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Analysis of Differences of Family Education Concepts between China and America from Home with Kids and Modern Family

摘 要:家庭教育是指父母对孩子采取的教育方式,会对孩子的成长和发展所产生影响。它是整个学校教育和社会教育的基础,同时它对塑造孩子的价值观、世界观起着关键作用。本文以《家有儿女》和《摩登家庭》为例探索中美家庭教育观的差异,为中国家庭教育提供借鉴。

Abstract :Family education is the ways that parents educate their children, which exerts influence on children development. It is also the basis of school and social education, playing a key role in shaping children’s values and world views. In this paper, TV series Home with Kids and Modern Family are cited, to explore the differences of family education concepts between China and America, expecting it can work as a reference for Chinese family education.


在历史长河的积淀中,每一种文化都衍生出其带有民族特色的家庭价值观。由于思想观念的基础以及文化传统的迥异,中美家庭文化蕴含着不同的价值观,具有各自鲜明的特征。《家有儿女》是中国大陆的一部关于少儿题材的情景喜剧,采用重组家庭作为故事展开的平台。夏东海离婚后带着7岁的儿子夏雨、女儿夏雪,后与刘梅结婚。刘梅也曾离异,并带有一子叫刘星。《摩登家庭》是美国 2009 年开始上映的情景喜剧片以父亲老夫少妻式的重组家庭(Gloria和Jay)、女儿家(Clair,Phil),儿子的同性恋家庭(Mitchell和Camron)三个家庭为故事背景,内容涉及到情感、家庭教育、人际关系、文化冲突等,情节生动真实,语言诙谐幽默, 展示了美国的原生态生活方式。本文试图以中国家庭情景剧-《家有儿女》和美剧《摩登家庭》为例来探索中美家庭教育观的差异并剖析其原因,以期通过借鉴国外先进的教育方法更好地促进我国的孩子健康快乐地成长,提高孩子的综合素质,同时也更好地促进两国社会文化交流。


Over the long history of human development, each civilization derives certain family education concepts with national features. Based on sharp different ideology and cultural tradition, Chinese and American family culture bear different values with distinct features. Home with kids is a situation comedy on Children development in Chinese mainland on the basis of reconstructed family. The grass widower Xia donghai, who has two children named Xiayu,Xiaxue, remarries another grass widow Liumei, who has only one child Liuxing. While modern family is an American situation comedy with there families as background-father Jay and stepmother Gloria, daughter Clair and her husband Phil and son Mitchell and his homosexual boyfriend Camron, covering emotions, family education, interpersonal relationship, and cultural conflicts. The comedy presents us the genuine American lifestyles. In this paper, TV series Home with Kids and Modern Family are cited, to explore the differences of family education concepts between China and America, expecting it can work as a reference for Chinese family education as well as promote the social and cultural exchanges between China and America.


1、教育方式的差异 中国长期受儒家思想的影响,父母在家庭中具有绝对的权威,在《家有儿女》中,中国家庭的教育方式表现在:孩子在家庭生活中处于被动地位,父母对孩子的要求听从安排。从一进门父母就开始唠叨,即使孩子关了门去学习,他们还在紧闭的门前喋喋不休。剧中妈妈刘梅就是这样一位颇有点神经质的家长。父母往往以权威姿态出现,与孩子的距离较远,且经常打骂孩子,正如刘星所说,“中国打骂孩子正常,而在美国这属于犯法的。

Differences of Family Education Concepts between China and America

Different Education Ways

Influenced by Confucianism, Chinese parents hold authoritative position in family. Chinese family education concepts are reflected in Home with Kids in the following aspects: children are passive in family and obey almost every thing they parents order. From the moment the parents get home after work, they routinely talk endlessly, even though their children study in their own rooms, they doesn’t stop chattering. Liumei is the representative of such mother. Once her children make mistakes or doing things wrongly, she will scold them seriously and sometimes may impose corporal punishmen. As what liuxing puts it,” it is common in china that parents scold or beat their children, but in America, it is unlawful and parents.”

