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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 17:32:18 英语作文


1. Why divorce rate is on the rise? Have you noticed that more and more people are divorced in recent years? I think your answer is yes. and personally, some of my friends have already experienced it. A nice family has just fallen apart one after another leaving one parent to take care of their child who will grow up in a unbalanced life without both parents' care and love in a complete healthy family environment.


As for the causes of the broken marriage, they should be different from family to family.


In my point of view, the most important reason is that with people’s growing demand of free lives, more and more couples chose to divorce when they find they are no suitable for each other, instead of keeping their broken relation – which is normally chosen decades ago.


Secondly, I think wemon have become more economically independant than they used to be,that means they needn't to depend on men for a living, they themselves also the bread winner. If their love is over or their marriage is dead, they will not tolerate it.


At last I'd like to point out that more and more people are open to sex, so the increased number of love affairs outside marriage also accounts for the rising divorce rate.


So my opinion is, by the desire to leave the troubles that a broken marriage brings to you, to get a free life, and in the society that being divorced is no longer a embarrass thing, the astonishing increasing rate will not be so amazing any more.


2. The reasons of divorce


What I’m going to do in my presentation today is the reasons of divorce.


Firstly, let’s see the outline, my presentation divided into 5 parts.


To begin with Vocabulary


Let’s turn now to - Introduction


Marriage is one of the most important issues in everyone’s life. However, the divorce rate of the world is increasing.


According to a recent report one in five Chinese marriages now ends in divorce. It is a social phenomenon that divorce rate is on the rise, not only in China also in the world.


We had learned about the effect of divorce in week one, so I just focus on the reasons of divorce. A book could be written to describe all the reasons why married couples get divorced. I want to highlight a few of the major components behind marital divorce.


First one is - Lack of Communication and Disclosure


You never hear a recently divorced person say that the reason they got a divorce was because their spouse was an excellent communicator who was too trustworthy.


The majority of marriages begin as a wonderful, romantic, almost fairy-tale interaction between two people. That is what is known as the \"honeymoon phase\". This phase doesn't last forever. By doing so, when the honeymoon phase does end, and the normal day-to-day problems of marriage begin to rear their ugly head, they won't come as such a surprise. And refuse to acknowledge the flaws and communicate.


Next I’d like to talk about - Significant Changes in Body Weight or Appearance


Needless to say, physical attraction is a very significant part of an intimate relationship. The reason most married couples ever got together because they were physically attracted to one another. After several years of marriage, it's not uncommon for one (or both) partners to stop taking care of their body like they did when they were single. Infidelity is one of the leading causes of divorce. It goes without being said that one major contributor to infidelity is a spouse who no longer seems physically attractive.


Let’s move to the third reason - Children

Children are wonderful and perfect and "a gift from God". The decision to create a child is arguably the most important choice many couples make.

All too often, after the honeymoon phase of marriage ends, couples attempt to rekindle this passion by creating children. Since children require so much time and money to raise properly, married couples will soon discover that they hardly have any time to themselves. Years go by and the couple realizes they've hardly spent anytime maintaining their marriage. Having look at the Boredom

It sounds simple, but there are some people in this world who are just not meant for the institution of marriage. These people were often called "free spirits" or "adventurers" throughout their lives. Those people, if one spouse in a relationship was "trapped" into the marriage, don't expect them to stick around forever. Sometimes people simply get bored and decide to make a change,and they divorced.

The last reason is - Personality Shift

An ideal marriage involves two people fully secure in who they are who have reached a point in their lives and where they simply wish to share themselves with another person. The majority of marriages do not meet these standards.

Instead, people marry too young before they've had a chance to explore life on their own and reach some conclusions for themselves. Eventually, people will gravitate toward their mind's who they really are.

One spouse will notice the other asking for more space and attempting to spend more time by themselves. Many-a-marriage have resulted in divorce following a significant change in values and personality from one participant.

Part4 - Conclusion

In conclusion, the divorce rate is on the rise. And five reasons of it are lack of communication, significant changes in appearance, children problem, boredom and personality shift. At last, I hope that everyone here will have a happy marriage. Thank you for listening. 3. About high divorce rate and family breakdown

It is widely known that divorce rate and family breakdowns increase rapidly in the world .It causes so many problems that lots of people pay attention to it and think it should be solved in the long run. In this essay, I will talk about the problem and the solutions.

What cause an increasing divorce rate? In my opinion, it can be classified as following: for one thing, nowadays, the man and the women

篇二:离婚率 英语作文

“My parents got divorced recently.” my friend complained, tear in her eyes, “They couldn’t ”

“So did my cousin and his ex-wife.” I replied, “They had just got married for three months.” Long gone are the days when we regard our most scared vows like “Till death do we part” as the symbol of marriage. During the past few decades, the divorce rate in China has experienced a sharp rise and, to make things even worse, the tendency is going on.When we human beings step into modern society, it seems that several newly-developed factors When we take a look at how we choose our partners, reasons why marriage nowadays often place and knew each other quite well. When it came to the ideal partner, those living nearby, with a similar background and a growing reputation among relatives and friends out of question and it’s hard to take factors mentioned above into consideration, thus making it impossible to ensure a harmonious life where the couple share the same goal, hobbies, values and etc.

Shifting our grounds, the struggle to maintain a failed marriage was necessary in the past but seems absurd in modern society since those who decide to get divorced will be respected instead of being looked down upon. As a result, people have the courage and freedom to look for Once the objective factors of sharp rise of divorce rates in China have been stripped away, the subjective ones are exposed.

A man and a woman their habits, background, values etc., requiring them to make joint efforts to get used to the lifestyle of each other. Unfortunately, people nowadays like the entertainment on TV ’s more, once “The prince and the princess lived happily together in the end” have collapsed, they to shoulder their To sum up, whether we attribute a failed marriage to objective factors or subjective ones, by no means is divorce a symbol of social development. What we should do is thinking before acting (开头情节纯属虚构,如有雷同纯属巧合)



2017考研英语作文必背高分句:离婚 考研英语词汇和语法是复习考研英语的基础,建议大家通过阅读、背诵英语句子记单词,并熟悉语法的各种运用法则,从而对后期的考研英语作文奠定基础。凯程在线整理分享各种高分句,希望这些有趣的句子能帮助你全面提高考研英语复习效率。


Countless divorced politicians would have beenelected out of


office years ago had they even thoughtof a divorce, let alone gotten one.



had they even thought...是省略if的虚拟条件句,因此助动词had前嚣构成倒装。因为要表达对过去事实的假设,所以从句用了过去完成时,而主句的谓语部分则相应地采用了would have done的形式。



*let go放手,松开

Let go! You’re hurting me.


*let sb. alone不打扰某人

I'm tired-let me alone!


*let sth. go/pass对某事不计较

I know you didn't mean to hurt me, so I'll let it pass this time.


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