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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 07:19:37 字数作文

篇一:火星现女外星人 长发露胸(图)

火星现女外星人 长发露胸(图)



参考消息网8月6日报道 NASA火星探测器“好奇号”(Curiosity Rover)所摄照片,经常遭眼尖人士抓到不寻常处。而近日的的一张照片再度引起UFO爱好者热议,因火星影像中似乎出现一名拥有长发与胸部的“外星女性”。

台湾中时电子报8月5日报道称,专研究UFO的网站《UFO Sightings Daily》表示,根据照片中的影像,这看起来像是一位披着



火星存在“外星人”的质疑已愈来愈多,先前加拿大一名UFO爱好者吉勒(Andre Gignac)曾声称,在NASA所发布的火星照片内,发现“外星人”及“机器人”的踪迹。

印度村民挖井时,意外发现长相奇特的人形生物。( 台湾东森新闻



参考消息网7月31日报道 台媒称,又见外星人?印度村民日前在凿井取水时,意外发现一只模样诡异的人形生物。由于无人可以解释到底是什么东西,许多民众纷纷猜测,人形生物应该就是外星人。 台湾东森新闻网7月30日援引印度《news nation》的报道称,印度拉贾斯坦邦(Rajasthan)的第二大城市焦特布尔(Jodhpur)日前发现疑似外星人的生物,当时村民正在挖井取水,却意外在地底下惊见长相奇特的人形生物。


【延伸阅读】10架UFO在日本大阪上空聚集 变换阵型飞行(视频)

不明飞行物体聚集在大坂上空。( 台湾东森新闻网)

参考消息网7月31日报道 日本大坂上空出现10个不明飞行物体,不只在空中聚集,过了几秒后它们还开始“列阵”飞行,画面都被网友拍下上传到网络,引起全球网友的热烈讨论,但是因为影片画面模煳,让不少人对真假抱持怀疑。




【延伸阅读】美民众拍到神秘光柱在云端摆动 再掀UFO谜团(图



参考消息网6月24日报道 台媒称,美国印第安那州一名男子,日前拍下一段影片,影片中,天空的云层竟然有一道奇怪光柱不断地摆动,看起来就像超自然现象。影片发到网上后,也引发网友热烈讨论,有人认为该不会是外星人搞的?也有人表示,这只是罕见的自然现象。


篇二:发现火星外星人证据 竟然还有女机器人

发现火星外星人证据 竟然还有女机器人




研究之表示他仍在继续分析这张照片,但他相信在火星上一定有生物存在。“没有人敢否认这一点,” 他说道,“这张死亡外星人的图片的确令人震惊,但机器人呢?它有四条腿,但没有明显的头部。”这一阴谋论者表示他从宇航员拍摄的最大图片里进行了12次抓帧,并放大不同区域来分析每一帧图片。


“这个机器人是否是派往火星的?我不认为是这样的。外星人就存在火星上。” 研究者说道。“我的这些新发现真是令人激动。”这并非是他第一次发表这类有关火星上的目击事件的激进言论。 上个月,这名58岁的人声称自己对原始图片里陨石坑边缘的一个“暗点”产生了怀疑,因此他决定仔细研究研究。“我感到非常震惊。这是一个位于陨石坑内部墙壁上的巨大的全景窗户。你可以看到一个人在地堡窗户后面。” 研究者说道。










科学家们还表示我们往往利用这种能力“丰富自己的想象力”,从而识别有意义的形状,即使这样的形状并不存在。“我做好了被人认为我出现幻觉的心理准备,我并不介意被人说我是错的。” 研究者说道。



来源: 科技讯 2015-12-06 21:08 评论:0 条



1、火星象—— NASA火星侦察轨道器搭载的高分辨率成像设备HiRISE,2012年。








Bizarre Mars photos: Signs of life, or signs the Internet has lost its mind? By Ian Lee and , CNN Alien hunters claim to have found evidence of life on Mars in photos taken by Curiosity rover

? NASA scientist says there may be life on Mars, but only at the microbial level

? The claims may be the result of pareidolia, when the brain recognizes patterns that aren't really there ?

