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考研1号考研英语《写作160篇》“拔苗助长”读者练习在线修改 写作原文

The picture presents us a thought-provoking scene, in which a father attempts to force his young son to read books with regard to early-MBA. By contrast, reluctant as the son is, he has to go on his study to meet his fat

of parents tend to put too much study. The reason why such be ts’ perspective, the likely fall behind when competing with they don’t start learning early. On the today have a and read little, the children to visit more zoos, scenic spots or historic relics, which is also a way to educate the children and will benefit them more efficiently. That is to say, only following the natural laws can a child grow up healthily.



①The picture presents us a thought-provoking scene, in which a father attempts to force his young son to read books with regard to early-MBA. ②By contrast, reluctant as the son is, he has to go on his study to meet his father’s tough requirement. 一段描绘了漫画内容。写得非常好,装句式。建议这里的by contrast改成but在有明显的反面对照时才使用。


①What an ironical Indeed, an increasing number ’s study. ②The phenomenon happens can be interpreted hand, from the parents’ likely to fall behind when if they don’t start learning ④since most of the parents today have suffer a miserable childhood and read little, the enthusiasm for taking further study naturally remains to the present generation.

二段揭示主题并分析缘由。写得也非常好,但是请注意个别细节问题。 ⑴第三句,注意on one hand?on the other hand固定搭配的正确使用。

⑵第四句,本句话写的很好,但是意思上稍微有点不妥当,建议稍作修改,since most of the parents today have suffer from knowing little, the enthusiasm of learning more naturally remains to the present generation,这样就很完美了。


①With what has mentioned above, I suggest should take children to visit more zoos, scenic relics, them more efficiently. ②⑴第一句,我建议??”,因此with what has mentioned above,I suggest?。



②语法错误:文章出现了个别语法错误(譬如主谓一致等)。 ③表达问题:注意个别语句在语义上的很理性。




The picture presents us a thought-provoking scene, in which a father attempts to force his younger son to read books with regard to early-MBA. But reluctant as the son is, he has to go

What an ironical drawing it is! It number of parents tend to put too their children’s study. The can perspective, children are to fall when competing On the other today have suffer In suggest that parents should take their visit zoos, scenic spots and historic relics more often to educate the children, which will be more effective. (这里考虑到句子的协调性,将本句话调整成这样)That is to say, only with the “natural law” can a child grow up healthily.

篇二:英语 拔苗助长

拔 苗 助 长音乐起(太阳当空照…), 禾苗跳舞,退场。

大公鸡:喔喔喔,It’s time to get up. It’s time to get up.

王老急: What!——Who am I ?老汉我姓王名老其,可人人都叫我“王老急”! why?

I don’t know. It’s a nice day. I am going to plant my rice shoots.

王老急: Breakfast, breakfast. Where is my breakfast?

王夫人:Breakfast is ready. Here you are . (王老急匆忙的吃饭。)

王老急:It’s too slow.

王夫人:Let me help you.(拿起碗帮他往嘴里倒)

王夫人: Have some more.

王老急:No(打嗝). I am full. 转向禾苗 Let’s go to work.

众禾苗:Ok. Let’s go.

音乐响起Go go go (边唱边跳)

王老急:Look!Your new home.

禾苗1:Our new home?

禾苗2:Wow, it’s big.

禾苗3:I like this it.

禾苗1和2:Me too. (王老急种禾苗)

王老急:Mmm ,that’s good .That’s good.(走上前,看天色,)哟!

It’s getting dark. I have to go home.! 月亮升


青蛙1: Look! What are they?

青蛙2: I don’t know . Let’s ask them.

众青蛙:Hello! We are frogs. Who are you?

众禾苗:Hello! We are rice shoots. We are new here.

众青蛙:Nice to meet you.

众禾苗:Nice to meet you, too.

众青蛙:Let’s play together.

众禾苗:Good idear. 《健康歌》边唱边跳

禾苗1:It’s too late. I want to go to bed.


青蛙1:They are sleeping.

青蛙2:Let’s be quiet. 太阳升

公鸡:喔喔喔 Wake up Wake up.


王小宝的声音:Dad!What are you going to do?

王老急:I am going to look at my rice shoots?



No difference!(比划了一下,)No difference!(再比划一下)Not a little.哎——。

王老急:(看看天)My little shoots,I’ll see you tomorrow.

禾苗1: It’s smelly!I can not bear it.

禾苗2:哎,He is not happy!

禾苗3:Yes!but why?

禾苗2:I know! We grew too slowly.!

禾苗3:He is too hurry. We need time to grow.

禾苗1:Stop! Stop! It’ s time to have a good dream (众禾苗闭上眼睛,睡着了。小青蛙仍然在禾苗们身边跳来跳去。



王夫人:Dinner is ready. Come on ! Have dinner together. Xiaobao, where is your


王小宝: Dad—Where are you ?Oh, you are here. Why don’t have dinner?

