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篇一:my friends教案

PEP四年级英语上册Unit3 My Friends

A Let’s learn教案

一 教学目标:


能听、说、认读friends、long/short hair、thin 、strong、quiet等词汇和词组。


能够听懂理解“My friend is strong. He has short hair?”等句子。



二 教学重、难点


词汇:friends,hair, thin, strong, quiet.

句型:My friend is strong. He has short hair?



三 学情分析




四 教学流程

(一)、 Warm-up(2min)

1. Greetings!

T:Hello! Boys and girls, nice to meet you!

2.Let’s do. Touching game.



1.T:We are happy today because there are many friends coming to our class,let’s welcome!(clap hands)

出示Sara图片,T:Who is she?S:Sara.

再出示课件,T:Yes.Sara is our friend.We have a friend,Sara.So today our topic is 《My Friends》.And today is Sara’s birthday.Many friends came to her birthday party.She also invite us.今天是Sara的生日,她邀请了许多朋友去参加,同时也邀请我们一起去,还给我们准备了一个大大的生日蛋糕。Ok,Group1,Group2,Group3,let’s see which one is the best.The winner can get this cake.最后的明星之队可以得到这个蛋糕。Are you ready?


1.出示课件。T:Let’s see Sara’s friends.这些都是出席生日会的朋友们。This is Sara.Who is she? Yes,they are Sara’s friends. 拿出卡片贴黑板上,教读friends,两人边握手边读。在进行升降调操练,作出评价。

2.chant:Friends,friends,many many friends.

3.出示我朋友的照片,介绍,I have a best friend,too.A girl or a boy? Yes, she is a girl.Her name is Christina.She is nice.Yes or No?然后说我将带上我的朋友去Sara家,what about you?Who is your friend?

S:My friend is??

4. Sara says:I have long hair,引出long hair.T:I have long hair,too.what about you?出示课件和卡片教读,分组竞赛,四人小组。再转换句型She has long hair.who has long hair in our class?

6.出示课件,T:This is Sara’s new friend.She has long hair. Yes or no? No.Sara says,she has short hair.出示卡片教读,在进行正话反说操练。班上long hair和short hair的学生操练。T:who has short hair?look,look.引出He has short hair.

7.chant: Long hair, long hair,she has long hair,

Short hair, short hair, he has short hair,

8.出示张和吴的图片,Sara says:He is thin/strong.分别引出


9.拍手chant:Strong,strong,make yourself strong.

Thin,thin,make yourself thin.

出示Shrek和Donkey图片,请同学描述。Who is strong? Who is thin?

10.T:one,two,three.three,two,one.坐好的姿势,“嘘”的手势,引出quiet,出示陈洁的卡片,再小声教读,注意发音,整体到部分操练,分组操练。请同学描述陈洁,She is quiet.

T:Who is quiet in our class?

S:She/He is quiet.

[设计意图] 这一过程中通过教师的体态语引出单词quiet,通过直观教学法和情景教学法及教具展示引出本课单词long hair,short hair,thin,strong,让学生比较自然的接受新知识,避免了直接灌输式教学。


1.拍手chant:Long hair,long hair,she has long hair, Short hair, short hair, he has short hair,

Thin,thin,make yourself thin,

Strong,strong, make yourself strong,

Quiet,quiet,she is quiet.

Friends,friends,I have many friends!



2、Who is knocking at the door? Choose Sara’s friends.

(1)He is strong.(Zhang Peng)

(2)She is quiet.She has long hair.(Chenjie)

(3)He is thin.(Wu Yifan)

[设计意图] 锻炼了孩子们的听力,也是对本课知识的进一步强化练习。同时检查学生对基础知识掌握情况,为进一步拓展巩固奠定基础。


1、Gift:Guessing Game,猜三个明星。

2、My Gift示范描述特征,再填写喜洋洋和Shrek特征。


3、Pair work 老师先示范介绍自己的朋友。

T:Who is your friend? What’s she/he like?


