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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 07:21:13 写作技巧

篇一:the happy prince翻译


在一根的高耸的柱子上方矗立着快乐王子的雕像,直入城市上空。他全身覆盖着一片片做工精细的上好黄金,他的眼睛是蓝宝石镶嵌而成的,佩剑的剑柄上也嵌着一颗耀眼的红宝石。 他确实备受称赞。“他就像空中的风向标一样美丽”一位议员这样评价道,他希望人们称赞他艺术品位高雅,但又怕有人说他不务实,他事实上挺务实的,他补充了一句:“可惜不怎么实用”。






一天夜里,一只小燕子飞过这座城市的上空。他的朋友们在六个星期前就飞去埃及了,他却留下来了,因为他爱上了最美丽的芦苇。他在早春的时候遇见了她,当时,他追着一只大大的黄色飞蛾来到了河边,就被她苗条优雅的身姿所深深吸引,他停下来和她聊天。 “我可以爱上你吗?”燕子问道,他一向说话直接。芦苇向他深深举了个躬。他在芦苇身边盘旋飞转着,翅膀轻弹水面,惹得波光粼粼。这是他在求婚,就这样过了一个夏天。 “这样的结合太荒唐了,”其他的燕子叽叽喳喳地说着,“她没钱,亲戚倒是不少。”确实,这条河里满是芦苇。之后,秋天到了,他们全都飞走了。


“你愿意和我一起走吗?”最后,他这样问道,但芦苇摇了摇头,因为她离不开她的家。 “你一直在玩弄我的感情,”他哭喊着,“我要去埃及的金字塔了,再见。”他就这样飞走了。 他飞了一整天,到了晚上,他飞到了这座城市。“我该在哪里休息一下呢?”他说,“真希望这城镇有个歇脚的地方。”





























天亮后,燕子就飞到河边洗澡。“真没见过这种事”一位鸟学教授说,他正在桥上看着。“冬天的燕子!”之后他就给当地报纸写了一封信。每个人都引用这件事,因为太匪夷所思了。 “今晚我要去埃及了,”小燕子说道,他兴致高昂地观赏这儿的景色。他参观了所有的公共纪念碑,然后在教堂的最顶部坐了好长时间。不管他飞到哪,麻雀都会在旁边唧唧喳喳地和伙伴说着:“从没见过这么奇特的动物。”所以小燕子一路听得很开心。




“燕子,燕子,小燕子,”王子说道,“在远处,穿过这个城市,我看见一间阁楼里有个年轻男子。他正倚着布满纸张的桌子,在他旁边的大酒杯里插着一束快要枯萎了的紫罗兰。”他有一头棕色卷发,他的嘴唇如石榴般鲜红水嫩,他的眼睛又大又亮。他竭尽全力想完成剧本交给剧团导演,但实在是太冷了他没法继续。壁炉里没有一点火,而且他已经饿得头晕目眩。 “我再和你多呆一个晚上,”好心的燕子说道,“让我给他送去另一颗红宝石吗?”












“我会再陪你一个晚上,”燕子说,“但我不能把你的眼睛摘下来,不然你就什么都看不见了。” “燕子,燕子,小燕子,”王子说道,“就按我说的做吧。”


然后燕子飞回王子身边,“你现在什么都看不见了,”燕子说,“所以我会永远陪着你了。” “不,小燕子。”一无所有的王子说道,“你得去埃及了。”








之后,冰雪季节到来,先是下雪,后是霜冻。整个城市银装素裹,闪闪发光,长而锋利的冰锥像水晶一样透亮倒挂在屋檐下。人们都穿上了皮草,小男孩们带着红色帽子在溜冰。 可怜的小燕子觉得越来越冷了,但是他不能离开他深爱着的王子。他在面包店门口啄食面包屑,挥动着翅膀想让自己暖和些。



“我不是要去埃及。”小燕子说,“我是要去死神那里报到了。死了就像睡过去一样,不是吗?” 然后他在快乐王子的唇上烙下一吻,掉了下去,死在了王子的脚边。








篇二:The happy prince快乐王子英文读后感

The happy prince

The happy prince is a famous fairy tale written by Oscar Wilde. When I first heard the book’s name, I thought it must be an interesting story about the happy life of the prince or about the romantic love between the prince and princess. However, it was a sad story. The prince devoted himself to the happiness of others. I was greatly touched by what the prince and the little swallow have done.

