in its opposition to the US-led war against Iraq. Canada governs itself independently but still has the British monarch as its head of state, with relatively little dissent. These factors are typical of a country that somehow succeeds in u(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:介绍加拿大的英语作文)nifying incredible range: whatever your passion, Canada has a place for it. After all, this country spans six time zones and borders three of the world's four oceans.


世界上的一些国家提供更多的选择,如加拿大的旅客。无论你的激情是滑雪,风帆,博物馆或沉迷于特殊的菜肴,加拿大拥有一切。加拿大以其美丽的乡村;加拿大东部和欧洲风味和魅力的喧嚣的纽约新潮;观察野生动物是最好的,在北加拿大;和,无处不在,你会惊讶有多少更多的是这个国家比枫糖浆和皇家骑警。 事实上,加拿大是如此美丽的不同,这使得它有点容易理解为什么那么多的人曾拥有它。在第十七世纪,英法战争在加拿大结束了投降的法国加拿大首都,区é守则,向围攻部队的英国将军沃尔夫。美国人作出多项努力抓住控制英国加拿大领土后,英国在美国独立战争中的失败,但失败,与两国此后沿着不同历史路径。1791,加拿大的分区域之间的英语和法语社区长期设立,但安排没有工作,取而代之的是一个统一的系统。


加拿大派出343名运动员参加北京奥运会,目标是进入奖牌榜前16名。四年前的雅典奥运会上,加拿大代表团获得12枚奖牌,列奖牌榜第19位。曾在雅典奥运会上获得皮划艇静水项目金牌和铜牌的运动员范克维登担任加拿大奥运代表团开幕式旗手。现年26岁的范克维登也是今年最有希望为加拿大赢得奥运奖牌的选手之一。他曾在2004年雅典奥运会闭幕式上担任加拿大代表团旗手。历史上加拿大主办过一次奥运会,那就是1976年蒙特利尔奥运会。加拿大的棒球和垒球一直具备世界水平,争夺奖牌是他们的目标。此外,在自行车和水上运动的一些项目上,加拿大也有一定实力。跳水名将德斯帕蒂无疑是加拿大队在 跳水池中的最大希望。






Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area. Canada's common border with the United States to the south

and northwest is the longest in the world.

Canada occupies a major northern portion of North America, sharing the land borders with the contiguous United States to the south and the U.S. state of Alaska to the northwest, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west; to the north lies the Arctic Ocean. By total area (including its waters), Canada is the second-largest country in the world, after Russia. By land area, Canada ranks fourth.

Canada has one third of the world's supply of fresh water. There are five great lakes in the south, and there are many others, especially in the north. Most of the electricity is produced by water. The country has a great deal of coal, oil and natural gas, and these are all exploited for energy. Much of the country is covered by forests, and wood is cut and sold all over the world. Canada is also the world's biggest producer of the kind of paper which is used for newspapers. Fishing is also very important for Canadians. Fish from east and west coasts is sold to many other countries.

About 40% of the Canadian population are of British descent, while 27% are of French origin. Another 20% are of other European background, about 10% are Asian origin, and some 3% are of aboriginal or Métis (mixed aboriginal and European) background.

Canada is a federation of ten provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan) and three territories (Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut). It is governed as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. One of the world's highly developed countries, Canada has a diversified economy that is reliant upon its abundant natural resources and upon trade—particularly with the United States, with which Canada has had a long and complex relationship. It is

a member of the G7, G8, G20, NATO, OECD, WTO, Commonwealth, Francophonie, OAS, APEC, and UN. With the eighth-highest Human Development Index globally, it has one of the highest standards of living in the world.

The national flag of Canada, also known as the Maple Leaf, and l'Unifolié (French for "the one-leafed"), is a red flag with a white square in its centre, featuring a stylized 11-pointed red maple leaf. The width of the Maple Leaf flag is twice the height. The white field is a Canadian pale (a square central band in a vertical triband flag, named after this flag),

and each bordering red field is exactly half its size.

Canada's two official languages are English and French. English and French have equal status in federal courts, Parliament, and in all federal institutions. Citizens have the right, where there is sufficient demand, to receive federal government services in either English or French, and official-language minorities are guaranteed their own schools in all provinces and territories.