而美国家庭教育方式讲究“孩子本位”, 父母尊重孩子的人格和人权, 把孩子当做是一个独立的和平等的家庭成员相待,与孩子建立民主平等的关系。在《摩登家庭》中,孙女儿Alex 与其祖母Gloria的交谈中,Gloria将自己的感情经历如实相告,就像朋友之间的倾吐。正如剧中 Luke 对其父亲Phil说“We are friends”,(我们是哥们儿)。当孩子犯错时,家长以平等的态度与孩子进行沟通、交流,对孩子合理的想法和行为给予充分肯定,对其错误的想法和行为会给予批评指正。当Manny想退出准备已经的比赛时,妈妈并没有当即批评并指责他,而是循循诱导,最终成功劝说Manny参加比赛。

While American family education approaches focus on children-active. Parents respect their individuality and human rights, treat them as equal family members and establish democratic relationship with their children. Those values are obviously embodied in Modern Family in the following plots: Alex feels frustrated and readily talked to her grandmother Gloria, who related her own whole love-relationship experiences in order to comfort her just like bosom friends. As Luke says to his father Phil, “we are friends”. When the child commits mistakes, parents will try to communicate with them and listen to them. They will give approval to their right words and deeds but also guide them correct their mistakes by pointing out their wrong behaviors. When Manny wants to drop out form the sword competition, his mother doesn’t criticize him on the spot with pushy words, instead, she persuades him in soft ways and finally Manny participates in the competition.

2 教育内容的差异:


位。我国家庭教育中的家长对子女进行的文化知识教育实际上只局限在分数教育层面, 我们可以将其定为 “功利性知识”, 而进行的艺术教育在很大层面上只是作为知识不足的补偿,并未真正起到教育的目的。在《家有儿女》中,一次家长会结束后,刘星的妈妈刘梅迫不及待地询问夏东海关于老师对刘星的看法,东海借口给姥姥拿药回避了这个问题;即便如此,刘梅还是不断追问。我们从中可以看出中国家长对孩子在校表现的重视度。

Differences of education contents

Chinese family education attaches the training of language and logical ability, namely knowledge input first. Generally speaking, what Chinese parents educate their children are limited to study performance, defined as Utilitarian Knowledge. And art education is just compensation for the lack of knowledge, not the education in the real sense. These are also reflected in Home with Kids: After a parents’ meeting held by school, Liumei is eager to know Liuxing’s teachers’ evaluation to Liuxing, and she wants to get answers from Xia donghai, who attend the parents’ meeting. Xia knows that if liu gets to the truth, Liuxing will fall into trouble. So he wisely avoids responding to her. From just this plot, we see clearly how performance matters to parents.

美国家庭教育内容丰富,注重让孩子在体力、认知、语言、社会性、情感上获得和谐发展,可称之为“素质教育”。在促进体力的增强上,重视开展幼儿户外活动、体育锻炼,如在庭院里荡秋千,野外远足等。在《摩登家庭》中,家长经常带孩子骑自行,打球进行户外锻炼,培养肢体运动能力;在出现分歧时,家长可以用自身的经历为孩子提供意见,而不是干涉他们自主选择的权利, Jay的女儿Clair对她十几岁的孩子Alex的学习没有中国家长那么紧张,当Alex拼命迎考争取第一名时,反倒让Phil和Clair紧张了,他们担心孩子的身体出问题,一定要带孩子放松一下。

By contrast, American family education is diversified in contents, balancing their development in physical power, recognition, language, social ability and emotions. It is billed as education for all-around development. American parents focus on outdoor activities and physical exercise, including swing and hikes in nature. In Modern Family, parents often take their children for outdoor exercises, such as bicycling and playing basketball and football in order to train their body movements. When disagreements arise, parents will not interfere in their rights to free choice, instead, they will provide advice to their children with their own experiences. When Alex studies hard and scored number one in his class, his parents Phil and Clair feel uneasy, for they worry about Alex’s health and decide to take him outside for relax. 3教育目的的差异



Differences of Education Purposes

Since ancient times, china has placed much importance on family education. Parents hope that their children can be pillars in society. As such, Chinese family education is family-active. In traditional Chinese culture, man is understood as the existence of group and sociality is valued. Therefore, children education will be linked with family development. And the so called modern education advocates that never allow children lose at the beginning. Parents are ready to take all the housework for their children who are sent to the first-class schools. Because they hope their children can rank first in study performance. In Home with Kids these are reflected in the following plot: on the day that Xiaxue takes the national college entrance examination, both Liumei and Xia donghai get up earlier, liu is accustomed to getting up ahead of time, while Xia is insomniac because he is worried for the examination. Xiaxue feels confident after the exams; the whole family is covered by happiness. Unfortunately, Xiaxue fails to enter Tsinghua University. Liu is sick for months of constant work. From this plot it is obvious that the whole family attach much importance to the college entrance examination. Parents hope their children can enter famous university.