This book mainly tells the story about the happy prince and a swallow. They are the embodiments of the true, the good and the beautiful. In fact, the prince is just a statue standing high above the city. Once he was a happy prince living in the palace of Sans-Souci and he didn’t know what sorrow was. Now as a statue, his body was gilded with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. He could see all the ugliness and all the misery of the city. He sympathized with the sufferings of the poor. The little swallow was going to Egypt to enjoy the warm spring. He was moved by the prince’s kindness. Later he became the messenger of the prince and was

commissioned by the prince to give the ruby, sapphires and all the golden leaves to the poor. Finally, the poor were saved and lived a happy life. However, the swallow died of cold and his body was thrown on a dust-heap. The prince became very dull and shabby, so the statue was pulled down and his leaden heart was thrown together with the swallow. But the dead bird and the leaden heart were considered by the god as the most precious things in the city. So the god let them go into the paradise and the city of gold.

In the story, the prince is a very kind, generous and selfless person. He can devote his life to the poor. He is just like an angel. The story is divided into four parts to show the prince’s devotion. In the first part, the prince saw a thin and worn seamstress working on a gown for the queen’s maids-of-honor. Her little boy is lying ill. So the prince begged the little swallow to give the woman his ruby. In the second part, the prince saw a young man in a cold, shabby house trying to finish a play for the director of the theatre. He was too cold and hungry to write any more. The prince asked for the swallow to give him his sapphire. In the third part, the prince saw a poor

little matchgirl crying, because she spoiled her matches. Her father would beat her if she didn’t bring home some money. So once again, the prince requested the little swallow to give her another sapphire. Then the prince became totally blind. In spite of that, in the fourth part, the prince made the swallow to tell him what life people lived. Then he commanded the swallow to give all his golden leaves to the poor. After that he became so ugly, just like a beggar.

The swallow also sacrificed himself for the benefits others. But his selfless acts were inspired by the happy prince. His love to the prince was great and touching. It was the swallow who spread the love and kindness of the prince to the poor. So he was as great as the happy prince. He was waited for in Egypt by his companions, where he could enjoy the warm spring, the beautiful scenery and live a happy life. But he was filled with pity to the prince. At first, he refused prince’s offer three times, but finally he chose to help the prince. In addition, when the prince became blind, he didn't go to Egypt but stay with the prince regardless of the chill winter. Finally, he died in the city.

In the story, many contrasts are used. At first, the statue of the prince was admired by many people, especially the councilor. But at last, when the statue became shabby, it was mercilessly pulled down by people. The author compared the prince and the swallow with some people such as the councilor, the mayor and the queen’s maids-of-honor. He praised the kindness, selflessness of the former and satirized the indifference and selfishness of the latter. The author also compared the poor to the rich. It reflected the society of the time. The poor worked hard, but they lived a hard life. The rich always bled people and enjoyed themselves.

Do well and have well. Although the dead bird and the leaden heart of the prince were thrown on the dust-heap, they were considered as the most precious things in the city by god. Most importantly, they had a happy ending. "(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)The Happy Prince" is a moving and provoking tale about love and sacrifice. The language of the story is both extremely beautiful and sad. This book attracts many readers with its flexuous plot, exquisite language, and vivid characters. Oscar Wilde brings us a beautiful feast. At the same time, he inspires us to think the moral

and life philosophy deeply.

Oscar Wilde is an outstanding aesthete. He emphasizes human’s soul and body should be combined into one. You are only beautiful when you have a beautiful soul. Nothing in the world is more beautiful than a kind heart. So the happy prince and the swallow are the representatives of real beauty. In the end of the story, Oscar Wilde’s aesthetic ideas are fully expressed. He thinks only beautiful things have the value of existence and beauty is eternal. The happy prince and the swallow are brought into paradise by the angel. So they will stay in the paradise permanently.

“The Happy Prince” embodies both the aestheticism and realism. It is a good book to purify people’s heart. Your will be beautiful when your heart is full of love. So we should learn to create a beautiful world with love.

篇三:The Happy Prince

The Happy Prince

Today I read a book it’s name The Happy Prince Is a fairy tale He help many people

He is Happy and in love When he dies they make a statue of him he will go to Egypt met swallows he told it he can see all the ugly things in my city

They help boy young man girl and all the poor

The little swallow is dying from the cold The Happy Prince also become ugly

Because the statue isn’t beautiful now they take it away......
