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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 09:25:30 高中作文


打开控制台输入: Sv_Cheats 1 (开启秘籍)

命令 效果


record 录像名 会在[求生之路2\left4dead2]目录下生成[录像名.dem]可直接打开播放,



stop 停止录像

playdemo 录像名 播放录像

Shift + F2 视频播放及编辑器(不支持中文路径,视频必须在[求生之路2\left4dead2]目录下)

snd_rebuildaudiocache 新地图声音加载,用来修复声音


sv_cheats 0 关闭作弊(默认)

sv_cheats 1 打开作弊

sv_alltalk 0 打开全局语音通话(默认)

sv_alltalk 1 关闭全局语音通话

status 游戏信息,可查看本游戏IP和玩家

ping 游戏延迟查看

connect ???.???.???.??? 连接指定IP就行游戏

sensitivity 3.0 鼠标速度(默认)

volume 1.0 音量(默认)

cl_showfps 1 屏幕显示fps数值和地图名称

net_graph 0,1,2,3 显示当前客户端参数如fps 网络连接 上传速度 下载速度和ping值


pause 暂停游戏

kill 自杀


hostname ??? 创建指定主机名的游戏

changelevel 地图名 玩家不掉线更换地图

changelevel 地图名 游戏模式 更换游戏模式,需要重新开始游戏才能生效

z_difficulty Easy Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert, 对应简单、普通、困难、专家 survivor_friendly_fire_factor_easy 0.2 简单难度 队友伤害值(默认:0.2 关闭:0) survivor_friendly_fire_factor_normal0.2 普通难度 队友伤害值(默认:0.2 关闭:0) survivor_friendly_fire_factor_hard 0.4 困难难度 队友伤害值(默认:0.4 关闭:0) survivor_friendly_fire_factor_expert 1.0专家难度 队友伤害值(默认:1 关闭:0) survivor_burn_factor_easy 0.2 简单难度 火焰伤害值(默认:0.2 关闭:0) survivor_burn_factor_normal 0.2 普通难度 火焰伤害值(默认:0.2 关闭:0) survivor_burn_factor_hard 0.4 困难难度 火焰伤害值(默认:0.4 关闭:0) survivor_burn_factor_expert 1 专家难度 火焰伤害值(默认:1 关闭:0) ---------------------------------------------

say 内容 说话[say 大家好]玩家会见到对话框入面: [Concole: 大家好]

say_team 内容 同上

kick 玩家名 踢人

z_difficulty Normal 游戏难度(Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible)

differences 查看你的伺服器设定与伺服器设定的预设值有什么不同

restart 重新开始游戏


god 1 无敌

buddha 打不死

noclip 穿墙

impulse 10 全部武器,子弹

give health 加满血

give ammo 加满弹夹

respawn 死亡后复活 仅限于复活自己,且在出生点复活

sv_infinite_ammo 1 无限弹药不换弹夹

melee_range 70 (预设为70)近战武器的伤害范围数值越高能砍得越远

sb_dont_bash 1 强制电脑队友不用手推

sb_dont_shoot 1 强制电脑队友不开枪

sb_takecontrol * 游戏中在4个人物之间切换控制(*代表


sb_move 0 所有电脑队友停止移动

sb_escort 1 强制所有电脑队友保护你紧跟在你身边

sb_open_fire 1 强制所有电脑队友不停的开火

sb_crouch 1 强制所有电脑队友蹲下

sb_flashlight 1 强制所有电脑队友使用手电筒(-1为强制不使用)

sb_give * 给予所有电脑一个道具或武器(*代表物品名如fireaxe参见下面的道具参数)

sb_give_random_weapon 给每个电脑随机分配一把武器

cl_showfps 1 显示帧数(1=显示帧数和地图名2=显示帧数和平滑率3=服务器信息4=显示帧数和日志文件)

thirdpersonshoulder 第三人称模式(再输入一次可还原为第一人称)

nb_delete_all 踢掉所有电脑队友和附近的僵尸和所有的特殊僵尸(但是所有的僵尸还是会刷新)

nb_blind 1 所有电脑僵尸都看不到你(但是撞到僵尸还是会攻击你)

cl_drawhud 0 关闭所有的界面包括准星(现实模式)


