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?英语不规则名词复数表1. 以 f 或 fe 结尾:大多数以 f 或 fe 结尾的 名词的复数形式时将其转为 ves,但个别直接加 s: * roof → roofs 屋顶 * gulf → gulfs 海湾 * grief → griefs 悲伤, 悲痛, 担心 * cliff → cliffs 悬崖, 峭壁 * beef → beefs 牛肉 * chief → chiefs 首长, 首领 * proof → proofs 证明 * staff → staffs 全体职员② 有的则加“es”(有生命):* * * * * * * * echo → echoes 回声, 反响 embargo → embargoes 禁运, 禁运令 hero → heroes 英雄 potato → potatoes 土豆 tomato → tomatoes 番茄 torpedo → torpedoes 鱼雷, 水雷 veto → vetoes 否决, 否决权 negro → negroes 黑人③有的两种都可以:* * * * * * * * * * buffalo → buffalos / buffaloes / buffalo 水牛 cargo → cargos / cargoes (船/飞机的)货物 halo → halos / haloes 光环 mosquito → mosquitos / mosquitoes 蚊子 motto → mottos / mottoes 箴言, 格言 no → nos / noes 没有 tornado → tornados / tornadoes 龙卷风 volcano → volcanos / volcanoes 火山 zero → zeros / zeroes 零 commando → commands / commandoes 突击员2. 元音:改变它们的元音声:* * * * * * * * -man → -men 男…… -woman → -women 女…… fireman → firemen 消防员 foot → feet 脚 goose → geese 鹅 tooth → teeth 牙齿 mouse → mice 老鼠 louse → lice 虱子5. 不变:单复数一样:* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * cod → cod 鳕鱼 deer → deer 鹿 fish → fish 鱼, 鱼类 offspring → offspring 子孙, 后裔, 幼崽 perch → perch 鲈鱼 sheep → sheep 绵羊 trout → trou 鲑鱼 bison → bison 野牛 moose → moose 驼鹿 aircraft → aircraft 飞机, 飞行器 barracks → barracks 兵营 crossroads → crossroads 十字路口 dice → dice 骰子 gallows → gallows 绞刑架 headquarters → headquarters 总部 means → means 方法, 手段, 途径 series → series 系列 species → species 物种3. 古代英语:有些是沿用古代英语:* child → children 小孩, 儿童 * ox → oxen 牛, 阉牛4. 以 o 结尾: ①以 o 结尾的单词加“s”:(无生命)* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * auto → autos [美口] 汽车 kangaroo → kangaroos 袋鼠 kilo → kilos 千克, 公斤 memo → memos [口] 备忘录 photo → photos 照片 piano → pianos 钢琴 pimento → pimentos 多香果 pro → pros 赞成意见 con → cons 反对意见 solo → solos, soli 独唱, 独奏 soprano → sopranos 女高音 studio → studios 工作室 tattoo → tattoos 文身 video → videos 视频 zoo → zoos 动物园 bamboo → bamboos 竹子6. 借用单词:英语中有些单词是借用其他语言的。部分借用单词的复数跟随外语形式, 下面每行的第二个 单词都是外语形式,第三个为现时英语使用:①以“a”结尾的转为“ae”:* alga → algae 水藻

