作业帮 > 英语作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 18:32:31 英语作文


轮档挡好-- Chocks in

地面电源设备接好--Ground power connected

收到-- Roger

现在关闭发动机--Shutting down engines

准备牵引-- Ready for pushback

所有舱门已关好--All doors checked closed

松刹车-- Brakes off

松刹车-- Release parking brakes

刹车已松-- Brakes off

刹车已松-- parking brake Released

可以牵引 --Clear for pushback

23号跑道起飞--Runway( or face)two three

05号跑道起飞--Runway( or face)zero five

牵引完成 --Pushback complete

刹车 --Brakes on

刹车 --Set parking brake

刹车刹好 --Brakes on

刹车刹好-- Parking brake set

准备启动1(或2)号发动机--Start number one(or two)

可以启动1(或2)号发动机--Clear number one(or two)

已经供气(如需气源车)--Pressure on

启动结束 --Start complete

断开地面设备-- Disconnect ground equipment

插销移开 --Ping Removed

稍等 --Standby

稍等启动-- Standby for start

稍等推出-- Standby for pushback

在左(或右)方打手势--Hand signal on the left(or right)

aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员

pilot 驾驶员, 机长

co-pilot, second pilot 副驾驶员

navigator 领航员

steward 男服务员

stewardess, hostess 空中小姐

radio operator 报务员

Bairliner 班机

monoplane 单翼飞机

glider 滑翔机

trainer aircraft 教练机

passenger plane 客机

propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机

jet (aircraft) 喷射飞机

amphibian 水陆两用飞机

seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机

turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机

turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机

turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机

transport plane 运输机

helicopter 直升机

supersonic 超音速

hypersonic 高超音速

transonic 跨音速

subsonic 亚音速

Airbus 空中客车

Boeing 波音

Concord 协和

Ilyusin 依柳辛

McDonald-Douglas 麦道

Trident 三叉戟

Tupolev 图波列夫

hatch 舱口

aeroengine, air engine 航空发动机

navigation light 航行灯

fuselage, body 机身

nose 机头

wing 机翼

aileron 副翼

wing flap 襟翼

tail plane 水平尾翼

starboard wing 右翼

port wing 左翼

pilot"s cockpit 驾驶舱

parachute 降落伞

passenger cabin 客舱

propeller 螺旋桨

pressurized cabin 密封舱

undercarriage 起落架

undercarriage wheel 起落架轮

elevator 升降舵

radio navigation device 无线电导航设备

radio directive device 无线电定向设备

luggage compartment 行李舱

(fuel) tank 油箱

auxiliary (fuel) tank 副油箱

main (fuel) tank 主油箱

autopilot 自动驾驶仪

ground crew 地勤人员

airport 航空港, 民航机场

airfield, aerodrome, airdrome 机场

airport beacon 机场灯标

airport meteorological station 机场气象站

main airport building, terminal building 机场主楼

emergency landing runway, forced landing runway 紧急着陆跑道 taxiway 滑行跑道

runway 跑道

omnirange radio beacon 全向式无线电航空信标

fuel depot 燃料库

control tower 塔台

tarmac 停机坪

radio beacon 无线电信标

boarding check 登机牌

plane ticket 飞机票

flight, flying 飞行

bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行

smooth flight 平稳的飞行

ramp 扶梯

altitude, height 高度

air route, air line 航线

extra flight 加班

economy class, tourist class 经济座

non-stop flight 连续飞行

climbing, to gain height 爬升

circling 盘旋

forced landing 迫降

connecting flight 衔接航班

speed, velocity 速度

ceiling 上升限度

cruising speed 巡航速度

top speed 最高速度

first class 头等

night service 夜航

airsick 晕机

direct flight, straight flight 直飞

landing 着陆

to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸

to taxi along 滑行

to lose height, to fly low 降低

to take off, take-off 起飞

to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机

to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机

to face the wind 迎风


AIRFRAME SYSTEMS ________________

AIR CONDITIONING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 AUTOFLIGHT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 COMMUNICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ELECTRICAL POWER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 FIRE PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 FLIGHT CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 FUEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 HYDRAULIC POWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 INDICATING/RECORDING SYSTEMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 LANDING GEAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 LIGHTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 NAVIGATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 OXYGEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 PNEUMATIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 WATER AND WASTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 STRUCTURE _________

DOORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 WINDOWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 POWER PLANT ___________

POWER PLANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 ENGINE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 IGNITION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 AIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 ENGINE CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 ENGINE INDICATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 EXHAUST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

OIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 STARTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80



A/C air conditioning 空气调节

A/G air/ground

A/L autoland 自动落地

A/P autopilot 自动驾驶

A/S airspeed 空速

A/T autothrottle自动油门, adjustment/test 调整/测试

ABNORM abnormal 不正常的

AC alternating current 【电】交流电

ACARS ARINC Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACCEL acceleration, accelerate 使增速

ACM air cycle machine 空气循环机

ADC air data computer 大气资料电脑

ADF automatic direction finder 自动方位寻找器

ADI attitude director indicator 姿态指示器

ADP air driven pump, air driven hydraulic pump 气动液压泵 ADV advance 推进

AFCS automatic flight control system 飞控系统

AGL above ground level 地标位

AI anti-ice 防冰

AIDS aircraft integrated data system 整合资料系统

AIL aileron 副翼

ALT altitude 高度

ALTM altimeter 高度计

ALTN alternate 交替的

ALTNT alternate 交替的

AMB ambient 环绕的

AMM Airplane Maintenance Manual 修护手册

ANN announcement 通告

ANNUNC annunciator 通告器

ANT antenna 天线

AOA angle of attack 功角

APB auxiliary power breaker 辅助的动力断电器

APD approach progress display 接近行进显示

APL airplane 飞机

APPR approach 接近

APPROX approximately 近乎

APU auxiliary power unit 辅助的动力单元


English Manual 英语手册 Contents (目录)

Part one Public English 第一部分 公共英语

Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语

Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语

Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语

Part two Specialized English 第二部分 专业英语

Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English地面服务英语

Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语

Chapter 6 Security Screening Service English 安全检查服务英语

Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语

Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语

Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English航空食品服务英语

Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English机务维修服务英语

Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语)

Chapter 1 Basis English (英语基础)


董事长 Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board

执行总裁 Executive President

执行副总裁 Vice Executive President

首席运营官 COO

财务总监 Chief Finance Officer

执行总裁助理 Assistant to Executive President





首席商业运营官 CCO


首席人事训练官 CHO



首席公共关系协调官 CRO

首席人事训练官 CHO


宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD

宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD


董事长 Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board

总经理 General Manager

副总经理 Vice General Manager

财务总监Chief Finance Officer

总经理助理 General Manage Assistant

调研员Investigator and Researcher


综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.

总经理General Manager

副总经理Vice General Manager


行政事务室 Civil Service Office

人力资源室Human Resources Office

计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.

会计核算室Accounting Office

预算管理室 Budget Management Office

业务发展部 Business Development Dept.

广告公司Advertisement Company

商业开发管理室 Commerce Development and Management Office

客货销售公司 Passenger-cargo Sale Company

指挥中心 Control Center

安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center

值班经理室Office of Manager on Duty

现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center

急救中心First Aid Center

安全检查站Security Screening Station

安全检查室Security Screening Office

消防中心Fire Control Center

运行保障部Operation Support Dept.

综合室Comprehensive Office

设备运行室Equipment Operation Office

场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office

汽车服务中心Auto Service Center

地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.

商务室Business Affairs Office

服务室Passenger Service Office

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English Manual 英语手册 六、日期和时间

星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridaySaturday Sunday

星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五星期六 星期日

月份: JanuaryFebruaryMarch April MayJuneJuly

一月二月 三月 四月 五月六月七月


八月 九月 十月 十一月十二月

年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001

日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001


hour小时minute分钟 second秒

四季: spring春季summer夏季 autumn秋季 winter冬季


人称代词:单数: I youhe sheit (主格)

meyouhimherit (宾格)

复数: we youthey (主格)

us youthem (宾格)

物主代词:形容词性:(单数) myyourhisherits

(复数) ouryourtheir

名词性: (单数)mine yourshishers its

(复数) oursyourstheirs

反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herselfitself




one two three fourfivesix seven eightnineten eleventwelve thirteenfourteen fifteen sixteenseventeen eighteennineteen twenty thirty forty fiftysixtyseventyeightyninetya hundred a thousand a million a billion

序数词: first second third……….

