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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:43:54 英语作文


When I face with “insoluble problems”




The road of life can't always be smooth,sometimes we will meet various kinds of problems,some problems may be solved easily,but other problems may be very tricky to solve,generally,we called these “insoluble problems”.When I face with “insoluble problems”,what should I do?

First of all, I think I should calm down and think carefully about this problem,I will encourage myself to be brave and try my best to find the methods to solve this hard problem.Then,if I can not solve this difficult problem perfectly by myself,I will consult other people,such as my parents and my friends,they may have some wonderful advice.Unfortunately,this problem can not be solved completely,I'm ready to undertake the consequences of it.I will summarize the lesson of this problem which brings some experiences to me.In the future,I will try my best to avoid the same problem.

In a word,we should be positive and optimistic when we face with “insoluble problems”.Maybe,some problems just look as “insoluble problems”,as long as we deal with it seriously,it maybe solved.I hold a firm belief that if we have a positive attitude,“insoluble problems”can also become the wealth of life.













From the article, we learned that a student-based mountaineering groups in the process of climbing the final because it encountered an avalanche caused seven students were killed and others were injured.

Many countries have student climbers, China is no exception, and similarly, many incidents also occurred in China "mountain difficult"

Mountaineering is a dangerous sport bigger. Due to the nature irresistible disaster is not the people's will, so mountaineering activities will encounter difficulties. In the article, the climbers gave up seven young life. Mountaineering force majeure occurs during disasters are inevitable, and can not therefore be denied social climbing movement itself.

Causes of these accidents could have a lot, but I think the most important three points: First: the players did not make full preparations for mountaineering activities; second, the team did not hire mountain guides. Third, the team may be because of shortage of funds.

Mountaineering is a challenge to the limits of life. Mountaineering and climbing on the overall quality of the technology and experience requirements are high sport climbers. Climbers also need some social experience, the need to analyze and solve practical problems and dilemmas honed strong will. Climbers take a long time, a lot of adaptive training exercise, requiring multiple climbing to improve technology and accumulated experience.

The students in the school-based (转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网)learning, there is not much time for super-strength workouts and climbing mountains, the accumulation of technology and experience is more difficult, and students in their early 20s are young, do not have much social experience and experience. So students must be cautious climbing.

We should learn a lesson from such events to prevent similar incidents from happening again. This is not a negative rappel, but in order to rappel to a more healthy direction.

First, the choice of mountain climbers students, season to science. Secondly, the strength of their own have an objective understanding of life to do the best possible safeguards in the understanding of their own circumstances; again, mountaineering community for the students' enthusiasm to protect, to support.

For a long time, we are not often given "strong, perseverance, courage, courage," and other concepts in color idealistic, one-sided emphasis on the spirit with courage to overcome difficulties, with a one-sided emphasis on the spirit of hard study textbook knowledge overtime , while ignoring the wisdom and strategies to overcome difficulties, to learn; is not often used to promote a variety of challenges noble character, while ignoring the values, especially the health and value of life; is not often because of the courage and guts , but not very well done and detailed field surveys and carefully examine all aspects of their condition and to know ourselves, there is no better study how to respect science and respect for the law, and do some adventure, the force can not and and the age and physical and mental things, and so could not do, and perhaps this is what we are thinking of some people to get out of misunderstanding.

Whether we should pay more attention to students' educational spirit of seeking truth from facts education, whether it should be more talking about science, and to create conditions to allow students more opportunities and time to the community to go to the public to go to practice, go to make up this Lesson? And to tell the truth, dare to face their own shortcomings and mistakes, is not why we should pay attention to the quality of education?

Together evoke these young lives we seek to brave spirit, cherish and respect for life, for life and science of the laws of nature.





双休日,真不愧是学生的天堂,我这一觉就睡到了九点五十九分五十九妙,慢腾腾地穿衣起床后,正要洗簌时,弟弟快活地跑来对我兴奋地说:“哥哥,语文作业我已经写完了,数学作业也只剩三页了,你就甘拜?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路绨桑 薄鞍⊙剑⊥甑傲耍庑〔坏愣窃趺醋龅降模媸侨梦业备绺绲牧趁嫔ǖ剜叮〔恍校恍校业谩闭獠唬曳绯鄣缢侔愠宓阶饕蹬裕还苋叨唬帽颈阈戳似鹄矗。≌馐且坏兰扑愀丛拥挠τ锰猓趺窗炷兀渴磷硬荒茏ㄌ羧淼哪蟀桑缍巧狭耍残硎浅?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyurenzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">人帮我一忙,我居然以320码的铅笔转速完成了,弟弟吓得目瞪口呆,我也洋洋得意起来。正准备趁胜追击时,可发现更硬的柿子还在后面,什么作文,读书笔记,作业还有一大堆。这都需要专心去写,写不好,不仅被爷爷批评,弟弟偷笑,老师也会怒发冲冠,一顿狂轰烂炸,同学们也会三五成群地聊天,把我当作笑柄。啊呀!英雄遇难题,缓半天不慌。我还是越过这两座大山,把抄写词这个小土坑填起来吧。这抄词还真不像我想得那么简单,完成75%便腰酸手疼了。怎办呢?说时迟,那时快,电话铃如久逢甘雨一般响起来了。我飞速跑到电话旁接了起来。“喂,你好,中午好。”我把想到的欢迎词一个不少地说了出来。呵,原来是小龙,他肯定有些受宠若惊,结巴地说:“去广场完走,好多同学呢!”哈,如此好事,我马上飞奔而去,三个小时后,好客的小赵留我在他家玩,我爽快地答应了,这一天就这样遛过去了。


