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篇一:冀教版八年级英语(上)Lesson 52 A Moment Just for Me导学案

导 学 案

主备人: 审核人: ______ 班级:______ 姓名: _______组号:_______

Lesson 52 A Moment Just for Me


1.学习目标 1).重点词汇: alone model moment activity

2).重点短语: take part in enjoy fishing

2.自学指导 (译成英语)

1.高兴去干 ......___________ 2.最喜欢的活动__________

3.特别的时间______________ 4.喜欢干......_____________



I’m glad to bejust for me. I use this



1.A boy ___________ (build) a model house this morning.

2.I enjoy ____________ (fish) on Sundays.

3.Our favourite ___________ (activity) are fishing,boating and skating.

4.Would he like __________ (go) fishing?

5.I have __________ (many) cards than you have.


1. Sometimes I am glad to be alone.

alone adj. adv. “独自一人,单独” 不含感情色彩 lonely adj. “孤单的,寂寞的” 有浓厚的伤感色彩 Eg. He is always _______, but he never feels _________.


2.moment 构成的固定词组:

1).at the moment “此刻.现在”== now

2). in a moment "立刻"== at once / right away

3). a moment ago"刚才"== just now




( )1.We won’t go to the cinema if it ________ tomorrow.

A.rain B.will rain C.rains D.rained

( )2.Please _______ the TV,mother is working.

A.turn off B.turn on C.put off D.put on

( )3.______ she sang and laughed,but a few minutes later she cried.

A.At times B.First C.At first D.At last

( )4.When the baby saw her mother, she cried __.

A.harder and harder B.hard and hard C. hard and harder D. harder and hard

( )5.______ went to the park last Sunday.

A. All the students B. The students whole C. Whole the students D.Students all

( )6.The man makes boats ________ wood.

A. for B. out of C. by D. to

( )7. Mary Green ________ a TV show.

A. takes B. has C. plays D. works

( )8. He’s always ________, but he never feels ___________.

A. alone, lonely B. lonely, alone C. alone, alone D. lonely, lonely

( )9. Roses smell so _______.

A. wonderfully B. well C. wonderful D. nicely

( )10. Mary Green has written many popular books _______ gardening.

A. to B. of C. on D. at



1.How do you like hamburgers and chips in China?

______do you ______ _______ hamburgers and chips in China?

2.Which fast food restaurant do you like best?

Which _______ ________ ________ fast food restaurant?

3.Would you like to come my birthday party?

I ________ you ________ _________ to my birthday party.

4.The shop doesn’t have any dolls any more.

_______ _______ _______ ________ dolls in the shop

5.The worried women didn’t know how to get to the hospital.

The worried woman didn’t know________ ________ ________ the hospital.



1. When I got there, they are cleaning the room._______________________

2. He knows many about computers, doesn’t he?_______________________

3. The teacher has no chair to sit.________________________ 4. What is most popular piece of music at the moment?___________________

5. I have finished my work two days ago._______________________






Section Ⅰ Use of English

Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

As many people hit middle age, they often start to notice that their memory and mental clarity are not what they used to be. We suddenly can't remember 1 we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintance's name, or the name of an old band we used to love. As the brain we refer to these occurrences as "senior innocent, .

Neuroscientists, experts who study the nervous system, are increasingly showing that there's out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right significantly improve our basic cognitive of making connections in the brain. To a certain extent, our ability making the connections that drive intelligence is because these connections are made through effort and practice, scientists believe that intelligence mental effort.

and developed the first "brain training program" designed to actually help people improve and regain their mental 14 . you to systematically improve your memory and attention your performance and improvement. Most importantly, it 18 modifies and enhances the games you play the strengths you are developing--much like

答案:1-5 ABDCA 6-10 ACBDC 11-15 DABAD 16-20 BDCCB


1. [标准答案] [A]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和连词辨析

[选项分析] 本题考查连词。根据上下文意思,首先可以排除[B][C][D]。这句话中 where 引导一个状语语从句,主要是说记不清把钥匙放在哪里了。

2. [标准答案] [B]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和动词辨析

[选项分析] As the brain 2 we refer to these occurrences as "senior moments这句话的意思是“由于大脑 2 我们称这些现象为“瞬间性老年痴呆”,由此可以排除[A] 和 [C]。[D]collapse意为:使倒塌,使崩溃,不符合题意。fades考察熟词僻意,通常意思为褪色,逝去。还有衰老的意思,这里就考察是衰老的意思。从前文可以看出,文章讲的是随着年龄增长,大脑衰老。所以选[B]