九、方位 east东west西 south南 north北

southwestnorthwest southeastnortheast

西南 西北 东南 东北


file 文件 path 路径 text 文本

program 程序 disk硬盘 floppy 软盘

disc 光盘memory 内存、存储器 key 键

driver 驱动器power 电源 screen 屏幕

configure 配置 boot 引导 byte 字节

format 格式化 compress 压缩system系统

network 网络、联网speed 速度、加速scan 检测、扫描

install 安装 setup设置 option选项、选择

reset 复位restore恢复lock 加密

command 命令 execute 执行save保存

type显示、打字 print 打印 pause暂停

clean清除delete 删除 remove 删除、移动

copy 复制 paste 粘贴 backup备份

rename改名 open 打开quit 退出

exit 退出esc退出 window 窗口

input 输入 output 输出


airport 机场 fly area飞行区 terminal 候机楼

apron 停机坪 runway 跑道taxiway 滑行道

passport护照 trailer 拖车tow-bar 拖把

dolly 集装箱托板aircrew机组captain 机长

purser 乘务长stewardess乘务员 passenger旅客

infant 婴儿customs海关elevator 电梯

child(children) 儿童 taxiway link 滑行联络道

checked baggage 托运行李 travel document旅行文件

(air)ticket 机票 (baggage)cart 手推车

coffee house 咖啡厅 store shop 商场

first class 头等舱 sterile area 隔离区

first aid急救中心 restaurant餐厅

VIP lounge贵宾室 security check安检

ID card身份证 delay flight 延误航班

domestic departure hall 国内出发厅 domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅

international departure hall 国际出发厅 international arrival hall 国际到达厅

baggage checks(stub) 行李牌chartered flight包机

scheduled flight 定期航班 unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童

duty free shop 免税商店 passenger step cars客梯车

follow-me car 引导车 carry on baggage 手提行李

boarding pass登机牌air traffic control tower 塔台

information office问询处multi-function room多功能厅

air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥activity center 职工活动中心

enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室 assembly room 会议室

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English Manual 英语手册 Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)

Greetings (称呼与问候)

1. How do you do?


2. How are you today (these days)?你今天(近来)好吗?(熟人)

3. Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?

4. How’s everything at home? 家中一切都好吗? 5. I’m just great. 好极了.

6. Long time no see! How’s business, Mr. Dong? 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生?

7. That’s OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢.

8. No, nothing much. So-so, thanks.不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢.

Farewell (告别) 9. Good night, see you tomorrow.晚安,明天见. 10. See you later. 回头见.

11. Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.

12. I do hope you’ll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.

13. Thanks for all your kind hospitality.谢谢你们热情的招待.

14. Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.

15. Have a pleasant journey and good luck.祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运).

Introduction (介绍)

16. Glad to meet you, I’m Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.

17. Mr. Dong, I’d like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao.董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.

18. Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill ? 对不起,您是希尔先生吗?

19. Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Yu Junhua,

secretary, from the Office.


Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.


Thanks (致谢)

20. Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.

21. Thanks a lot. 多谢.

22. It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.

23. Thank you for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.

24. I don’t know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.

26. Not at all.别客气.

27. You are welcome.不客气.

28. That’s all right. 这没什么.

29. It is my pleasure.我很乐意这样做.

Compliments (赞美)

30. You’ve done a wonderful job. Well done!你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.

31. The food is delicious.这食物真可口.

32. Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.

33. I’m sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.

34. Your children are cute.你的孩子真讨人喜爱.

35. You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.

36. You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.


37. That’s very kind of you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Mr. Fang.


Congratulations and Good Wish(祝贺与祝愿)

38. Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.


39. Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.

40. I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.

41. All the best to you.祝你万事如意.

42. Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.

43. Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!

Apologies and Regrets(道歉与遗憾)

44. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.

45. Sorry to have troubled you.对不起,打搅您了.

46. Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意.

47. Please excuse me for a moment. It won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.

48. Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.

49. A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time.十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.

50. That’s OK. 没关系.

51. No problem.没关系.

52. I quite understand. 我完全理解.

Asking a Favour (请求帮助)

53. Could you give me some advice on my work? 能对我的工作提些意见吗?

54. Can you help me?你能帮我吗?

55. Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport?您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗?

56. I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你. 57. I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙. Making an Appointment (约会)

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English Manual 英语手册 58. Would you honor us with a visit?如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.

59. Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting?可否请你光临本次会议?

60. When are you free? 您什么时候有空?

61. I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning.我希望他今天上午能见我.

62. There is something I’d like to talk with you. I wonder if you’ll be free this afternoon.


63. I shouldn’t be busy tomorrow.我明天不忙.

64. I’ll be waiting for you at eight in my office.8点钟我在办公室等您.

65. My office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午.

Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)

66. You are quite right.你完全正确.

67. I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.

68. I think so.我想是这样.

69. Yes, indeed.是的,的确如此.

70. I don’t agree.我不同意.

71. No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.

72. I’m afraid not.我想不是.

Offering Help (提供帮助)

73. Can I help you? 能为你效劳吗?

74. What can I do for you, sir? 要我帮忙吗?先生?

75. Is there anything I can do for you, Sir? 我能为你做点什么,先生?

76. Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.

77. I’ll pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.

78. Would you like something to drink? What about tea? 你需要点什么东西喝呢?喝茶好吗?

79. I’ve had enough, thank you. 我已经够了,谢谢.

Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)

80. I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.

81. I’m quite prepared to give up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.

82. Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能.

83. I can’t help anything. 我帮不了你.

84. I have no time.我没有时间.

85. No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.

Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)

86. You’ve got to learn to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.

87. I advise you to check your baggage.我劝你检查一下行李.

88. You could consider going by plane.你可以考虑乘飞机去.


89. It’s really cold today. 今天真冷.

90. Last week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.

91. I don’t like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.

92. I felt shivery with cold inside the house. Let’s go outside to have a sun bath.


93. It’s getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了.

94. We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网) very much from the cold.


95. It is very windy today. 今天风很大.

96. The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.


Asking the way (问路)

97. Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the airport?


98. Please follow me, I’ll show you the way. 请跟我来,我告诉你怎么走.

99. Would you tell me how to go to the head office from here? 从这里到总公司怎么走?

100. How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿需要多久?

101. It will take half an hour. 半个小时.

102. Where’s the nearest public phone? 最近的公用电话在哪里?

103. It’s on the opposite side of the street.在马路对面.

104. Is there a good Tujia bacon restaurant nearby? 附近有没有不错的土家腊味餐厅?

105. Yes, there are some. They are on airport Road.有一些,在机场路上.

At the office(在办公室)

106. We take airport’s bus to work.我们乘机场班车去上班.

107. When I enter my office, I say “good morning” to my associates.


108. I sit at my desk, then turn on the PC. 我坐到办公桌前,打开电脑.

109. I write myself a memo. 我给自己写了一份备忘录.

110. I review some materials for this afternoon’s meeting.


111. I make some copies on the copycat. 我在复印机上复印了一些东西.

112. Our department will have a meeting this afternoon, and I will take notes at the meeting.


Office phone(办公室电话)

113. Good morning, this is the Sanxia Airport, may I help you?


114. Thank you for calling, one moment, please. 谢谢你打来电话,请稍候.

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English Manual 英语手册 115. He’s in the meeting now, could you call back later? 他正在开会,你过一会再来电话好吗? 116. He (she)’s out of the office right now. 他(她)现在不在办公室.