美国人讲个性,价值观是以个人为本的个体主义,注重个人利益,崇尚个人发展实现自我,这是美国文化核心。美国家庭教育的目的,是要把孩子培养成具有适应各种环境和独立生存能力的“社会人”.在设定家庭教育的目标时,家长会尊重孩子的意愿。 在《摩登家庭》第一季中,Phil 的二女儿 Alex 自己选择喜欢的大提琴课程,即使上课的时候要依靠自己的能力搬动;小儿子 Luke 天真单纯在 Phil 的眼里同样优秀,并没有强迫他去学习其他的技能, 而对于仅有 15 岁的大女儿Haley 的爱情,家长也没有横加阻挠 ,而是选择让她自己去体验。父亲Jay 虽然对于儿子同性恋的事实刚开始不接受但没有反对, 最终也接纳了儿子的男朋友和他的家庭. 剧中 11 岁的Manny 的一句台词 “我每一秒钟都不想放弃做自己 ”无疑是对美国家庭教育目的最佳诠释。

American values individuality and personal interests, which is the core of American culture. To cultivate their children into a social person who is able to adapt to any environment with independent living abilities serves the purpose of American family education. Parents will respect children’s willingness in setting family education goals. This is embodied in the Modern Family in the following plots: Alex is allowed to choose her favorite violoncello course although she has to carry it herself to the classroom; Phil appreciates Luke’s purity and innocence and doesn’t push him to learn other skills. For the 15-year -old Haley’s love, he doesn’t interfere it and allow her to experience herself. Although at first he disagree Mitchell’s homosexual love, at last he accept Camron and their family. It is Manny’s words that best translate American family education-I don’t want to give up doing myself for even a second.








一个民族的传统文化决定了家庭教育的广度与深度,通过以上的对比,我们不难看出中美家庭教育的特点。 我们必须客观的面对中国家庭教育的理念与方式。

首先,我们的家庭教育保留对传统的文化道德理念倡导的同时,必须学会尊重孩子,给予其一定的空间,重视其独立性的培养,培养孩子具有独立处理问题的能力,独立的选择能力,判断能力,审美能力等等;多给予鼓励和肯定,加强与孩子在情感上的沟通与交流。 充分发掘和培养孩子的兴趣爱好。


最后,在反思中西家庭教育差异的同时也要将这种理性对比分析的态度传承给我们的孩子,在价值观不断趋同的现代社会, 帮助他们坚守自己的道德价值体系非常有必要,取长补短,以期更好地促进我国家庭教育观的发展和两国社会文化交流。


[1] 胡文仲. 跨文化交际学概论 [M]. 北京: 外语教学与




[5] 徐言行. 中西方文化比较 [M]. 北京: 北京大学出版




篇二:喜欢摩登家庭的原因 中文及翻译







The modern family is one can let one family to sit down and quietly enjoy the high-quality TV drama.To see this drama will let you learn a lot of things.For example,you will know the importance of the family and you will know how to take care of your family.

The modern family taste verry sincere.It gives you the feelings of every family warm is the same.

The play is very happy and warm.it makes us feel,not right and wrong ,just as a family ,we are willing to live together..Life is not your design scene is so perfect ,but can still joy.

We especially like to play inside the characters are portrayed various defects of character ,but they think it more perfect. It probably is the main reason which we like this drama.In life ,we are not be the pink of perfection,it is these questions make us more perfect oneself, let our life more meaningful,more exciting.

To make a long story short,this drama is one family sit together after reading to taste life good play.













实际上,在很多方面,库里只是重现了他小时候的生活。他是在父亲德尔·库里进入NBA的第二年出生的,他知道稳定的家庭生活和职业篮球生涯两者之间不一定是相互排斥的。 “毫无疑问,那段生活经历让我现在的生活成为可能。”斯蒂芬说,“我相信两者之间可以平衡,而且可以成为相互的动力,同时也很庆幸阿耶莎有我妈妈这16年的经历做参考。” 2







2011年7月,22岁的库里和21岁的阿耶莎结婚了。一年之后,他们迎来了女儿莱莉。在随后的几年里,丈夫的职业生涯迎来了爆发期,而妻子也找到了自己的兴趣所在:她在YouTube上开设了个人频道“Little Lights of Mine”,分享自己在厨艺、健康、育儿方在的心得。阿耶莎在很小的时候就开始自己做饭,食物是她一生的热情所在,如今更成了她新事业的开端。



