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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 20:16:51 英语作文



Intelligence is flexible and there are a lot of things to give it a daily boost. For smart thinking your mind needs 3 things: 智商灵活多变,它可以通过每天做些事情得以提升。为了有个聪明的思维,你的头脑要有三项准备:

To be trained in thinking processes


To have plenty of information


To focus on a problem or idea


For example, Thomas Edison was able to think of his light bulb because:


He was a trained logical thinker


He knew a lot about electrical engineering


He focused on solving a problem


Here are a bunch of things to do every day to help your mind to think smart.


1. Drink 2 glasses of water within 30 minutes of waking up

1. 醒后的30分钟之内要喝两杯水

Since you’ve been asleep for hours, your body has not gotten water for 6-9 hours. Water is needed for the filtration of waste products and fluid balance. Two big glasses of water offset the fluid deficit you had from sleeping.


Studies on kids (study 1, study 2) show that drinking more water increases their ability to complete mental tasks. Make sure your brain is not dehydrated at the beginning of the day already.


2. Read a book summary during breakfast

2. 早餐期间阅读一本书的概要

Reading books is great, but breakfast is far more suitable for something shorter. Instead of reading news articles that have little impact on your life/intelligence, read best selling book summaries. You can find summaries by:


Googling your book title + summary, for example “7 Habits of Highly Effective People summary”


Use a summary subscription like Blinkist or getAbstract


3. Listen to stimulating podcasts/audiobooks during your commute

3. 上下班路上听播客或有声书

Even if you spend only 10 minutes on your bike like I do, load your phone up with intellectually stimulating audio. Good sources could be:


TED talks (their app lets you pre-download audio so you don’t eat your mobile data)


Blinkist has some of their summaries in audio form


Audiobooks you purchased


Podcast of your favorite authors


4. Drink green tea while working

4. 上班期间喝绿茶

Where caffeine makes many people anxious, green tea (especially Matcha tea) contains l-theanine. This aminoacid causes an increase in alpha brain waves in the brain:


In practice this means that where coffee can induce anxiety, high quality green teas cause a relaxed focus without inducing sleepiness. This is also why l-theanine is available as a supplement to aid in relaxation and increasing cardiovascular health. 实际上这表明咖啡可能诱发焦虑,而高质量的绿茶不会让你感到瞌睡,让你注意力集中且放松。这也是为什么茶氨酸可以帮助放松和提高心血管健康。

5. Take naps during the day

5. 白天小睡

Napping helps your mind refresh. It’s been shown that napping during learning increases learning speed. Your mind has a rhythm that determines when it gets sleepy and when it needs sleep:


As you can see on average people feel more sleepy than usual between noon and 4 PM. This is a perfect time to have a nap, and will increase your alertness and productivity for the rest of the day. Personally I’ve has good results with post-workday naps too (around 6 PM).


6. Don’t take sugar during the day

6. 白天不要吃糖

In fact, if you can cut it altogether. But if you can’t for whatever reason, just make sure not to have it during times where you need to focus.


Sugar highs and the following lows are not good to keep your brain functioning smartly. What does work very well are fatty acids. Try to switch any sweet stuff during lunch for something more substantial like fish or eggs.


7. Do social media websites only a couple of times a day

7. 一天只上几次社交网站

The brain adapts to the information you throw at it. If you bombard it work non-stimulating and fast switching information your focus will get destroyed.


Keep your brain functioning on a higher level by throwing stimulating things at it. If you feel the need to procrastinate, set a timer and don’t get lost in mindlessly scrolling.


8. Play games instead of watching series or movies

8. 看电视剧,电影不如玩游戏

Watching TV is a passive activity. Your brain is consuming information, but not processing or interacting with it. Substitute or supplement this entertainment with gaming. A 2014 study showed that even a simple game like Super Mario has visible impact on brain plasticity (flexibility).


Another piece of research covered by Forbes shows the same. Actively engage your brain where you can, instead of letting it slumber passively.


