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Unit 2

Ⅰ. 单项选择(15分)


( ) 1. Silver Beach in Beihai is a nice beach ________ surfing.

A. of B. in C. for D. on

( ) 2. Which scarf is ________, this one or that one?

A. well

A. as B. good B. like C. better C. about D.best D. with ( ) 3. Holly’s friend like to do the same things ________ she does.

( ) 4. Look! Your bag is a little smaller than ________.

A. his B. her C. my D.their

( ) 5. Jenney, do you enjoy ________ movies when you are free.

A. to see B. watching C. watch D. and see

( ) 6. The twins look ________. People always mistake(误认) one for the other.

A. same B. like C. the same D. different

( ) 7. ________ he tried to run fast, ________ he didn’t catch the bus.

A. Though; / B. Though; but C. /; although D. Although; however

( ) 8. Danny’s parents ________ teachers in our school.

A. are each B. each are C. both are D. are both

( ) 9. I don’t like ________ friends with ________ people, because they are too quiet.

A. make; wild B. making; outgoing C. making; serious D.to make; smart

( ) 10. Tim is ________ his cousin. They were born (出生) in the same year.

A. older than B. as old as C. so old as D. younger than

( ) 11. The teachers in the kindergarten (幼儿园) are all ________ children.

A. good at B. look like C.good with D. care about

( ) 12. I’d like to have friends ________ different from me.

A. who is B. who are C. what is D. what are

( ) 13. Tina’s sister is ________ outgoing than her.

A. too many B. too much C.much more D. many more

( ) 14. Who ________ will win the game, Mary or Helen?

A. do you know B. you think C. do you think D. you know

( ) 15. —Should friends be different or the same?


A. Yes, they should. B. No, they shouldn't.

C. They should be the same. D. They should be friends.

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

阅读下面短文,从每小题A.B.C.D中选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Do you have lots of friends? What do you 16 friends and friendship? Are they very important for you? Some of your friends may have different views and interests, and some like doing the same as you. Do you like friends different from the same as you? You may like the friends who the same interests with you. But I don’t really care.

I have two best friends, Peter and James. Peter is me. I am a quiet boy, and Peter is also quiet. We 21 enjoy reading books and surfing the Internet. On weekends, we often go to the library and 22 on the computer together. But James is very different from us. He likes playing ball games, and he is more athletic than us. He is more outgoing. He likes talking and often makes laugh. You see, friends are not to be the same. Do you agree with me?

( ) 16. A. talk about B. think of C. thank for D. look at

C. things D. habits

D. but ( ) 17. A. interests B. views ( ) 18. A. or

( ) 19. A. are

( ) 20. A. like

( ) 21. A. all B. and B. have B. as C. until

C. show D. get C. for D. with C. both C. read

C. a lot

C. them

kate and sandy

C. difficult D. some D. play D. little B. each B. work ( ) 22. A. watch ( ) 23. A. a few ( ) 24. A. him B. few B. her D. us D. different ( ) 25. A. important B. necessary

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(15分)


( ) 26. What did they talk about?.

A. Their best friends. B. Their pen pals. C. Their teachers. D. Their studies.

( ) 27. Where do you think they talked?

A. At the party. B. On the Internet.

C. On TV. D. In the classroom.

( ) 28. What’s Serpentine’s best friend like?

A. Lovely and clever. B. Funny and honest.

C. Friendly and happy. D. Smart but lazy.

( ) 29. When did Sakaji22 describe her best friend?

A. 1 week ago. B. 2 weeks ago. C. 3 weeks ago. D. 4 weeks ago.

( ) 30. Who has three best friends?

A. Serpentine. B. Sakaji22. C. The English tutor. D. Darth Tufu.


Do you know Oxford University (牛津大学) in England? Let me tell you something about it. There are no real classes. In each grade there are different studying groups. The students can go from one group to another if they want to. You may find students of fourteen, sixteen, or twenty-five years old all in the same group. They work at their own studies. Nobody tells them what they should or shouldn’t do.

