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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 10:39:22 英语作文


1、 Little Water Drop takes a trip水循环-小水滴旅行

We all know the rain.However, how can the water become rain?

Do you know? Now, let me tell how the water cycles .

First, the sun shines and the Little Water Drop in the river

becomes vapour.Then, the little water drop goes up.It meets many other little water drops.They go up together and become a cloud.Little Water Drop becomes very heavy.Little Water Drop and some of his fr


iends become the rain and fall down into a river or a lake .Last ,the sun comes out , Little Water Drop goes up again.

2、 种花Plant the flower

I like flowers,so I am going to plant a flower.Now,let me tell

you how to plant a flower:

First,we should have a pot.Put the seeds in the soil.Then

put the pot in the sun .Don’t forget add water often. In several

days,you can see a sprout.Last,wait for a flower to grow.

3、 我的家人(My family)

There are three/four/···members in my family.My mother is a

farmer,she is busy every day , she works at home. My father is busy every day,too.He eat meals outside every day.And my sister/brother is a student. She likes listening to music./He likes doing sports.I am a student,too.I also like listening to music,my father likes watching TV, my mother likes listening to the radio.

I like my each family member, I love this warm home.

4 、我的周末(My weekend)

Hi!My name is xxx.I’m going to have a busy weekend!

On Saturday,I’m going to the supermarket by bike.

I’m going to buy some bread and coke.Then,I’m going to go home and watchTV.

On Sunday,I’m going to visit my grandparents with my father.We're going after lunch.Then,in the evening,I’m going to the park with my baby sister.That will be fun!









种花的作文 今年三月中旬,为了迎接亚运会,学校发给我们一些波斯菊的种子,让我们带回家种植。我拿到种子后,把它小心翼翼地放到手里观察:这些种子是深褐色的、长长的、细细的,很轻很轻,轻轻一吹就能把它吹跑。 回家后,我找了一个小花盆,爸爸帮我把泥土和花生麸拌在一起,倒进花盆里,然后将种子浅浅地、松松地埋到土里。 我每天都给种子淋点水,保持泥土的湿润。大约过了一个星期,种子发出了小芽。它的腰弯弯的,就像一座小拱桥,颜色是嫩绿色的,可爱极了。 过了几天,小芽挺直了腰,站得笔直,它还长出了两片长椭圆形的小叶子。我高兴得又蹦又跳,还叫妈妈一起过来看。渐渐地,小芽又长出了新的小叶子,这片新叶子的边是锯齿形的,这下就有点像菊花的叶子啦。 现在,小波斯菊大约有五、六厘米高了。它的茎是棕红色的,有七、八片叶子了。我一定会精心照料它,浇水、施肥,让它开出最美丽的波斯菊,让我手捧着鲜花,迎接亚运会的到来!
