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篇一:莫斯科外婆家旅馆(Hostel My Granny)

莫斯科外婆家旅馆(Hostel My Granny)


中文名称 莫斯科外婆家旅馆 英文名称 Hostel My Granny 地理位置 莫斯科北部 房间数量 6 酒店地址 Myasnitskaya Street 41 building 7, 丽村区, 101000 莫斯科, 俄罗斯联邦 周围景观 阿尔巴特大街、圣瓦西里升天教堂、喀山大教堂、列宁墓、伊凡大帝钟楼、克里姆林宫、沙皇炮、普希金造型艺术博物馆、莫斯科国家历史博物馆、救世主大教堂、红场


1. 不要害怕在附近吃东西,酒店旁边就有一家非常棒的餐馆 2.

3. 酒店的禁烟房还不错,专门为那些不吸烟的游客准备 4. 胜在地点很好,去哪里都很方便,生活出行不用担心了



酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下: 红场:打车11分钟,车程约5.5公里


圣瓦西里升天教堂:打车8分钟,车程约4.8公里 列宁墓:打车11分钟,车程约5.5公里

阿尔巴特大街:打车12分钟,车程约5.9公里 救世主大教堂:打车14分钟,车程约5.7公里 沙皇炮:打车7分钟,车程约4.0公里

普希金造型艺术博物馆:打车10分钟,车程约5.1公里 喀山大教堂:打车11分钟,车程约5.5公里

莫斯科国家历史博物馆:打车11分钟,车程约5.5公里 伊凡大帝钟楼:打车7分钟,车程约4.1公里

如果你想查询酒店到更多景点的距离和交通路线,以及周边有哪些超市按摩店等生活设施, 请访问/retype/zoom/65a3c551cfc789eb162dc81a?pn=5&x=0&y=69&raww=893&rawh=297&o=png_6_0_0_0_0_0_0_892.979_1262.879&type=pic&aimh=159.64165733482642&md5sum=8b11739e9610aae096a06309304fd4ac&sign=e6f68ec6ae&zoom=&png=302809-&jpg=0-0" target="_blank">点此查看


篇二:我的奶奶(My Granny)

我的奶奶(My Granny)



The one I love best is my granny. The one who loves me best is also my granny . She is so kind that everyone who knows her likes her very much. But I'm sorry to say that my dear granny got cancer.

It was a cold day, but my heart was even colder. I could not accept the fact that my granny got cancer. Facts are facts. Only an operation could help her. The doctor told us she was too weak to be operated on, but my granny insisted that she could stand it. So the doctors did the operation. After the operation, my granny could not sleep, or eat, or say a word because of the pain .

Every one of my family felt sad. My granny noticed this, so she tried her best to nod and smile to us . We smiled back. Every day, my granny said she felt better but actually the pain was still there. Once, she said to me, "Yangyang, my dear. I'll be all right."

My granny was growing thinner and thinner, but she was still smiling. The smile gave us hope.

The other day , I went to the hospital to see my granny . She said , "Spring is coming. Though I'm in hospital, I can feel the warmth. Yangyang I think I'll go home soon."

How I hope she would be home soon!

篇三:Pennies from Granny奶奶的硬币

Pennies from Granny奶奶的硬币

We had moved from Cairo to Mt. Vernon, Illinois, away from my grandmother when I was eight years old. I missed her terribly. I was told I was her favorite grandchild; she was my favorite “Granny.” She was my Father’s mother.

Two years later my mother and father separated and they were soon divorced. I felt as if my world was falling apart. My heart ached for that part of me that was slipping away. Mother must have sensed my longing, for she would take my little brother and me back to visit my Granny on occasions, even after the divorce.

I was always aware Granny loved us. It was something you could feel with your heart, even when your world was turned upside down.

She didn’t live in a fancy house or have expensive things, but I never noticed; I just knew she loved me and I loved her back.

We had lived, for a time, next door to her and grandpa in a duplex while my father was away during World War II.