The day I visited, school began at nine. Some students were listening to the tape of the texts. Others were watching TV on math. A group was reading in the school library. Everybody was studying.

At lunchtime I could see students working, too. They were talking about their lessons while they were eating. When you think of these students, you can be sure it is one of the best schools in the world.

( ) 31. The students in a group in Oxford ________.

A. must be in different grades B. must be the boys or the girls

C. can be the different ages D. must be the same age

( ) 32. The day “I” visited, “I” found all the students _________.

A. in the library B. studying

C. in the classroom D. reading

( ) 33. At lunchtime, the students in Oxford were _________ while they were eating.

A. watching TV B. listening to music

C. working D. talking about the food

( ) 34. According to this passage, we can know that “I” _________ Oxford.

A. likes B. dislikes C. work in D. study in

( ) 35. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Oxford is one of the best schools in the world.

B. There are no real classes in Oxford.

C. It’s difficult for students to go from one group to another.

D. The students in Oxford can study in the school library.


It is Sunday today. Ann is shopping with her mother. She wants her mother to buy a now sweater for her.

In a clothing shop, she finds an orange one. She tries it on. It’s too small. She wants a bigger one, but the bigger ones are not orange. Ann doesn’t like other colors. Her mother asks, “Shall we go to another shop to have a look?” So they go out of this shop and go into another.

The second shop is much bigger than the first, and in it there are many kinks of sweaters of different sizes and colors. Ann tries on an orange one. It’s too big. She tries a smaller one. It’a OK. “How much is it?” Ann’s mother asks the woman who sells clothes.

Then they find it too dear, and they don’t have so much money with them. “Would you like a cheaper one?” the woman asks.

“No, we shall take this one. My daughter likes it. We shall come back to buy it tomorrow.” Ann’s mother answers.

( ) 36. It’s Sunday. Ann and her mother ________.

A. are at home B. are doing some shopping

C. are in a clothing shop D. are walking in the street

( ) 37. Ann wants to buy ________.

A. an orange B. an orange sweater

C. an orange for her mother D. an orange sweater for her mother

( ) 38. There is only one ________.

A. shop near their home B. orange in the first shop

C. orange sweater in the first shop D. orange sweater in the second shop

( ) 39. The sweater in the first shop is ________.

A. too small B. OK C. longer D. too dear

( ) 40. In the second shop ________.

A. they buy some other things

B. they buy a sweater of the right size and color

C. they find a sweater of the right size and color

D. there is no sweater of the right size and color

IV. 词汇(10分)

(一) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。(5分)

41. My mother and father are b__________ teachers in No.6 Middle School.

42. The two boys are the same in some w__________. They both like playing soccer and


43. Our physics teacher is a s__________ man. He hardly ever laughs.

44. I have lots of things to do and have no i__________ in such boring things.

45.T__________ he may fail (失败), he will try to get good grades in the exam.

(二) 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(5分)

46. I don’t __________ (care) what they say.

47. The red lights __________ (mean) that you must stop.

48. We are good at playing football but we can’t __________ (beat) them.

49. Our math teacher is a serious man. It seems he never __________ (laugh).

50. She’s a popular teacher in my school. She always __________ (make) her classes interesting. V. 翻译(10分)


51. 保罗比我稍微开朗一点。

Paul is ________ ________ ________ outgoing than me.

52. 他叔叔很滑稽,经常使我们大笑不止。

His uncle is very funny, and he often_________ ________ ________.

53. 王凯不如姐姐擅长英语。

Wang Kai isn’t ________ good ________ English ________ his sister.

54. 玛丽的笔友喜欢和她读同样的书。

Mary’s pen pal likes to read ________ books ________ she does.

55. 许多人喜欢和与他们性格相似的人交朋友。

Many people like to ________ friends who ________ ________ them.