* * * * * * *amoeba → amoebae, amoebas 变形虫 antenna → antennae, antennas 触角,天线 formula → formulae, formulas 公式 larva → larvae (昆虫的)幼虫 nebula → nebulae, nebulas 星云 vertebra → vertebrae, vertebras 脊椎骨 alumna → alumnae 女校友* forum → for a, forums 论坛 * minimum → minima 最小量 * ultimatum → ultimata, ultimatums 最后通牒⑥ 以“ex”或“ix”结尾的转为“ices”:* * * * * * apex → apices, apexes 顶点 appendix → appendices, appendixes 附录 cervix → cervices, cervixes 宫颈 index → indices, indexes 目录, 索引 matrix → matrices, matrixes 模型, 矩阵 vortex → vortices, vortexes 漩涡②以“u”结尾的转为“ux”:* * * * beau → beaux, beaus 情郎, 纨绔子弟 bureau → bureaux, bureaus 局, 机构 tableau → tableaux, tableaus 舞台造型, 场景 plateau → plateaux, plateaus 高原, 平顶⑦以“is”结尾的转为“es”:* analysis → analyses 分析, 解析, 纲领 ③ 以“us”结尾的转为“-ora”、“-era”(适用于专 * axis → axes 轴线, 中心线 业术语): * basis → bases 基础, 底座, 基点 * corpus → corpora 资料, 文集, 文献 * crisis → crises 危机, 危机时刻 * genus → genera (动植物的)属, 类 * diagnosis → diagnoses 诊断法, 诊断结论 * emphasis → emphases 强调, 重点 * hypothesis → hypotheses 假设, 猜想 ④ 以“us”结尾的转为“i”: * alumnus → alumni 校友 * neurosis → neuroses 神经机能病/官能症 * bacillus → bacilli 杆菌 * oasis → oases 绿洲, 乐土 * cactus → cacti, cactuses 仙人球,仙人掌 * parenthesis → parentheses 插入语, 圆括号 * focus → foci 焦点 * synopsis → synopses 摘要, 大纲 * fungus → fungi, funguses 真菌 * thesis → theses 论文, 论题, 论点 * nucleus → nuclei 核心, 原子核 * ellipsis → ellipses [语]省略 * octopus → octopi, octopuses 章鱼 * synthesis → syntheses 综合, 合成 * radius → radii, radiuses 半径 * stimulus → stimuli 刺激物, 促进因素 ⑧ 以“on”结尾的转为“a”: * syllabus → syllabi, syllabuses 大纲, 提纲 * criterion → criteria (批评/判断的)标准 * terminus → termini 终点, 目标, 界碑 * phenomenon → phenomena 现象, 征兆 * hippopotamus→ hippopotami 河马 * automaton → automata 机器人, 机械手 * genius → genii, geniuses 天才 * abacus → abaci, abacuses 算盘 ⑨ 英语中沿用其他语言的规则:? 意大利语:“o”转为“i” ⑤ 以“um”结尾的转为“a”:* addendum → addenda 附录, 补遗 * libretto → libretti (歌剧等的)剧本 * bacterium → bacteria 细菌 * tempo → tempi 拍子, 节奏, 速度 * curriculum → curricula, curriculums 总课程 * virtuoso → virtuosi, virtuosos 艺术家 * datum → data 数据 * concerto → concerti 协奏曲 * erratum → errata 写错, 排错, 勘误 * medium → media 媒体 ? 希伯来语:加“im” * memorandum → memoranda, memorandums 备 忘 * cherub → cherubim 小天使 * ovum → ova 卵子, 卵细胞 * seraph → seraphim 六翼天使 * stratum → strata, stratums 岩层, 地层, 阶层 * symposium → symposia, symposiums 座谈会 ? 希腊语:加“ta” * agendum → agenda 议程 * schema → schemata 概要, 计划, 图表 * vacuum → vacua, vacuums 真空, 空虚, 空白 * stigma → stigmata 耻辱的标记, 瑕疵 * gymnasium → gymnasia 健身房, 体育馆 * stadium → stadia, stadiums 体育场