Ottawa is the capital of Canada, the second largest city in the Province

of Ontario, and the fourth largest city in the country. Located in the Ottawa Valley, the city lies in the eastern portion of Southern Ontario on the Ottawa River, a major waterway forming the local boundary between the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.

Toronto is the provincial capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada. It is located in Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario. With over 2.5 million residents, it is the fifth most populous city in North America. Its metropolitan area with over 5 million residents is the seventh largest urban region in North America.

The Niagara Falls is the most powerful waterfalls in North America. These voluminous waterfalls are situated on the Niagara River, which drains Lake Erie into Lake Ontario and forms the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of New York. The Niagara Falls is renowned both for their beauty and as a valuable source of hydroelectric power.

Vancouver is a coastal harbor city in Canada. Located in the Lower

Mainland, Greater Vancouver is the third-largest metropolitan area in the country and most populous in Western Canada. While forestry remains its largest industry, Vancouver is well known as an urban centre surrounded by nature, making tourism its second-largest industry. Vancouver has ranked highly in worldwide "livable city" rankings for more than a decade according to business magazine assessments and it was also acknowledged by Economist Intelligence Unit as the first city to rank among the top-ten of the world's most livable cities for five straight years. It has hosted many international conferences and events.

Banff National Park is Canada's oldest national park, established in 1885 in the Rocky Mountains. The park, located 110–180 kilometers west of Calgary in the province of Alberta, encompasses 6,641 square kilometers of mountainous terrain, with numerous glaciers and ice fields,

dense coniferous forest, and alpine landscapes.


系别:外语系 专业:商务英语 组名:加拿大组



周蒙蒙 梁菲菲 郭秀秀 常 丹 王瑞敏 李 影 苏汝南 崔露露 孟 婉 主讲人:孟婉 崔露露 王瑞敏 操作人:梁菲菲


孟 婉 李 影 苏汝南 崔露露 The National Flag and Geography

周蒙蒙 梁菲菲 郭秀秀 常 丹 College life and Multiculturalism


The national flag. The Maple Leaf

The Canadian red and white maple leaf flag is officially called The National Flag of Canada. The Canadian flag shows a stylized red maple leaf with 11 points on a white background, with red borders down each side. The Canadian flag is twice as long as it is wide. The white square containing the red maple leaf is the same width as the flag.

The red and white used in the National Flag of Canada were proclaimed the official colors of Canada in 1921 by King George V. Although the maple leaf did not have official status as an emblem of Canada until the proclamation of the national flag in 1965, it had historically been used as a Canadian symbol, and was used in 1860 in decorations for the visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada. The 11 points on the maple leaf have no special significance. Geography

Canada is a country in North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area. Canada's common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world.

Canada is a federation composed of ten provinces and three territories. In turn, these may be grouped into regions: Western Canada, Central Canada, Atlantic Canada, and Northern Canada (the latter made

up of the three territories: Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut). Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario. It is located in Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario. With over 2.5 million residents, it is the fifth most populous municipality in North America.

As Canada's economic capital, Toronto is considered an alpha world city by the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) study group and is one of the top financial centres in the world.

Toronto's leading economic sectors include finance, business services, telecommunications, aerospace, transportation, media, arts, film, television production, publishing, software production, medical research, education, tourism and sports industries. Ottawa is the capital city of Canada,

A population of 1,200,000 makes Ottawa the fourth-largest urban area in Canada. Ottawa has ranked sixth in the world in terms of its quality of life by the Corporate Resources Group, a Swiss-based management firm. Climate

Average winter and summer high temperatures across Canada vary according to the location. Winters can be harsh in many regions of the country, particularly in the interior and Prairie provinces, which experience a continental climate. In noncoastal regions, snow can cover

the ground almost six months of the year (more in the north).

Coastal British Columbia enjoys a temperate climate, with a mild and rainy winter.






