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从那以后,他们过上了幸福快乐的生活 。





Around 850 CE, the Chinese scholar, TaubCh'eng-shih, recorded an old story that he had heard from a servant. In this tale, a young woman named Yeh-hsien is poorly treated by her ill-tempered stepmother and stepsister. When they discover that the poorly dressed and abused girl keeps a magic fish in a nearby pool, they catch, kill and eat the fish.

The distressed6) Yeh-hsien, desiring to attend a festival, wishes upon the fish's bones and suddenly finds herself arrayed7) in magnificent clothes. She attends the affair and is recognized by her stepmother. Yeh-hsien hastily departs, leaving a golden slipper behind, which is later sold to the king. After an exhaustive search, the king discovers the shoe's owner and marries her. The evil stepmother and her daughter are killed in an avalanche8) of stones.

Today's familiar story of the young girl subjected1) to cruelty from her stepmother and stepsisters only to marry a handsome prince has been traced back more than a thousand years to Chinese folklore. From Asia the story spread to Europe where it was eventually popularized by

Giambattista Basile2), Charles Perrault3), and other collectors of fairy tales. Although the basic story has remained the same, the earlier versions often differed in detail and some contained macabre4) elements.


大约在公元850 年,中国文人段成式记载过他从一位家仆那里听来的一则古老故事。故事中,一位名叫叶限的少女受到脾气暴躁的继母和其女儿的虐待。这两人发现衣衫褴褛、挨打受骂的叶限在家附近的一处池塘里养了一条神鱼,就将神鱼捉住杀死,烹而食之。


Early Scottish folklore combines the Asian story with details of its own, some of which are found in today's version. The young girl is named Rashin Coatie and her magical benefactor9) is a calf rather than a fish. Similar to the Asian version, the calf is slaughtered and eaten by the

stepmother. Rashin Coatie makes a wish upon the animal's bones, and she is able to attend a ball in a gown and satin10) slippers, one of which she loses.

A prince, enamored11) of the girl, discovers her slipper and announces that he will marry the owner. The stepmother convinces the prince that the slipper belongs to her eldest daughter after hacking12) off the girl's toes and heel so that the shoe(转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网) will fit. Later, a bird tells the prince that he has been deceived and who the real owner is. Of course, Rashin Coatie and the prince "live happily ever after".

Giambattista Basile's Cinderella Story 詹巴蒂斯塔·巴西莱版的灰姑娘故事

Giambattista Basile was an Italian soldier, government official and author who wrote the Pentamerone, a collection of fifty stories, allegedly13) told to him by Neapolitan women. Among the stories was "The Hearth Cat" that told the tale of Zezolla, a young peasant girl who is mistreated by a wicked stepmother. However, unlike the other Cinderellas, this one has blood on her hands. She kills her stepmother only to see her replaced by a more vicious14)one who has six equally vicious daughters.

Otherwise, the story is essentially the same, with two notable exceptions. The fish and calf of the earlier versions are replaced by a magical date tree15)and Zezolla's suitor and eventual husband is a full-fledged16) king rather than one in waiting.

A Scottish Cinderella Story 苏格兰版的灰姑娘故事





Charles Perrault was a French author and patron17) of the arts who is most remembered today for his collections of nursery rhymes18) and fairy tales. He, more than any other gatherer of

folklore, is most responsible for the Cinderella story known today, the one that Disney used for his animated feature.

In 1697 Perrault wrote Histoiresou Contes Du Temps Passe which featured "Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper". To this French tale that he had first heard as a young child he added his own embellishments19). He introduced a fairy godmother as the heroine's patron and changed the French version'svariegated20) fur slippers to those made of glass, which, of course, made any mutilation21) of a woman's foot futile22).

Like most folklore, Cinderella's exact origin can never be determined, but the fact that it apparently began somewhere in Asia and spread westward cannot be disputed. The tale is evidence that more than a thousand years ago, the world may have been much smaller than what is generally believed.