director_force_panic_event 立即爆发僵尸暴走事件

director_panic_forever 1 僵尸暴走事件不停,即一波接一波(默认:0),可用上一个命令激活生效,或者下一次爆发时生效。


spectate 切换到旁观

jointeam 3 加入感染者

jointeam 2 加入生还者


thirdpersonshoulder 视角切换为第三人称

firstperson 视角切换为第一人称

bind ? thirdpersonshouler 第三视觉的绑定:问号代表想要的键,想用的时候按一下,换回第一人称再按一下。


z_add 创造一个普通僵尸

z_spawn jockey 创造一个Jockey骑头怪

z_spawn charger 创造一个Charger小坦克

z_spawn spitter 创造一个Spitter口水婆

z_spawn hunter 创造一个Hunter猎人怪

z_spawn smoker 创造一个Smoker烟怪

z_spawn boomer 创造一个Boomer爆炸怪

z_spawn tank 创造一个Tank大坦克

z_spawn witch 创造一个Witch女巫

z_speed 250 普通僵尸的移动速度

z_health 50 普通僵尸的生命值

z_tank_health 4000 Tank大坦克的生命值

z_tank_speed 210 Tank大坦克的移动速度

z_witch_speed 300 Witch女巫的移动速度

z_witch_health 1000 Witch女巫的生命值

z_witch_damage 100 Witch女巫的伤害值

z_exploding_health 50 Boomer爆炸怪的生命值

z_exploding_speed 175 Boomer爆炸怪的移动速度



演员表: (Buyer 1)Liu Meixiang(CEO)

(Buyer 2)Chen Yanchun(CFO)

(Buyer 3)Luo Beibei(CTO)

(Buyer 4)Li Xin(Legal Counsel)

(Seller 1)Zhang Yingxu(CEO)

(Seller 2)Hu Shiping(CFO)

Seller 3 He Lijun(CTO)

Seller 4 Zeng Aiqing(Legal counsel)

S1: Hello, Welcome to……! Good morning, Miss Liu! .

B1: Good morning, Mr. Zhang.

S1: OK, now allow me introduce you my negotiating partners. This is(介绍各自身份,职务)……..

B1: And my colleagues. This is(介绍各自身份,职务)…….

(S1 hands Bs a product catalogue, and after a while they begin)

S1: How do you think of our products? Are they good enough to meet your needs?

B1: I think your products are fairly good, and impresses me a bit, Then I’d like to get the ball rolling by talking about the price. What prices will you offer for these I ticked? S1: Before anything else, can you give me any idea what kind of order will you place? A larger one, then handsome discount, as a matter of course.

B2:That depends,for Item One, we’d like to purchase 1500 units, and for Item 3, 1200 units perhaps more, so quote us your most competitive prices, sir?

S2: The usual price we offer for these two items are the lowest we could provide, For Item 1, it’s 3 yuan FOB, (地点) for Item 3, 2 yuan FOB(地点).

B2: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Hu, I don't know how we can make a profit with those numbers., you know, the competition is tough, and the costs are rising fast.

S2: Well, if you promise future business, with large quantities, why not, we can come down a little, that way, we may establish a long-standing cooperation between us.

B3: You know, the market has shrinked a lot during the economic recession period, it’s even hard for us to make ends meet. Furthermore, our customers are asking for the best possible.

S3: We understand it, but you know it’s good value, and they are newly cultivated after we invested a lot into the R&D. I believe you know the cost we spent.

B3: Yes, we know that. It’s because of that, I hope we can cooperate to open the market. If the price is reasonable, good sales will be easy to reach, and that can relieve your costs, right?

S1: Considering it’s the first time we do business and hopefully long-term cooperation in the nearest future, we can cut down 1USD for the price. We seldom make such concessions.

B1: 1USD? That makes no difference. We need more, and to be frank, we want the price to be…and…for….

S4: oh, no. You are kidding, right? That’s too much for us. As the going price go, I don’t think we can make any reduction, and it will leave us no margin. Sincerely I hope that you would appreciate our situation at present. 四人商量一下

B4: Then how about …for item1 and item 3?

S4:Tha’s still leaves us little of margin, but if you could increase your order by 500 units for each kind, we can meet you half way.

B2: That’s hard for us. You know it’s already a large size. What’s more, if your products prove to be our clients liking, do you still have to worry that you will suffer as most manufacturer do during such difficult times? You can rest sure that we are committed to the best quality for our customers.

B1: I don’t think there’s any point for either of us to insist on his own price. How about meeting each other half way? S1: good for you then, what is your proposal?