事情是这样的。去年,加拿大歌手德雷克发表的歌曲“0 to 100”里,有一句歌词是“斯蒂芬·库里在投篮,而大厨库里在煮饭”。库里以一个模仿短片作为回应。应和着德雷克的节奏,库里和妻子在自己的厨房里做起了咖喱,偶尔他还扭动身体跟着节奏起舞,而阿耶莎唱起了说唱:“正版库里大厨的我正在煮饭,烧得火热的是烤箱,旁边橄榄油正滋滋作响,鳄梨搅碎做成鳄梨酱……”他们的可爱女儿也参与了演出。整个片子非常的“斯蒂芬·库里”——有街头风格,也不乏家庭温馨。而这段视频在去年11月公布之后,观看量超过了110多万次。 3

如今,这对甜蜜的夫妻面临着新的挑战:丈夫职业生涯的新机会、妻子的新事业、一个两岁的小魔怪,还有一个很快要出生的新家庭成员。名声日盛而又想过上稳定、平淡的生活,这些都是大挑战。一档烹饪节目已经计划让阿耶莎担任主持,而她已经拥有一个个人品牌——在网上售卖围裙和橄榄油。她和丈夫也商量过将来要开一间餐厅。不过现在,戴着“Mommy”字样金项链的阿耶莎还有一堆事要做,而她只能容忍极少数的失误——本赛季早些时候,库里由于陪她度过了艰难的怀孕初期而影响到了在场上的状态,这对阿耶莎来说是她的失误之一。 “无论生活中发生了多少改变,他们还是像以前一样。”莱莉的教母布丽特妮说,她的丈夫布莱恩特是库里在戴维森大学的室友兼队友,“我很欣赏他们在聚光灯的照耀下还能和以前一样过着平常的生活。”


1. (1)--Why are you guys yelling at us when we’re way upstairs?

--Just text me. (2) It’s way too short.

ADV You can use way to emphasize, for example, that something is a great distance away or is very much below or above a particular level or amount. 大大地; 远远地 [ADV adv/prep] [强调]

Way down in the valley to the west is the town of Freiburg.远远的西边山谷中坐落着弗赖堡镇。

You've waited way too long. 你们已经等了太久了。

2. Luke got his head stuck in the banister again.

Why do you keep getting stuck like this?

3. I got it.

4. beside table

4. I was out of control growing up.

5. He tripped him, Jay. Where's the penalty?

I slipped in the baby oil.

6. I've wanted to tell her off for the last six weeks.

7. So, we had initially asked one of lesbian friends to be a surrogate, but then we figured, they're

already mean enough.

一开始,我们想找一个女同性恋朋友做代孕母亲后来又想 她们平时就够刻薄了。

8. ick : an English slang term for something distasteful.

9. fawn over: try to please 10. motorized tie rack电动领带架----motorized/automatic drying rack自动晾衣架

11. You're gonna be stuck with these people for the next five hours.



起呆上小时呢。 12. cream Puffs 意为泡芙或者娘娘腔

--Look at that baby with those cream puffs.

--Okay. Excuse me. This baby would have grown up in a crowded orphanage if it wasn't for us "Cream puffs." And you know what? Note to all of you who judge. Hear this. Love knows no race, creed or gender. And shame on you, you small-minded, ignorant few

这宝宝原本可能会在人满为患的孤儿院里成长。多亏我们这些娘娘腔收养呢!你们这些搞歧视的人给我听好了:爱不分种族、 信仰,不分性别。你们这些狭隘愚昧的……

13. headset


There. Be free. 好了,终于出来了。

15. I'm just gonna say it. 我就直说了吧!

16. Excalibur [eks'k?lib?] (in Arthurian legend) the magic sword of King Arthur

16. Easy!

Easy! 别激动!

17. I better charge the camcorder. 我最好给摄像机充上电。

18. That's my thing. 那是我的风格!

19. I didn’t mean to.

21. You don't have to be so emotional all the time. That's all I'm saying. 22. You’re with me on this, right?

23. Not to be the evil stepdad, but if you put on a puffy white shirt and declare your love for a 16-year-old, you're gonna be swinging from the flagpole in your puffy white underpants.

不是我要当恶毒的后爹,可你要真穿着那臃肿的白衬衣去向16岁的姑娘告白,你会被扒得只剩条白内裤,然后被吊在旗杆上。 If a part of someone's body, especially their face, is puffy, it has a round, swollen appearance. 圆肿的

Her cheeks were puffy with crying.

He noticed some slight puffiness beneath her eyes.

他注意到,她眼睛?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路接幸恍┣嵛⒌难鄞?/p>

24. She barely slept on the plane and she's still wide awake.

25. gain a few extra pounds

26. But apparently your body does a nesting, very maternal, primal thing where it retains nutrients some sort of molecular physiology thing.

但显然你的身体会产生一些母性的本能反应来储存养分,像是分子生理学那类的。 Primal is used to describe something that relates to the origins of things or that is very basic. 原始的

27. They say something judgmental.

28. avoider

have avoidance issues

29. I could defeat you if it came to a physical confrontation. 30. I just need to get flipped right on my back, and we should be fine.

31. So stop being a gloomy goose and stop being so hard on Manny.

32. an old-time sheriff 警长

33. We ask that all mall-walkers stay to the right.

34. frosting糖霜a sweet substance made from powdered sugar that is used to cover and decorate cakes.

35. a coin-op car wash 自主洗车站


36. He was a bit of a drama queen. =He is kind of /sort of dramatic.

37. Jay: Okay, I-I-I know that I said I thought this was a bad idea. But, uh, what do I know? I

mean, it's not like I wrote the book on fatherhood. Been trying all my life to get it right. I'm still screwing up. And, uh, you should know that, uh, I'm not here to spit in your face, I'm here to... blow at your back.

38.Manny: We're from different worlds, yet we somehow fit together.

Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather.

I stand before you now with only one agenda-To let you know my heart is yours.


Modern Family is one of the most interesting American sitcoms.It shows funny everyday life and emotions of an representative United States family.The big family has three families.Pill and Claire married 16 years,they has three children,Haley,Alex and Luke.Haley is a beautiful girl,Alex is good at study and often make fun of Haley and Luke.Jay and Gloria married 6 months,Jay is past 60 and Gloria is a very sexy woman.She has a ten years old son,Manny.He is more mature than other ten years old boys.Mitchell and Cammeron are gays,they have been together for five years.They really want to have a baby,so they decided to adopt Lily from Vietnam.

After watching the sitcom, I think Modern Family is an meaningful sitcoms. Especially,some scenes have an deep impression on me.

The first scene,What’s the key to being a great dad?That’s a tough one.Cam thought giving children the freedom to be whatever they want to be.Patience is the key.Pill thought it is simple to be their buddy.Jay thought the key to being a good dad a long time,and said that sometimes things work out just the way you want,sometimes they don’t,you gotta hang in there.Because when all is said and done,90% of being a dad is just shown up.

Second,The first day of school can be tough for stay-at-home moms.The kids are gone,the nest is empty.They are rudderless.Pill thought Claire might like some company.He thought if you pay attention,women would tell you what they want by telling you the opposite of what they want.When Claire said she was sort of looking forward to a quiet day to read and run.Pill decided to run together.Claire thought Pill couldn’t keep up with her.Finally,they decided to race.After seeing the family T-shirt, Claire realized something,the first day of school was tough on all her kids,especially the one she married.So she lose the race to make him feel better.In life,We do strange things for the people we love.We lie to them,we lie for them.There may be some bumps along the way,but we never stop wanting the best for them.That’s what makes it

such a tough job,but it is a kind of the best job in the world.

The third.In the fencing match,Manny moved on the championship.Seeing his dad so proud of Manny,Mitchell still was holding a little resentment.When Mitchell was 11,Claire was 13,they were competitive figure skaters.They were actually a very good team.They were called Fire and Nice.Now,Mitchell was still upset,because Claire quit the team right before the 13-and-under regional championship.He just thought it would have been nice to see his dad that proud of him.In ilfe,parents often tell kids it doesn’t matter if you win or lose,but let’s be honest,winning feels pretty great.But there’s nothing like that golden moment,when Jay saw Mitchell and Claire skating together again in the sun.I think every parent probably wants that for their child.Sometimes they push too hard.And that leads to a lot of resentment and guilt.So,how much is too much?I think you just have to have faith that kid’s will find his own way.

In a word,I learned a lot.Life may not be perfect, but there is such a group of people who stay together and love each other, perhaps this is the true meaning of family.I’m thankful for that every day.