VI. 情景交际(10分)


A: It’s too hot today.

B: Yeah. Let’s go swimming, Lin Bin.

A: Good idea. By the way, (56) ___________________, summer or spring?

B: I like summer better.


1.Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing (1) her parents. Mary

doesn't know Chinese, (2) she is studying Chinese. She often (3) Chinese to

her Chinese friends.Sometimes they don't understand her hecause she can't

speak Chinese well. It's Sunday morning. She goes out. She is walking in the

street. She (4) to go to the zoo to (5) elephants and monkeys. but she doesn't

know (6) to get there. She asks a Chinese boy.The boy can't understand her.

Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper. She draws an elephant on it,

and (7) the picture to the boy. The boy understands now, then he shows Mary

the (8) to the zoo.

( )1. A.by B.with C.about D.in ( )2. A.and B.or C.but D.so ( )3. A.speaks

B.tells C.says D.talks ( )4. A.lets B.has C.wants D.helps ( )5. A.see B.look

C.find D.watch ( )6. A.when B.how C.where D.which ( )7. A.reads B.pass

C.gets D.shows ( )8. A.way B.road C.street D.picture

2.Kate and Sandy are American students.. they ___1____ sisters. They live

____2____ now. Kate is ___3____ than Sandy. She likes living in town very

much. Kate thinks living in town is ____4_____ than ___5____ in the country.

There are more parks shops and cinemas in town than in the country. She

especially likes the lights in town. She thinks the lights ____6___ are more

beautiful than the stars. She likes to read and reads ___7____ than Sandy.

Often Kate reads until very late at night. Sandy likes the country ____8____.

She thinks the country life is quiet. There is less noise and fewer cars. She

likes to visit her Aunt Peggy. She often helps her aunt ___9____ her work.

Sandy likes to run. She runs faster than Kate. In the country Sandy can longer

than in town. She also thinks running in the country ___10___ the most

exciting thing to do.

1. A.am B.is C.are D. / 2. A. in the town B. in town C. in the country D. in

country 3. A. old B. olderC. more old D. more older 4.A. interesting B. more

interesting C. beautiful D. more beautiful 5. A. live B. livingC. to live D. is

living 6.A. at night B. at the nightC. in night D. in the night 7.A. quickly B.

more quicklyC.quicklier D. more quickly. 8.A. good B.well C. better D.

best .9.A.for B. at C. to D. with 10.A.am B.is C.are D. /


Fruit is good ____1___people. Many people eat some ___2___every day. Mr and Mrs Black ___3___fruit very much and every Monday Mrs Black goes to buy some fruit in the ____4__near her house .The man in the shop knows her well and helps a lot. She can buy all ___5___of fruit there ,apples ,pears, ___6__and bananas. In different time of the year the price of each kind of fruit is not the ___7__, sometimes__8___,sometimes low. Mrs Black__9____to buy cheap fruit. But Mr Black likes bananas only.___10___buys bananas for him every week. She only buys cheap fruit for herself.

1、 A to B with C of D for

2、 A fruit B eggs C pears D apples

3、 A want B like C think D have

4、 A shopping B street C shop D room

5、 A kind B piece C piece s D kinds

6、 A orange B oranges C meat D fish

7、 A good B bad C some D same

8、 A little B high C much D low

9、 A goes B likes C want D try

10、A He B Him C Her D She


It was Sunday. I never get up early __1___Sundays. I sometimes stay ___2___until lunch-time. Last Sunday ,I __3__very late again. I looked ____4_the window. It was dark outside. It __5___.“What

A bad day!”I thought. Just then the telephone ___6___.It was my aunt Lucy.“I ‘ve just arrived ___7___train,”she said.“I am coming to __8____you.”

“But I’m still having breakfast ,”I said.

“What are you doing?”She asked.

“I’m having ___9__,”I repeated.