二、 不规则名词复数列表(前面提到的除外) A* curriculum → curricula, curriculums 总课程D * * * * * * * * * * * * * abacus → abaci, abacuses 算盘 addendum → addenda 附录, 补遗 agendum → agenda 议程 aircraft → aircraft 飞机, 飞行器 alga → algae 水藻 alumna → alumnae [美]女校友 alumnus → alumni 校友 analysis → analyses 分析, 解析, 纲领 antenna → antennas, antennae 天线, 触角 apex → apices, apexes 顶点 appendix → appendices, appendixes 附录 automaton → automata 机器人, 机械手 axis → axes 轴线, 中心线 * * * * * datum → data 数据 deer → deer 鹿 dice → dice 骰子 dwarf → dwarfs, dwarves 小矮人 diagnosis → diagnoses 诊断法, 诊断结论E * echo → echoes 回声, 反响 * elf → elves 小精灵 * ellipsis → ellipses [语]省略 * embargo → embargoes 禁运, 禁运令 * emphasis → emphases 强调, 重点 * erratum → errata 写错, 排错, 勘误B * * * * * * * * bacillus → bacilli 杆菌 bacterium → bacteria 细菌 basis → bases 基础, 底座, 基点 beau → beaux, beaus 情郎, 纨绔子弟 beef → beefs 牛肉 bison → bison 野牛 brace → brace 支架, 背带, 花括号 sister-in-law → sisters-in-law 大小姨子, 大小姑子F * * * * * * * fireman → firemen 消防员 fish → fish, fishes 鱼, 鱼类 focus → focuses 焦点 foot → feet 脚 formula → formulae, formulas 公式, 方程式 forum → for a, forums 论坛 fungus → fungi, funguses 真菌* buffalo → buffalos, buffaloes, buffalo 水牛 * bureau → bureaux, bureaus 局, 机构 * bus → busses, buses 公共汽车G * * * * * * * * genus → genera (动植物的)属, 类 goose → geese 鹅 gallows → gallows 绞刑架 genius → genii, geniuses 天才 goosefoot → goosefoots 藜 grief → griefs 悲伤, 悲痛, 担心 gulf → gulfs 海湾 gymnasium → gymnasia 健身房, 体育馆C * * * * * * * * * * * * * * cactus → cactuses, cacti 仙人球, 仙人掌 calf → calves 牛犊 cargo → cargos / cargoes (船/飞机的)货物 cervix → cervices, cervixes 宫颈 cherub → cherubim 小天使 chief → chiefs 首长, 首领 child → children 儿童, 小孩 Chinese → Chinese 中国 cliff → cliffs 悬崖, 峭壁 cod → cod * 鳕鱼 corps → corps 军队, 特种部队 corpus → corpora, corpuses 资料,文集,文献 crisis → crises 危机, 危机时刻 criterion → criteria (批评/判断的)标准H * * * * * half → halves 一半 halo → halos, haloes 光环 headquarters → headquarters 总部 hero → heroes 英雄 hippopotamus→hippopotami, hippopotamuses 河

马 * hoof → hoofs, hooves 蹄 * hypothesis → hypotheses 假说, 猜想* nucleus → nuclei 核心, 原子核O I * index → indices, indexes 目录, 索引 * * * * * * oasis → oases 绿洲, 乐土 octopus → octopi, octopuses 章鱼 offspring → offspring 子孙, 后裔, 幼崽 optimum → optima 有利条件 ovum → ova 卵子, 卵细胞 ox → oxen 牛, 阉牛K * knife → knives 小刀P L * larva → larvae (昆虫的)幼虫 * leaf → leaves 树叶 * paralysis → paralyses 麻痹, 瘫痪, 中风 * parenthesis → parentheses 插入语, 圆括号 * penny → pence 便士 * perch → perch * 鲈鱼 * person → people 人 * phenomenon → phenomena 现象, 征兆* * * * *libretto → libretti (歌剧等的)剧本 life → lives 生命 loaf → loaves 一块, 一条(面包等) louse → lice 虱子 looker-on → lookers-on 围观者R * radius → radii, radiuses 半径MS* -man → -men 男人 * scarf → scarfs, scarves 围巾, 披肩 * man doctor → men doctors 男医生 * schema → schemata 概要, 计划, 图表 * manservant → menservants 男仆 * seed → seed, seeds 种子 * man-time → men-times 人次 * self → selves 自己 * man-day → man-days 人日 * seraph → seraphim 六翼天使 * matrix → matrices, matrixes 模型, 矩阵 * series → series 系列 * means → means 方法, 手段, 途径 * sheaf sheaves [量] 捆, 束, 扎 * medium → media 媒质, 媒介 * sheep → sheep 绵羊 * memorandum → memoranda, memorandums 备 * shelf → shelves 架子, 搁板 忘 * shrimp → shrimp 虾, 小虾 * millennium → millenniums, milennia * scissors → scissors 剪刀 * moose → moose 驼鹿 * species → species 物种 * mosquito → mosquitoes, mosquitos 蚊子 * stadium → stadia, stadiums 体育场 * mouse → mice 老鼠 * still life → still lifes 静物画 * stimulus → stimuli 刺激物, 促进因素 * stratum → strata, stratums 岩层, 地层, 阶层 N * Swiss → Swiss 瑞士人 * syllabus → syllabi, syllabuses 大纲, 提纲 * nebula → nebulae, nebulas 星云 * symposium → symposia, symposiums 座谈会 * neurosis → neuroses 神经机能病/官能症 * synthesis → syntheses 综合, 合成 * no → nos / noes 没有 * synopsis → synopses 摘要, 大纲

