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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 10:14:40 作文素材


A Long Way

Last semester, I worked in a restaurant at my spare time. At the beginning, it was extremely hard for me to learn the roles and remember the recipes. I had to stand there and smile. At the end of the day, I was so tired that I almost could do nothing.

After a few days of working, the head waiter told me that I could take charge as a chief. I knew if I worked hard, I would take charge of a room. It meant I can get more tip. I was glad to do that.

As new, it was not an easy thing to serve all customers well. Sometimes, I dished up wrongly. Or I forgot the customer's requirements. What is worse, I overturned the plates twice. However, I could not be defeated because of these difficulties.

One day, I was about to be off duty when three foreigners came here. Because other colleagues could not speak English well, I had to stay to serve them. It was my first time to talk with a foreigner. However, suddenly, my mind was blank even though I had memorized 3000 words. How can I talk to them? I began to speak slowly, but think fast.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you? " I said it word by word. At the same time, I showed them the menu.

"NO, we order ··· with some rice. " They said so quickly that I seldom couldn't know what they wanted.

"Pardon? " I asked with embarrassment.

"Oh, we want tomatoes and eggs. Look at this, 'xi hong shi chao ji dan', " He showed me a note with some Chinese characters.

I tried my best to calm down. His pronunciation was different, which is not similar to my past study. So the communication seemed to be a little difficult. It made my colleagues laugh.

"I got it. What else? " I tried my best to keep calm as I could. I had no reason to laugh at them because of my bad English.

"Water, please. " Then, a pot of tea was on the table.

The more terrible thing was that the rice was sold out. How can I explain this to them? We were closing the store for the night. It was normal. However, we had been alternative.

"Hum, there is no rice left. How about noodles? Like this and this. " I felt embarrassed extremely. I could not translate the name to them and just showed the picture in the menu to them.

Maybe they were hungry, or they had no choice. They agreed me.

They said something and laughed. I could hardly understand it. But it was not my


business. The thing that I need to do was serve them more considerate.

They were eating and I was to go back to hostel.

Before long, they finished their supper and said: "How much?"

So, I had to stay more minutes. I gave them the bill.

"It is too expensive." They yelled. I knew it was too expensive here. But I had no idea. I could do nothing for them, just smiled to them.

Finally, I gave them the bills and I got rid of the serve.

At the way to school, I saw them and we went the same way. They were students too.

They talked to me; I stumbled to respond to questions. How long the way was. I complained that why I couldn't remember any words. However, I began to talk to them and adapted to this atmosphere gradually. I restarted to pick up my confidence again. They praised me for my self-confidence. Oh, I just said it word by word. Even I did not know how I could talk with them for such a long time. I swore I must learn English well, especially spoken English. Never make it happen again.

It is memorable. Each for it was the first time makes a dent in my heart. Gaining self -confidence means half success. I believe myself and won't lose confidence any more.


One Hundred and Six Pens

While I was reading, the telephone rang. “Hello, this is He Yu, When do you plan to see your students with me?” The other side of the phone asked. “Well, let us make it at Friday if it’s ok for you!” “Ok, see you that day.”

Having hanged up the phone, I began to recall my days of five months’ internship. Two years ago, I took the position of the grade four practice English teacher in The Quan Nan Third Primary School. The moment I left, I promised to the dejectedly crying students to come back to see them. Now the day came.

What should I bring to them? I considered this question r with a pen twirled around my fingers. Pen? A scene rose before my eyes that those children hold already-short pencils scratching on their papers . Pens were exactly what they needed. It was the best choice. So I went to a shop to choose 106 pens for my 106 students.

I began the trip with a heavy bag of pens. Upon my arrival at school, dozens of students swarmed forward and I was soon crowded around by the bouncing boys and girls. “Miss Xiao, you finally come, we have been looking forward to your coming all the time!” said Li Yan, a well-performed girl.

“Nice to meet you again!” I greeted to them. “Nice to meet you, too!” A voice came from the corner of the class. It was Miao Chen, a boy whose uncontrollable behaviors had always driven me crazy. I was surprised at his reaction for my appearance. “Oh, your English is much better than before!” “He has been learning to learn English since you left!” A boy called out. “He once said he missed you!” Another boy shouted. The crowded exploded with laughter. Miao Chen turned aside to hide his blushes. I came to him and put my hand on his shoulder, “I

believe you are a good boy.” He raised his head and smiled brightly.

“This Time I bring some presents for you.” On hearing the news, the children could not help clapping hands and bouncing around. There were 106 students and each person had one. “Miss Xiao, why do you give us gifts?” asked the boy next to me. “It’s for souvenir.” I replied. “But why choose pen?” He asked again. “You can use it to record what happened every single day. I hope you study happily and write your own life.” I explained. The children nodded without fully understanding. “I promise to keep it and never lose it!” Miao Chen looked towards me with innocent and firm eyes.

When it was time to go, they all came to see me off. They were reluctant to part with me again. “Miss Xiao, will you teach us in the future?” Miao Chen asked me before I went out the school gate. “Maybe not.” I turned around. “You mean this is the last time we meet?” Li Yan whispered disappointedly. “If we have a chance to meet some day, show me the pen and let me know you, ok?” I tried to comfort them. “Ok!” They made a rapid response to me and laughed satisfactorily.

In the glow of the setting sun, I left them. I came with 106 pens in the bag, while I went with full love in my heart.


叙事教学在大学英语写作教学中的应用研究 作者:杨秋仙


摘 要:本文分析了大学英语写作是英语教学的难点,现在存在写作空洞、写作方法单一,受到母语负迁徙极大影响的问题,可以通过叙事教学与写作教学结合,通过感知体验,叙事表达,语篇构想,语篇写作来有效完成英语写作教学。



大学英语写作教学一直是教学中的薄弱环节,并且存在许多问题。从教师角度来看,首先表现为写作教学时间有限。英语的写作教学大多安排在精读课之后的练习中来完成,因而写作教学在时间和内容上缺乏计划性,随意性较强。另外,班级容量较大,教师难以实现因材施教。其次是教学方法的局限性。大多数老师还是采用传统的写作教学模式,即布置写作题目,要求学生在规定时间内完成作文。批改时主要关注语法、拼写等语言错误,无法启发学生思维,更无法促使学生把所学语言知识应用到写作实践中去,造成学生语言运用能力难以提高,写作水平进步不大。从学生角度来讲,英语写作存在以下问题:第一,写作内容空洞。表现为句式表达多采用general statement,缺乏specific statement。第二,写作方法单一。在多年的应试教育体制下,学生为了通过考试只会千篇一律的采用“三段式”,即所谓的万能写作模板。并且整篇文章的衔接性较差,缺少前后照应。第三,无论是在篇章结构的布局,还是句式构成,词汇的选择上,都极大的受到母语负迁移的影响。有不少学生甚至把英语写作过程变为汉译英的翻译过程。



















[1]杨惠中.关于大学英语教学的几点思考[J].外语教学与研究. 2012(02)

[2]邹申.基于语料库的写作测试效度研究——以《英语专业写作教学语料库》为例[J].外语电化教学. 2012(01)