9. Read a book instead of watching TV

9. 看电视不如读书

Similar to playing games instead of watching TV, reading a book is an active exercise for the brain. Where watching video entertainment is a passive consumption of information, reading a book requires your brain to actively construct mental images of what you are reading.


10. Do some programming

10. 做编程

Programming is a great way to learn to think logically and in patterns. Coding used to be hard to learn but with free websites like Codeacademy and free/paid platforms like Udemy it is easy and fun to learn.


Consider it the next level of puzzles. As an added advantage learning to code in your free time increases your employability in the job market.


11. Watch TED talks while cooking

11. 做饭的时间看TED演讲

Preparing dinner is a great time to catch up on some cutting edge developments in Technology, Education and Design (ted.com). It turns what would otherwise be downtime into a fascinating and stimulating block of time. It’s like watching the news, only you are watching the world’s most inspiring individuals talk about their work.


12. Do some simple exercises during the day

12. 一天中做些简单运动

The body and the mind are strongly connected. Physical fitness helps the brain function well. You don’t however have to go to the gym every day to benefit from this (though you can of course).

身体和大脑紧密相连。身体健康有助于大脑正常运行。然而,你并不需要每天去健身房而从中受益(尽管你也可以去)。 Doing some push-ups throughout the day and walking or skipping up some stairs has a great impact already. Try to do

something physical every hour or so, even if it’s just getting up, stretching a little and tensing all your muscles as hard as you can for 5-10 seconds.


13. Spend time with someone smarter than you

13. 和比你聪明的人在一起

Habits are socially contagious. It is a well known fact in science that obesity for example spreads through social networks.





1、There isn't ___ paper in the box. Will you go and get ___ for me?

Aany, someB any, anyC some, someD some, any



2、 June 1st is___.

A Children's dayB children's Day

C Children's Day

D children's day


3、 These foreign friends are___.

A GermanBGermen CGermany D Germans


4、 All the students are busy, so___ of them will go to the cinema.

A manyBlittle C a fewD few



5、 There are three___and seven___in the picture.

A deers, sheepsB deers, sheep

C deer, sheepDdeer, sheeps



6、 Whose room is this? It's___.

A my B Kike's and John's

C ourD Kike and John's




1、There is ___ orange in the bottle.

A aB an CtheD /



2 、Beijing is ___ capital of our country.

A theB anC/D a



3 、If you work hard at English, you'll get ___ “A” in the test.

A anB /C the D a



4、He usually goes to school on ___ foot.

A a B an C the D/


[析]on foot意为走路上学,是习惯用法。

Unit3 学以致用

1、“Mum, Ann's coming tonight. Let's give her ___to eat.”

“Good idea!”

Aanything nice B nice anything

Csomething nice

D nice something



2、 When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening?

— I don't mind. ___time is OK.

ASomeB NeitherC EitherD



[析]因如选用both则名词要用复数名词,也要用复数谓语动词,由于答语前有I don't mind 则决定不能选择neither.

3、This is not her kite, but___.

A he's Bhim Che D




4、 Don't worry, Mum! ___ news is good news. I'm sure daddy will come back soon.

ANo B Many C Those D Two


5、 Mary has six apples. Her brother has three. She has ___apples than he.

A few B many C more D




6、 There isn't ___in today's newspaper.

A anything interesting

B something interesting

C nothing interesting

D interesting anything



7、September 10th is___ Day?

A TeacherB Teachers C Teacher's D Teachers'


[析]教师节Teachers' Day,儿童节 Children's Day, 妇女节 Women's Day

8、In England, people eat a lot of “takeaway” food. What about people in your country? —___

A So we do. B We do so. C So do we.

D We so do.



9、Shall we go into that shop and have a look?

— Sorry. I won't. I have ___to do(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网) there.

A everything B anything C something

D nothing



10、 Oh, dear! Who broke the glass?

—___ Sam ___Bruce. It was the cat.

A Both, and B Not, but C Neither, nor

D Either, or



11、 The students are having a good time in the park. Some are drawing by the lake.___are climbing the hill.

