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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 20:16:51 体裁作文



旁白/Prince’ brother




Officer’s daughter

Cinderella’s step mother







旁白: The prince and Cinderella live a happy life after holding a big wedding, No one call her Cinderella any more, because she is the princess who wear luxuriant dress. But her happiness is someone’s sadness, which is jealous of Cinderella and always wanting to take her out of the palace. Scene 1

Officer: I wonder if you have the ability to change people’s appearance ? Witch: Of course, I have.

Officer: Really? If it is true, I want you to help me. My daughter is superior to anyone, she is the most beautiful Madam in the world, and she

should be the princess.

Witch1: I do not care who the princess is, the only thing I care is my experiment, I need a person to test my experiment.

Office:That is great! Then you can change the appearance of my daughter, and never let Cinderella back to palace.

Witch1: Ok, but the condition is you should bring her here. Oh, by the way, you can take advantages of her step-mother and her sisters.

旁白: The office finds Cinderella’s step-mother and said the same words to her, which witch said before. And promise her when Cinderella was out of palace, he will help her to make her daughter be the princess. Scene 2

Officer: My majesty, the other day, I passed by the queen’s home, her mother said she misses the queen very much, hoping to see daughter. Prince: Well, as it is, they can call on the palace to see my princess.

Officer: My majesty, in my opinion, that’s not good.I’m afraid they common people don’t know polite, I suggest let queen go back home . Prince: Well, that’s all right. You take responsibility of it.

旁白:The next day, the queen return home with her accompany, when she pass by the forest, a bird flys in.

Scene 3

Bird: Dear queen, if your family give you soup, please don’t drink it, and then pretend to faint.They plan to give you to the witch, but don’t worry,

your prince will save you, you need to remember to protect yourself. 继母向灰姑娘使眼色,暗示随从退下

Cinderella:You can go back。

Accompany:Ok,my queen. If you need,please call me

Step-mother: Oh, My dear! I miss you very much, you did not came back since you get married. Do you still blame me?

Cinderella: No, mama, I ’ve already forgotten, I know you love your children, you are a good mother.

Step-mother: I’m so sorry for what I have done, thanks for forgiving me.Here is your home forever.

Sister 1:I’m so sorry all the same.The scarf weaves for you,it made myself.I hope you could receive it.

Sister 2: My dear sister, please taste this cup of tea, I prepare it for you, I think you would love it.

旁白: Cinderella is going to drink it, at the same time she remembers the bird’s words, then she follows.

Step-mother(变得狰狞起来,嘴里发出磔磔的笑声): Ha! You stupid, do you think I really care about you? I really care about the hell forgiveness? You are wrong, I hope you are disappeared forever.

Sister 1: Ha, you disappeared, I will be the princess, my handsome prince, we will have happy life, it’s too excited.(大臣突然出现,带着士兵) Officer:Tie them away!

Soldier:Yes,sir···Follow me,keep up!

旁白: Cinderella was sent to the witch, but her step-mother and sisters were sent to jail, and the officer’s daughter becomes Cinderella ,and she lives with prince. The prince does not recognize her.The witch is kind to Cinderella, just asks Cinderella to do some light work and she teaches Cinderella some magic arts

Scene 4

Officer’s daughter:Dear prince, I want some ever-young pill,I want to··· Prince:Er···Sorry,I···

Officer’s daughter:Oh!I want a wand,So I can do as I wish!

Prince: You’re kidding?

旁白: The prince comes to the forest to find little bird.

Prince: Little bird, do you think my wife is totally different? She was gentle, kind, and careful to me, but now, she keeps asking me for queer things, at first, I will try my best to meet her needs, but I am tired now. What should I do?

Bird: Dear prince, if she is your beloved queen,then why doesn’t she wear the crystal shoes?

Prince: Yes, you are right, she must be not my lovely Cinderella.

Bird sing : Poor girl ,you should always keep that love is not free and love is not bread in your mind, you will get on the condition you pay, love is not appearance, we don’t need see it by eyes, we need see it by

heart, remember to care about people in your life.

旁白: Prince finds the officer and Cinderella’s sister and step-mother, he knows what happened, he makes a decision that saving his lover, no matter how hard it is. So he finds a ferocious witch to inquire about the queen’s information. At the same time, the kind witch releases Cinderella to help her husband.

Scene 5

Prince: Where is my wife?

Witch2: She is dead, I know where she is, and I can help you to find her, but I need to promise me one thing.

Prince: What?

Witch2: Marry with me, I love you, I can killed your officer and the fake princess.

Prince: No,no way! I will never fall in love with you, do not even to say marry with me, my wife is Cinderella.

