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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 07:24:23 优秀作文




? 动词类

1. 表明 indicate;show;demonstrate;reveal;give a breakdown of; give information about; reflect

2. 上升 increase;rise;grow(growth); climb;go up

3. 下降 decrease; fall; decline; drop;slide

4. 急剧上升:shoot(shot) up; soar; jump ;surge

5. 急剧下降:collapse; plunge; plummet

6. 波动:fluctuate (fluctuation)

7. 保持不变:remain constant;remain unchanged;remain stable;(little change);

8. 达到顶峰:peak at; reach a peak of; reach the summit of

9. 达到低谷:reach the lowest point/the bottom at


11. 见证:witness;see

12. 组成:constitute;consist of; be made up of

13. 占:be responsible for; account for; occupy; represent; be shared by

? 形容词副词


Sharp(ly); rapid(ly); dramatic (dramatically); significant(ly); considerable (considerably); Marked(ly);noticeable(noticeably)

2. 表示“速度慢”:

Gradual(ly); steady (steadily); slow(ly); slight(ly)

? 数据修饰词

大约:about; around;roughly; approximately;nearly

仅高于:just over

仅低于:just under

? 分别: respectively; each

? 时间修饰词

1. 从2000年到2005年:

from 2000 to 2005;

between 2000 and 2005;

over the period from 2000 to 2005;

during 2000 and 2005;

2. 在接下来的五年里:During the following/next five years

3. 在过去的五年里:over the past/last five years


1. 稳步下降

2. 逐渐上升

3. 波动剧烈

4. 微微下降

5. 突然下降

6. 大幅攀升

7. 剧烈下降

8. 保持不变



From …to…

The number of cinema admission dropped slightly from 1995 to the year of 2000. The number of satellite TV stations increased significantly from 1957 to 1997.

(2)There be + 形容词 + 名词 +of +变化幅度+ in +变化的主体+时间

There was a sharp decrease in the number of television licenses from 1957 to 1967. There was little change in the number of private cars from 1967 to 1997.

There was a significant increase in the number of bicycles from 1997 to 2000.

There was a fluctuation between 200 and 300 in the number of radio stations in UK between 2000 and 2010.

(3)时间 + saw / witnessed + 形容词 + 名词 + in + 变化的主体

The past decade witnessed a sharp decline in cinema admission.

(4)变化趋势 + is seen/ witnessed + in + 变化主体 + 时间

A sharp increase was seen in the number of tourists during the period between 2000 and 2005.


The number of tourists experienced a sharp increase during the period between 2000 and 2005.



Interest rates fell to 6 percent in August.


Interest rates peaked at 7 percent in July.

Interest rates reached a peak of 7 percent in July.


Interest rates rose by 2 percent this year.

There was a rise of 2 percent in interest rates this year.


Interest rates rose from 5 to 7 percent this year.

Interest rates fluctuated between 5 and 7 percent all year.

四:模板句型 ? ??is the primary choice of…, next comes…


? fluctuated, dropping from…to … and then climbing back to … before finally falling to … ? fluctuated, jumping to … from… and then dropping back to … before finally shooting up to ….

五. 写句子。

1. 巧克力的消耗稳步下降。

2. 电影的产量急剧上升。

3. 来自非洲的香料出口这段期间剧烈波动。(香料spice,出口export)


5. 调查投资显著下降。(research investment)


7. 网站数量大幅上升。



10. 糖类的出口逐渐下降。

11. 超市食品的质量慢慢降低。


13. 鸡的消耗呈上升/下降趋势。

14. 其他工人的薪水花费从1981年的28%下降到2001年的仅仅15%。

15. 书的支出金额先于1991年增加到20%,然后在时期末减少到仅仅有9%.

16. 在研究方面的花费在1990年急剧上升到270万。

17. 家具和设备的成本有相反的趋势。

18. 五月和九月期间游客的人数从700稳步增长到1400。

19. 前四个月,游客数量逐渐上升。

20. 在2001年,个人电脑销量波动剧烈。


1. 下降:fall=dip; decrease; drop; decline;



Rapid/sharp/steep/dramatic/steady/gradual decline

2. 急剧下降:plummet; plunge

3.上升:rise; increase; climb; grow; go up

A growing number of people are taking part-time jobs.越来越多的人在做兼职。

A steady climb in house prices房价的稳步上升。


4.急剧上升: soar; shoot up; surge; jump


Surge, jump可做动词和名词。

The price of petrol has soared during recent weeks.

Surge=shoot up=suddenly increase突然增加

5. 波动:fluctuate

6. 保持不变:do not change; remain at the same level; maintain stability

7.达到顶峰:peak (at)/reach a peak of

8.达到谷底:plunge to a low of

9. 改变的速度:(The speed of change):steady, steadily, sudden, suddenly, dramatic, dramatically, wild, wildly, slow, slowly, gradual, gradually, significant, significantly, noticeable, noticeably,

Fast, rapidly, quickly; slowly, gradually, steadily;

10.达到…数量:reach; hit; arrive at; amount to; stand at

11. 占据:account for/makeup/represent/occupy/constitute


1. Fall steadily稳步下降

2. rise gradually逐渐上升

3. fluctuate wildly波动剧烈

4. drop slightly微微下降

5. drop suddenly突然下降

6. climb sharply大幅攀升

7. decline dramatically剧烈下降

8. level off/out(vt, vi)平稳,稳定


1. 巧克力的销量稳步下降。

The consumption of chocolate fell steadily.

There was a steady fall in the consumption of chocolate.

2. 电影的产量极具上升。


Useful introductory expressions:

The graph shows / indicates / depicts / illustrates

From the graph it is clear

It can be seen from the graph

As can be seen from the graph,

As is shown / illustrated by the graph,

Example: The graph shows the percentage of children using

supplements in a place over a year。

Useful time expressions:

over the next... / for the following... (for the following two months... over the next six months.。。)

from ... to / between ... and (from June to August... between June and August.。。)

during (during the first three months.。。)


Per cent is the word form of the symbol %. We can write 10% or 10 per cent. Percentage is the noun form: The percentage of children using supplements. NOT The percent of children.。。


You can use a combination of adjective + noun, or verb + adverb, to avoid repeating the same phrase。

Example: There was a sharp decrease in the numbers. The numbers decreased sharply。

Language for graphs

remain (-ed, -ed)

unchanged, steady, stable, constant, plateau, fixed/static

From January to March the percentage of children using supplements remained fairly static at approximately 10%。

The percentage of children taking dietary supplements was relatively stable during the first two months of the year。

During the first two months, supplement use remained fairly


fall (fell, fallen), decrease (-ed, -ed), drop (dropped, dropped), plunge (-ed, -ed), decline (-ed, -ed)

slight (slightly), steady (steadily), gradual (gradually), gentle (gently), slow (slowly)

downward trend

It then fell gradually in March。

There was a slight decrease in the use of dietary supplements in March。The graph shows a slight decrease in March。

Supplement use experienced a steady decrease in March。

Supplement use decreased slightly in March。

fluctuate (-ed, -ed)


It went up and down widely over the next two months。

It fluctuated for the following two months。

rise (rose, risen), grow (grew, grown), climb (-ed, -ed), shoot up (shot up, shot up)

dramatic (dramatically), sharp (sharply), significant (significantly), rapid (rapidly)

upward trend

There was a significant increase in the percentage of children taking dietary supplements between June and August。

The period between June and August saw a dramatic growth in the use of dietary supplements。

Between June and August, the percentage of children taking dietary supplements shot up dramatically。

The greatest rise was from June to August when it rose by 22% for two consecutive months from June to August。

peak (-ed, -ed), reach (-ed, -ed)

The percentage of children taking dietary supplements was at its highest level in April。

Supplement use peaked at close to 25% in April。

It reached a peak of 25% in April。

fall (fell, fallen), decrease (-ed, -ed), drop (-ed, -ed)

dramatic (dramatically), sharp (sharply), significant (significantly), rapid (rapidly)