“Dear me !”she said.“Do you always get up so ___10__?It is one o’clock in the afternoon.”

1、A for B on C at D in

2、A at bed B in a bed C on a bed D in bed

3、A worked B stood up C got up D went to school

4、A out of B at C from D up

5、A was fine B is raining C fine D was raining

6、A called B came C rang D heard

7、A by B on C with D in

8、A ask B help C see D look for

9、A tea B breakfast C supper D lunch

10、A soon B slowly C early D late


Jack is _1__the age of ten. __2__TV is his hobby. But his parents don’t want him ___3_TV too much. They _4__an idea. If (如果)Jack __5___watch TV one full year, he will get 200yuan.In order to (为了)get the __6__,Jack does __7___things instead of (取代)watching TV .He learns to play __8___basketball. Soon he loves it very much. Now he can play even __9__than his father. He thinks his life without TV is still ___10____.

1.A. on B. in C. at D. of

2.A.Watch B. Watching C. See D. Seeing 3.A.watch B. watching C. to watch D. watches

4.A.has B. have C. will has D. will have

5.A.don’t B. not C. doesn’t D. will not

6.A.time B. yuan C. money D. monkey

7.A.other B. the other C. others D. the others

8.A.the B. a C. an D. /

9.A.good B. well C. gooder D. better

10.A.cheap B. interesting C. free D. easy


It is half past seven in the morning. Mr. Johnson is looking ___1___his __2___.He is ___3__quickly. Then he is washing and ___4___.He is late as usual. So he doesn’t ___5___time for breakfast. He is ___6__all the way to the station and he arrives there just in time for the train, Mr. Johnson ___7___eat anything in the morning. He always __8__a few friends at the office .“It’s nice to have __9____in the morning, but it’s nicer to ____10___in the bed!”

1.A.at B. for C. after D. over

2.A.match B. window C. watch D. book

3.A.getting up B. going to bed C. sleeping D. having breakfast

4.A.dressed B. getting dressed C. dress D. putting on

5.A.has B. has got C .know D. have

6.A.walking B. running C. talking D. dancing

7.A.haven’t B. isn’t C .not D doesn’t

8.A.says to B. talks C. says D. talks about

9.A.breakfast B. lunch C. tea D. bread

10.A.do exercise B. lie C. sleeping D. lying I’m ____1_____ English. My name ____2_____ Lily. I’m a new student. I’m twelve. Now I’m in Class Three, ___3_____, No.5 Middle School. My teacher is Miss Green. I have a sister. ___4____ name is Lucy. We are twins. We ____5_____ the same. She is___6___ a different(不同的) school.

I’m ____7____ duty(值日) this morning. I can’t look after my sister. At school I help my teacher put(放) her book, map and pictures on her ___8_____. I tell my teacher everyone is here. But I’m ___9_____. Jim is not at school. I don’t ____10______ where he is. I think he is at home.

( )1. A. a B. / C. an D.the

( )2.A.am B.is C. are D.be

( )3.A.Grade One B. Grade one C. grade one D. grade One

( )4. A. Hers B. Her’s C. Her D. She

( )5. A. put B. see C. look D. ask

( )6. A. on B.in C.at D. of

( )7. A. onB. in C. at D. of

( )8. A. chair B. book C. bed D. desk

( )9. A. right(对) B. good C. wrong(错) D.OK

( )10. A.do B. know C. thank D. think


Unit 1


1、fine _________、___________ 2、well _______、_______

3、interesting _________、_________ 4、happy_______、_______

5、many________、_________ 6、slim ________、________

7、wet________、_________ 8、generous________、________

9、bad________、_________ 10、big_________、________


( )1、-What’s on TV tonight ?Is there_______ interesting?

-I’m afraid not.

A、something B、anything C、nothing D、everything

( )2、-Would you like to______the children something more about Kong Fansen?

-Sure. I’d love to.

A、speak B、tell C、talk D、say

( )3、Although he was a child, he tired to find ways_____people_____ life more.