117. Leave your number and I’ll have him call you back. 请留下你的电话,我让他打给你.

118. Mr. Wang, there’s a telephone call for you. 王先生,你的电话.

119. The line is busy. 电话占线.

120. There’s no answer. 电话没人接.

121. You’ve got the wrong number. 你打错了.

122. The number has been changed. 电话号码变了.

Office Talk(办公室谈话)

123. I’m leaving but I’ll be back at 2:00. 我出去一下,两点钟回来.

124. Cancel all my appointments this afternoon. 取消我今天下午的所有约会.

125. Could you run a few errands for me? 你能帮我办几件事吗?

126. Would you make some copies for me? 你帮我复印几份好吗?

127. No problem. Just give me one minute. 没问题,稍等片刻.

128. Why don’t you take the rest of the day off. 你可以下班了.

129. Man, I’ve got a lot of paper work to do! 嗬,我有那么多的文件要处理.

130. I’m glad that I finally finished that report. 我很高兴终于完成了那份报告.

131. I’m relieved that tomorrow is a holiday. 明天是节假日,我可以放松了.

132. I wonder if I’ll ever get a raise. 我不知道我能否得到加薪.

133. I think that my job is ending. 我觉得我的工作快结束了.

Job Interview(求职面试)

134. I’m bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌烦了.

135. I’m gonna quit. 我打算辞职.

136. I’m going to look for another job. 我要去找另一份工作.

137. I have an interview tomorrow. 我明天有个面试.

138. May I see your resume? 我能看一下你的简历吗?

139. Tell me about yourself? 谈谈你自己好吗?

140. How long have you been at your present job? 你在现在这份工作上干了多长时间?

141. Why are you leaving your current job? 你为什么要离开你现在的工作?

142. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 你觉得10年内你在哪方面发展了自己?

143. Are you looking forward to a promotion? 你希望得到晋升吗?

144. Can you give me an example of showing your leadership?


145. Thank you for coming. We’ll let you know as soon as possible.感谢你的光临.我们会尽快给你答复. Days And Dates(天和日期)

146. What day is today? 今天是星期几?

147. Today is Monday(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).


148. What’s the date? 今天多少号?

149. It’s October 15th. 今天是10月15日.

150. Let’s meet sometime next week.我们下周的某个时间见面吧.

151. Excuse me, what time is it?对不起,现在几点了?

152. It’s ten to nine.现在是8:50.

153. I’ll have a meeting in 10 minutes. 10分钟后我有个会.

Chapter 3 Tourism English (旅游英语)

Meeting (见面)

1. How do you do? 你好!

2. How do you do? 你好!

3. Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴.

4. Me too. 我也是.

5. I can’t speak Chinese, can you speak English? 我不会说汉语,你会说英文吗?

6. Yes, a little. What can I do for you? 会一点,我能帮你做些什么吗?

7. I’m from England. I just arrived at Yichang for sightseeing. Could you tell me something about Yichang City?


8. Yes. It’s my pleasure. 好的,我很乐意.


9. Yichang is a famous culture city with a history of 2000years,it is the the birthplace of Ba and Chu Culture,

also the gate to Three gorges and the throat of Sichuan and Hubei provinces


10. The main rivers in Yichang city are Yangtze River and Qingjiang River.


11. today,Yichang become an open city along the Yangtze River,a beautiful city with tourism and

hydrate-electricity as its main industries.


12. Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .葛洲坝工程和三峡大坝都建在宜昌

13. it is a good place for you to invest and make money with its rich resources.宜昌资源丰富,是您投资赚钱的


14. As I know, Yichang is the easternmost city in Hubei. What is the size of Yichang City?就我所知,宜昌是湖北


15. As far as I know, the city covers 21000 square kilometers. 据我所知,这座城市有21000平方公里.

16. Yichang is the second biggest city of Hubei Province. It serves as a political, economic and cultural center in

the eastern part of Hubei.



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印度航空业 在低迷中飞行



Air India.


Flying low.


India's flag carrier is in big trouble.


WELL-TO-DO Indian graduates used to line up to join Air India. The national carrier wasfounded in 1932 and nicknamed the Maharajah. Singapore and Malaysia sought its advice whensetting up their state airlines in the 1970s, as a former director recalls. "This was a temple ofmodern India," he sighs.

