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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 16:26:02 字数作文

篇一:英文作文 What is ambition

What is ambition?

Ambitious is indentified as a cherished desire and a strong drive for success, sometimes it equals to ideal for future. As we know ambition is the basis and the source of success, which signs how far a person could go. Simply speaking, ambition is what you what to be and what you want to do in the future.

We can learn something from the story below. Once, a teacher asked his students "Why are you studying?" Some said:"I want to learn manners.” someone said: “I hope to be a credit to my family. "Even a student said: "I want to help my father make account. When the teacher asked Zhou En Lai, he stood up and replied loudly:" Learn for the rise of China." He was only 12 years old but established his ambition, his words expressed his ambition----a deep desire for build a strong motherland. Finally, he became a respected leader. A person without ambition is very different from the one with ambition.

At first, we can strong our belief if we set up our mind to do something, and the key to success is to establish a great goal in life .Then we work and struggle. So it is a beginning to succeed for setting a lofty ambition. We also can view things from a higher point and inspire ourselves. The person without ambition will be self-defeating even with strong power. Furthermore, it is difficult to make a difference if the ambition is not determined. It plays a pilot and a stimulating role, which gives people unlimited power and strong-willed spirit, and inspires us to overcome difficulties, develop good habits, overcome the inertia, then we realize our dreams.

People without ambition may lose confidence in life and will eventually do nothing to make a difference. So, it is vitally important to set up our ambition for everyone. Life is a continually process with many difficulties to overcome, we should not be intimidated by any ordeal, To the contrary, we must inspires us face the difficulties and meet every challenge with high enthusiasm. First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.


On Ambition

Firstly, I will go straight into the definition of the word ambition subjectively. Next, let's have a clear idea of how ambition exerts an influence, favored or not, on present Chinese society.

Ambition, as we can see from a Chinese dictionary, refers to a person's mental state that extremely dreams for success on career or a large amount of fortune. Basically, ambition means being in pursuit for high social status.

Then we look in to the mechanism how it influences us when we're interacting with our society. On the one


hand, it works as an incentive, an engine for what it takes to boost an economy. Ambitious employees who want a wage raise, employers who look for ways to promote their products do devote more energy and time to their career and with less complains. Those people, typically called Last Generation in China, have already made great contribution to China's domestic economy development in the past decades. On the other hand, the 'One Belt and Road' plan, generally regarded as a Chinese version of Marshall Plan, reflects our nation's ambition in hope for recovering China's prosperity and power on the world stage as it was hundreds years ago. Although it takes enormous efforts and time of generations to achieve it's success, at least it shows us it's a bright future that this ambition is leading us to. In short, ambition drives people to work hard from inside their own heart, which thus encourages our society progress.

However, ambition may also be an unrelenting oppressor. First of all, a person gets excessively frustrated once he feels it would be an unrealistic ambition for him to realize, in which cases the ambition in itself can be unrealistic such as quitting his job and then enjoying a life of luxury. Further on, for those dream-fighters who believed to full fill the ambition, they steadily devote themselves to it, unable to perceive the joy of life, gradually become slaves of the ambition. What's worse, goal-obsessed dealers using illegal way to make fake products and harmful foods are reported frequently in recent years. Therefore, ambition derives a series of social problems.

Ambition, speeding up the development of our nation as well as pressing people toward their targets even betraying their conscience, is a double-edge sword.

陈健 4 班

篇三:初中八年级英语作文My ambition

My ambition

My ambition is to be a teacher when I grow up . I like children very much . If I can be a teacher , I will teach them how to be a useful person . I will also teach them how to learn well . When I have free time , I will play with them to make them feel happy every day . So I need to study hard now to make my ambition come true .



Ambition plays an important role in our daily life, because it is a guide for us to make decisions and choices. Question marks have been raised on what is ambition and what does it mean to us? According to Dictionary, Ambition is an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment. Personally, ambition is not simply a dream, it’s a kind of attitude towards life. It is a strong desire for distinction and recognition of achievement. That you should try your best efforts to gain it.

Most people have different ambitions in life. So, the word “ambition” would have a different meaning depending on whom you ask. Some may want to become extremely wealthy; some may want to have good fame in society; some may want to be what their parents expected to be; some may want to earn tremendous honor, and some one may want to have peaceful household. Various ambitions show their expectations. As for me I just want to achieve something that I always remember in my mind. I hope to be a healthy, positive, intelligent person. I could have magical powers to make people who is around me happy, give them hope, encouragement, and confidence to do. And I can have a stable job. Just do an ordinary person, that is my ambition. Also, I need pay off the strive.

I remember someone once said: We do not choose when to be born, we do not choose our parents… We do not ---most of us---choose to die, but within all this realm of choicelessness. We do choose how to live---couragaeously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably… So please let your ambition change your life.

In short, when you want to set a goal and do everything in your power to attain that goal. Do it bravely. At the same time, you should have a desire to learn, keep an open mind, know your limitations, and learn from your mistakes. Yet, never look at a mistake as a failure, a spot, instead take it as a chance to make it better, and remember that failure is the mother of success.Without an ambition we have no purpose in our lives.

篇五:英语作文An Ambition in my life

A ambition in my life

My name is Zhang Shuai , I had worked for 2 years before I took part in the postgraduate exams . Many friends of mine asked me that why I went to school again . I just said “I have a dream . ” My senior high school teacher told me that my college entrance examination scores was very bad , so I couldn’t go to any college . I was very sad and angry . I told to myself that one day I would told him “You are wrong!” Now I think I get it .

I like a film called A Better Tomorrow (英雄本色),there are some words said by Mark , “I wait for a chance for three years , I don’t want to prove myself , I just want to let everyone know that I must get everything that I have lost . ”

That is the reason why I want to be a Graduate student.