A、to help;enjoy B、help;enjoy

C、to help;enjoying D、help;enjoying

( )4、Lucy,could you please help me_____the map on the blackboard? We won’t need it.

A、put away B、put off C、put on D、put up

( )5、-We have worked for a long time,so we_____a rest.

-Sounds good!

A、stopped to have B、stopped having C、stop having D、stop to have

( )6、-Why not go to the office and ask your teacher for help?

-I_____. But I didn’t find her there.

A、will B、would C、have D、shall

( )7、Their uniform are_____as_____.

A、same;ours B、the same;ours C、the same;our D、the same;us

( )8、He____much money on the CDs of the famous singer.

A、takes B、spends C、coasts D、pays

( )9、- _____you_____your new neighbor?

-Not yet now.But I will.

A、Have;visited B、Do;visit C、Are; visiting D、Did;visit

( )10、I’m sorry I can’t hear____.

A、what saying he is B、what he is saying

C、what is he saying D、he is saying what

( )11、Nowadays science fiction isn’t as____as cartoons among teenagers.

A、popular B、more popular C、less popular D、the most popular

( )12、I have many interesting books to_____.

A、see B、look C、watch D、read

( )13、-What are you doing, Jim?

-I_____a beautiful horse.

A、draw B、drew C、am drawing D、was drawing

( )14、The Oriental Preal TV Tower____tens of thousands of visitors since 1995.

A、attracted B、attracts C、has attracted D、will attract

( )15、thousands of spectators came to Shanghai to____the 48th World Table Tennis Championships.

A、see B、notice C、watch D、look


1、She is as_____(hungry) as me.

2、What about going_________(ski)?

3、The girls always give their________(seat) to the old men and women.

4、The boy is _________(fun) than the girl.

5、Millie is ________(will) to help others.

6、______(do) Max often do a lot of computer work?

7、She feels very ________(happy).

8、Millil is the slowest_________(swim) of the six students.

9、My old uncle doesn’t like outdoor.

10、Shanghai is one of the _________(large) cities in the world.


1. 我并不是非常了解这所新学校。

I do not ___________ the new school very________.

2. 她心肠好,从不说任何人的坏话。

She is kind and _________ says a bad word about_________.


He wants to be a singer and _________ around the world when he ________ up.


She is small but ____________.She has _________ hair.

5. 这个女孩长着一张圆圆的脸。她很可爱。

The girl has a _________ face and she is very_________.


A: Winter holidays will begin next month.Are you going back to America,Mary?

B: No.______1______

A: What are you going to do?

B: Mum will take me to Xi’an.______2_______

A:Oh,she’ll be very happy to see you.

B: Yes.We haven’t seen each other for several years.


B: She’s working in Australia this year.And she worked in France the year before .


B: Yes,she has.She likes traveling ,so she always changes her woek place.

A: Is she going to work in China?

B: Yes._____5________

A: That’s great!


Kate and Sandy are American students.They ___1__ sisters.They live __2__now.Kate is__3__ than Sandy.She likes living in town very much.Kate thinks living in town is__4__than__5__in the country.There are more parks shops and cinemas in town than in the country.She especially likes the lights in town.She thinks the lights ___6__are more beautful than the starts. She lokes to read and read__7__than sandy. Often Kate reads until very late at night. Sandy likes the country__8___.She thinks the country life is quiet.There is less noise and fewer cars.She likes to visit her aunt Peggy.She often helps her aunt___9__her work. Sandy likes to run. She runs faster than Kate.In the country Sandy can run longer than in town . She also thinks running in the country__10__the most exciting thing to do.