印度的优秀毕业生曾经排着队要加入印度航空公司。这一国家航空公司成立于1932年,外号"大君 "。根据一位前任主管回忆,上世纪70年代,新加坡和马来西亚在创立自己国家的航空公司时,都曾向印度航空咨询意见。他叹息道:"它曾经是现代印度的神殿。" Today the Maharajah is looking shabby. Air India made an estimated loss of $

1.45 billion in the2011-12 fiscal year, according to the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA), a consultancy.That was nearly three-quarters of the losses made by all Indian carriers combined. Air India hasnot made a net profit for six years. Its losses have ballooned since a disastrous 2007 mergerwith Indian Airlines, its state-owned counterpart for domestic routes (see chart). The unionhas sparked spats-the latest pilots' strike, which ended on July 3rd, co

st almost $120m. Thegovernment bailed out the merged firm with $5.8 billion in April, after a $3.5 billion debtrestructuring last year.


Yet the government is unlikely to give up on the combined carriers, whose share of thedomestic flight market has dropped from 42% to 16% over the past decade. It would behard to attract a buyer. Air India spends over a quarter of its operating revenue on employees'pay and benefits; Jet Airways, a domestic rival, spends a tenth. The board approved avoluntary-retirement scheme for 5,000 staff this month, but needs the government'sapproval. The Maharajah is even thinking of selling its art collection.


Air India keeps ticket prices uneconomically low. When it slashed prices last year, it forcedothers to follow suit. That, and India's high taxes on aviation fuel, make it hard for any airline toearn money. Only one of India's six carriers, Indigo, a budget airline, is expected to post aprofit this year. Some blame the rise of Gulf airlines on international routes.

"Emirates is nowthe national airline of India. That's what people say," sighs the retired Air India man.


航空业 飞向未来

Business Aviation Flight to the future


Modernising creaking air-traffic systems will be a huge task


THESE days a $15,000 car comes with GPS satellite navigation fitted as standard.


But a $150m airliner still has to be guided through the skies by spoken instructions from abloke with a radio in a control tower.


That is because air-traffic management (ATM) systems are stuck in the 1950s.


Instead of flying straight, planes must zigzag from one ground beacon to the next, andascend and descend in steps, at each stage obtaining permission from the ground.


The controllers' radar only shows planes' approximate positions, so they must space them wellapart.


All this wastes fuel and causes congestion and delays.


The average flight in European airspace is 50km (31 miles) longer than it need be.


So the world's aviation authorities are seeking to modernise the whole system, streamliningthe routing of flights and providing much more real-time information to pilots and controllers.


This could lead to huge orders for electronics firms, which is why, in his recent jobs speech,President Barack Obama called for $1 billion of extra cash to speed up America's ATM-modernisation project, NextGen.


A study by consultants from McKinsey of Europe's equivalent project, SESAR, finds that itscosts should be dwarfed by the fuel savings and the economic boost from squeezing moreflights into Europe's busy skies.


America stands to make similar gains.


It is in everyone's interest to invest in modernisation, but the airlines are wary: several times iecent history they have bought expensive kit only to find they cannot use it becausecontrollers have failed to upgrade their equipment to match.


These sorts of ambitious projects to introduce new technology, with countless participants,are prone to cock-ups.


Those involved in ATM modernisation want to avoid what happened when mobile-phonestandards were set, with different countries ending up with incompatible systems.



To guard against that risk, the UN's International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has justheld a summit in Montreal, at which it divided the long list of ATM modernisation projects intomanageable chunks, on which the world's aviation authorities will try to agree standards, oneat a time.


The process has started well, though developing countries are said to worry about richcountries imposing costly programmes on them.


Agreeing on technical standards will be difficult enough. Harder still, says Nancy Graham, anICAO official, will be paying for it all.



When a customer checks into a flight with United Airlines UAL -0.30% , there is typically anarray of potential add-on offers to navigate through: flight upgrades, access to the airline‘sUnited Club, and more.

旅客搭乘美国联合航空公司(United Airlines,简称―美联航‖)的班机时,通常还会涉及一连串潜在的附加服务,比如升舱、是否有权进入贵宾室等等。