Witch2: Ha! I’m afraid you have no idea about the situation, your officer has already replaced you to be the king, you have no choice, If you want you state, you must worry with me; If you insist saving your wife, you will loose your state, you’d better consider it carefully.

Prince: My country still has my brother, he can save it, but my wife only has me, so, I will not let her alone.

Witch2: Well, well, what a touching love story, as it is, I respect you, I

篇二:英语续写ending part3

Ending part3

The letter is on;

Dear Ann: Long time no hear from you. I could’ describe how much I miss you. And how about you? Did you find the valuable and meaningful life that you keep on pursuing. Actually you couldn’t receive the letter, but I still want to find some way to express my feeling. Once I have just thought that your gone was might be a good thing, because I finally release myself and enjoy the freedom without any responsibilities to

raise and educate a child. However,I admitted that I was wrong soon. It is just a simple that anything can have the power to weak the affection between us.After you have gone, I have tried to figure out the

things you considered to tie you up. Maybe is the way we communicate to each other. There are

a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. And all roads lead to Rome . Empiricism [?m'p?r?'s?z?m] made me over-protect you ,while you had a strong desire to refuse and perform uniquely just to prove that you can challenge conventions. We just stand the opposite side stubbornly, but at the same time we

ignore the most significant thing why not choose a special time to give the other person a chance to express her ideas. If there could be a chance for us ,what would happen to us…… Doctor told me pay more attention to take rest. It is time for bed. Good night . And have a good dream ,dear.

Love, Mom XX.XX.XX

篇三:The Sequel of The necklace【莫泊桑项链续写(英文)】

The Sequel of The necklace

Mathilde’s face becomes pale and pale, eyebrows knit in a frown, lips can not stop quivering but without saying a word,vacant eyes just stare at Jenny’s charming face.The voice echoed through her mind,’it’s a fake,only cost at most five hundred dollars"Mathilde put down Jenny’s hand torpidly and turned around,trying to walk back to her little attic.Jenny feels really guilty about that, then she takes two steps forward to overtake mathilde: "dear Mathilde,I really do not know what to say,there’s nothing can be able to compensate your youth.I wish I told you the truth when you borrowed the necklace!My dear could you please follow me to my house?I'll bring the necklace to you!"However,no response from Mathilde,she just keep on walking like a zombie.Jenny realized that the value of the necklace is too heavy,it’s not only thirty-six thousand francs,that is her friend’s entire youth.She starts to run back to her house for the necklace.

Mathilde feels deadened to the world around her,only the best night of her life came back to her mind---She was the beauty queen,more charming than any woman at that night.Oh my god!she was just like a descent of angels!And how about now?The sweetest memory is just thing that killing her.

The river at sunset is very bleak,much bleak than a decade ago,no more ripple.

Mathilde gets back to the small attic,with the teared eyes.She looks around, it was this small attic,day after day, year after year,roughen her delicate hands,wrinkled her beautiful face.Her eyes are no longer flashing light;Her blonde hair no longer roll waves;Even her good shape disappeared completely...

"My dear, I'm home!"The husband didn't hear the loud reply,feels very strange.He speed up to her,find out that she is very sad.He asks,"Are you alright my love?""Honey,do you think I’m beautiful?"He didn’t give the second thought,a smile on his lips: "dear,you are always my most beautiful queen,I love you!”he thought she would be happy with,but she She stumbled into his arms and wept.

At the moment,she finally realized that the man who always by her side is only her dear husband.The husband was shocked and doesn't know what to do, "Baby,i swear that is all my truth i cross my heart!I’m so sorry i didn’t know it would bother you that much..."Mathilde stops him before he finished his words by finger, pointed and covered his lips: "no, honey,it’s the touched tears.I think I am unworthy to you.You work that hard to pay for my mess,I really don't know how to return the love (来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)that you’ve given..."The husband hugs the woman he loves happily and reply,"No, honey, you know, I do this because I love you, I am motivated by love,and expected nothing in return."They hugged tightly...

"Mom,there’s a pretty lady looking for you."7 years old daughter Alice came and said. "who's there?""I'm sorry, Mathilde, I’m here to give you the necklace!"Jenny helps Mathilde to put on the necklace."My dear, you still so beautiful!"Mathilde and her husband smile and look at each other.And then she turns to Jenny,looks at her guilty face,smiled and said, "Well,you better take me to a big big dinner,or you would never forgive yourself!"Jenny surprised,and then happily nods...

Finally,Mathilde realized,the greatest treasure in the world is nothing else but love, even ten millions francs can’t afford it.