[设计意图] 锻炼了学生动口表达的能力,让学生进一步更仔细的观察自己的朋友,增进彼此间的友谊。



篇二:新版pep英语四年级上册unit 3 My friends教案






篇三:My Friends 教案

My Friends


张丽 执教 (渝北农业园区实验小学)

杨必颖 评析 (渝北区小学英语教研室)

教学内容:人教版《义务教育课程标准实验教科书.英语》四年级上册第三单元My Friends


1. 能听懂、会说:What’s her name?Her name is…. He/She likes….

2. 能听懂“Boy or girl?”以及其他带有or的句子。

3. 区分What’s her name?与What’s his name?


1. Warm-up

T: Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang. T: Sit down, please. Ss: Thank you.

T: Look at me. Guess. (Ss: Play computer games.)

T: You are right. Look at me. (Ss: Do sports.) T: Right.

T: Look at me. (Ss: Listen to music.)

T: Let’s listen and do. ok? (ok.)

T: Ok. Now, let’s stand up and chant. ok?

【评析】通过本部分的Listen and do, 既复习了前一节课所学的Let’s learn部分的新单词,又可以吸引学生注意力,激发他们的学习兴趣,为接受新知识做好准备。

2. Presentation

T: Very good. Now look at the picture. Let’s review some words. 课件出示:

(1). Review

T:Science or music? (Ss: music) T: You are right. T:Sports or painting? (Ss: painting) T: Right. T:New or old? (Ss: old) T: That’s right. T:Black or white? (Ss: black) T: Yes.

T:And boy or girl? (Ss: girl) T: You are right. T:Tall or short? (Ss: tall) T: Tall.

T:Old or young? (Ss: old) T: That’s right. T:Big or small、 (Ss: small) T: Yes.

T:Long or short? (Ss: short) T: You are right. T:You or me? (Ss: you) T: That’s right. T:Me or you? (Ss: you) T: You are right T: haha…now, I say big, you say small, ok? (Ss: ok)

T: big Ss: small

T: tall Ss: short

T: old Ss: young

T: thin Ss: strong

T: you Ss: me

T: me Ss: you

T: you and me Ss: me and you

T: me and you Ss: you and me

T: you and me, we are good friends. Very good. Say after me. Read: friend, friends, friends. We are friends. We are friends.

【评析】本部分通过滚动复习,自然而然的引入新课,创设了本节课所需情境,利用图片呈现一系列描述人物的词语,进行反义词操练,引入… or … 利用“you and me”引入we’re friend. I have a friend. He/She’s…让学生在模拟的真实环境中轻松的学习并一步步接受新知识。

(2). Teach new sentences.

T: I have a friend. Look at the picture, guess, boy or girl? Ss: boy

T: Let’s see, boy or girl? Ss: girl

T: Girl, girl, she is a girl. My friend is a girl. And she has a big head. And? Do you remember? What’s she like? Who wants to draw the picture? Who can draw the picture?

She has a big head, and? S1: She has short black hair, and?

S2: She has a small nose. T: She has a small nose, and? Do you remember my friend?

S3: She has big eyes. T: She has two big eyes. Wow, big eyes, and? Remember?

S4: She has two small ears. T: She has two small ears, and? Do you remember my friend? What’s she like?

S5: She has a small mouth. T: She has a small mouth.

T: Thank you, big hands to…

T: This is my friend, her hair, and her eyes, her eyes are big. And her nose, and her mouth, and her head, and her ears. Yes, very good. And her name is? Do you know? She’s in the classroom mow, Can you guess, what’s her name? S1:… T: Is that you? No.

S2:…. T: Is that you? S3: yes.

T: Yes, you are right. OK. Now, look at this picture. Who’s she? She is … what’s her name? her name is…

Good, say after me. Her, her, what’s her name? what’s her name? her name is, her name is…

Who can say? S1: what’s her name? T: yes, good. S2: what’s her name? T: very good.