1、A、am B、is C、are D、 \

2、A、in the town B、in town C、in the country D、in country

3、A、old B、older C、more old D、more older

4、A、interesting B、more interesting C、beautiful D、more beautiful

5、A、live B、living C、to living D、is living

6、A、at night B、at the night C、in night D、in the night

7、A、quickly B、more quickly C、quicklier D、more quicklier

8、A、good B、well C、better D、best

9、A、for B、at C、to D、with

10、A、am B、is C、are D、 \


Mary is form the USA.She has two brothers.Now her family are in China.Her father,Mr.Peter-son teaches English in Xihu Middle School.And her mother works in the same school.She teaches English ,too.Mary goes to school in her father’s car wiwth her mother everyday.

Mary is a nice girl student.She can speak a little Chinese.She is very lovely,so she has many Chinese friends. She teaches them English ,and they teach her Chinese.Her two brothers are twins.One is Bob,the other is Bill.They look the same.They are only five.So their grandparents look after them at home .Mrs.Peterson has many toys for the twin brother.Bob likes to play with toy cars,but Bill likes to play with teddy bear.They are happy every day.

1. There are ______people in Mary’s family.

A.two B. four C.six D. seven

2. Mr.Peterson is a ________.

A . teacher B. worker C. officer D. doctor

3. Mary’s family name is _________.

A. Mary B. Bob C. Bill D.Peterson

4. Mary ___________________________.

A. can’t speak English at all B.is very nice and lovely

C. and speak little English D. goes to work in her father’s car

5.Which of the follow is NOT right、

A. Mary’s family is from Ameirca B. Mary’s parents are both teachers

C. Mary has two twin sisters D. Mary’s grandparents are also in China




1、Millie and Kitty _____ fly to Beijing to learn Chinese.

A. some time B. some times C. sometimes D sometime

2.Li Ping is one of the _____ students in his class.

A. good B. well C.better D. best

3. Daniel can’t _____ the problem.

A. ask B. answer C. reply D. solve

4. Professor Nelson wanted to know________.

A. when would the conference begin. B. when the conference would begin.

C. when will the conference begin.

5. The house is very old,______ it’s quite clean.

A. and B. so C. or D. but

6. This kind of skirt looks_____ and sells_____.

A.nice; well B. nice;good C. well;well D. good; nice

7.Nancy ____ football_____ a week.

A. playing; twice B. plays; two times C. plays ; twice D. play; twice

8. What do you think of the story written by Mark Twain?

It is ______ .I like it.

A. boring B. bored Cinterested .D. interesting

9. With a history of more than 1,400 years,the Zhaozhou Bridge is the _____ stonearch bridge in the world.

A. old B. older C.oldest D. elder

10.Which is the ______,the sun,the moon or the earth?

Of course the moon is .

A. small B. smaller C. smallest D.the smallest

11.Hainan is a very large island .It’s the second ______ island in China.

A. large Blarger . C. largest D.most large

12. Oct.15th was one of _____ days in 2003.The Shenzhou-V was sent upsuccessfully.

A. exciting B more exciting C. the most exciting D.much exciting

13.Cathy did quite____ in the English competitions, and I did even_____.

A. better ;well Bwell ; well . C. well; better D.better; better

14.--Many people like to read the book Business at the Speed of Thought.

--That’s right.There is ____ in it.

A. something interesting B. interesting something

C. nothing interesting D. interesting nothing

15. You’d better not read today’s newspaper because there is _____ in it.

A. something interesting B. anything new C. important thing D. nothing special


A: take; carry

1、 Please________the box to the classroom.

2、 The bag is too heavy. I can’t_________ it.

B: other; the other

1、 Do you have any_______questions to ask?




Ⅰ.听力部分 (25分)


听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有5秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How long did Emily sleep last night? A. Six hours.

B. Seven hours.

C. Eight hours. C. Twice a month.

C. To Shanghai.





2. How often does the woman read this book? A. Twice a week. B. Every day. 3. Where did the girl go last year? A. To Beijing.

