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(一) 国家主权原则 International criminal police organization working principle

(a) the principle of state sovereignty 这一原则通过主权平等方面的内容来体现。根据国际刑警组织章程,每个成员国,无论它的大小、建国时间的长短、加入国际刑警组织时间的先后、富裕发达的程度,都不影响各自在国际刑警组织大会及有关场合平等地表达自己的观点,行使权利。一由于国际刑警组织的主要工作是进行有关协调、组织工作,因而与其他政府间国际组织不同。国际刑警组织的各个成员国当中,没有类似联合国“安全理事会常任理事国”这种特别的成员国,也没有哪个成员国拥有否决权。

This principle is embodied by the sovereign equality aspects.According to

the constitution of the International Criminal Police Organization, each member

country, regardless of its size, the length of time, joined the International Criminal Police Organization in time of prosperity, the degree of influence, do not express their own views of equality in the International Criminal Police OrganizationConvention and relevant occasions, to exercise their rights. Themain work of

a Interpol is the coordination, organization, and thus is different with

other intergovernmental organizations. Interpolmember country, no

similar special members of the United Nations"permanent members of the Security Council" this, nor any memberwith veto power.


According to this principle, all members of the unauthorized cross-border pursuit of action, in accordance with the payment shall be considered null and void. No matter what happens, criminal huntmust be limited within the existing laws of their respective countrieslimit. For example, any state police departments are impossible to his country's police department access to files, but only by the CentralBureau of Interpol to query the country of residence of theInternational Criminal Police

Organization of the country's request,examination and approval, and by its own police department reviewafter the notification query state

police department. Similarly, cross-border, cross-border criminal

investigation and pursuit, are no exception. In any fight against transnational

crime activities, each country can only be engaged in criminal activities in its jurisdiction.

(二) 对口工作原则

(B) to work principle 这一原则的含义是指国际刑警组织及各成员国之间的业务活动,只能在各成员国的刑事警察部门之间进行。由于各国的具体国情不同,现今存在着从事不同任务的多种警察部门。在一些国家,有从事国家安全及特殊任务的特种警察,也有的国家有被称为“宪兵”的军事警察。那么,这些警察机构在日常工作中,涉及到处理有关跨国犯罪活动时,能否通过国际刑警组织来执行任务呢?从理论上讲,答案应是否定的。根据国际刑警组织章程第三条的规定,这些刑事案件是以被各成员国刑法普遍认可的普通刑事犯罪为主要内容的。这种合作不包括国际刑警组织及各成员国的刑事警察部门与其他国家的非警察系统的刑事司法机构如刑事法院、检察机关、特种警察机构的互助合作。这种合作应当是仅限于各国从事打击普通刑事犯罪的警察部门之间以及它们与国际刑警组织总部之间。

The meaning of this one principle is refers to between the International Criminal Police Organization and member of thebusiness activities, between only in each member of the criminal police department. Due to the specific conditions of different

countries, nowadays there are many police departments in different tasks. In some

countries, have engaged in national security and the special task of special police, some countries also has been called the"military police" military police. So, these police agencies in their daily work, involves dealing with transnational criminal

activities, canperform the task by Interpol? Theoretically, the answer is no..According to the provisions of article third of the International Criminal Police Organization, the criminal case is to be members of criminal law generally accepted common criminal crimes as the main content. Mutual cooperation, such cooperation is not including the criminal justice agency Interpol and other members of the criminal police department and other countries not police system such ascriminal court, procuratorate, special

police agencies. Such cooperation should be limited to between nations in the fight againstthe common criminal police and Interpol headquarters.

(三) 最广泛合作原则

(C) the most extensive cooperation principle


Because of the society especially great dangerous criminal has, and often cause personal injury or property damage, and so despiteideological differences, but

countries spare no effort to fight is thecommon crime. "The

most widely prescribed mutual supportbetween the international criminal police

organization constitutionarticle second" to guarantee and promote the criminal police, and will not restrict the scope of mutual support within a class or some ideology or social system the same countries, even in the International Criminal Police Organization's history, had a mutualcooperation in the fight against criminal

activities and not theorganization's member countries. After all, for any country, the criminal to national, social stability and bring destruction, so for the stability and the interests of their own, the countries with different social systems can come together, to participate in the InternationalCriminal Police Organization, jointly combat

transnational criminal activities.

