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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 23:29:25 英语作文


①词汇篇 高分作文必备

单词可以说一个人单词量的展现,如果总停留在使用very good等小学词汇,那老师把你当成发育不完全也正常.所以要使用一些高级词汇(就象是给文章穿上了成人内衣),我不建议大家用考纲以外的词汇(当然你能用更好),下面教你用高级替换简单词汇~~

severe 替换掉serious(严重的)a severe water shortage严重缺水 wealthy 替换掉 rich ( 富裕的)

beneficial 替换掉 good (有益的)

undesirable 替换掉 bad (不好的,不受欢迎的)

nevertheless 替换掉 however/but(然而,不过)

fundamental / significant/vital /crucial 替换掉 important( 重要的) relevant 替换掉 related (有关的)....is highly relevant to....... extraordinary/amazing 替换掉 surprising (惊人的,非凡的) provided/providing (that)替换掉 if (如果.....)

on condition that替换掉 as long as

promote /strengthen 替换掉 improve (提高,加强)

cope with 替换掉 solve( 解决)

motivate 替换掉 encourage( 激励)

pros and cons 替换掉 advantages and disadvantages(好处和坏处) --You must consider all the pros and cons of the matter before you

make a decision.在你做决定之前,必须考虑这个问题的正反两个方面. approach / method 替换掉 way(方法,方案)

adopt 替换掉 use (采用,采取)

the aged 替换掉 old people(老人)

adolescents 替换掉 the young (青少年)

employment/occupation 替换掉 job(就业,工作)

affair 替换掉 thing (事情,东西)

catastrophe 替换掉( disaster 灾难)

subscribe to 替换掉 agree with( 同意)

acquire 替换掉 gain (获得(尤指知识上的))

administration 替换掉 government (政府部门)

extremely/desperately 替换掉 very/hard (非常地,极度地,拼命地)for instance 替换掉 for example (例如)

advocate 倡导 替换掉 suggest, propose

compensate for替换掉make up弥补.....

Hence 替换掉so 因此

In contemporary society 在当今社会

A vast amount of 大量的 替换掉 a lot of

sustainable development 可持续发展

be abundant in 富有... 替换掉 be rich in

on ones own account 为了某人自己的利益

on account of/ in view of 鉴于, 由于

by no means 绝不

arise from 由....引起

assess 评估,评价

authentic 替换掉true真实的,可信的

trend 趋势,趋向,潮流

emphrasize 强调,重视


--He devotes all his spare time to reading.

nothing but\anything but替换very

--The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.

--The film we saw last night was anything but boring.

be supposed to 替换should

appreciate 替换thank

On+名词/doing, No sooner…than…/Hardly…when…//The moment替换as soon as

--As soon as he arrived, he began his research. →

--On his arrival, he began his research..

--No sooner had we arrived at the cinema than the film started. due to替换because of

contribute to替换 be helpful/useful/cause

--Plenty of memory work will undoubtedly contribute to English study. round the corner 替换 coming soon/ nearby

--The summer vacation is round the corner ( coming). come up with替换think of

It occurrs to me that…替换 I realize

set aside替换save

be of + n. 替换adj.

can not but / can not help but替换have to do

more often than not替换usually

lest替换so that /in order that

be long for sth. / be long to do sth. 替换want to do sth./wish for be crazy about/be absorbed in/be addicted to替换be interested in perfect (ly)/fantastic/amazing 替换good/ very well

do sb a/the favor 替换help

the other day替换a few days ago

--The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. in the course of替换during

the majority of替换most

consist of替换be made up of

be worn out替换 be tired / broken


spare no efforts to do替换try one’s best to do

many a 替换many

meanwhile替换at the same time

occasionally替换sometimes /once in while seldom替换not often

as a matter of fact 替换in fact

Comprehensive 综合的

Profound 深远的,深刻的,深奥的 Frankly

















说实话 冷漠的 勤奋的 过多的 传统的,惯例的,常见的 未来的,有前途的 繁荣的 最终地 支配的奇迹 不断地 广泛的本质上 缺点 困境 全球化 城市化


Unit 1话题语汇日积月累


1. fitness n.健康 9. strengthen vt.& vi.加强 2. stress vt.& n. (施加)压力(于) 10. relax vt.放松 3. obesity n.肥胖 11. relaxation n.放松 4. adolescent adj.& n.青少年(的) 12. weak adj.虚弱的 5. ban vt.& n.禁止 13. smoke vt.& n.吸烟 6. tough adj.困难的;强硬的 14. smoker n.吸烟者 7. quit vt.停止;离开 15. health n.健康 8. strong adj.强壮的


