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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 23:28:55 英语作文

篇一:the definition of freedom 英语作文 自由的定义

There are few words which are used more loosely than ‘freedom’. What dose it

mean? It means equal statuses in the same society. It means carefree way to live with

people’s own style, independence to deal with things, and fulfillment to achieve their


It is a kind of fairness that everyone is equal in front of law. People would not be

lower position, they have their own rights and obligations to do things. There is no

more slavery and there is no more racial discrimination in society.

It is a satisfactory fulfillment that people have the right to say what they have in

their mind and do what they dream of doing. People can express their own thoughts to

others, they can publish the book which is written by themselves, and they can vote

for their candidate or even take part in the competition.

It is a carefree way that people get someone’s permission and do what they like

without restriction. It is delight that people borrow a camera from someone and can

photograph everything they like. It is enjoyable that they use something randomly

because they have gotten the permission and nobody would be annoyed at them.

It is a kind of independence that people would do what they prefer and would not

be affected by anyone else. In colleges, people can choose what kind of elective

courses they prefer to learn. In restaurants, people can order what they prefer to eat on

the menu. At home, people can enjoy themselves and choose what time to have a rest

and what time to do the housework.

In conclusion, freedom is a kind of feeling with which people feel themselves like

birds flying in the sky happily, with which people feel they are just the way they are

and they would dominate everything about them with their own.

[word count: 309]


不散 0:00:14


阿赫曼 0:02:11

If one cit n. 市民;老百姓服装,便服as the ability to make a choice and act on it completely detachedadj. 分离的,分开的;超然的v. 分离

from the input, control, or otherwise influence of persons or society then, no, absolute freedom is an unattainable adj. 做不到的;难到达的goal. A height that will never be reached. For as long as there are people there will be influence. Whether directly or indirectly you will find yourself constantlyadv. 不断地;时常地 influenced by others. Not only can we not escape influence, but we also cannot escape control.

An extremistn. 极端主义者,过激分 example would be leaving your life behind to stay on an exotic, adj. 外来的;异国的;异国情调的uninhabited adj. 无人居住的,杳无人迹的island. OK, you've got it, there's no people to influence you, no government and society to control you with money and food and housing; you've got it -nothing. What happens when you want to eat? Well, by God, you don't need to buy anything so you'll just go out and find whatever you want to eat. It's all you now, whatever you(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网) want. Right? Wrong. Are you not completely dependent on the existing food supply of the island? If rough weather affects non-living food sourcesn. 输入源;发起者;来源(source的复数)v. 发起;起源;寻求(source的第三人称单数

such as fruits and nuts does the reduced quantity of such not affect how much you are able to consume vt. 消耗,消费;使…著迷;挥霍vi. 耗尽,毁灭;耗尽生命

and thus how healthy you are able to remain? Regarding animal food sources, are you not dependent on the animal not attacking and killing or wounding you, and thus preventing you from consumingadj. 强烈的;消费的v. 消耗(consume的ing形式)

him as nourishmentn. 营养品;食物;滋养品?

Frankly, if we are to be completely realistic we can never escape the control and influence of forces other than ourselves. What we can do is demand certain freedoms. Just because we cannot create an absolutely free existence to ourselves, that does not mean we have to exist within constricting bonds. As every American has heard in any U.S. History class we are all entitledadj. 有资格的;给与名称的

v. 给…权利;给…定书名;授…以荣誉(entitle的过去分词)

to "certain, inalienable rights." This is unquestionably a true statement. While they cannot be taken away, these freedoms can be surrendered, as they have countless times throughout history. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the freedom to pursue happiness in the way you choose (within the confines of law), and other rights and freedoms of this nature all contribute to our ability to make choices. With those freedoms in place other factors such as our desires, will, etc are able to be acted upon. The next level of determination is the outside forces I previously touched on. Once we are within the confines of the law the influence and control of society and social norms kicks in. Our desires are, at least to some extent, shaped by society; whether in open rebellion against the norms or in complacent compliance.

All things considered, I do believe that ultimately it does come down to us. Society, government, nature and other powers that be do not make choices for us. The actual decision making is up to us. However, the key is that we are not independent of our surroundings. We take on and go through a multitude of influence; it's how we interpret and relate these influences that makes us individuals exercising our




Freedom form pressure

The freedoms of we still cherish today : freedom from want, freedom from fear , freedom of speech , freedom from religion and freedom to be one’s best. But a number of other questions appear in our life frequently. Now only a handful of person who pursue a job with high salary, a kind and generous mates, could the feeling of happiness chronically.

Peers pressure refers to the influence exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to change his or her attitudes, values, or behavior in order to conform to group norms. Though the idea that “everyone’s doing it” can sometimes strengthen our sense of competition , it can also mislead us to leave our judgment, or our common sense behind. At home and throughout the world’s colleges and universities are altering their education model from cultivation of special talent to inter-disciplinary and innovative talent gradually. The unemployment rate among university graduates is soaring .Those lead to a kind of phenomenon that students, reluctantly, have to using even more time to learn their professional knowledge in order to accept the unprecedented challenges of the age. But there is a basic freedom which we are in danger of losing is learning the traditional culture and using of time to read book of cultivate one's morality raises a gender. Some people have to give up their dreams to do some things that could make money to play the daily spending.

We should have always highly valued our freedom from pressure and fought hard to protect it bravely. The first is optimistic attitude which benefits us on many aspects, such as it good for our emotional health, so we can see our study and work from a new angle frequently. The second is perseverance, in other words, never giving up and with the practical action to prove himself and infect others to pursue themselves dreams.