(四) 自愿合作原则

(D) the principle of voluntary cooperation


The world's second largest inter-governmental international organizations as

members of the United Nations in the second, all the activities of the international criminal police organization are the basis principle based on voluntary cooperation. The principle ofvoluntary cooperation mainly in the Member States and the International Criminal Police Organization in the process of mutual cooperation, support, a party cannot force the other party must ormust not act as some kind of. For example, when a country wanteda robber fled to other countries, the country's central office cantransfer the

relevant information about the criminal to the other country center through

Interpol special communication network,and can emit red warrant (one of the

special Interpol investigation)requirements the other country criminal police departments to assistto capture. When the Central Bureau of the other countries after receiving the information, it must proceed from national legal angle,stand on one's own to decide whether to assist the country toarrest the criminals. In this process, the international criminal police organization can be coordinated contact from it, but you can't forcethe other country center must give some help. Whether to assist,depending on each

other's voluntary. Of course, in general, based on the principle of reciprocity, the receipt of the relevant query notification his country's central office or Interpol issued after theCentral Bureau, countries will help provide support. At the same time, during which the International Criminal Police Organization is not entirely in the experience, if a country's Central Bureau refused to provide assistance, to put forward the

corresponding reasons. To the Central Bureau of Interpol Secretary-General and relevant countries and on the basis of. This is to ensure that the fight against

transnational crimes in the maximum range, reduce the "blind area".

(五) 灵活性原则

(E) the principle of flexibility


By the end of 1993, the International Criminal Police

Organizationhas 176 members, taking into account the characteristics of working methods, each member country criminal police department procedures, police

organization levels of diversity, thus in the articles of association of Interpol, and without

reference to or according tosome national criminal police mode in the articles of

Association rulessuch as the investigation procedure and the corresponding period and other content, but only identified several of the workingprinciples and procedures of the basic, so that they can be widelysuitable for all members of the actual, minimizing the cooperationand mutual support unnecessary restrictions. Therefore, the International Criminal Police Organization articles not more regulations in this area, but by the between the Member States andthe international criminal police organization engaged in business activities when they negotiate with each other, to provide support.

(六) 遵守人权宣言原则

(F) to comply with the declaration of human rights principles 《世界人权宣言》是联合国成立不久的1948年12月10日通过的。鉴于第二次世界大战对人权的极度摧残,为了彻底消除这种不正常的状况,避免今后可能出现的类似情况,使人们能够享有应有的权利和自由,于是才有了这部宣言的出台。《世界人权宣言》通过后,曾被许多国际协定、公约所提及,但是国际刑警组织是目前为止唯一将其内容写进章程的国际组织。由于刑事侦查工作经常要涉及到公民的人身自由和财产的安全等内容,因而在国际刑警组织章程中规定遵守人权宣言的精神,其目的主要是要求该组织及成员国在从事侦查、追捕等工作时必须注意保护公民权、隐私权、财产权等合法权益,并要求各国刑事警察部门应本着人道的原则公平地对待犯罪嫌疑人。在国际刑警组织总部还保存着有关犯罪人员的资料,为了保证这些资料不被滥用,国际刑警组织总部秘书处曾先后两次与法国政府就如何保护国际刑警组织档案的问题签定有关协定,对有关在打击刑事犯罪的同时保护人权的许多具体问题作了规定。

"The Universal Declaration of human rights" is the United Nationsestablished in December 10, 1948 by the. In view of the Second World War II extreme destruction of human rights, in order to eliminate this abnormal situation, to avoid a similar situation may arise in the future, so that people can enjoy their rights and freedom, so have the declaration. "The Universal Declaration of human rights" after, has been mentioned in many international agreements, conventions, but the International Criminal Police Organization is so far the only international organization and its content written into the constitution. Because the criminal detectionwork often involves the content such as safety of citizens freedom of the person and property, and abide by the provisions of thearticles of the Universal Declaration of human rights spirit in theInternational Criminal Police Organization, its main purpose is torequire that the organization and member states in the investigation,after work must pay attention to the protection of civil rights, the right of privacy, right of property and other legitimate rights and interests, and requires the criminal police departments of various countries should be based on humanitarian principles for criminal suspects fair. In the International Criminal Police Organization headquarters also kept about crime personnel information, in order to ensure that the data is not abused, Interpol Secretariat has two













詹姆斯·安德森表示,目前经济犯罪很多是跨国组织通过网络实施的,我们需要建立强大的信息网予以应对。而在贪官追逃和资产追讨方面,每个国家关于是否定罪的法律不同,这对国际刑警组织来说是一个挑战。(记者应强 尚栩 周飒昂)



The international criminal police organization order


Release of Interpol's order is made by the Secretary General of the International Criminal Police Organization Department, General Secretariat under a special international order release mechanism,mainly responsible for the National Central Bureau requirementsissued orders. The General Secretariat is in fact just assume an intermediary, contact effect, the actual arrest, investigation is done by the National Central bureau. Citizens in the discovery, aware ofspecific information and contact the local police, rather than directlyto the Secretary General of the International Criminal Police Organization reporting. Release the General Secretariat of the orderincludes two kinds, one is for articles, such as stolen works of art,weapons

or release drugs, the international order, international investigation; two is

the specific requirements of specific national Central

Bureau issued orders. After an order is more important.According to the specific object for different, divided into five types,with five different colors on the order of International Criminal Police Organization logo as a

symbol, respectively, red, blue, green orderorder order order order, yellow and black.

(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:国际刑警组织)


One decree, red 红色通令就是我们通常所说的红色通缉令,也叫缉拿通令,它是应特定国家中心局的申请,针对需要逮捕并引渡的在逃犯作出的一种通令。具体又分为两种,一种是要求对逃犯进行起诉的红色通缉令,另一种是要求逃犯服刑的红色通缉令,红色通缉令适用于重大、紧急的案件。红色通令具有以下特点:

Red notices are usually referred to as red warrant, also called thearrest order, it is the National Central Bureau of application, in order

to arrest a fugitive and orders made extradition. Concrete is divided into two types, one is for prosecution of the red wanted fugitives, the other is a fugitive sentence red warrant, red warrant for major,emergency cases. The red circular has the following characteristics:

第一、它具有一定的强制效力,即红色通令可以在发现逃犯后采取临时性拘捕和引渡的措施,通过这种强制措施,可以保证打击犯罪的效率和成效。在逃犯被引渡之前,是处于羁押状态之中,从而避免其逃脱; 被申请国可以直接根据红色通令在进行临时性拘捕后启动引渡程序,有些国家之间没有引渡协议、决议,可以按国际互助名义要求引渡。红色通令可以大大简化并加速引渡程序。红色通令已经实行网上发布,信息发生变更后可以立即更新,而被申请国可以据此直接适用更新后的材料信息,无须核查,体现出红色通令的高效、便捷。 First, it is mandatory for certain, namely red orders can take temporary arrest

and extradition measures after the fugitive was found, through the coercive

measures, can ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of a

crime. Fugitives extradited before, is in thecustody state, so as to prevent its escape; be applied directly according to the order of the red in the temporary arrest after the start of the extradition process, no extradition agreement, resolution of some

countries, according to the international cooperation can benominal for the

extradition. Red notices can be greatly simplified and accelerated the

extradition procedure. The red circular has been implemented for online

publishing, information can be updated immediately after the changes, and can

be applied directly byapplication of the updated information, without verification, reflect the red circular efficient, convenient.



In the five general order, red circular is the only implementation of the

arrest and extradition order on the wanted criminal. The citizensin a

country have arrested shall have the legal basis for the premise,a country under the red warrant of arrest according to specific lawsthat warrant or court

verdict provides application. An arrest warrantand judgment is an essential document red circular, application must be submitted in the application of red orders, if you do not providethe legal documents, by application of the state-owned right to refuse. The application of the judicial authorities in the submission, if these legal documents have numbers, shall indicate the; no number,should be coded description tags. An arrest warrant and judgment,location, date of issuance of the issuer are

also important information should be indicated, these are used to prove the validity of the warrant and judgments, that red has legal effect according to theorder of. Of

course, whether the red circular as temporary arrestbasis and arrest ultimately depends on the national recognition ofthe fugitive, effective on the basis of a majority of membersrecognized red orders as a temporary arrest, only a few countriesrefuse to recognize.


Second, it contains the full, complete information, content IDdescription

and judicial information includes a fugitive. Specifically,identity description mainly refers to the fugitives of the personal information, including name, parents name, time and place

of birth,nationality, appearance characteristics, if photographs and

fingerprints possible, and occupation, language, identity document number etc.. Justice is the main content of the legal basis for thecriminal wanted criminals involved as well as the application, including the summary of the case, an

accomplice, charges, citing law,sentence, law enforcement timeliness and arrest

warrant, the verdict. These information are required to fill in the order according to the format for red, Secretary General of the International Criminal Police Organization in the issue of red warrant will fill in the contents of the audit, the application form is an important content of the missing will not be allowed to issue the red circular. Audit is to ensure that the red circular contains valuable enough information on theissue, in order to ensure the efficiency of execution; more importantly, ensure that the red warrant issued in accordance withthe International Criminal Police Organization activities, in accordance with the Charter of the International Criminal Police organization.Based on bilateral

agreements between countries or to participate in the international convention, also can directly request his country'sinvestigation, arrest fugitives, but, because of the lack of effective legal documents (i.e. a warrant or court verdict) as on the implementation of arrest, often delay for time. 第三,可以向全球广为发布,具有广泛性。红色通令在全球所有的成员国中进行发布,不受特定的地区限制,并应申请国的要求以阿拉伯语、英语、法语和西班牙语同时印发。

Third, can be released to the world, has a wide range of. Red noticesare published in the world all the members, not affected by specificarea restrictions, and should apply for the country's request issued in Arabic, English, French and spanish.


Two, green orders



Green orders, also called the alert order, is given

to criminalsoccupation of guilty in many orders, information

about the criminalsinformed. With one of the following

situations, apply green wanted:first, guilty of a criminal offence in at least three

countries, not including minor offenses. Second, there is at least a criminal offencein a country (not including minor violations), at least in the policerecords in two other countries, which reflects the criminals engaged in

international criminal may. Third, a police record at least two countries, and

these charges from the nature reflects the criminalhas engaged in

international criminal crime may be, such as drug

trafficking, counterfeiting, theft, prostitution and other weapons.Fourth, a police record at least one country, records show that the offender may be involved in the implementation of internationalorganized crime serious transnational crime, such as the use

offirearms, explosives attack person, property, armed attack, theft,drug trafficking and other major. The so-called "police records",refers to the police investigation has sufficient evidence to prove guilt. Compared with the red circular, green in the case of

the majororders, emergency as red orders. Secondly, although the greenarrest warrant has been issued will also review the form of strictrequirements, to provide relevant

information on criminals,incomplete information will not be allowed to issue. However, if the information is incomplete or uncertain, Audit General Secretariat has been informed of the information, can be notified if apply for National Central Bureau has issued

the intention. In the meantime, theNational Central Bureau for further investigation on the needed information. In addition, the red circular is issued to the

global rangewidely, but the green wanted to publish, publish authority if thatissued

the order in a specific area can obtain the distribution effect, itwill not be in wide release.


Three, other orders








中图分类号:D523.36 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-2738(2012)06-0148-01 国际刑警组织全面保障世界公民安全,主要有以下几个方面:

一、枪支管理。国际刑警组织枪支(火器)参照表(IFRT,Firearms Reference Table)在2008年全面投入使用。该表以加拿大模式为雏形(基础),可以使调查人员准确校对枪支,因而在通过国际刑警组织武器溯源电子系统请求协查武器来源时,能够有效追踪枪支流动情况。枪支参照表可以通过I-24/7系统网络获取,其中包括25万份枪支参考数据、具体描述以及5万7千张高清图片;2009年建立的国际刑警组织弹道信息网络(IBIN)为世界大规模范围内共享弹道信息提供平台。与跨境指纹信息查询比对相类似,弹道信息网络能在数秒钟时间内鉴定所射子弹与现场遗留弹壳是否匹配,有助于法证专家及时向侦查人员提供案件、枪支及嫌犯信息。2月份国际刑警组织弹道信息网络已与一家私营法证技术公司签署谅解备忘录合作研发相关技术。此外,还成立了弹道信息网络指导委员会,由来自六个国家的法证实验室及国家中心局工作人员组成,该委员会正在指导建立一个网络试点。截至2009年年底,国际刑警组织弹道信息网络所存储的弹道信息逾71000条。














[2]许韬. “跨国追讨与国际合作”国际讲坛综述[J].公安学刊,2008,06:





国际刑警组织(英语:International Criminal Police Organization,通称Interpol,缩写ICPO),成立于1923年,专门调查及打击跨境罪案。其总部最初设在维也纳,德奥合并后,该组织被德国秘密警察接管,成为盖世太保的一个分部。德国投降后,英国、法国、比利时和斯堪的纳维亚国家的刑事警察成立了新的组织,沿用“国际警察组织”的原名。