1. earn a living谋生

2. hope to live in peace希望安静地生活 3. lead a busy life过着忙碌的生活 4. live an ideal life

过着理想的生活 5. be addicted to 对……上瘾 6. be accustomed to 习惯于 7. get into a bad habit 染上坏习惯 8. build up one’s body

增强体质 9. be beneficial to 对……有益

10. arouse one’s awareness 唤醒意识 11. pay attention to 注意;留意

12. have an influence/effect on 对……有影响 13. do harm to 对……有害

14. study deep into the night 学习到深夜 15. aim to 旨在,目的在于

16. be satisfied with my life对自己的生活满意

17. the peaceful and relaxing life

平静而悠闲的生活 18. choose an active lifestyle选择一种积极的生活方式 19. adjust oneself to the new life调整自己以适应新生活

20. figure out another way to change my life想出另一种方式来改变我的生活


1. There is a disturbingly high number of teenagers who ________________cigarettes. 青少年染上烟瘾的数量多得令人担忧。

2. She ________________ going to bed and getting up early.她习惯于早睡早起。 3. Recently we have__________________ students’ health. 最近我们就学生的健康进行了调查。

4. ________________we brush our teeth before going to bed. 我们睡前刷牙是可取的。

5. He feels sleepy in classes because he ___________________________ 因为熬夜学习,课堂上他觉得昏昏欲睡。

6._______________________________, Li Ming reminded him of the bad effect of smoking. 为了唤醒他父亲对健康的意识, 李明提醒他吸烟的害处。

7. __________________________,the number of the smoking people is tremendous. 根据这项调查, 吸烟的人的数量是惊人的。

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8. This activity ____________________the understanding between parents and children. 这项活动的主要目的是增进父母与孩子间的理解。

9.Not having exercised for a long time, he ran slowly in the sports meeting. 由于很长时间没有进行体育锻炼了, 他在校运会上跑得很慢。

10. ________________20% of the students in our class like cycling to school. 我们班少于20%的学生喜欢骑车去上学。

语篇模块 汉语大意:中国政府已经决定在全国各地一些室内公共场合实行禁烟,这个决定将在2011年1月1日起实施,目的是带来一个无烟的室内环境。为了达到这个目的,禁烟标志将贴在所有室内公共场所。统计表明中国大约有3.5亿吸烟者,其中75%是男性, 25%是女性.大约有5.4亿人受到二手烟的影响,每年导致10万人死亡。

Unit 2话题语汇日积月累


1.achievement n. 成就

2.admire vt. 钦佩;欣赏 3.aggressive adj. 有进取心的 4.ambitious adj.

有雄心壮志的 5.attractive adj. 有魅力的 6. championship n. 锦标赛 7. cherish vt. 珍惜

8. confident adj. 自信的 9. creative adj. 富创造力的 10. determination n. 决心 11. diligent adj. 勤奋的


1. achieve great success 大获成功

2. be admitted to/be eolled by 被……录取 3. be alive in one’s heart 活在……心中 4. be determined to do sth 决心做…… 5. be regarded/considered as 被认为是……

6.be remembered as 作为……为人们所记住 7. be rewarded the Nobel Prize 获诺贝尔奖 8. care little for money and fame不计名利 9. do research on 对……做研究

10. get the world’s attention 得到全世界的关注 11. go abroad for further study 留学深造 12. have a gift for/be gifted in 有着…的天赋 13. make contributions to为……做贡献 14. rank No. 1 in 在……上排名第一 15. reward sb. with sth. 用某物奖赏某人 16. show great interest in 对……感兴趣 17. win the championship 获得冠军

18. receive many awards for 因为……获得很多奖 相关句子

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12. distinguished adj.