Charles Perrault's Cinderella Story 夏尔·佩罗版的灰姑娘故事



1. subject [s?b?d?ekt] vt. 使……经受;使……遭受

2. Giambattista Basile: 詹巴蒂斯塔·巴西莱(1566?~1632),意大利那不勒斯人,是诗人和童话故事集结者。他所著的童话故事集《五日谈》中就收录了灰姑娘的故事和长发公主的故事。

3. Charles Perrault: 夏尔·佩罗(1628~1703),法国人,是童话的奠基者,以童话集《鹅妈妈的故事》闻名于世,其中就包括了《灰姑娘》《小红帽》《穿靴子的猫》等脍炙人口的佳作。

4. macabre [m??kɑ?br?] adj. 令人毛骨悚然的;恐怖的;与死亡(或伤害)有关的

5. 出自唐代小说家段成式(803~863)所撰笔记小说《酉阳杂俎》续集《支诺上》,讲的是秦汉时期前南方一个洞主的女儿叶限在其父去世后饱受继母虐待,后嫁给邻近海岛上某国主的故事。

6. distressed [d??strest] adj. 悲伤的;忧虑的;苦恼的

7. array [??re?] vt. 打扮;装饰

8. avalanche [??v?lɑ?n?] n. 纷至沓来的一大批

9. benefactor [?ben?f?kt?(r)] n. 捐助者;赞助人;施主

10. satin [?s?t?n] adj. 缎子做的

11. enamored [??n?m?d] adj. 迷恋于(某人)的

12. hack [h?k] vt. 劈;砍

13. allegedly [??led??dli] adv. 据说

14. vicious [?v???s] adj. 残暴的;凶残的;凶恶的

15. date tree: 枣椰树

16. full-fledged: 羽翼丰满的;完全成熟的

17. patron [?pe?tr?n] n. (艺术家、作家和音乐家等的)赞助人,资助人;守护神

18. nursery rhyme: 儿歌,童谣

19. embellishment [?m?bel??m?nt] n. 装饰;修饰

20. variegated [?ve?ri?ɡe?t?d] adj. 杂色的,斑驳的

21. mutilation [?mju?t?le??n] n. 严重伤残;断肢

22. futile [?fju?ta?l] adj. 无用的;无益的



1-安徒生童话 卖火柴的小女孩 2-安徒生童话 Navi3-安徒生童话 丑小鸭

4-安徒生童话 会唱会跳的小百灵 5-安徒生童话 卖火柴的小女孩 6-安徒生童话 坚定的锡兵

7-安徒生童话 天上落下来的一片叶子 8-安徒生童话 安琪儿 9-安徒生童话 小红帽 10-安徒生童话 影子11-安徒生童话 木偶奇遇记

12-安徒生童话 波尔格龙的主教和他 13-安徒生童话 海的女儿 14-安徒生童话 灰姑娘 15-安徒生童话 皇帝的新衣 16-安徒生童话 睡美人 17-安徒生童话 路绮欧 18-安徒生童话 顽皮的孩子 19-安徒生童话 香肠栓熬的汤 20-格林童话 一只笨狼 21-格林童话 丁香花 22-格林童话 兔子新娘 23-格林童话 八只小金龟 24-格林童话 勇敢的小裁缝 25-格林童话 大拇指汤姆 26-格林童话 大拇指漫游记 27-格林童话 小弟弟和小姐姐 28-格林童话 小毛驴 29-格林童话 小熊拔牙 30-格林童话 小精灵 31-格林童话 小红帽

32-格林童话 布拉克家的闺女 33-格林童话 拔萝卜

34-格林童话 本领高强的四兄弟 35-格林童话 森林里的三个小仙人 36-格林童话 比目鱼 37-格林童话 水晶球

38-格林童话 渔夫和金鱼的故事

39-格林童话 灰姑娘 40-格林童话 爱人罗兰

41-格林童话 狮子和会唱会跳的百灵鸟 42-格林童话 狼来了

43-格林童话 白新娘和黑新娘 44-格林童话 白蛇 45-格林童话 白雪公主 46-格林童话 矮人的礼物 47-格林童话 聪明的小裁缝 48-格林童话 聪明的爱尔莎 49-格林童话 聪明的牧童

50-格林童话 跳舞跳破了的鞋子 51-格林童话 青蛙王子

52-童话大师安徒生 阳光宝贝 53-童话故事 莴苣姑娘 54-童话故事 农夫和蛇 55-艾丽丝漫游奇境
