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唐代孙过庭在其所撰《书谱》中写道“察之者尚精”,就是说观察一定要精细。一般地说,初学者应该把.?读”和“临”这两个环节同步起来。临什么,读什么。可按临写的顺序,先点画后结构地对所要临习的字逐个“相面”,从组成字的基本“细胞”看起。先看点画的形态、走向、质感和轻重,然后再看每个点画起笔、运笔、收笔的过程。沈尹默先生在其所著的《书法论丛》中,谈到对起笔的观察时说,“把身边携带着的米老七帖照片,时时把玩。对于帖中?惜无索靖真迹,观其下笔处?一语,若有领悟。(来源 书法屋:www.shufawu.com)就是他不说用笔,而说下笔,这一?下?字,很有分寸。我就依照他的指示,去看他七帖中所有的字,每一个下笔处,都注意到,始恍然大悟,这就是从来所说的用笔之法。非如此,笔锋就不能够中;非如此.牵丝就不容易对头,笔势往来就不合。明白了这个道理,去着手随意遍临历代名家法书,细心地求其所同,发现了所同者,恰恰是下笔皆如此,这就是中锋.不可不从同,其他皆不妨存异。”沈老读帖的经验之谈,仔细琢磨起来很有味道。












1、 日 其实是偏左的

2、 日 中间还有与下一横,三个空隙应该是等距的

3、 横 左长右短,横要抗肩

4、 横左边与撇末笔在一条直线上,右边日右上肩、横的末笔、捺的末笔在一条直线上

5、 中竖在字重心位置,他的位置是在日字中间小横的末端下部

6、 撇起笔与日左面竖在一条竖线上,捺起笔在撇上三分之一处

7、 撇大概45度 就是两个对角连线的角度,捺的角度是二分之一田字格对角线连线(田字


篇二:读写任务 school sport activities



As is said by officials of the Beijing Committee of Education, there will be a new regulation(法规)that put more responsibilities on schools. Schools will bear legal responsibilities if students suffer physical harm on campus due to neglect(疏忽) or lack of prevention measures,.

According to a regulation that the committee made recently, if schools are proven responsible for students’ physical harm, they will have to pay compensation(赔偿) up to 200,000 yuan a year for each injured student. Many schools lack effective security measures and injured students have difficulty getting financial compensation. The regulation is aimed to solve such problems.

Focusing on prevention, the regulation puts forward some suggestions that schools should follow to avoid injuries. However, with the regulation in force, in order to avoid falling into trouble, some schools have cancelled most sport activities for fear that students might get injured when having sports. And this has caused opposition from students and parents.

The Beijing Committee of Education and Beijing Branch of Ping An Insurance Company signed an agreement, allowing the insurance company to cover (负责) schools’ responsibility. The agreement covers public kindergartens, elementary and secondary schools. So far, the insurance company has paid for over 20 cases.



2.然后以约120个词 “Should sport activities be cancelled?” 这个主题发表你的看法。内容包括:







The passage introduces schools will be responsible for students' physical injure caused by schools' neglect or lack of prevention measures. Therefore, some schools cancel sport activities for their own benefits.

Now, some schools cancel sport

activities, for the simple reason that they don't want to fall into any trouble. This is seemingly good for schools' management and operation. But as we all know, students are at the best time of physical development. Sport activities provide them with a good chance, which does good to their health. What's more, sports give them a chance to relax from the task of study, which will in return benefit their study.

In my opinion, schools should not

cancel sport activities just for their benefit. They should take students' health problem seriously, focusing on students' future development. Meanwhile, when schools

offer sport activities, they should instruct teachers and students to be careful, take preventive measures, and don't forget the most important thing:buy insurance for all students against accidents. (169 words)

A possible version:


The passage introduces a new regulation that makes schools responsible for students’ physical injury caused by schools’ neglect or lack of safety measures. As a result, some schools have cancelled sport activities (for their own benefits).

While this decision might make sense for schools, it is bad news for students who need a healthy body for a healthy mind. In my opinion, schools should not cancel sport activities just for their benefit. They should take students’ health problem seriously, focusing on students’ future development. In the meantime, when schools offer sport activities, they should take preventive measures, and buy insurance for students if possible.

It is really important to make sports a natural part of students’ lives. It can develop virtues, such as fairness, friendship and cooperation. (127 words)



1) The urgency of the situation

makes it necessary to

(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:activitie怎么读)

2) Needless to say,

3) The plain truth is that

4) There's little doubt that

5) We can safely say that

6) The urgent need for… is


7) There is no doubt that…is of

vital importance to…

8) Only in this way can you


9) It is essential that

10) Effective flood control is

not only necessary , but is also essential for protecting ...

11) It is urgently necessary…




阅读速度是按每分钟阅读的词数来衡量的。普通中学生阅读英语的速度应该是每分钟100个词。如何测算阅读速度,怎样才能读得快,是有一定方法的。请你根据自己阅读英语的实践和体会写一篇文章,回答上述两个问题。 How to Read Fast

Reading speed is measured by WPM.For an average middle school student, a reading speed should be about 100WPM. To calculate ① your WPM, you need two measurements. First, count or estimate② the total number of words in the reading material. Second, keep an accurate record of the time you spend reading the material. With these two measurements, you can make any reading passage into a speed reading exercise. The following may be helpful to improve your reading speed:

1.Do not move your lips when reading. This slows you down.