Let’s say together. What’s her name? her name is…

T: What’s her name? S1: her name is… T: yeah, that’s right.

T: What’s her name? S2: her name is… T: very good.

T: look, what’s her name? S1: her name is…. T: you are right.

T: look, what’s her name? S2: her name is…. T: you are right.

T: what’s her name? Let’s say together. Ss: her name is…

T: what’s his name? Ss: his name is Yao Ming. T: we can say, you are right. He likes…

S1: he likes sports.

T: good. And what’s his name? let’s say together. Ss: his name is Zhou Jielun.

T: he likes? Ss: he likes music.

T: let’s say, you are right. And what’s her name? S1: her name is Xiao Wanzi. T: yes or no? Ss: yes.

T: we can say, you are right. OK, look at me, now do as I do.

(what’s her name? her name ‘s Xiao Wanzi.) boys ask, girls answer


(3). Practise

T: Ok, let’s sing a song.

Hello, hello, what’s her name? what’s her name? what’s her name?

Hello, hello, what’s her name? her name’s Chen Jie.

Hello, hello, what’s his name? what’s his name? what’s his name?

Hello, hello, what’s his name? his name’s John.

T: Wonderful, now, you, please come over here. Let’s sing a song about… (very good)

(Wait…turn around.) give her some information. Let’s say:(123) what’s her name? She/He is…

She/He likes…

She/He has…

What’s her/his name?(板书在黑板上)

T: Look at the picture, what’s her name? Ss: Her name’s Chen Jie.

T: And who’s Chen Jie’s good friend? Let’s listen to the tape.(S1: Her name’s Amy.) T: Let’s read together. Ss:…

T: Now, girls, you are Chen Jie. Boys, you are John. Let’s act out the text. OK?

【评析】呈现学生熟悉的卡通形象,带领学生说唱操练。请几名学生一次站起来,其他学生齐说:what’s her/his name? Her/His name’s…然后学生分小组操练。带领学生用熟悉的曲调操练:what’s her/his name? Her/His name’s…面向全体学生,练习具有连续性、生动性。

3. Consolidation and extension

T: Wonderful. Now, do group work in four.

Group1:… Group2:… ……

【评析】本部分为重点语言结构小结及扩展练习,猜人练习,运用what’s her/his name?听录音跟读对话,男生女生分角色表演对话及小组表演,在以学生为本,让全体学生积极参与课堂的同时,还做到了学以致用。




《My friends》教学设计

青冈县中和镇中心小学 李晶莹

学习目标: 1.能够听说认读单词:friends long/short hair, thin, strong, quiet

2. 能够运用句子:She/he is--- 和 she/he has---描述朋友 教学重点:

1.句型:She/He is----, She/He has-----

2.词汇:friends hair, thin, strong, quiet

教学难点:发音:friends, thin


1单词卡片 人物图片

2.教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 3,Let’s learn/A]



1.Let’s chant

Tall tall tall, make yourself tall

Short short short make yourself short

Long long long make your arms long

Short short short make your arms short

Big big big make your eyes big

Small small small make your eyes small


(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1. 教师出示BaiLing的面具,问:Who is she? 学生回答:BaiLing。教师说:She has long hair. (一边说一边做动作帮助学生理解)

教师出示Mike的面具,问:Who is he? 学生回答:Mike。教师说:He has short hair. (一边说一边做动作帮助学生理解)

教师同时拿着两个面具,说:BaiLing and Mike are friends. They are friends.

2.让学生看着面具在教师的提示下学说:She has long hair. She has short hair. They are friends.

3.让学生指着班里的同学说:She has long hair. He has short hair. 教师出示单词卡教读long hair, short hair和friends。(把单词卡贴在黑板上)

4 .Now let’s sing

5.教师出示Sarah和John的面具,问Who is she?学生答:Sarah,John。教师把面具贴到黑板上相应的单词前,鼓励学生说出She has long hair. She has short hair.