杰出的 13. honor vt. 尊敬

14. milestone n. 里程碑 15. outstanding adj. 杰出的 16. professional adj. 专业的 17. respect vt. 尊敬

18. reward n. 报酬;vt.酬劳 19. sacrifice vt. 牺牲 20. selfless adj. 无私的

1._________________in June, 1880, Helen Keller was ______________in the 20th century. 海伦·凯勒于1880年6月出生于美国, 是二十世纪杰出的女性之一。 2. She _______________________the work. 她将全部心神用在工作上。

3. Deng Yaping whose hobby is playing pingpong has _______________the sport______________ . 邓亚萍的爱好是打乒乓球,毕业后一直从事体育事业。

4. In 2002, she _______________Cambridge University where she _______economics. 2002年她考取剑桥大学, 在那主修经济学。

5. As a dedicated official, Deng Yaping _______________________so all of us _____________her.作为一名富有献身精神的官员,邓亚萍给我们树立了一个良好的榜样,所以我们都很敬重她。

6. _________________________________she ________________helping the blind and deaf children, which makes a great _____________the charity.

凭着无比的决心和毅力, 她全身心帮助盲聋儿童, 为慈善事业作出了重大贡献。 7. She__________________ “Mother of Charity” in the world. 她被国际上誉为“慈善之母”。

8. After 1955, she ________________charity and _____________________ 1955年后, 她从事于慈善事业, 成为国内外知名人士。



Unit 3 话题语汇日积月累


1. appealing adj.吸引人的 2. belief n.信任;信心;信仰 3. observe vt.庆祝;观察;遵守 4. admire vt.赞美;羡慕 5. merriment n.快乐 6. exchange vt.交换7. fall vt.来临;掉下

8. energetic adj.精力充沛的; 充满活力的 9. trick n.诡计;恶作剧 vt.欺骗

10. gather vt.& vi.& n.收集; 集合; 聚集


1. exchange gifts 交换礼物 2. in memory of 纪念;追念 3. at the sight of 看到

4. look forward to 盼望;期待 5. originate from 起源于 6. admire the moon 赏月

7. set off 出发;动身;引爆 8. have a delightful time 玩得开心 9. be struck被吸引

11. fireworks n.烟花

12. origin n.& vi. 起源;由来;起因 13. celebrate vi.& vt.庆祝;过节 14. religious adj.宗教的 15. feast n.节日;盛宴 16. ancestor n.祖先;原型 17. delightful adj. 令人愉快的 18. decoration n. 装饰 19. forgive vt.原谅;饶恕 20. custom n.风俗;习俗

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10. dress up 打扮;装饰

11. play a trick on 搞恶作剧;诈骗 12. have fun with 玩……开心 13. day and night 日夜;昼夜 14. get together聚集

15. family reunion 家庭团聚

16. be crowded with people 挤满了人

17. observe/celebrate/mark/hold the festival 庆祝节日 18. be meant to do sth 旨在; 意在做某事


1. In Chinese custom, people often______________ fireworks on the Chinese New Year. 在中国的习俗里, 人们通常在春节燃放烟火。

2. People should go to clean graves and light incense_______________ their ancestors. 人们要扫墓、烧香, 以缅怀祖先。

3. Spring Festival is a time when each family has its members ________________________ 春节是每个家庭团聚的日子。

4 For centuries, Chinese have__________________ to welcome the beginning of a new year. 几百年来,人们一直庆祝这个节日来迎接新年的到来。

5. In our country men and women, boys and girls, all_____________ the Spring Festival, which is a time for 在我们国家, 人人都渴望春节的到来,这是一家团聚, 充满快乐的日子。 6. Festivals _________________celebrate important times of year. 节日就是要庆祝一年中重要的日子。

7.___________ Father Christmas, he _____________for the party. 装扮成圣诞老人, 他出发前去晚会。

8. Christmas ______________Jesus Christmas.圣诞节起源于耶酥基督。

9. During the festival, people usually ______________________playing games. 在节日期间, 人们通常开开心心地玩游戏。

10.When walking along the street, you would ____________________rich and beautiful decorations. 当在街道上行走时, 丰富又多彩的装饰会深深地吸引住你。



Unit 4话题语汇日积月累


1. electronic adj.电子的 2. technological adj.科技的 3. total adj.总的

4. intelligent adj.智能的 5. artificial adj.人造的

6. universal adj.普遍的 7. mobile adj.移动的

8. personally adv.就个人而言 9. network n.网络 10. advantage n.优点 11. virus n.病毒

12. convenience n.方便,便利

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13. signal n.信号

18. solve v.解决

14. benefit n.利益,好处 19. download vt.下载 15. happiness n.幸福 20. explore vt.探索 16. application n.应用

17. simplify vt.简化


1. from...on 从……时起 2. as a result 结果

3. so...that 如此……以至于…… 4. in a way 在某种程度上

5. with the help of 在……的帮助下 6. deal with 处理 7. watch over 看守

8. as time goes on 随着时间的推移 9. share...with...与……分享 10. in reality 实际上;事实上 11. in common 共同;共有 12. shop online 网上购物