For most of us Earthlings, the photos of Mars taken by the Curiosity rover reveal little more than a desolate red landscape inhabited mostly by rocks. Lots and lots of rocks.

But to the more, er, imaginative minds in our midst, these are no ordinary rocks. They're signs of alien life on the planet next door.

For years, eagle-eyed conspiracy theorists have been trawling through the photos beamed back to Earth by NASA probes and "discovering" mysterious objects that they say proves the existence of extraterrestrial activity on Mars -- a world where ,,, and aall apparently coexist in the dusty expanses of the red planet. In reality they're probably all just weirdly shaped rocks, but why spoil the fun? The latest arrival, as it were, is the -- or at least a spaceship-shaped rock -- that UFO buffs believes crash-landed on Mars.

"I found this anomaly in the latest Curiosity Rover photo. The black object looks like a crashed UFO," on the UFO Sightings Daily website.

Hunting for aliens in Mars photos 02:16

"The craft is only about 2.5-3 meters across, so it probably only held a few passengers. Since many of the figures we found on Mars are about 5-8 cm tall, then we can conclude that his [sic] ship could carry about 20-40 passengers." Far out indeed, but not as far out as the discovery of a in early August. Or the " peering down at the Curiosity rover last month. Or the in June. You get the idea.

But let's not trade our tin foil hats for helmets and prepare for Mars to attack just yet. One NASA scientist says there's a perfectly good explanation for these sightings.

"We have color HD cameras on this rover that far exceed anything ever sent to the planet before, and yet in order to find these things that kind of trick your brain into thinking it's a mermaid or whatever, you do have to zoom in where it's kind of a fuzzy shadow at that point," Ashwin Vasavada, a scientist who works on the Mars rover project, told CNN.

Vasavada is alluding to a phenomenon called pareidolia, which is when your brain recognizes a familiar object or pattern even though it's not actually there. It explains why people see the Man in the Moon, , or even a tiny woman wandering around Mars.

Vasavada remembers her well. "That photo was up in a place we are

studying," he says, "a place we call a 'geologic contact' where there is a lot of sandstone next to mud that formed at the bottom of an ancient lake."

"Now, three billion years after that happened, little drifts of sand are following down the hill ... when you zoom in and kind of look at the light and shadows, it does look like a little figure of a woman," he admits. "But she would be a few inches tall and hasn't moved in months, so we don't think that's what it is."

Vasavada enjoys the things people claim to see in Curiosity's photos, but says his team doesn't take it too seriously. And he's as hopeful as everyone else is that NASA will find evidence of intelligent life on Mars.

"There is no group that would be (happier) to see such a thing than the 500 scientists around the world who w(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:火星现女外星人)ork on this Curiosity rover," he says. "So far we haven't seen anything that is so obvious that it would be similar to what these claims are."

But what about the space rat that's so obviously crouched amidst the rubble in this photo? Here's Vasavada to ruin the party again.

"We have no evidence of Martian iguanas or rats at this time," he says. "One of the best things we found is that Mars could support life, (but) if anything we think it's microbial life that's possible at this time. Things like rats and iguanas would be way further up the food chain that we think Mars may have ever gotten to."

Rats, iguanas and tiny women aside, amateur speculation over the Mars

photos hasn't all been in vain. Just the other day, Vasavada says someone on the Internet "found a place where a meteor had struck Mars while we were there roaming, so that is pretty fantastic."

For Vasavada, the weirdest thing about the thousands of photos taken by Curiosity is how they're not really weird at all.

"The thing that keeps coming back to me every single day is how un-weird it is, how much it looks like Earth," he says. "It's just fascinating that (on) Mars, even today, you can see the landscapes formed in similar ways that deserts and other places on Earth formed. It's kind of mind-blowing."

Not as mind-blowing a find as a Martian, of course. But Vasavada urges patience.

"We are working our way to answering what is a very difficult scientific question," he says. "It's unfortunately not going to be as easy as seeing a mermaid in a picture."