王老急:I have no appetite. What should I do?What should I do? I have a good

idea. Let’s go to have dinner.

王老急:(肩搭一块毛巾,一边唱一边笑一边绕场走。)Little rice shoots.

I am here again! You are so short. But it doesn’t matter.

Today I am coming to help you. Help you grow higher. 拔苗

王老急:That’s good!It’s higher in a second!

老人:Stop! You can not do that.

王老急:None of your business.

老人:You’ll kill them.

王老急:They are my rice shoots.

老人:You are too hurry.王


老人:Haste makes waste. Haste makes waste.(边说边转身走了)


王老急:All my rice shoots are higher.(擦汗,抽烟,满意) Today I can have a rest .



禾苗1:I can not drink,I can not eat.?

禾苗2 He wasn’t helping us. He was killing us.

禾苗3:What should we do?

禾苗1:I , I , I am dying !(说完,倒在了田里。)

禾苗2:I ,I, I am dying,too.——(慢慢倒下。)

众禾苗:we,we,we are dying.


青蛙1:What’s wrong? What’s wrong?

青蛙2:Oh! My friends. Wake up. Wake up.

王夫人:Oh, it’s late. I have to cook breakfast.


Today I can have a rest.(坐下,拿出旱烟,一边抽一边哼着小曲。)

小宝:Why don’t you go to work today?

王老急:Yesterday our rice shoots grew much higher.

王夫人:You are joking.


王老急:You can go and have a look .

王小宝:I am going now. (王老急继续翘着二郎腿,抽着旱烟,不时哼着小曲。) 王小宝: Dad ,dad, dad. Bad news , bad , bad ,bad news.

王老急:(站起身,着急的)What’s the matter?


王夫人:No hurry. Say it slowly.

王小宝:(喘一口气)our,our rice shoots,all all

王老急:(瞪大了眼睛,着急)What happened?

王小宝:——All! died!!

王老急:What?All died???I don’t believe.

王小宝:You can you can go to see (话没有讲完,丁老其一闪,在舞台上绕场跑起来) 王夫人:Let’s run.

王小宝: Dad、Mom, wait for me.

王老急:哎呀——My god,How can that be!!!(顿时瘫倒在地)


老人:You pulled the rice shoots All of them died.


老人:(笑,语重心长的)哎,You are too hurry. It makes things worse. Remember: No pains, no gains. No pains, no gains. No pains, no gains. (说着,起了身,一边向舞台左侧台下走,一边慢悠悠的说)一分耕耘,一分收获) 王老急:I know no pains no gains

齐:No pains , no gains.




To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow

Once upon a time, an old farmer planted a plot of rice. Everyday he went to the field to watch the seedlings grow. He saw the young shoots break through the soil and grow taller each day. But still, he thought they were growing too slowly. He got impatient with the young plants. "How could the plants grow faster?" He tossed in bed during the night and could not sleep. Suddenly he hit upon an idea. He had an idea not wait for daybreak. He jumped out of the bed and dashed to the field. By the moonlight, he began working on the rice seedlings. One by one, he pulled up the young plants by half an inch. When he finished pulling, it was already morning. Straightening his back, he said to himself, "What a wonderful idea! Look, how much taller the plants have grown one night!" With great satisfaction, he went back home. He told his son what he had done in a triumphant tone. His son was shocked. Now the sun had risen. The young man was heart-broken to see all

the pulled-up young plants dying.

People now use " Ba Miao Zhu Zhang" to describe the behavior of those who are too eager to get something done only to make it worse. The idiom is a bit like the English proverb "Haste makes waste" ------to spoil

things by excessive enthusiasm.



传说,从前有个农夫,是个急性子的人。每天他总是早起睡晚(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网),辛勤地劳动,但总嫌田里的禾苗长得太慢。他巴望能长得快些,今天去量量,明天又去量量,可

是一天,两天,三天,他总感觉禾苗好象一点都没有长高,心中十分着急。 他翻来覆去的,总是在想,怎么能帮助禾苗长高呢?一天早晨他终于 想出了帮


他赶快到田里,头顶着炎炎的烈日把禾苗一棵一棵地往上拔高。从早 晨到中午,又从中午拔到太阳快要落山,把田里的禾苗一棵棵全部拔了一遍。 累得他腰酸背疼,


他拖着疲倦的双腿,摇摇晃晃地回到家里,顾不得擦干身上的汗水兴 奋地告诉


"今天可把我累坏了!地里的这些禾苗不爱长,我帮助他们长高了好 多啦!"


他的儿子听了不明白什么意思,马上跑到田里去看,发现田里地禾苗 全都枯萎


[注]:根据这个寓言故事引申出"拔苗助长"这句成语, 比喻不顾客观规律,急于