T * tableau → tableaux, tableaus 舞台造型, 场景 * tempo → tempi 拍子, 节奏, 速度 * terminus → termini 终点, 目标, 界碑 * that → those 那个 * thesis → theses 论文, 论题, 论点 * thief → thieves 贼, 小偷 * this → these 这个 * tooth → teeth 牙齿 * tornado tornados, tornadoes 龙卷风 * torpedo → torpedoes 鱼雷, 水雷 * trout → trout * 鲑鱼* trousers → trousers 裤子V * vacuum → vacua, vacuums 真空, 空虚, 空白 * vertebra → vertebrae, vertebras 脊椎骨 * veto → vetoes 否决, 否决权 * virtuoso → virtuosi, virtuosos 艺术家 * vita → vitae 个人简历, 生活 * volcano → volcanos / volcanoes 火山 * vortex



2010-10-22 17:13:34| 分类: 英语学习 |字号大中小订阅



cut-cut-cut let-let-let hit-hit-hit put-put-put cost-cost-cost hurt-hurt-hurt read/[rid]/-read[red]-read[red]

2.A-A-B型(现在式和过去式同形)如: beat-beat-beaten


come-came-come become-became-become run-ran-run



build-built-built lend-lent-lent send-sent-sent spend-spent-spent burn-burnt/burned-burnt/burned learn-learnt/learned-learnt/learned mean-meant-meant

2)把原形变为aught及ought的变化(如果原形有a则是aught,无a则是ought)buy-bought-bought bring-brought-brought think-thought-thought fight-fought-fought catch-caught-caught teach-taught-taught


keep-kept-kept sleep-slept-slept sweep-swept-swept leave-left-left

say-said-said meet-met-met spell-spelt-spelt

smell-smelt/smelled-smelt/smelled hold-held-held feel-felt-felt


dig-dug-dug find-found-found stand-stood-stood

understand-understood-understood get-got-got sit-sat-sat

spoil-spoilt-spoilt have/has-had-had sell-sold-sold tell-told-told hang-hanged/hung-hanged/hung hear-heard-heard make-made-made

pay-paid-paid lay-laid-laid lie(说谎)-lied-lied lose-lost-lost shine-shone/shined-shone/shined win-won-won shoot-shot-shot



sing-sang-sung ring-rang-rung begin-began-begun

drink-drank-drunk swim-swam-swum sink-sank-sunk



draw-drew-drawn know-knew-known throw-threw-thrown

blow-blew-blown grow-grew-grown fly-flew-flown


drive-drove-driven rise-rose-risen ride-rode-ridden

write-wrote-written give-gave-given


see-saw-seen eat-ate-eaten take-took-taken fall-fell-fallen

freeze-froze-frozen show-showed-shown break-broke-broken

speak-spoke-spoken wake-woke-woken choose-chose-chosen

forget-forgot-forgotten lie(躺,放)-lay-lain wear-wore-worn be(am,is,are)-was/were-been


go-went-gone do-did-done


can-could may-might must-must shall-should will-would



(1)加-s,如: belief-beliefs roof-roofs gulf-gulfs

(2)去f,f(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:不规则单数复数)e加-ves,如:

half-halves knife-knives leaf-leaves life-lives wolf-wolves thief-thieves self-selves wife-wives shelf-shelves



(1)加s,如:photo-photos piano-pianos radio-radios zoo-zoos kilo-kilos

(2)加es,如:potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoes Negro-Negroes hero-heroes



Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese Englishman-Englishmen

Frenchman-Frenchmen German-Germans Russian-Russians Indian-Indians Canadian-Canadians American-Americans



scissors剪刀 goods货物 trousers/pants/shorts裤子 clothes衣服glasses眼镜




(3)the United States,the United Nations应视为单数。


如:man worker-men workers(男工人)woman doctor-women doctors(女医生)


baby-babies city-cities story-stories party-parties lady-ladies

diary-diaries army-armies century-centuries copy-copies


class-classes box-boxes watch-watches speech-speeches bus-buses brush-brushes bench-benches beach-beaches boss-bosses


man-men woman-women goose-geese foot-feet tooth-teeth

child-children fish-fish deer-deer sheep-sheep mouse-mice fisherman-fishermen




原级 比较级 最高级

bad worse worst

badly worse worst

far farther/ further

farthest/ furthest

good/well better best

ill worse worst

late later latest





小学英语不规则名词单复数总结 以f 和fe结尾的单词

thief thieves shelf shelves leaf leaves

calf calves half halves wolf wolves

wife wives life lives


piano pianos photo photos

two radios bamboo bamboos

zoo zoos kangaroo kangaroos 袋鼠


hero heroes

potato potatoes

negro negroes 黑人

tomato tomatoes

mosquito mosquitoes-mosquitos 蚊子


ox oxen 牛 child children (你看,这个就不守规矩了,不是加en ,是ren呀) 一些单数词得改头换面一番,才能变成复数词的哦:

analysis analyses 分析 basis bases 基础

foot feet

formula formulae/formulas 公式

goose geese 鹅

phenomenon phenomena 现象

tooth teeth woman women


Deer Sheep fish

Cannon sheep cattle salmon 鲑鱼 trout 鳟鱼 (许多鱼类都是这么"可爱"的呀。)





shorts 短裤

trousers 长裤

wages 工资




一、可数名词都有单数和复数之分。 A: 规则的可数名词的复数变化规则:

1.一般情况加 s : book-- books mouth---mouths house---houses girl---girls

2.以 s 、 sh 、 ch 、 x结尾的加 es : class--- classes box----boxes match----matches

3.辅音字母 + y结尾的变 y为 i加es: city---cities country----countries party----parties factory----factories 备注:辅音字母为除a e i o u以外的字母,a e i o u为元音字母 元音字母+y结尾的加s:例:key = keys

4.以 o 结尾的词 +es的有:bubo(腹股沟腺炎),cargo((船或飞机装载的)货物;负荷,荷重;),dingo(澳洲的一种野狗),domino(骨牌效应;多米诺骨牌;化妆斗篷面具;),echo(n. 重复者),embargo(禁



(英雄和黑人喜欢吃西红柿和土豆) 以 o 结尾并且词尾有两个元音字母 +s 如: radios收音机, zoos动物园, bamboos竹,竹竿,pianos钢琴, kilos千克 , photos照片,相片

5.以f, fe 结尾的 变f或fe为v +es : 主要的有wife(妻子),life(生命),knife(小刀),leaf(树叶),thief(贼),half(一半),self(自己),loaf(面包),wolf(狼),shelf(架子/沙洲)

例句:The thief’s wife killed three wolves with some leaves and knives in half of her life.


1. 英语中有些名词单复数同行,主要有以下几类: A)、某些动物名词 B)、某些表示人的名词 C)、craft及由-craft构成的名词 D)、某些表示数量的名词 E)、其他

2. 以下这些名词单复数同形:

antelope 羚羊,bison 野牛,buffalo 水牛,crab 螃蟹,deer 鹿,fish 鱼,reindeer 驯鹿, sheep 绵羊;Burmese 缅甸人,Cantonese 广东人,Chinese 中国人,counsel 法律顾问, kin 亲属,Japanese 日本人,Swiss瑞士人;aircraft 飞机,craft 飞机,spacecraft 太空船; brance 双,score 二十;series 系列;species种类;means方法 只有复数形式的名词 trousers裤子,pants裤子,shorts短裤 glasses眼镜,compasses圆规,scales天平,pliers钳子,clips剪子。traffic lights交通灯(一般有三盏,这样理解)sports(运动) 3. 集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。

people,children,police, cattle是复数 有时family也有此用法

(OK :a person,a policeman,a herd of cattle , the English,the British,the French,the Chinese,the Japanese,the Swiss )

(Error: a people,a police,a cattle )

表示国民总称时作复数用。(The Chinese are industrious and brave. 中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。)


1. 表示动物的名词:fish(鱼), bass(鲈鱼), carp(鲤鱼), cod(鳕鱼), crab(螃 蟹), eel(鳗鱼), flounder(比目鱼), herring(鲱鱼), halibut(大比目鱼),

hake(狗鳕), roach(泥鳅), skate(鳐鱼), sardine(沙丁鱼), salmon(大麻哈鱼), shark(鲨鱼), squid(鱿鱼), trout(鳟鱼), whale(鲸鱼), antelope(羚羊), bison(野牛), buffalo(水牛), deer(鹿), elk(麋鹿), sheep(绵羊), swine(野猪)等。 The fish we caught is still alive. These fish are living deep under the sea. The swine enjoy rooting the earth.