Granny had never had very much in the way of money or material things. But it was the little things she gave me that had always mattered. Things like letting me dip my fingers in the sugar bowl, which was always sitting on her table or the coffee she let

me sip from her cup. She allowed me to sit on top of her kitchen table as I partook of those privileges.

Granny took the time to explain the function of her weather vane, hanging on the wall, which predicted the upcoming weather. How that little wooden boy and girl knew what door to come out of, when it was going to rain, amazed me. But Granny understood.

She also had a vinegar cruet that sat high on a shelf that was beautiful, in my eyes; I asked if I could have it someday. It was given to me in a box after her funeral. She remembered; love is like that.

I used to spend a lot of time with Granny when we lived in Cairo, next door to her and grandpa, in the duplex. But times and things had changed. Grandpa had died; we lived a hundred miles away, and dad, her youngest son, my daddy, no longer lived with us. I didn’t get to see dad much, and I don’t know if Granny got to see him very often either. But, he was her son, and I knew she loved him. Love is like that; it can see past the pain.

Though she didn’t have much, neither did we, but she did something for my brother, Tommie and me. I will always remember; she saved her pennies in a glass jar. I am sure Granny could have used those pennies herself but she saved them to give us when we came to visit. Because I was the oldest I was in charge of dividing the pennies equally between my brother and me.

“One for you, one for me,” I would repeat until the jar was empty.

I don’t remember how much we collected on our visits, nor was the amount important. It was the idea that she remembered us, and cared about us, when we were away from her.

Those memories, of when I was a child, still give me warm fuzzy feelings on days that I need them. A Granny’s love stays with a grandchild, down through the years, even when that child becomes a grandma herself. I often wonder, after all those years,

when I am lucky enough to find a penny lying on the ground somewhere, if it could possible be Granny tossing me pennies from heaven.

八岁的时候,我们一家从开罗搬到了伊利诺斯州的弗农山,从此远离了祖母。我非常想念她。大家说我是她最疼爱的孙女,而她也是我最爱的奶奶。她,是爸爸的母亲。 两年后,爸爸妈妈分居,很快他们便离婚了。我觉得我的世界好像崩溃了。原本属于我生活的一部分正在远去,这让我心痛不已。妈妈一定感觉到了我的渴望,于是她时常带我和弟弟去看奶奶,即使是在离婚之后。



曾经有一段时间,我们和爷爷奶奶一起住在一栋复式公寓,当时爸爸参加了二战。 奶奶从来没有很多钱,物质上的东西也不多。但正是一些小事让我记忆深刻。比如那只总是放在桌上的糖碗,她曾经让我把手指伸进去蘸着吃,她还把自己的咖啡给我喝。这些时候,她都允许我坐在餐桌上。









篇四:My Grandmother我的祖母

My Grandmother我的祖母

My Grandmother

My grandmother is seventy years of age who has a head of gray hair. My grandmother get along well with her neighbours. She is a kind-hearted person and is always ready to help others, so whenever people get into difficulties, they often go to her for help. She is respected by all her neighbours.

My gradmother enjoys watching Beijing Opera on TV and she shows much interest in the Dialogue of CCTV. She leads a simple but happy life. She often tells me to be honest. She expects me to work hard at my lessons and be a useful person to the society in the future. I love my granny very much.



Unit 1

I. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成句子。(10分)

the traffic accident in detail ?

are becoming easier and quicker. We can use telephones, cell-phones, the Internet and so on.


4. --- What’ of his coming ?

--- I think he came here to borrow some books.

6. Thomas Edison(托马斯·爱迪生)was a hard-working man. He had thousands of in his life.

population, China has carried out the one-child policy.

the story in your own words after you read it.


10. There is no beautiful place. We’where to go.

II. 根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分)

my classmates in studies.

12. , you can buy a dictionary.

13. the teacher’s help , I could pass the English exam.

(与??保持联系) her best friend by E-mail.


(去过)the Great Wall twice.