B1: Your price is x% higher that what we can accept, so when I suggested we meet each other half way, I meant it literally.

S2: Do you mean to suggest that we have to make a further reduction of x% in our price? That’s impossible.

B4: if not, What would you suggest? Never mind, so long as your price turns out fine, things are negotiable, you know. And a negotiation is meant to bring us as close as we could possibly be. S4: The best we can do will be a reduction of another …. That’s definitely our rock bottom.

B1: That still leaves a gap of… to be settled. Let’s meet each other half way once more, then the gap will be closed and our business completed. S1: You certainly have a way of talking me into it. All right, let’s meet half way again. Ok, USD… for Item1 and USD…Item3.

B1: I am glad we come to an agreement on price at long last.


B1: Well, we’ve settled the question of price and quantity. Now, what about the terms of payment? Even though it’s our first dealing, we are (转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:求生之路2初音八人组)totally convinced of your reputation in this field.

S1: We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents. Perhaps it sounds a bit harsh, we are conducting business the way things are usually done. For the interest of both parties, we have to mean business and abide by the procedures. B2: I see. Could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P?

S2: I am afraid not. We insist on letter of credit. Now in this increasingly globalized world of business, it’s not our distrust that makes the payment of L/C necessary, but rather the modern-day business procedures.

B2: To be frankly, a letter of credit would increase the cost of our import. When I open a letter of credit with a bank, I have to pay a deposit. That’ll tie up my money and add to our cost. Things are never easy for anybody, sir.

S2: Consult your bank and see if they will reduce the required deposit to a minimum.

B1: To meet you half-way, what do you say to 50% by L/C and balance by D/P?

S1: I am sorry. As we have said, we require payment by L/C.

B1: Ok, we accept.

S1: Well, we’ve agreed on all the major points, when can we sign the contract? B1: Now, we can. S1: We’re glad the deal has the come off nicely and hope there will be more to come.

B1: So long as we keep to the principle of equality and mutual benefit, trade between our two countries will develop further.

S1: I hope so. Now ladies and gentlemen, we are so glad that the negotiation is constructive enough, both parties show mutual good will and a willingness to make a compromise, and then the deal is done. For any thing that’s not covered here, keep in constant contact. OK, may I presume to treat you all to a dinner, we have already made a reservation at Huatian Restaurant.

BS: Ok, thank you

S4: This way please



按下“~”键呼出控制台,即可以输入下列地图命令去对战平台建立主机。如果呼不出控制台,请查看 选项->键盘/鼠标->允许使用开发者模式 后面是否已开启。



map c1m1_hotel


map c1m2_streets


map c1m3_mall


map c1m4_atrium



map c2m1_highway


map c2m2_fairgrounds


map c2m3_coaster


map c2m4_barns


map c2m5_concert



map c3m1_plankcountry


map c3m2_swamp


map c3m3_shantytown


map c3m4_plantation



map c4m1_milltown_a


map c4m2_sugarmill_a


map c4m3_sugarmill_b


map c4m4_milltown_b


map c4m5_milltown_escape



map c5m1_waterfront


map c5m2_park


map c5m3_cemetery


map c5m4_quarter


map c5m5_bridge



对抗模式开图格式:MAP 地图名 versus

举例,这个是第1关对抗命令:map c1m1_hotel versus 写实模式开图格式:MAP 地图名 realism

举例,这个是第1关写实命令:map c1m1_hotel realism 生存模式开图格式:map 地图名 survival

举例,这个是第4关生存命令:map c1m4_atrium survival 清道夫模式开图格式:map 地图名 scavenge

举例,这个是第4关清道夫命令:map c1m4_atrium scavenge



1-4 (第1章第4关)

2-1 2-4 2-5

3-1 3-4

4-1 4-2 5-2 5-5

清道夫可选关卡 1-4



4-1 4-2 5-2


By baaooo

By baaooo

By baaooo

By baaooo

By baaooo

















6.猎枪(huntingrifle):90的威力,15/180发的载弹,总共是195发子弹。猎枪和狙击步枪是除了榴弹,M60,近身武器以外单发威力最大的武器,在非写实模式的?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我饽讯认露孕〗┦际且换鞅厣保谛词档淖夷讯认略蛐枰?发子弹(非爆头)。猎枪的精准度极高,清场效率高,走在队伍后面掩护队友非常有效。猎枪命中witch头部也能够击退witch,并且子弹具有很强的穿透力。