A Others B Other C Another

D The other



12、 She is not a nurse. I'm not___.

A also B either C neither

D too



13、 I have two pencils. One is red,___ is blue.

A the otherB another C others

D the others


[析]两者中的另一个应为特指。而且应为单数形式的代名词。而another是泛指单数代名词。others是泛指复数代名词,而the others是特指复数代名词。

14、 Sorry, I can't answer your question.

I know ___about the subject.

A littleB a little C few

D a few



15、 My sister doesn't like skating___.

A So do I B So I don't

C Neither I don't D

Neither do I




16、 Yesterday morning there were only three boys in our room,___.

A you, he and IB I, you and he

C he, I and you

D you, I and he


17、 All the students are busy, so___ofthem will go to the concert.

A many B little C a few

D few



18、 The teacher gave ___student a new book.

A nobodyB bothC each

D any



19、 Black is neither a teacher ___a worker.

A or B either C nor

D and



20、 Our teacher gave us___on studying.

A many advices B some advices

C an advice

D some advice




1、The twins are together most of the time. So they never feel _ .A. alone B. lonely C. happily D. friendly



[析] alone意为"独自的,一个人的",它只能作表语不能作定语。I am not alone in doing such a thing.而lonely 意为"寂寞的,孤单的",如:The old man felt lonely. 要体会两个词的区别,如:

The old man lived alone, but he didn't feel lonely.

2、What a ___ cough! You seem ___ ill.

A. terrible, terribly B. terribly, terrible

C. terrible, terrible D. terribly, terribly



[析] terrible是形容词,而terribly是副词,第一个空是修饰名词的,所以应填入形容词。第二个空ill是形容词,这里terribly 是用来修饰


3、The two friends were ___

pleased to see each other that they forgot everything.

A. so B. too C. very D. much



[析] 这里用的是so?


4、Which is ___ , Li Lei's box or Han Meimei's box?

A. heavy B. heavier C. more heavier D. the heaviest




5、You don't like the same colours and I don't like them, ___ .

A. too B. also C. either D. neither



[析] 在否定句中也应用either, 而不要用too,因


6、Jim is ___ at all his lessons. And I'm sure he'll do very ___ in the exams.

A. well, good B. good, well C. well, well D. good, good



[析] good为形容词,如:He is good. 他是个好人。而well作为身体状况的好坏讲时是形容词,如:He is well为他身体不错,而作为其他意思时为副词,如:

He speaks English well.

7、You look ___ than before,


A. more thin B. more thinner

C. much more thin D. much thinner



[析] 多音节形容词才用more或most加形容词来表示其比较级或最高级,而thin的比较级为thinner。

8、 Let's go out for supper now. I'm very ___ .

A. hungry B. angry C. tired D. thirsty



[析] hungry-饿,angry-生气,tired-紧,疲劳,



- Can you understand me?

- Sorry, I can ___ understand you.

A. hardly B. almost C. even D. ever



[析] hardly为一否定词,用在句中时应被看作是否定句。在答语中Sorry决定了其意为"听不明白",所以只能选


10、 "___

do you write to your penfriend?" "About twice a month."

A. How often B. How soon C. How much D. How long



[析] how often用来提问某一动作经多久就要发生一次,也就是提问发生的频率。how


11、 Changjiang River is ___

river in China

A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest


12、 I'll work ___ I can.

A. so hardly as B. so hard as C. as hardly as D. as hard as



[析] hard可用作形容词和副词,如:The desk was made of hard wood 又如:It is raining hard。 而 hardly 是副词,其词义是"几乎不",如:Hardly did I sleep last night. 我昨晚几乎没有睡觉。而且hardly用于句首时要采用倒装语序。as?as即可以用于肯定句,也可以用于否定句,但so?as13、 It is very ___ to listen to him.

A. interested B. interesting C. interested in D. interest



[析] interest作为名词有两个词义,①兴趣,②银行中所讲的利息。而其形容词 interesting是"使人感兴趣的",而interested是"感兴趣的"如:

He is interested in English.