加拿大位于北美洲的北半部,总面积 997万平方公里,仅次于俄罗斯,是世界第二大国。人口2900多万,是世界上平均人口密度最低的国家之一,每3人占有一平方公里的土地。89%的土地没有永久性居民点。南部与美国为邻约5000公里,石油、矿产、木材、海产、水利资源十分丰富。加拿大四季分明,西面受太平洋季风的影响,四季宜人春季郁金香花争艳,夏季阳光明媚,秋季枫叶层林尽染,冬季万里雪飘,极具风情。


加拿大有26个人口超过10万的市区和3个人口超过100万的城市。其中不少是北美洲最安全、最清洁、风光最美的市中心区。加拿大城市的严重犯罪率不到美国城市的一半。更为人称道的是多个不同种族的人们在一个国际性的环境中和睦相处。政府和工业界致力保持空气和食品的清洁,共同努力维护健康的环境。 加拿大的城市都有高素质的歌剧院、乐团和舞蹈团、美术馆、博物馆以及公共图书馆。加拿大城市有国际著名的芭蕾舞团、歌剧团和交响乐团。同时亦经常邀请世界各国最优秀的艺术家到访演出。加拿大政府对艺术的人均补助位于世界前列。加拿大的城市融合了欧洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和非洲的各种文化。例如,温哥华是众多的亚裔人聚居之地;多伦多融合了欧、亚及其他文化;魁北克则为北美洲添上一份英、法双语的欧洲风味。

加拿大的气候各地不一,往往令预计天气较冷的访客诧异。全国绝大多数人口聚居在离美国边境 250公里以内的地区,而加拿大最南部的地区与美国加州北部处于同一纬度。因此,加拿大各大城市的气候多数与美国北部或北欧地区相似。加拿大的城镇提供舒适的生活设施,但是与其他国际性商业中心相比,生活费用确保持在很容易负担的水平上。


加拿大是西方七国之一,工业生产自动化、电气化和现代化水平在世界各国中处于领先地位。农业生产专业化、商品化和现代化的程度也很高,加拿大在电话、微波、卫星、光纤通讯等方面拥有世界先进水平,在航天、微电子工业和生物技术方面亦具有相当水平。加拿大的交通很方便,拥有铁路10万公里、公路73万公里、900 家航空公司和600个大型机场。







加拿大提供免费的中小学教育。小学教育注重教育学生以积极参与的态度去学习,入学条件简单,主要以学生居住地、年龄分配就读学校。对新移民子弟,学校也会安排ESL 英语课程。小学课程根据各省教育厅指示编排,学校对学生的学习成绩和学生的生活礼仪一样看重。希望培养出来的学生能均衡发展;加拿大的中学教育一般为 5-7年,只需修完30个学分,每学分上课110 小时,就能取得中学毕业证书。低年级课程科目相同,高年级课程有较大弹性,所学科目会有所不同。学校有学生顾问协助学生规划未来。学校还组织各种社团活动,让学生在各方面综合发展。加拿大的高等教育可分为社区学院、大学及研究所,外籍学生及新移民通常要先修语言课,大学课程通常为3-5年。分一般学士及荣誉学士两种。全加拿大有88所大学及200多所社区学院。这些学校的入学资格由学生自定。学生分别向大学申请,没有全国性联考。硕士课程方面,学生入学必须具备相关学科的大学程度。



家庭津贴:凡有18岁以下儿童之父母均可享受。具体金额视家庭收入高低而定; 日托津贴:若小孩父母均工作,又不能付日托全费,可申请日托津贴;

失业保险:多数在加拿大工作的人都受失业保险保障。失业可领取失业保险金。 养 老 金:65岁以上,在加拿大居住满10年,可领取全额养老金; 退 休 金:在工作期间供纳退休金税的人士,可申请退休金;



加拿大对全世界所有够条件的人打开大门,每年接受移民及难民超过20万,其中独立技术移民约占8 万人左右,大部分来自亚洲。华人移民加拿大已经有 100多年的历史,目前华人占全国人口5%,华人投资包括银行、房地产、酒店、百货商场、电子通讯、电子计算机等,华人就业机会甚佳,从事高级白领工作的人越来越多,华语成为英语、法语之后的第三大语言,华人的地位也越来越高。 多元文化

加拿大实行多元文化、多民族和平共处,不象澳洲那样反对从亚洲移民且有较多的种族歧视。在多伦多、温哥华等大城市,华人数量已超过50万人。 较多的个人发展机会



Canada, independent nation (2001 pop. 30,007,094), 3,851,787 sq mi

(9,976,128 sq km), N North America. Canada occupies all of North America N

of the United States (and E of Alaska) except for Greenland and the French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. It is bounded on the E by the Atlantic Ocean, on the N by the Arctic Ocean, and on the W by the Pacific Ocean and Alaska.