17. our country, our living conditions are becoming more and more comfortable.

to visit the Summer Palace.

good education.


III. 单项选择。(15分)

( )21. I spent doing my homework last night.

A. the all night B. the night all C. the whole night D. whole the night

( )22. the boy is very young , he knows a lot.

A. So B. Because C. And D. Though

( )23. ---Where is your mother ? I haven’t seen her for a long time.

--- She abroad.

A. has gone to B. has gone C. has been to D. has been

( )24. Look! Michael the park his lost dog.

A. searched , for B. searched , to C. is searching , for D. looked , for

( )25. I made that my parents were proud of me.

A. such great progress B. such great progresses

C. so great progress D. so great progresses

( )26. Mrs. Green is considering a computer.

A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buy

( )27. --- I went to see a film last night. --- .

A. So did I B. So I did C. So do I D. So I do

( )28. --- Bill has never been to England . --- .

A. So has Ann B. So Ann has C. Neither has Ann D. Neither Ann has

( )29. Doing eye exercises well in our eyesight.

A. works, protect B. works , protecting

C. work , protect D. work , protecting

( )30. I have read of the novel. I can finish it tomorrow.

A. three four B. three fourth C. three fourths D. third fourths

( )31. --- Helen is good at dancing. --- .

A. So is she B. So she is C. So does she D. So she does

( )32. China is a country while the USA is a country.

A. developing , developing B. developed , developed

C. developed , developing D. developing , developed

( )33. After the meeting , the children how to help the poor old man.

A. decide B. decided C. decided on D. decided to

( )34. Tina asked Jim .

A. what was he doing B. what are you doing

C. where he had been D. where he has been

( )35. Li Lei was successful poor students to go to college.

A. in helping B. with helps C. for helpe D. to help

IV. 句型转换。(10分)

36. My uncle has ever been to Mount Huang.(改为否定句)

37. Maria has already read the book.(改为一般问句)

Maria the book (就划线提问)


granny lived in Beijing ?

40. I became a college student two years ago.(同义句转换)

a college student two years.

41. Minmin asked me , “Are there any children like me around you ?”(改为间接引语)

Minmin asked me any children like her

around 42. He asked me what I would do for Project Hope.(改为直接引语)

“ do for Project Hope?” He asked me.

43. Please write to me as soon as you get to Beijing.(改为同义句)

you Beijing , please write to me .

44. Kangkang lived in a city in the past . The city is called “Longyan” (合成一个简单句) Kangkang in a city Longyan.

45. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow , we will go for a picnic.(用unless改写句子)

We will go for a picnic it tomorrow.

V. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)

46. --- she finish)her homework yet ?

--- No , not yet.

47. The weather in spring is very change). You had better take an umbrella

with you.

48. In the past ten years , great changes (take)place in Longyan.

49. I will do my best (learn)English well this term.

50. Edmonton Community Services has given many street kids good chances (success).

51. Michael was late for class because of miss)the early bus.

52. So far , my sister collect)300 stamps.

53. People have taken many measures improve)the environment.

54. When he heard the good news , there was a big smile on (he)face.

55. With the (develop)of China, our motherland is becoming stronger and stronger.

VI. 综合填词。根据短文内容,选择方框内词的适当形式完成短文。(词数不限)(10分)

China has the population in the world, and about one of the people in the world live in China. The large population causes a lot of and the increasing population has become one of serious problems. So far, our government many measures to control the population. One is as the one-child policy. It has worked well in China’s population. Thanks to the policy, China is developing and people’s living conditions rapidly. However, the population problem is still serious in China. We still have a long way

VII. 完型填空。(10分)

In China, more and more high school students are getting sleeping time than before. Most students sleep nine hours every night, because they have a lot of homework

. Some homework is given by their teachers, and some by their parents. Also,

some students don’t know how to save time. They are not while they do their homework, so it takes them a lot of time.

Some students spend too much time TV or playing computer games, they stay up very late. Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to school on time by bus or by bike. It can a long way from home to school.