2. Do not move your head from side to side when reading. Practise using your eyes to scan③ the page.

3. Do not use your finger to point to the words or lines as you are reading. Your hand cannot move as fast as your eyes.

4.Find a quiet place to read. The fewer distractions④, the better your concentration⑤.

5.Look, for context clues⑥, to get the meaning of new words.

6.Increase your scanning ability. Try not to read separate words but groups of words.

7.Time your reading speed. Practise estimating the number of words in a passage and calculate your reading speed.

8.Practise scanning for important words of nouns and verbs. This allows you to read faster, yet you will still catch the important words to get the general idea of the passage.

①calculate ['k$lkjuleit]v.计算;预测

②estimate ['estimeit] v.估计;估量

③scan [sk$n] v.浏览;扫描

④distraction [dis'tr$kM n] n.分心;精神涣散

⑤concentration[?k&ns n'treiM n] n.集中;专心

⑥context clue['k&ntekst klu:]上下文线索





阅读速度是按每分钟阅读的词数来衡量的。普通中学生阅读英语的速度应该是每分钟100个词。如何测算阅读速度,怎样才能读得快,是有一定方法的。请你根据自己阅读英语的实践和体会写一篇文章,回答上述两个问题。 How to Read Fast

Reading speed is measured by WPM.For an average middle school student, a reading speed should be about 100WPM. To calculate ① your WPM, you need two measurements. First, count or estimate② the total number of words in the reading material. Second, keep an accurate record of the time you spend reading the material. With these two measurements, you can make any reading passage into a speed reading exercise. The following may be helpful to improve your reading speed:

1.Do not move your lips when reading. This slows you down.

2. Do not move your head from side to side when reading. Practise using your eyes to scan③ the page.

3. Do not use your finger to point to the words or lines as you are reading. Your hand cannot move as fast as your eyes.

4.Find a quiet place to read. The fewer distractions④, the better your concentration⑤.

5.Look, for context clues⑥, to get the meaning of new words.

6.Increase your scanning ability. Try not to read separate words but groups of words.

7.Time your reading speed. Practise estimating the number of words in a passage and calculate your reading speed.

8.Practise scanning for important words of nouns and verbs. This allows you to read faster, yet you will still catch the important words to get the general idea of the passage.

①calculate ['k$lkjuleit]v.计算;预测

②estimate ['estimeit] v.估计;估量

③scan [sk$n] v.浏览;扫描

④distraction [dis'tr$kM n] n.分心;精神涣散

⑤concentration[?k&ns n'treiM n] n.集中;专心

⑥context clue['k&ntekst klu:]上下文线索


篇五:新视野大学英语读写教程2unit1 quiz


Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦!

Part 1 Understanding Long Conversations (每小题:1 分)

Directions: In this section you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. 1.

B. To help them improve their way of doing things.

C. To encourage them to move to Japan.

D. To teach them how to work with Japanese people.


B. They don't know how to use email.

C. They don't have good technology.

D. They don't produce enough products.


B. By phone.

C. By email.

A. By fax. A. They produce too much paperwork. A. To tell them how to create paperwork.

D. In person.


B. They use their meeting time well.

C. They don't spend much time on meetings.

D. They produce superb products.


B. Budgets.

C. Leisure.

D. Managers.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. 6.

B. To explain a book he is reading.

C. To explain Chinese customs.

D. To explain Chinese relationships.


B. Brother fight against each other.

C. People often get angry.

D. People view relationships differently.

A. People often kill themselves. A. To explain Shakespeare. A. Dress. A. They have good managers who work hard.


A. He should not fight against him.

B. He should protect him.

C. He should help him when he can.

D. He should do everything his older brother says.


A. A tree falls on him.

B. He jumps off the top of a tree.

C. He hangs himself from a tree.

D. He runs into a tree.


A. Bao the Orphan.

B. Chinese books.

C. Shakespeare's works.

D. That people would kill themselves.


Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!


Part 2 Understanding Passages

(每小题:1 分)

Directions: In this section you'll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. 1.

B. Because they have limited time.

C. Because they are always running for exercise.

D. Because they are good at getting things done.


B. Very fast.

C. Very confused.

D. Very organized.


B. Appointments with respected individuals.

C. Meetings with friends.

D. Gatherings with friends.


B. A wedding.

C. A public meeting.

A. A concert. A. Community events. A. Very hostile. A. Because they plan many activities.

D. A party.


B. Say sorry for not being there the next day.

C. Inform the other party that he cannot keep it.

D. Make another appointment with the other party.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. 6.

B. Because in this stage you're a new arrival.

C. Because in this stage everything is new and exciting.

D. Because this is the beginning stage.


B. Pleasure.

C. Humor.

D. Discontent.


B. One has a better understanding of the new culture.

C. One has a better understanding of a sense of humor.

D. One has a better understanding of problems with the environment. A. One has a better understanding of pleasure. A. Excitement. A. Because in this stage you're most welcome. A. Say sorry for being late when he arrives.