13. make good use of 充分利用

14. a technological revolution 技术革命

15. click on sth 用鼠标点击 16. more and more popular越来越流行

17. provide...with... 为……提供…… 18. make a great contribution to...做出巨大贡献 19. surf the Internet上网浏览信息

20. downl


oad information from the Internet 从网络下载信息


1._____________________, Einstein’s theory proved to be correct. 随着时间的推移, 爱因斯坦的理论证明是正确的。

2 The rain had lasted for three days, and ______________we had to cancel the trip to Shanghai. 雨下了三天。结果, 我们不得不取消去上海的行程。

他如此努力工作, 以至于很少回家。

4. He has a talent for languages. He can speak English _______________Japanese. 他很有语言天赋, 不但能讲英语而且还能讲日语

5. I don’t care what you say; I’m going to do it ________________ 我不在乎你说什么, 无论如何我都要做。

6. The plan ______________by the experts three times.这项计划已经由专家研究过三次了。 7. __________________________________________________________ 在电脑的帮助下, 人们在家办公是件可行的事。

8._____________,I don’t like________________ because we may be cheated online. 就我个人而言,我不喜欢网上购物,因为有可能受骗。

9._______________, he_______________ to improve his English. 从那时起, 他就下定决心要提高自己的英语成绩了。

10_________________. he ______________________our country.

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1.不可否认It is undeniablethat./There is no denying that.

2.采取措施 take effectivemeasures to do sth./something effective must be done to.3.充分利用 make full use of/take advantage of

4.大有裨益 do good to/be beneficial to5.导致引起 lead to/give rise to/contribute to

6.对??有害 do harm to/be harmful to 7.奉献社会 make contributions to society8.毫无疑问 Undoubtedly/There ia no doubt that

9.交流思想 exchange ideas/emotions/information10.交流情感 exchange emotions11.解压减负 relieve stress/burden12.经济负担 financial burden

13.开阔眼界 widen one's horizen/broaden one's vision

14.课业负担 too much homework/heavy burden of homework

15.普遍认为 It is commonly believed /recognized that

16.恰恰相反 in contrast/on the contrary17.热烈讨论 have a heated discussion/debate

18.投身于 be devoted to19.心理负担 psychologicalburden

20.扬长避短 adopt one's good pionts and avoid the shortcomings

21.引起关注 draw public attention22.与某相比 compared with/in comparison with

23.与时俱进 keep pace with times24.自然资源 valuable natural resources25.综合素质 comprehensivequality26.遵守秩序 observe public order/observe discipline

27.把时间精力放在??上 focus one's time and energy on

28.不可推卸的义务 unshakableduty29.产生有利影响 have positive effects on30.产生不利影响 have negative effects on31.持不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue

32.考虑到多方面因素 take many factors into account/consideration

33.扩大知识面 expand one's scope of knowledge

34.切实减轻我们的课业负担 effectively reduce our heavy homework assignments35.身心两方面 both physically and mentally

36.我们生活的各方面 in all aspects of human life

37.因特网方便快捷 It's convenientand efficientto use computer and the Internet.


1、高考英语作文结尾万能公式一:如此结论 说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位都有这样的经历,领导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之”之类的话,我们马上停止开小差,等待领导说结束语。也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你就可以拿高分了!比如下面的例子:

Obviously(此为过渡短语), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from

politeness and respect for others.



to sum up、in conclusion、in brief、on account of this、thus 更多句型:

Thus, it can be concluded that?, Therefore, we can find that?




Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. 这里的虚拟语气用得很经典,因为考官本来经常考这个句型,而如果我们自己写出来,你说考官会怎么想呢? 更多句型:

Accordingly, I recommend that some

measures be taken.

Consequently, to solve the problem,

some measures should be taken.