B. To Hong Kong. B. It is newer.

4. What do you know about Jenny’s school bag? A. It’s bigger. expensive.

5. Who is going to spend time in the countryside? A. Allan

B. Allan’s brother.

C. Allan’s sister.



6. Who did Li Nan visit Mount Tai with? A. His classmates. A. By train.

B. His friends. B. By car.

C. His parents. C. By plane.

7. How did Li Nan go there?

8. What did Wang Ling do during the days off?

A. She went fishing. B. She went camping. C. She climbed a hill.


9. What subject is Paul good at? A. Science. A. Always. A. Shy.

B. Math. B. Sometimes. B. Funny.

C. PE.

C. Hardly ever. C. Smart.

10. How often does Peter win the ping-pong game? 11. What is Bill like?


听下面一段短文,请从每个小题后的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听短文前你有20秒钟的时间阅读有关材料和4个小题。听完短文后,你有20秒钟的时间来选择有关选项。 短文连读两遍。 12. ______ are Pan Huiting’s favorite food. A. Noodles and dumplings B. Fruit and porridge 13. Pan has ______ for breakfast every day. A. milk and fruit

B. eggs and vegetables

C. eggs and porridge

C. Meat and fish

14.Pan always has dumplings for ______. A. breakfast

B. lunch

C. dinner

C. noodles

15. Pan has ______ only once a week. A. junk food

B. meat

Ⅱ. 笔试部分(95分)


从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 16. When ______ Jessy arrive ______ New York? A. does; in

B. did; in

C. has; at

D. did; at

17. ---Jack, who helped ______ make the model ship? --- Nobody! I made it all by _______. A. your; my myself

18. If you feel ______, you can listen to music to relax yourself. A. excited B. exciting A. What a B. What

C. tiring C. How

D. tired

19. ______ beautiful day! Let’s go out for a walk.

D. How a

B. your; mine

C. you; mine



23. There are ______ apples on the table. You may have them. A. a little B. a few A. by every day. A. play

B. plays

C. playing

D. to play

26. I have ______ to tell you. Please keep quiet. A .important something C. something important

B. anything important D. important anything C. /; although D. /; /

C. few

D. little D. about

24. We can improve our English ______ watching English Program.

B. in

C. for

25. His parents want him to be a musician, and they make him ______ the piano for 2 hours

27. ______ my grandpa studies every day, ______ he is 80 years old. A. Although; / B. /; but

28. ---I am getting ______. These jeans are too small for me. ---I’m afraid you have to exercise every day. A. thinner

B. shorter

C. taller

D. heavier

D. as well

29. Betty plays tennis ______ Tina, but not better than Lucy. A. so well B. as well as ---Never. A. How long

B. How many

C. How often

D. How soon

C. so well as

30. ---______ does your father go to Moscow on business?



Mrs. Hand lives with a dog called Dave. She likes the dog very much. She likes 31at home with Dave. But she never takes Dave 32 for a walk.

One day Dave has a (n) 33. He didn’t eat anything. Mrs Hand was very worried about Dave, so she 34 him to see the doctor. The doctor checked him over , and then he said, “Can you leave(留下)your 35 here for two days? I am sure I can make him eat things. ” She 36. The doctor told his assistant to put Dave in a small room and give him only 37.

Mrs. Hand 38 to the doctor’s two days later. The doctor 39 Dave to her. He looked different. “Does he eat 40 now?” Mrs Hand asked. Then the doctor 41some rice to Dave. Mrs. Hand said. “Dave 42 eats rice! ” Mr. Hand said. However, Dave ate up(吃光) the 43. Mrs Hand 44 the doctor. She paid him some money. “What’s the matter with Dave? 45 makes him eat rice?” she asked . “Water!” 31. A. telling