14、Things are ___

worse than I thought.

A. more B. few C. very D. much

[答案] D. 只有



As is vividly shown in the picture, a boy is turning to the Internet for the answers of his homework. He is happy with the fact that he can depend on the Internet to finish tasks without any difficulty.(图片内容) I mirrors a common phenomenon that nowadays, students tend to make use of the Internet to gain information they need.(图片所反应的问题)

There are many factors accounting for this problems. To begin with, students find it convenient to surf the Internet for useful information, where problems can be solved with the help of several clicks, which is a significant contributor. What’s more, there is no denying that the pressure to succeed also causes students to turn to computers to accurate answers. As a result, it’s likely that students will lose interest in studying, which is not beneficial to their overall development.

From my perspective, measures must be taken to solve the problem. The disadvantages of surfing the Internet for answers far outweigh the benefits. Firstly, it is vital that students gain confidence in themselves and their abilities while doing tasks. Besides, what teachers and parents should do is encourage students to be creative. Finally, doing tasks independently is of great significance. (Regulating the proper use of Internet is no longer optional but essential.)

It sets me thinking.

The fact that… is thought-provoking.

Views on ?vary from person to person。/Views are divided on sth. But from my perspective,? . 可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that

有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to?

重视 attach great importance to?/lay/put/place emphasis on

On October 9, 2012, Malala, a 15-year-old Pakistani girl, was shot in the head by the Taliban on her way home from school. However, the Taliban failed to silence her. After a miraculous recovery, she was committed to fighting for girls’ right to education. In honor of her bravery and devotion, the UN declared July 12 (her birthday) as Malala Day.

Deeply inspired by the story of Malala, I firmly believe in the significance of education. It enables people to raise their voices for rights and change the world by calling for more equality. Furthermore, education promotes the development of science and technology as well as moral values and world peace. Without education, people may become weak, fearful and hopeless.

When I reflect on my own experience, I feel grateful I have benefited a lot from my school education. To begin with, I have acquired knowledge and skills to prepare myself for the future. In addition, school education provides me with opportunities to broaden my horizon and

better myself. Finally, I have learn to be a more caring and loving human being.


The story of Malala sets me thinking./ The story of …is thought-provoking.

There is no denying that education is of great significance to us, which shapes our future, broadens our horizon and no doubt will benefit our overall well-being.

Gain an insight to the meaning of …

Live everyday to the fullest

Education is a stepping stone to brighten our country

Education is to a man what perfume is to a flower.

Air is to the human being what air is to the fish.

take an active part in/ actively fight for…

a significant contributor

fear nothing and actively struggle for…

Definitely, …..

Education enables everyone to develop their own skills, thus fueling the entire nation to keep moving forward instead of falling behind in today’s fierce competition.

Education cultivates civilized individuals and helps to eich the nation’s culture, which is of great importance to the social


In summary, to be educated is a right and a must for every single man. 文章最后要写总结句,不然给老师的感觉就是匆匆收尾,总结句的引导词可以为in summary/to conclude/in conclusion

A passenger on a flight became very angry because the air hostess forgot to bring a cup of water. But finally he was moved by her sincere smiles and service.

Although the air hostess made a mistake because of her busy work, she tried to make up and offered the service sincerely. Therefore, if I were the passenger, I would be moved by the air hostess as well.

I used to meet a waiter like the air hostess. Because of his carelessness, he spilled the soup on a customer. Of course the customer became angry. The waiter realized his fault, apologized to the customer sincerely and finally got the customer’s pardon.

As to me, I believe that we can get pardon or even repay if we treat others sincerely. When others feel that we are sincere enough, they are more willing to forgive or help us.

The story/passage is mainly about…

The writer/author tells us a story that…

The story mainly tells us that…

The passage describes/says that…

According to the passage, the hero in the story…

Sth will pay off

Sincerity n.真诚

Do well and have well.

Virtue is its own reward.
