作业帮 > 体裁作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 04:28:06 体裁作文


聪 明 的 小 乌 鸦





23. A) Bad weather

B) Human error

C) Breakdown of the engines

D) Failures of the communications system

24.A)Two thousand feet

B) Twelve thousand feet

C) Twenty thousand feet

D) Twenty-two thousand feet

25.A) Accurate communication is of utmost importance

B ) Pilots should be able to speak several foreign languages

C) Air controllers should keep a close watch on the weather

D) Cooperation between pilots and air controllers is essential Exercise 1 Questions 1 to 3 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A) A recording artist

B) A French teacher

C) A student

D) A teaching assistant

2. A) It needs to have more French lesson tapes

B) It needs to have its controls repaired

C) It is different from all the other laboratories

D) It can be operated rather easily

3. A) Change her class schedule

B) Fill out a job application

C) Organize tapes on the shelves

D) Work on the French lessons

Exercise 2 Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A) Because her parents love her very much

B) Because her parents never force her to do anything she

doesn’t want to do

C) Because she is allowed to have her career

D) Because she has too much freedom

2.A)She didn’t need her parents’ money any more

B)She begins to get on well with her parents

C)She always stayed with her parents

D)She rented a government house and lived alone

3. A)They allowed him to come to England immediately.

B) They thought he should go abroad as a child

C) They were reluctant until their son persuaded them.

D) They tried to control his English study

4. A)The two speakers are from different countries

B) The man gets along very well with his parents

C) British parents never interfere with their children

D) The man doesn’t like his parents at all. 22. A)The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnack

B) The fall of Karnack’s capital city into the hands of the rebel forces

C) The epidemic that has just broken out in the country of Karnack

D) The peace talks between the rebels and the government in Karnack

23.A)The epidemic has been brought under control

B) There are signs of progress in the peace process

C) Great improvements are being made in its capital

D) There’s little hope of bringing the conflict to an end

24. A)Late in the morning

B) Early in the afternoon

C) Sometime before dawn

D) Shortly after sunrise

25.A) Inadequate medical care

B) Continuing social unrest

C) Lack of food, water and shelter

D) Rapid spreading of the epidemic

Exercise 1 Questions 1 to 3 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A) They are describing a new dustbin

B) They are discussing the protection of environment

C) They are collecting used batteries

D) They are looking forward to attending a lecture

2. A) To make full use of the metals left

B) To protect the forest resources from being destroyed

C) To call for stopping using plastic meal boxes

D) To awaken people to the environmental problems

3. A)She will attend the lecture

B) She will draw up a program

C) She will join the “Green Movement”

D) She is not sure what she will do

Exercise 2 Questions 1 to 3 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A) More work as a teaching assistant

B) A higher salary

C) A longer vacation period

D) A research assignment

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:聪明的小乌鸦作文)

2. A)He’ll start next week

B) He wouldn’t enjoy it

C) He would like time to decide

D) He wants his adviser’s opinion

3.A) Finish his degree in the fall

B) Let someone else read his evaluation

C) Consider taking fewer courses

D) Get more teaching experience

4. A)Frank’s talent for teaching

B) Frank’s interesting approach to research

C) A present Frank will receive for graduation

D) A congratulatory letter from the department

Day 44

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard

19. A)To interview a few job applicants

B) To fill a vacancy in the company

C) To advertise for a junior sales manager

D) To apply for a job in a major newspaper

20A) A hardworking ambitious young man

B) A young man good at managing his time

C) A college graduate with practical working experience




小乌鸦生活得十分快乐。渴了,就有小溪为它解渴;饿了,树上红彤彤的果实为它填饱肚子;累了,就可以在树上栖息。可是,直到有一天...... 树没有了,小溪也干了。小乌鸦口渴了,它只好在树桩上吸取树的汁液。 有一天,小乌鸦寻找食物回来,看见这里的树桩也不见了,地上全都是沙子,它知道这里已经沙漠化。可是,它又口渴了,但是,已经没有水源了。

小乌鸦飞啊飞,飞到了一块石头上,它怅望灰天,发出了十分凄惨的叫声,一声连着一声:“哇~~哇~~哇~~哇~~!!!”连天上的云朵都在为它哭泣。 哎,可怜得小乌鸦!