B. looking B. like B. took

C. staying

D. at

D. fact

D. played

D. student

C. illness

C. clothes

D. shopping

32. A. in B. out 33. A. situation 34. A. liked

C. on

C. found

D. agreed D. chicken

35. A. book B. dog 36. A. thought B. spoke 37. A. water B. meat 38. A. come B. came 39. A. bring B. take 40. A. anything B. something 41. A. gave B. cried 42. A. always B. never 43. A. fruit B. water 44. A. made B. had 45. A. When B. How 六、阅读理解(共15小题,计30分)

C. said C. bananas C. go

C. nothing C. often C. rice C. answered C. What

D. goes

D. bought

D. thing D. talked

C. brought C. asked

D. usually D. beef D. thanked D. Where




A. Chicken.

B. Rice.

D. Pork.

46. Which kind of food has the fewest(最少) calories every 100g?

C. Vegetables.

47. Which kind of meat contains(含有) vitamin B12? A. Beef.

B. Pork.

C. Chicken.

D. Fish.


Being outgoing is good for your life. Those who are more outgoing like to meet lots of people and have more fun in life. In fact, being outgoing is not so hard as you think. Even shy people can be outgoing.

You can start becoming outgoing with your best friend or a group of friends. But the real challenge(挑战) comes when you meet strange people or new friends. Smile more, and usually they will return your smile. In this way, you may have some talks.

Start a talk. Just a simple “Hello” or “How is it going” is a good start. If you want to make interesting talks, you should read news in the newspapers and prepare(准备) your views, or surf the Internet for new information and then keep that in mind.

The easiest way to become more outgoing is to go out. This is also the most important step. Go to a park, beach, club, party or any other place that you think can be fun, and you may make new friends there.

51. You should start to be outgoing with ______.

A. your parents B. your teachers C. your best friends A. What’s the matter? C. How is it going? A. talking B. smiling A. more outgoing B. healthier 55. Which is NOT the writer’s view?

A. Being outgoing is really difficult. B. Being outgoing is good for our lives. C. Being outgoing helps people have more fun. D. Being outgoing with stranger is not easy.

第二节:请仔细阅读第56-60题中的个人情况,从说明A 到F 提供的信息中选出符合各自情况的最佳选项。(其中有一个多余选项)

56. Paul is an active boy in his class. He likes doing sports. He usually goes swimming in summer or skating in winter. His favorite game is table tennis.

57. Jane likes reading books. Before sleeping, she often reads her favorite books. And she likes going shopping, too.

58. Jenny is a music fan. She spends most of her time playing or listening to music. She plays

B. What’s your name? D. Are you healthy? C. playing

D. going out

D. your new friends

52. When you start a talk with a strange people, you should say “ ______”.

53. The easiest way to be outgoing is ______. 54. Making new friends can make us ______.

C. more serious D. funnier

the piano three times a week.

59. Mr Wang is a manager. He is very busy. He loves English very much and wants to study English

in his free time.


用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。 take, nice, make, many, much, old, vacation, well, night, live Kate and Sandy are sisters. They live in a big city. Kate is two years 61than Sandy. She likes 62in the city very much. She thinks living in the city is 63more interesting than living in the countryside. She likes the lighters(灯光) at 64in her city. She thinks the lights are 65than the stars. She enjoys reading and she reads 66books than Sandy. Sandy dislikes living in the city. She likes the countryside 67. She often visits her grandma in the countryside and takes 68there. Sandy likes 69walks after dinner. She thinks it 70her very relaxed. 八、单词拼写(共10小题,计10分)

根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答卷上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。 71. My mother has lots of h______ to do at home every day. I should always help her. 72. How many d______ can you find between these two pictures? 73. I like watching TV and my favorite p______ is Animal World.

74. Young children need to sleep at l______ 9 hours every night. Enough sleep is very important. 75. On weekends, most of the students like u______ the Internet to relax themselves. 76. Peter has good eating habits. He is h______ than any other player in the football team. 77. I think it is n______ for the students to have some hobbies in their free time. 78. I think the best way to relax is t______ exercise, although it is good to relax by watching TV.

79. A friend of mine is t______ in dancing.