3. [标准答案] [D]

[考点分析] 逻辑衔接题

[选项分析] [A] if 表示假设“如果”。[B] Unless “除非,如果不”。[C]Once “一旦”。[D]While,“虽然,然而”表转折。这句话的意思是虽然表面上看起来没什么,但是危害很大,前后位转折关系,所以选D。

4. [标准答案] [C]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和词汇辨析

[选项分析] 这四个选项均为形容词,[A] 表示“不均匀”, [B] 表示“有限的”, [C] 表示“有破坏性的,损坏的”, [D] 表示“模糊的,晦涩的”。这句话意思是这种精神能量的缺失会给我们带来??的影响。根据上下文的意思,可以排除 [A] 和 [D]。而“有限的影响”显然不足以表达危害的严重性,故可以排除[B] 选项。[C] “带来有害的影响”最符合作者意图。

5. [标准答案] [A]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和名词辨析

[选项分析] 本句话含义是这种精神能量的缺失会给我们的职业、社交还有个人??带来有害的影响。[A] wellbeing “幸福”。[B]environment “环境”。[C] relationship “关系”。[D] outlook “展望”。and连接若干名词,这些名词应该为同一类,职业、社交都是和个人相关,排除[B] 和[D],[C] personal relationship就是social的意思,不能重复,选择[A],个人幸福。

6. [标准答案] [A]

[考点分析] 固定搭配

[选项分析] [A] it turns out that “原来,其实” 。[B]it finds out that“本文发现”。[C] it points out that“指出”。[D] it figures out that“本文发现”。It代表神经科学,这句话的意思是越来越多的精神学家们都表示,大脑其实跟肌肉一样需要练习运动。这里给出的是神经科学的结论,因此选择it turns out that

[考点分析] 上下文语义和名词辨析

[选项分析] 这四个选项均为名词。[A] roundabouts迂回路线。[B]responses回应。


8. [标准答案] [B]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和名词辨析

[选项分析] 这四个选项均为名词。[A]genre类型,种类。[B]functions功能。


9. [标准答案] [D]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和名词辨析

[选项分析] 这四个选项均为名词。[A] channel通道,频道。[B]condition条件。


10. [标准答案] [D]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和动词辨析

[选项分析] 这四个选项均为动词。[A] persist坚持。[B] believe相信。[C] excel超过。[D] feature特色。本句句意,在某种程度来讲,我们在进行神经连接(直接影响人的聪明程度)方面的特殊能力是与生俱来的。excel 有超过擅长的意思,表示在某个方面出众,放在此处符合题意,因此正确答案为[B]。

11. [标准答案] [D]

[考点分析] 逻辑衔接题

[选项分析] 本题需要的是一个副词,而且位于句首,因此考察的是句关系。通过前后句意义来定答案,前一句强调的是智力是与生俱来的(inherited),而后一句则认为是可以通过脑力活动(mental effort)会有所波动,两句意义明显相反,故正确答案为[D] However。

12. [标准答案] [A]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和短语辨析

[选项分析] 本题并不难,可以理解为:智力可以??脑力活动得到提升或出现波动。

[B]regardless of “不管,不顾”不合逻辑。[C]apart from“除??之外”也不合适。

[D]instead of “代替”明显不符。故[A]为正确答案。

13. [标准答案] [B]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和固定搭配

[选项分析] 本题考察的是固定搭配:take a step ??,能搭配只有A和C,分别指“采取进一步措施”和“让到一边去”,无论从逻辑上还是从句意上都是A符合。

14. [标准答案] [A]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和词汇辨析

[选项分析] 本题考察的是动宾搭配:improve and regain sb’s mental ??,再根据前文一直在讲如何提高“智力”,因此可以排除A(模式)和B(稳定性),C(灵活性)和D(锋利性,尖锐性)容易混淆,C有一定的干扰性,但双比之下,D更契合前文,故选D。

[考点分析] 上下文语义和词汇辨析

[选项分析] 空格所在句的意思是说这个网络课程可以_____系统地改善你的记忆力和注意力。而且此处需要填入的动词需要与to进行搭配。根据搭配关系直接排除A,B。本文的主题介绍的是使人聪明的脑力锻炼法,感情色彩是中性的,此处的D选项force排除,所以最恰当的是D。

16. [标准答案] [B]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和固定搭配

[选项分析] 空格所在句的意思是说这个培训课程还可以_____学习进度,并且给予详尽的信息反馈。根据语境,空格缺少的词汇意义为跟踪学习进度,分析四个选项,直接排除A hold, C order; 辨析B,D两个选项,与D选项的pace搭配的介词应该为with,即,keep pace with,所以排除,B选项为正确答案,keep track of 意思为跟踪。

17. [标准答案] [C]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和介词

[选项分析] 本题考查介词,根据空格前后语境,空格所缺少的介词意义为关于你的表现作出详细的反馈,四个选项中只有D有关于的意思。

18. [标准答案] [C]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和词汇辨析

[选项分析] 空格所在句的意思是说更加重要的是,它会_____调整并升级有关训练游戏。通过前后句的语境,所用词汇均为褒义词,所以,从感情色彩方面可以排除A,B习惯性的主语应该为人,直接排除。B经常的,D异乎寻常的代入,发现C比较符合题意。

19. [标准答案] [C]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和词汇辨析

[选项分析] 空格所在句的意思是说它会经常调整并升级有关训练游戏,以促进脑力的不断____。本题所缺少的动词需要与介词on 搭配,A put on 穿上,增加;B carry on 执行;C build on 在??基础上增加,构建;D take on 呈现;代入空格发现只有C适合,A,B,D都不与空格后面的development 相搭配。

20. [标准答案] [C]

[考点分析] 上下文语义和词汇辨析

[选项分析] 本题涉及的是一个含不定式作后定的句子,所缺词汇为形容词修饰exercise routine,根据前后情感一致的逻辑,通过后面的不定式中的关键词increase寺和vary your muscle use等信息反推所需词汇为正向词汇,直接排除A和B,D是中性,只有C(有效的)符合逻辑,故为正确答案。

Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Part A

Directions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions after each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

In order to ―change lives for the better‖ and reduce ―dependency,‖ George Osbome, Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced the ―upfront work search‖ scheme. Only if the jobless arrive at the job centre with a CV register for online job search, and start looking for work will they be eligible for benefit-and then they should report weekly rather than fortnightly. What could be more reasonable?

More apparent reasonableness followed. There will now be a seven-day wait for the jobseeker‘s allowance. ―Those first few days should be spent looking for work, not looking to on.‖ he claimed. ―We‘re doing these things because we know they help people say off benefits and help those on benefits get into work faster‖ Help? Really? On first hearing, this was the socially concerned chancellor, trying to change lives for the better, complete with ―reforms‖ to an obviously indulgent system that demands too little effort from the newly unemployed to find work, and subsides laziness. What motivated him, we were to understand, was his zeal for ―fundamental fairness‖-protecting the taxpayer, controlling spending and ensuring that only the most deserving claimants received their benefits.

Losing a job is hurting: you don‘t skip down to the jobcentre with a song in your heart, delighted at the prospect of doubling your income from the generous state. It is financially terrifying psychologically embarrassing and you know that support is minimal and extraordinarily hard to get. You are now not wanted; you support is minimal and extraordinarily hard to get. You are now not wanted; you are now excluded from the work environment that offers purpose and structure in your life. Worse, the crucial income to feed yourself and your family and pay the bills has disappeared. Ask anyone newly unemployed what they want and the answer is always: a job.

But in Osborneland, your first instinct is to fall into dependency- permanent dependency if you can get it-supported by a state only too ready to indulge your falsehood. It is as though 20 years of ever- tougher reforms of the job search and benefit administration system never happened. The principle of British welfare is no longer that you can insure yourself against the risk of unemployment and receive unconditional payments if the disaster happens. Even the very phrase ?jobseeker‘s allowance‘-invented in 1996- is about redefining the unemployed as a ―jobseeker‖ who had no mandatory right to a benefit he or she has earned through making national insurance contributions. Instead, the claimant receives a time-limited ―allowance,‖ conditional on actively seeking a job; no entitlement and no insurance, at £71.70 a week, one of the least generous in the EU.

21. George Osborne‘s scheme was intended to ___________.

[A]provide the unemployed with easier access to benefits.

[B]encourage jobseekers‘ active engagement in job seeking.

[C]motivate the unemployed to report voluntarily.

[D]guarantee jobseekers‘ legitimate right to benefits.

22. The phrase ―to sign on‖ (Line 3,Para.2) most probably means

[A]to check on the availability of jobs at the jobcentre.

[B]to accept the government‘s restrictions on the allowance.

[C]to register for an allowance from the government.

[D]to attend a governmental job-training program.

23. What promoted the chancellor to develop his scheme?

[A] A desire to secure a better life for all.

[B] An eagerness to protect the unemployed.

[C] An urge to be generous to the claimants.

[D] A passion to ensure fairness for taxpayers.

24. According to Paragraph 3, being unemployed makes one feel






Ⅰ.phonetics (5 points)

Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underline letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C, and D. Compare the underline parts and identify the one that is different form the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. 2. 3.



Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)

Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter one the Answer Sheet.

6.We asked both John and Jerry, but ____ could offer a satisfactory explanation.

A. neither B. either C. both D. nor

7.I’d like to find someone ____ I can discuss such a problem.

A. who B. whom C. with whom D.to whom

8.The baby can’t even sit up yet, ____walk!

A. don’t mention B. let alone C. other than D. rather than

9.I did not notice that my dog was missing ____ a moment ago.

A. before B. until C.to D. on

10.The company director has informed us that we must ____ department budget by 25%.

A. cut down B. cut away C. cut off D. cut up

11.Companies usually ____ a number of experiments before a new product is launched.

A. practice B. control C. carry D. conduct

12.I remembered that the air conditioners ____ turned off before I left home.

A. were B. were to be C. had been D. have been

13.--How do you like your new job?

--Well, it is great ____ salary, but it does not offer much prospects for promotion.

A.in charge of B.in terms of C.in case of D.in favor of

14. In my(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:a,moment,ago) opinion this is a(an) ____ different matter.

A. entirely B. merely C. purely D. fully

15.Take an umbrella with you in case it ____.

A. many rain B. could rain C. rained D. rains

16.The murderer was brought in, with his hands ____ behind his back.

A.to have been tied B. having tied C.to be tied D. tied

17.--Do you think Joshua is the right person for this job?

--He is well-grounded in economic theory, but lacks ____ in production management.

A. devotion B. attitude C. experience D. energy

18.____ about it earlier, we could have warned people of the danger.

A. Would we know B. Should we know C. Have we known D. Had we known

19.It was ____ of you not to disturb these old people late last night.

A. patient B. considerate C. deliberate D. modest

20.--Hey, what do you think of his speech last night?

--I have no idea. I arrived ____ find that he had almost finished it.

A.in order to B.so as to C. only to D. ready to

Ⅲ.Close(30 points)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.


Music is a performing art. It form such arts as painting and poetry, In which arts _24_ their most musical performances are really co-operations between composers and performers.


There are two chief kinds of western music, classical and popular. Symphonies, operas, and perform and understand.

21. A. models B. types C. styles D. patterns

22. A. express B. explore C. cover D. test

23. A. results B. develops C. differs D. separates

24. A. discover B. develops C. differs D. separates

25. A. adapt B. interpret C. follow D. complete

26. A. thus B. however C. besides D. and

27. A. joins B. associates C. connects D. combines

28. A. with B. for C. after D. upon

29. A. force B. effect C. influence D. impact

30. A. greatest B. easiest C. oldest D. best

31. A. agriculture B. society C. humanity D. language

32. A. performers B. events C. instruments D. notes

33. A. precious B. old C. early D. ancient

34. A. light B. background C. classical D. experimental

35. A. accepts B. includes C. explains D. illustrates

Ⅳ.Reading Comprehension(60 points)

Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage one

What do you use to get around town? A cat? A bike? Your feet? Perhaps you should try a Segway!

The Segway is perfect for short journey. It is an electric vehicle that consists of a platform between two wheels, with a pole that connects the platform to the handlebars. To ride it, you step up onto the platform, and control the Segway by moving your body. Lean forwards to go faster, and backwards to slow down.

On older models, direction is controlled by a twist grip(扭转把手)on the left handlebar. This varies the speeds between the two motors, a decrease in the seed of the left wheel would turn the Segway to the left. With never models you simply lean to the left or right. Meanwhile, a gyroscope(陀螺仪)detects your movements and prevents the machine form falling over. The Segway has a maximum speed of 19 km per hour and a range of about 38 km. After that, you need to plug it in and recharge the battery.

Segways are used for a variety of purposes. People with mobility problems can now enjoy walks in the country with their friends and family. Some golfers use them as an alternative to the golf cart. And dog owners now have an easier way to take the dog to the park. A few police forces use Segways, too. They allow officers to move quickly whilst maintaining contact with the public.

They are also becoming a common sight on airport. However, the most popular use is in tourism, particularly for city tours. Visit any major tourist city in summer, sit outside a cafe for a while and there is a good chance you will see a group of tourists passing on Segways.

36.What is the Segway according to this passage?

A. A pole that connects two handlebars.

B.A newly appeared public traffic vehicle.

C. A bicycle with a platform between two wheels.

D. An electric two-wheeled vehicle for short trips.

37.How do you turn to the left on Segways of newer models?

A.Lean to the left

B.Adjust the twist grip

C.Press the left bar

D.Control the gyroscope

38.How far can you travel on a Segway at most?

A..Less than 19 km

B..About 19 km

C. About 38 km

D.More than 38 km

39.The last paragraph focuses on ____?

A.What a Segway is like

B.Where to find a Segway

C. How to control a Segway

D. When a Segway is useful

Passage Two

Nancy Bright and her husband John had been working overtime and saving for a long time so that they could pay the advance for Nancy’s dream house. Today was the day that they had enough money in hand to make a down payment on the house. But the real estate (房地产) agent informed them that she had received another offer for the house. Although the other offer was slightly less than that of Nancy and John’s, that person with the new offer was willing to pay the whole amount at once .The owner, in urgent need of money, wanted to accept the second offer. Nancy and John looked at each other with disappointed looks. They walked back home feeling very low about having lost the house. Soon they recovered and involved themselves into their daily lives, though once in a while Nancy would sink into a mild depression over losing the house. One day Nancy woke up in the morning feeling even lower than usual. She kept feeling sick, even lost interest in her routine coffee. She pull all these symptoms down to the stress of working hard and losing her dream house. A week passed and she seemed to get worse. John was worried and insisted on taking her to the doctor. The doctor, after taking a few tests, informed them with a huge smile that Nancy was two months pregnant! John and Nancy were overjoyed but also worried about not having their own house before the baby was born.

One evening Nancy wandered into the street where her dream house was, and as she passed by

it, she was surprised to see that there were notices stuck on all the house. On closer examination she found that the notices were for all the residents to move out of the house as they were building a highway and the whole row of the houses needed to be pulled down. Nancy suddenly realized be happy with the blessings she had and started looking forward to the birth of her child.

40.Why did Nancy and her husband lose their dream house?

A.They couldn’t pay the whole amount for the house at once.

B.Someone else offered more money for the house.

C.They couldn’t afford the advance for the house.

D.The house owner decided not to sell the house.

41.How did they feel after they lost their dream house?

A.They felt sorry and hardly recovered.

B.They felt relieved but with little regent.

C.They enjoyed their daily lives all the same.

D.They were depressed but tried to adjust themselves.

42.What did Nancy find about the house one day?

A.It would be on sale again.

B.It would be pulled down.

C.It had been redecorated.

D.It had been emptied.

43.What does the phrase “a blessing in disguise” in the last paragraph mean?

A.A good luck

B.A dirty trick

C.A secret wish

D.A false alarm

Passage Three

Most of the guests who come on our trips have never been to Egypt before. We want to make everyone comfortable and at ease, but we do always get the same question in advance of a trip. So here I will give you some travel tips.

What should I wear?

If you are lucky enough to visit Egypt between November and February, pack a sweater. You’ll need it --the desert gets chilly at night.. During the day, the temperature will be agreeable and comfortable. Any other time, pack as if you are going to phoenix or Vegas in August. For the ladies bathing suits are normal if there’s a pool where you’re going, but leave the string bikini at home --it is a Muslim country, after all. Last, if you’re planning on visiting any mosques or certain parts of upper Egypt, ladies will need to plan on bringing something that comes at least to the elbows, and no shorts for men or women in those areas.

What special things do I need to pack?

One of my favorite things in the world to bring to Egypt is an Evian Mister, a sprayer with a fine mist of Evian water. You may be able to find it in your local drug store. Spray a little on your

篇四:牛津6A Unit3单元测验(6)


班级_____学号______ 姓名_______得分___________



( )1. A. October B. December C. November

( )2. A. fifth B. fifteenth C. fiftieth

( )3. A. phone B. earphone C. telephone

( )4. A. diary B. library C. February

( )5. A. blow B. grow C. brown

( )6. A. is B. as C. us

( )7. A. 1月13日 B. 2月14日 C. 2月13日

( )8. A. near the ball B. in your bag C. under the bed

( )9. A. They are on the ground.

B. Are they on the ground? C. They aren’t on the ground.

( )10. A. The phone is on the sofa now.

B. The phone was on the desk just now.

C. The phone is on the desk now.


( )1. A. Yes, I can. B. No, he can’t. C. No, he doesn’t.

( )2. A. Yes, there aren’t. B. No, there aren’t. C. Yes, there is.

( )3. A. Sorry, I can’t. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.

( )4. A. It was there. B. They were there. C. It isn’t there now.

( )5. A. They were in the desk. B. It was on the desk. C. It’s under the desk.


( )1. A. In the bag. B. In the desk. C. On the desk.

( )2. A. It means you shouldn’t make noise here.

B. It means you shouldn’t put your bike here.

C. It means you should keep off the grass.

( )3. A. Monday. B. Sunday. C. Saturday.

( )4. A. A mobile phone. B.A diary. C. A notebook.

( )5. A. In the teachers’ office. B. In the classroom. C. In the library.




1.glass(复数)____________ 2.am(过去式)________

3.are(过去式)____________ 4.run(现在分词)________

5.walkman (复数)_______ 6. weren’t(完整形式)__________

7.on(反义词)________ 8.there(反义词)______________

9.was not(缩写形式)________ 10.just now(同义词组)___________


1. 刚才_______________________ 2. a roll of film _______________________

3. 一副眼镜_________________ 4. watch the running race _______________

5. 体育运动日________________ 6. close the eyes ______________________

7. 拍照 8. pick them up _______________________

9. 在地上__________________ 10.try to remember _____________________


( )1. — What’s in the garden?

— There ________ a lot of flowers.

A. was B. were C. is D. are

( )2. My socks are on the floor. Please _______for me.

A. pick them up

A. looking B. pick it up B. watching C. pick up them D. pick up it C. seeing D. getting ( )3. The boys and girls are _______ the running race in the playground.

( ) 4 . Su Hai wants _________ football.

A . playing B . to play C . play

( ) 5 . It here now .

A . wasn’t B . weren’t C . isn’t

( )6. — Where are your ________?

— They _________ on the bookcase a moment ago.

A. CDs; are B. CDs; were C. CD; were

( )7. New Year’s Day is _______ the first of January.

A. on B. at C. in

( )8 . It was there .

A . now B . a moment ago C . moment ago

( )9 . ________ Mike absent yesterday?

A. Is B. Was C.Are

( )10. It’s time A. to have B. have C. has D. having

( )11.--______ you in the classroom a moment ago?—Yes,I ______.

A.Were,was B.Was,was C.Were,were D.Was,were D. to playing D. aren’t D. CD; are D. with D. just D. Were

( )12.All the students are very ________ at the _________car race.

A.excited,excited B.excited,exciting

C.exciting,exciting D.exciting,excited

( )13.Look! The diary _____ there now,but it _____ there a moment ago.

A.isn’t,wasn’t B.is,isn’t C.is,wasn’t D.isn’t,wasn’t

( )14.A pair of socks _______ under the bed just now.

A.was B.were C.is D.are

( )15.Look,Helen is ______ her pen.

A.find B.finding C.look for D.looking for


1. All the books _____ (be) not here now, but they _____ (be) here a moment ago.

2.would you like some ________(diary)?

3.I _____(be) a student five years ago,but now I ____(be) a worker.

4.Can you _______(pick) them up for _____(I) ,please?

5.The horse race is very _______(excite).Let’s go and ______(watch) it.

6.Listen,they _____________(sing) a song in the music room.


1.I was in the classroom a moment ago.(改成一般疑问句)

________ ________ in the classroom a moment ago?


________ ________ they last night?

3.Pick them up,please.(改为否定句)

_______ ________ them up,please.

4.My birthday is on the 1st of January. (对划线部分提问)

___________ _________ your birthday?

5.Were they in your bag just now?(作否定回答)

_________, they _________.


1. --你的照相机刚才在哪?--在电脑后面。

---Where ______your a moment ago? ---They _______ ______ the computer.


They want _____ _______ to some music.


Yang Ling and Liu Tao ________ ________ the running race.