2. 表示人的名词:buttons(侍者), corps(军团), counsel(法律顾问), lazybones(懒汉), help(佣人), offspring (后代), vermin(坏蛋;害虫),

Chinese(中国人), Japanese(日本人), Lebanese(黎巴嫩人), Portuguese(葡萄牙人), Vietnamese (越南人)等。 Are counsel ready today?

Ten Japanese were killed in the accident.

3.其他常用的单复数同形的名词有:aircraft(飞机), barracks(营房), bob(美圆;先令), brace(双;对), chassis(车架;底架), craft(船;飞行器), head(牛羊等的头数), headquarters(司令部), hovercraft(气垫船), means(方法;手段), patois(方言), précis(文章梗概), series(丛书;系列), species(物种), works(工厂;工事), bellows(风箱)等。 但美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。如: a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters 4)以s结尾,仍为单数的名词,如:

A. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。 B. news 是不可数名词。

C. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。

The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。

D. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。 The Arabian Nights is a very interesting story-book. >是一本非常有趣的故事书。

5) 表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses (眼镜) trousers, clothes 若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双); suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers



advice(劝告;忠告) information(信息) luggage(行李) knowledge(知识) rubbish(垃圾) furniture(家具) 六、有些名词通常只有复数形式。常见的有: compasses(圆规) clothes(衣服) pyjamas(睡衣裤) trousers(长裤) breeches(马裤) pants(短裤)

goods(货物) binoculars(双筒望远镜) pliers(钳子) scissors(剪刀) scales(天平) arms(武器) premises(房屋)

七、合成名词,将主体词变为复数形式。 passer-by→passers-by(过路人) brothers-in-law(姐夫)


八、由man和woman构成的合成名词,两个构成部分都要变成复数。 man worker→men workers(男工人) woman doctor→women doctors(女医生) 不可数名词量的表示 1)物质名词

a. 当物质名词转化为个体名词时。比较: Cake is a kind of food. 蛋糕是一种食物。 (不可数)These cakes are sweet. 这些蛋糕很好吃。 (可数)

b. 当物质名词表示该物质的种类时,名词可数。比较: This factory produces steel. 本厂生产的刚(不可数)。 We need various steels.我们需要不同的钢材 (可数) c. 当物质名词表示份数时,可数。比较:Our country is famous for tea. 我国因茶叶而闻名。

Two teas, please.请来两杯茶。

2) 抽象名词有时也可数。 four freedoms 四大自由 the four modernizations四个现代化

物质名词和抽象名词可以借助单位词表一定的数量。如:a glass of water 一杯水,a piece of advice 一条建议



1) 用复数作定语。如:sports meeting 运动会 students reading-room 学生阅览室 talks table 谈判桌

the foreign languages department 外语系

2) man, woman, gentleman等作定语时,其单复数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定。 如:men workers women teachers gentlemen officials

3) 有些原有s结尾的名词,作定语时,s保留。如:goods train (货车) arms produce 武器生产 customs papers 海关文件 clothes brush衣刷

4) 数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式。 如:two-dozen eggs 两打(二十四个鸡蛋/) a

ten-mile walk 十里路 two-hundred trees 两百棵树 a five-year plan. 一个五年计划

个别的有用复数作定语的,如: a seven-years child


名称 总称(谓语用复数) 一个人 两个人

中国人 the Chinese a Chinese two Chinese 瑞士人 the Swiss a Swiss two Swiss

澳大利亚人the Australians an Australians two Australians 俄国人 the Russians a Russian two Russians 意大利人 the Italians an Italian two Italians 希腊人 the Greek a Greek two Greeks