A transcontinental border, formed in part by the Great Lakes, divides Canada from the United States; Nares and Davis straits separate Canada from Greenland. The Arctic Archipelago extends far into the Arctic Ocean.

Canada is a federation of 10 provinces—Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia—and three territories—Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon Territory. Canada's capital is Ottawa and its largest city is Toronto. Other important cities include Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Hamilton, and Quebec.


Canada has a very long and irregular coastline; Hudson Bay and the Gulf of St. Lawrence indent the east coast and the Inside Passage extends along the west coast. The ice-clogged straits between the islands of N Canada form the Northwest Passage. During the Ice Age all of Canada was covered by a continental ice sheet that scoured and depressed the land surface, leaving a covering of glacial drift, depositional landforms, and innumerable lakes and rivers. Aside from the Great Lakes, which are only partly in the country, the largest lakes of North America—Great Bear, Great Slave, and Winnipeg—are entirely in Canada. The St. Lawrence is the chief river of E Canada. The Saskatchewan, Nelson, Churchill, and Mackenzie river systems drain central Canada, and the Columbia, Fraser, and Yukon rivers drain the western part of the country.

Canada has a bowl-shaped geologic structure rimmed by highlands, with Hudson Bay at the lowest point. The country has eight major physiographic regions—the Canadian Shield, the Hudson Bay Lowlands, the Western

Cordillera, the Interior Lowlands, the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Appalachians, the Arctic Lowlands, and the Innuitians.

The exposed portions of the Canadian Shield cover more than half of Canada. This once-mountainous region, which contains the continent's oldest rocks, has been worn low by erosion over the millennia. Its upturned eastern edge is indented by fjords. The Shield is rich in minerals, especially iron and nickel, and in potential sources of hydroelectric power. In the center of the Shield are the Hudson Bay Lowlands, encompassing Hudson Bay and the surrounding marshy land.

The Western Cordillera, a geologically young mountain system parallel to the Pacific coast, is composed of a series of north-south tending ranges and

valleys that form the highest and most rugged section of the country; Mt.

Logan (19,551 ft/5,959 m) is the highest point in Canada. Part of this region is made up of the Rocky Mts. and the Coast Mts., which are separated by plateaus and basins. The islands off W Canada are partially submerged

portions of the Coast Mts. The Western Cordillera is also rich in minerals and timber and potential sources of hydroelectric power.

Between the Rocky Mts. and the Canadian Shield are the Interior Lowlands, a vast region filled with sediment from the flanking higher lands. The Lowlands are divided into the prairies, the plains, and the Mackenzie Lowlands. The prairies are Canada's granary, while grazing is important on the plains.

The smallest and southernmost region is the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence

Lowlands, Canada's heartland. Dominated by the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes, the region provides a natural corridor into central Canada, and the St. Lawrence Seaway gives the interior cities access to the Atlantic. This section, which is composed of gently rolling surface on sedimentary rocks, is the location of extensive farmlands, large industrial centers, and most of

Canada's population. In SE Canada and on Newfoundland is the northern end of the Appalachian Mt. system, an old and geologically complex region with a generally low and rounded relief.

The Arctic Lowlands and the Innuitians are the most isolated areas of Canada and are barren and snow-covered for most of the year. The Arctic Lowlands comprise much of the Arctic Archipelago and contain sedimentary rocks that may have oil-bearing strata. In the extreme north, mainly on Ellesmere Island, is the Innuitian Mt. system, which rises to c.10,000 ft (3,050 m).

Canada's climate is influenced by latitude and topography. The Interior Lowlands make it possible for polar air masses to move south and for

subtropical air masses to move north into Canada. Hudson Bay and the Great Lakes act to modify the climate locally. The Western Cordillera serves as a climatic barrier that prevents polar air masses from reaching the Pacific coast and blocks the moist Pacific winds from reaching into the interior. The

Cordillera has a typical highland climate that varies with altitude; the western slopes receive abundant rainfall, and the whole region is forested. The Interior Lowlands are in the rain shadow of the Cordillera; the southern portion has a steppe climate in which grasses predominate. S Canada has a temperate climate, with snow in the winter (especially in the east) and cool summers. Farther to the north, extending to the timberline, is the humid subarctic climate characterized by short summers and a snow cover for about half the year. The huge boreal forest, the largest surviving remnant of the extensive forests that once covered much of North America, predominates in this region. On the Arctic Archipelago and the northern mainland is the tundra, with its mosses

and lichen, permafrost, near-year-round snow cover, and ice fields. A noted phenomenon off the coast of E Canada is the persistence of dense fog, which is formed when the warm air over the Gulf Stream passes over the cold Labrador Current as the two currents meet off Newfoundland.


About 40% of the Canadian population are of British descent, while 27% are of French origin. Another 20% are of other European background, about 10% are of E or SE Asian origin, and some 3% are of aboriginal or Métis (mixed aboriginal and European) background. In the late 1990s, Canada had the highest immigration rate of any country in the world, with more than half the total coming from Asia. Over 75% of the total population live in cities. Canada has complete religious liberty, though its growing multiculturalism has at times caused tensions among ethnic and religious groups. About 45% of the people are Roman Catholics, while some 40% are Protestant (the largest groups being the United Church of Canada, Anglicans, and Presbyterians). English and French are the official languages, and federal documents are published in both languages. In 1991, about 61% of Canadians cited English as their mother tongue, while 24% cited French.


Since World War II the development of Canada's manufacturing, mining, and service sectors has led to the creation of an affluent society. Services now account for 66% of the GDP, while industry accounts for 31%. Tourism and financial services represent some of Canada's most important industries within the service sector. However, manufacturing is Canada's single most important economic activity. The leading products are transportation equipment, pulp and paper, processed foods, chemicals, primary and fabricated metals,

petroleum, electrical and electronic products, wood products, printed materials, machinery, clothing, and nonmetallic minerals. Industries are centered in Ontario, Quebec, and, to a lesser extent, British Columbia and Alberta. Canada's industries depend on the country's rich energy resources, which include hydroelectric power, petroleum, natural gas, coal, and uranium.

Canada is a leading mineral producer, although much of its mineral resources are difficult to reach due to permafrost. It is the world's largest source of nickel, zinc, and uranium, and a major source of lead, asbestos, gypsum, potash, tantalum, and cobalt. Other important mineral resources are petroleum, natural gas, copper, gold, iron ore, coal, silver, diamonds, molybdenum, and sulfur. The mineral wealth is located in many areas; some of the most productive regions are Sudbury, Ont. (copper and nickel); Timmins, Ont. (lead, zinc, and


Canada is the third large country in the world. Canada was divided into 13 provinces. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. The economic center of Canada is Toronto. The most comfortable city is Vancouver. The temperature of Canada is very cold because Canada nears the northern pole. The average temperature of Canada in winter always blows zero centigrade. The population of Canada is not very large. So, if you want to go aboard to study, Canada would be a good choose. Canada has a lot of great universities, such as UBC, university of Toronto, university of Alberta, etc.

Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean.

The land occupied by Canada was inhabited for millennia by various groups of aboriginal people. Beginning in the late 15th century, British and French expeditions explored, and later settled along, the Atlantic coast. France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years' War. In 1867, with the union of three British North American colonies through Confederation, Canada was formed as a federal dominion of four provinces. This began an accretion of additional provinces and territories and a process of

increasing autonomy from the United Kingdom, highlighted by the Statute of Westminster in 1931 and culminating in the Canada Act in 1982, which severed the vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament. A federation comprising ten provinces and three territories, Canada is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. Canada located in North American, near United States.