经过统计,常见常考的形容词和副词有(按频度排列):even; interested; interesting; yet; hardly; just; therefore; though; too; very; common; effective; either; ever; fair; however; less; more; nearly; only; purposefully; rather; still; such; surprised; surprising

还有以下形容词和副词应当熟悉和掌握: a good many; a number of; acceptable; accidentally; actively; adequately; already; another; anxious; anyway; ashamed; attentively; bad; badly; besides; better; but; careful; changeable; cheap; comfortable; convenient; eagerly; easy; encouraging; enha-ncing; equal; even though; eventually; fairly; far; fewer; following; formally; friendly;

gen-erously; gradually; heavily; historic; hopefully; immediately; inaccessible;

individual; inevit-able; initial; instead;

invisible; largely; never; next; no;

normal; nowadays; obviously; ordin-ary; other; otherwise; patient; plenty of; prac-tical; promoting; proper; quickly; readily; reasonable; remote; seldom; seriously; short; so; stimulating; traditional; unavailable; unav-oidable; unfavorable; unfortunately; usual; va-rious; weak; well



1) 比较级、最高级的选用及应用范围 比较级、最高级常用于表示两者或多者间的比较。复习中须注意如下句型的用法:

① as + 原级adj. / adv. + as表示“和??一样”及not as / so + 原级adj. / adv. + as表示“不如??”。例如:

(94全国) John plays football as well as, if not better than, David.

The piano in the other shop will be cheaper, but not as good.

② as + 原级adj. + a(n) + n. + as表示“跟??一样”。例如:

(2001全国) It‘s generally believed

that teaching is as much an art as it is a


(2003北京) Our neighbour has as big a house as ours.

③ 比较级 + than表“比??更”及less ?? than表示“不如??”。例如: This year they have produced less grain than they did last year.

This road is wider than that one. ④ the + 比较级, the + 比较级表示


(93上海) It‘s believed that the harder you work, the better result you’ll get.

⑤ the +比较级+ of the + 名词 / 代词表示两者中“较??的”。例如:

Who is the younger of the two boys?

⑥比较级 + 比较级(越来越??)。___ 例如:

Our country is getting stronger and stronger.

Things became worse and worse from then on.

⑦用the last表示“最不可能的”、“最不适合的”、“最不希望的”等。例如: The last thing I want to do is to offend you.我最不愿意做的就是惹你生气。

He is the last man I want to see.他是我最不希望见的人。

2) 形容词、副词原级、比较级、最高级前的程度状语

① 注意一些形容词或副词前的特定修饰语。例如:

(2004广东) Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasn‘t always that much to do. (那样多) I quite like it. They are quite different / wrong.

quite possible / impossible My hometown is much changed.

much to my surprise(很让我吃惊)

be well worth doing (很值得做) ② 比较级前常可用still, even, much, far, a lot / little / few / bit, rather, any, a great deal, so far, by far, no等词修饰。(注意more不用于修饰比较级)。例如:

(94全国) If there were no

examinations, we should have a much happier time.

(2000上海) You‘re standing too near the cinema. Can you move a bit farther? This is by far the better. ③ 最高级可用序数词、much、 by far、

nearly、 almost等词修饰。例如:

Africa is the second largest continent.

The Pacific is by far the largest ocean. I like this film the very best / much the best.



1)形容词用于系动词后作表语 在最近几年高考试题中系动词加形容词作表语的情况出现过很多次。高考对此点的考查集中于区别到底是系动词还是一般动词并选择合适的形容词,而不是副词作表语。常见的联系动词有如下三类:

表示感觉的系动词:sound, look, taste, appear, smell, feel, seem等

表示变化的系动词:become, fall, get, turn, grow, make, come, go等

表示状态存在的系动词:remain, keep, stay, continue, prove, lie, stand等。例如:

2)形容词、副词作后置定语 【备考清单】

常见的几种修饰语后置的情况有: ①形容词修饰something, nothing, anything, everything等不定代词时要后置。②present作“出席的”时只作后置定语。③表语形容词如alive, asleep, awake, alone等只能作后置定语。④副词修饰动词时, 放在动词之后。修饰形容词或副词时, 放在被修饰词之前。enough修饰形容词、副词时要后置,修饰名词时可放在名词的前后。形容词短语修饰名词作主语时要后置。用and或or连接的形容词作定语时要后置, 起

强调作用。表数量的词作定语时要后置。副词修饰形容词的特殊词序, “so, as, how, too + 形容词 + 单数可数名词”。 考点4:倍数表达法 【备考清单】 三种常见倍数表达法:

1)倍数 + as + 原级形容词 + as ??。例如:

This road is three times as long as that one.

2)倍数 + the size / length / width / depth / height of ??。例如:

The river is five times the width of that one.

3)倍数 + 比较级 + than + 被比较对象。例如:

The sun is a million times larger than the earth.


【备考清单】 多个形容词作定语时的排序一般遵从如下规律:
