作业帮 > 英语作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 19:27:31 英语作文




1. 整体印象类评语

Super!Excellent!Perfect!Wonderful!Fantastic! Marvelous!


2. 规范导知类评语

Beautiful.Clear. Wonderful.Good hand-writing.

You'er careful of using pronounciation.

Glad to see your improvement in handwriting.

I'm expecting clearer/more beautiful hand-writing from you next time.

YOu'd better pay more attention to word order.

Better be more careful of your spelling.

It's important to compose a draft beforhand.

3. 情感调控类评语

I appreciate your handwriting.

You have a good knowledge of English proverbs.

You are quite aware of making meaningful sentences.

You are richer than others in collecting and using typical sentences and idioms.

I'm expecting greater progress from you in writing. Come on.

If you need my help, never hesitate to come to me.


Hard work leads to success.

Not to advance is to go back.

No one is without faults.

Keeping is harder than winning. Keep it up.


1. 专项点拨类评语

It's proper to use the proverb i(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)n Para.2 Quite clever.

You are good at using attributive clauses in your writing.

The "struck" sentence is perfectly used.

You'd better use "third person" in the first para.

It's good to use the past tense in your writing.

2. 佳句欣赏类评语


What a wonderful sentence using "cover".

It's really clever of you to use this beautiful sentence.

The inverted sentence is well written.

3. 谋篇布局类评语

A good beginning. A perfect ending. Well-organized.Perfectly-expanded.

The first para. makes a good beginning.

The last para. makes a perfect ending.

All the points have been covered.

It's clever of you to use a topic sentence at the beginning of a para.

It's wonderful to use proper conjunctions between sentences.

You are good at developing a para.

You have made great progress in developing a passage.

I am glad to see the sentence conherence in your last para.

Better pay more attention to the relationship between sentences.

It's really wonderful to start/end your sentences with adverbials.




AIDS is the threat of entire society

What is AIDS?

AIDS is a serious infectious disease that can cause people to death. The AIDS virus which is also call human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) invades the human body then destructs body's immune function. It can make people suffer from various incurable infections and tumors. The full name of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. From its name we can know three specific definition, Acquired means the cause is acquired rather than innate; Immune Deficiency means in the aspects of pathogenesis, it is mainly caused by the body's immune system and lead to reduce the damage or loss of the protective function of the immune system; Syndrome means In the clinical symptoms, complex symptoms due to various system immunodeficiency caused by infection and tumor. The origin of AIDS is Africa and mainly comes from developing country. Transmission and pathogenesis of AIDS

The AIDS virus mainly exists in the various body fluids of the AIDS virus infection and has strong infectious. The main route of infection of the AIDS virus are sexual transmission, blood transmission and mother to child transmission. From HIV infection to develop into AIDS patients has four stage: The first phase is acute stage, The second stage is the asymptomatic period, which is called the incubation period, too. The third stage is the pre AIDS. The fourth period is full period of AIDS or AIDS in the late, which is the most complex.

The treatment and prevention of AIDS

AIDS is a serious infectious disease with high fatality rate, there is still no cure for drugs and methods, but can be prevented. Drug therapy can be divided into three categories: Anti HIV drugs, immunomodulators and anti infective Drugs. AIDS is a threat to every person and every family, the prevention of AIDS is the responsibility of the whole society. Many daily behaviors cannot infect AIDS virus. To comply with sexual morality is the fundamental measures for the prevention of the sexual transmission of AIDS. Sharing syringes, drug taking is a major channel for the spread of AIDS, therefore, we should refuse drugs and cherish life.




abbr --- error in abbreviation 缩写错误

C --- error in conjunction 连词错误

cap --- should use capital letter 应该大写

CE --- Chinese English 中式英语

col --- error in collocation 搭配错误

comp --- error in comparison比较错误

D ---error in diction措辞错误

div --- error in word division 断词错误

frag --- sentence fragment 不完整句

G --- error in grammar 语法错误

ll --- faulty parallel structure 并列结构/平行错误

log --- error in logic 逻辑错误

mm --- misplaced modifier 限定词错

no cap --- should not use capital letter 不应大写

nsw --- no such word 没有此词

num --- error in numbers 数词错误

P --- error in punctuation 标点错误

plu --- should use plural form 应用复数

pron --- error in pronoun 代词错误

red --- error in redundancy 累赘错误

rep --- error in repetition 重复错误

run-on --- run-on sentence 断句错误 (该用连词或分号、句号等) sin --- shoul use singular form 应用单数

sp --- error in spelling拼写错误

sv --- subject-verb agreement 主谓一致

vt --- error in verbal tense 时态错误

vf--- error in verbal form 动词形式

vo --- error in voice语态错误

wc --- error in word choice选词错误

wo --- error in word order 词序错误

awk ---awkward expression语句不通顺

prep---error in preposition 介词错误

ital---italicized 单词斜体

╳ --- some error here 某处有错 (用于某处不易用符号解释的错误) ∧ --- should add a word 应加某词

( ) --- optional可以不要

┓ --- another paragraph另起一段

/ --- should be deleted 应删某词

~ --- error in sentence order语序调换

? --- meaning unclear 意义不明

︱--- should be seperated应当分开

— --- should be connected 应当连接