School and parents should cut down some of the homework, our children can enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night for their best of our time. When we have enough time for sleeping, we will find it better for our study and health.

( )66. A. short B. shorter C. shortest D. shortly

( )67. A. less than B. more than C. over D. far away

( )68. A. do B. don’t C. does D. to do

( )69. A. careful enough B. enough careful

C. carefully enough D. enough carefully

( )70. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. watched

( )71. A. get B. gets C. getting D. to get

( )72. A. am B. is C. are D. be

( )73. A. in order to B. so that C. if D. when

( )74. A. healthy B. healthily C. health D. healthes

( )75. A. very B. most C. much D. quite

VIII. 阅读理解。(15分)


Perhaps you have a lot about the Internet, but what is it? The Internet is many different networks around the world. A network is a group of computers put together. These networks joined together are called the Internet.

Maybe that doesn’t sound interesting. But when we’ve joined the Internet, there are lots and lots of things we can do. We can have a lot of interest on the World Wide Web(www). We can use the Internet instead of a library to find all kinds of information for our homework. We can find information about our favorite sports or film stars and do shopping on the Internet. We can also send messages to other people by E-mail. It is much cheaper and quicker than calling our friends or sending letters.

Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. People can now work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information they need. They can buy or sell whatever they want by the Internet. But do you know 98% of the information is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow?


( )76. The passage is mainly about .

A. the Internet B. information C. computer D. E-mail

( )77. The quickest and cheapest way for people to send messages to their friends is

by A. post B. E-mail C. telephone D. TV ( )78. The Internet can not be used to .

A. find information for our homework

B. get some information about our favorite sports stars

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:blone,my,granny)

C. do some shopping

D. do our housework

( )79. Which of the following is NOT true ?

A. The Internet is a big computer.

B. The Internet is very helpful.

C. The Internet is lots of computer networks.

D. People can work at home with the help of the Internet.

( )80. What does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences ?

A. The Internet is more and more popular.

B. All the information is in English.

C. English is important in using the Internet.

D. Every computer must join the Internet.


Lin Jie , 14 , is a Junior 1 student at No. 1 High School in Haikou, Hainan.

This week he had the happiest time. On Tuesday , he went to the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. He and nine other kids became the Top 10 Young Pioneers. “Now I am not only my dad’s good boy. I am China’s good boy . I must work harder, ” he said. At school, Lin Jie is a good student leader. He does many activities. He was in short plays. He worked as a host (主持人)for his school TV. “I feel good about myself. It’s good to try different things ,” Lin Jie said . “If you can dream it, you can do it.”

Lin Jie’s teacher, Gao Wei, said Lin Jie is nice and helpful. “He doesn’t talk much but works very hard.” Young Lin Jie always helps others. One student at his school, Wu Deyi, had leukemia(白血病). Lin asked students and teachers to help him. From February to May, Lin got more than 20,000 yuan for Wu.

Lin also thinks about how to make his city cleaner. There were plastic bags in Meishe River. Lin was sad. He wanted the river to be clean, so he wrote a letter to the head of the city. He asked him to spend more money, tell people not to throw rubbish into the river and have a wall to keep children safe . The head of the city listened to him. Now the river is cleaner.

At home, Lin is a good boy. He washed his clothes and also cooks meals for the family sometimes. Lin says his hero is Premier Wen Jiabao. “He is very brave. He is not afraid of difficulties and makes China stronger,” Lin said. Will Lin become a big leader of tomorrow ?


( )81. Lin Jie is a college student.

( )82. Lin Jie is busy with his study and many other activities.

( )83. Lin Jie is a helpful student.

( )84. The head of the city didn’t spend money in cleaning and protecting rivers. ( )85. At home, Lin Jie sometimes helps his parents do the housework.


Kunming is the capital of Yunman. It’s a city with a long history. Kunming has a population of more than 5,000,000. Though the weather in Yunnan changes from place to place, Kunming is