4.Walkman , was ,ago ,here , moment ,his ,a ,CD (连词成句)

____________________________________________________________ 八、阅读理解。(10分)


Come and see my sitting room, please. There are a lot of things in it. Look!This is a pair of glasses. They’re on the chair now. They’re my grandpa’s. That’s my father’s mobile phone, it’s on the sofa now, but it was in his bag just now. And the CD Walkman near the mobile phone is very beautiful. My mother likes it very much. Because(因为)she likes listening to music. There are some CDs near it. Oh, where’s my diary? Ah, it’s on the floor now. I must go and pick it up .


( )1. This is a bedroom.

( )2. My grandmother’s glasses are on the chair.

( )3. The mobile phone is in the bag now.

( )4. There is a CD Walkman . My mother likes it very much.

( )5. My diary is on the floor. I should pick it up.


It is the 8th of September. Lily is very excited because(因为) it is her ten-year-old birthday. She’ll have a birthday party at home. Look! She is now in a new blouse. She looks so pretty today. There is a big birthday cake on the table. Many of her friends are coming. There are lots of birthday presents on the sofa. Ann gives her some American stamps and French stamps. They are very beautiful. Yang Ling gives her a rubber. It’s a triangle. Look at that red purse. It’s from nancy. How nice! Lily likes her presents very much!

( )1. When’s Lily’s birthday?

A. It’s in August. B. It’s on the 8th of September.

C. It’s on the 10th of July.

( )2. How does Lily feel today?

A. She feels very excited. B. She feels very hungry. C. She feels very tired.

( )3. Where does she have her birthday party?

A. At school. B. At home. C. In the classroom.

( )4. What does Ann give Lily as her birthday present?

A. Some American stamps. B. Some French stamps. C. A and B.

( )5. What shape is the rubber?

A. It’s a triangle. B. It’s a star. C. It’s a circle.


1.________you ever ________(eat) an ice cream ?

2.Shanghai _________(be)more beautiful in 203.

3.The boy listens to his teacher________(careful)

4.She became much ________(bealth)after she returned from the travelling.

5.Today is Sunday .I_____(do)some shopping with mother .We want to buy lots of things.

6.The dish tastes very__________(well).

7.Dont’t put any__________(salty)into the soup.

8.Eddie’s dirt is_________(health).He eats plenty of hamburgers every day.

9.Trudy _________(be)to Spring Bay twice this year.

10.Which is __________(interesting) traveling by air or by train?

11Sorry,she is not in the office.She__________(give)her lessons in the classroom.

12.___________(tomato)are my favourite vegetables.

13.Bill______(meet) a lot of friends when he was walking back heome.

14.Mother ist’t home .She ____________(go)to the supermarket.

15.A friend of_________(they)has bought_________(they)a nice big cake.

16.The fried cabbage is too__________(salt)for us to eat.

17.Eating too much ________(freeze)food is bad for our health.

18.Do you like ________(spice)food?It’ tastes nice .Everything seems to be ________(taste).

19.The game was great_________(fun).We all enjoy it very much .

20.We must __________(not park)our cars on the right.

21.My father is coming back this afternoon .I ________(meet)him at the airport.

22.Don’t worry .Your friend _______(be)back in one more hour.

23.We are looking for everywhere.Where________you________(be)?

24.Where_______you_______(buy)the prawns?How fresh they are ?

25.How about _________(make) a beautiful card for our teacher?

26.Simon ___________(have)his flat a moment ago.

27.Their classroom is brighter than __________(us).

28.Let she tell me something about ___________(she).

29.They are palying an interesting game _________(happy)

30.Ben did _________(good) than any other student in his class .

31.It’s 9:00.The students_______(have)an English lesson.

32.Tomorrow is our Open Day .Our parents_________(arrive) at 9.a.m.

33.I_________(be)to Japan three times.

34.Could you guess the Chinese ___________(mean) of the new word?

35.Look!The old man is walking ___________(cross)the street slowly.

36.Where is Tom ? He_________(watch)TV in his bedroom.

37.We mustn’t________(turn)left when we see this sign.

38.We promise_____________(not pollute)the environment.

39.I see a lot of _________(bus)when I am walking to school.

40.The teacher wants__________(help)me with my English.

41.He usually goes________(swim) on hot weather.

42.Mary was go ________(luck)today .She was the first to get the prize.

43.How much ______(be)the friend rice with eggs?

44.Mum ______just_______(buy)some beef.

45.Some students in my school go _______ with their parents in the summer holidays.(travel)

46.What is the __________of the sign over there?(mean)