Between August and October, this figure dropped dramatically to 11%。From August to October, there was a drop of 14% in the percentage of children taking dietary supplements。

Between August and October, There was a considerable fall in the percentage of children using supplements。

This was followed by a sharp drop of 14% over the next two months。

Supplement use experienced a dramatic fall between August and October。

fall (fell, fallen), decrease (-ed, -ed), drop (dropped, dropped), plunge (-ed, -ed), decline (-ed, -ed), reach (-ed, -ed) its lowest pointslight (slightly), steady (steadily), gradual (gradually), gentle (gently), slow (slowly)

downward trend

Between October and December, the decrease in the use of dietary

supplements was at a much slower pace than in the previous two months。Supplement use continued to fall steadily over the next two months until it reached its lowest point in December。

It fell to a low of only 5% in December。




Useful introductory expressions:

The graph shows / indicates / depicts / illustrates

From the graph it is clear

It can be seen from the graph

As can be seen from the graph,

As is shown / illustrated by the graph,

Example: The graph shows the percentage of children using supplements in a place over a year。

Useful time expressions:

over the next... / for the following... (for the following two months... over the next six months.。。)

from ... to / between ... and (from June to August... between June and August.。。)during (during the first three months.。。)


Per cent is the word form of the symbol %. We can write 10% or 10 per cent. Percentage is the noun form: The percentage of children using supplements. NOT The percent of children.。。Note!

You can use a combination of adjective + noun, or verb + adverb, to avoid repeating the same phrase。

Example: There was a sharp decrease in the numbers. The numbers decreased sharply。Language for graphs

remain (-ed, -ed)

unchanged, steady, stable, constant, plateau, fixed/static

From January to March the percentage of children using supplements remained fairly static at approximately 10%。

The percentage of children taking dietary supplements was relatively stable during the first two months of the year。

During the first two months, supplement use remained fairly unchanged。

fall (fell, fallen), decrease (-ed, -ed), drop (dropped, dropped), plunge (-ed, -ed), decline (-ed, -ed)

slight (slightly), steady (steadily), gradual (gradually), gentle (gently), slow (slowly)downward trend

It then fell gradually in March。

There was a slight decrease in the use of dietary supplements in March。

The graph shows a slight decrease in March。

Supplement use experienced a steady decrease in March。

Supplement use decreased slightly in March。

fluctuate (-ed, -ed)




went up and down widely over the next two months。

It fluctuated for the following two months。

rise (rose, risen), grow (grew, grown), climb (-ed, -ed), shoot up (shot up, shot up)dramatic (dramatically), sharp (sharply), significant (significantly), rapid (rapidly)upward trend

There was a significant increase in the percentage of children taking dietary supplements between June and August。

The period between June and August saw a dramatic growth in the use of dietary supplements。

Between June and August, the percentage of children taking dietary supplements shot up dramatically。

The greatest rise was from June to August when it rose by 22% for two consecutive months from June to August。

peak (-ed, -ed), reach (-ed, -ed)

The percentage of children taking dietary supplements was at its highest level in April。Supplement use peaked at close to 25% in April。

It reached a peak of 25% in April。

fall (fell, fallen), decrease (-ed, -ed), drop (-ed, -ed)

dramatic (dramatically), sharp (sharply), significant (significantly), rapid (rapidly)Between August and October, this figure dropped dramatically to 11%。

From August to October, there was a drop of 14% in the percentage of children taking dietary supplements。

Between August and October, There was a considerable fall in the percentage of children using supplements。

This was followed by a sharp drop of 14% over the next two months。

Supplement use experienced a dramatic fall between August and October。

fall (fell, fallen), decrease (-ed, -ed), drop (dropped, dropped), plunge (-ed, -ed), decline (-ed, -ed), reach (-ed, -ed) its lowest point

slight (slightly), steady (steadily), gradual (gradually), gentle (gently), slow (slowly)downward trend

Between October and December, the decrease in the use of dietary supplements was at a much slower pace than in the previous two months。

Supplement use continued to fall steadily over the next two months until it reached its lowest point in December。

It fell to a low of only 5% in December。