6.出示姚明的图片并问:Who is he?学生答姚明。教师:He is strong出示单词卡教读strong。指着班里很壮的学生说he is strong.指着另一个较瘦的学生说she is thin并出示PPT,教师要提醒学生在读thin时,注意咬舌尖儿

7. After that ,let several students read the sentences

8.教师把右手的食指放在嘴上,做出让学生安静的动作,让学生说出单词quiet。并出示单词卡,让学生认读quiet。(把单词卡贴到黑板上)再出示ppt,让学生说出:She is quiet. 让学生翻译中文

9. 让学生齐读所有的新单词

(三)趣味操练 (Practice)

1.Ok, maybe some pupils are tired, let’s play a game: Throw a ball 方法:教师说出教室里一个学生的特征,学生按要求投篮,如:He is strong, please ,throw the “strong” into the basket. 用同样的方法投完所有的球


教师:你能根据我的描述猜出这个人是谁吗?I have a friend, she has----- ㈣ 巩固和拓展(consolidation and extension)

.Groupwork: Talk about your friends

方法:四人一组 相互介绍自己的朋友

㈤ 作业(homework) 设计并珍藏你朋友的个人档案(可以在电脑上制作)。 My friend


Age(年龄): __________________________



Unit3 My friends

Part A Let’s learn

Strong quiet thin

Long hair short hair Friends

She/he is----, she/he has-----

篇五:新译林3A Unit3 Myfriends 精品教案

3A Unit3 My friends 教学案例

一、 教学内容:

《Unit3 My friends 》 Story time

二、 教材分析:



1、能听懂、会读、会说goodbye, my friend, he?s, she?s.

2、能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Goodbye,… He?s/She?s… He?s/She?s my friend.












Step1.Warm up:


2.Sing a song

3.Free talk (T-S,S-S)

T: Good morning/Hi/Hello…!

S1, 2, 3, 4: Good morning/Hi/Hello...


4.Play a game:Magic eyes.


Step2 Presentation

1.T: I like make friends.And I went to visit my friends this summer. Look! (ppt呈现照片)

Teach “my friend”


2.Say a chant

Friend, friend, my friend.

Friend, friend, good friend.

Friend, friend, my good friend.

Friend, friend,Yeah…

【利用chant来巩固friend的发音,以及拓展friend的词组,如my friend,good friend等。】

3.T: She?s my friend. And he?s my friend.

(用两张照片教授she、she?s、 he 、he?s。指着图片领读) T: They?re my friends.

【通过呈现人物图片,让学生初步运用He?s/She?s句型,同时使学生在潜移默化中加深对she?s和he?s的认识,区分二者用法的不同,并在此部分引出标题My friends。】

4.Try to say



5. Work in pairs. (T-S, S-S)

T: Now, you know my friends. Can you introduce your friend to me?

T: Look!You may say ?She?s/He?s…She's/He's my friend.?(PPT呈现句型)

S1, 2, 3: (Try to introduce)

S1: Hello …

S2: Hello…

S1: (手指另一个同学)She?s/He?s…She?s/He?s my friend. S2(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:my,friends教案): She?s/He?s…She?s/He?s my friend.


6. Watch and find

T:Look!Who?s he?

Ss:He?s Mike?

T:Do you want to know Mike?s friend?Watch the cartoon and tell me.

(播放视频,Ss 找出答案)

T:How do you know?Watch the cartoon again,Mike和Yang Ling是怎样向父母介绍自己的朋友的?在文中找出来!

S1: She?s Yang Ling. She?s my friend.

S2: He?s Mike. He?s my friend.

【给观看动画设定任务,能加提高孩子观看动画的集中度,由学生自主归纳出用?-He?s/She?s…-He?/She?s my friend.?向他人介绍我的朋友,则是充分信任孩子,充分体现了孩子是课堂主人这一理念。】

7.Read and think

T: Read the dialogue by yourselves and find out what Miss Li
