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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:46:52 单元作文












刺 秦








点评 在文章开头,作者写了易水的澎湃声、毫无暖意的寒风、车辕的吱吱作响、高渐离的筑声,渲染了特定的悲剧气氛,并为主人公的活动提供了背景。接着,文章展示了人物






班别:_______ 姓名:________座号:________得分:_______











用 Unit 1的至少5个新词组或新单词写一篇作文,内容自定,词数不限。

Once, I had an argument with my friend. The simple reason was that she hadn’t lent me a comic book which I really liked. I was so angry that I even broke up with her. I ignored her on purpose though I was still concerned about her very much. I knew she was upset, too. She tried to talk with me face to face several times but I hid away. So she had got to write a letter to me, in which she sed down a series of words to apologize to me. I forgave her after reading it. We got along well with each other again.




be based on) 2.信不信由你,美国英语现在比以往任何时候起的作用都越来越重要。(play a part,than ever before) 3.目前,很多人因为想实现美国梦而学习美国英语。(at present,because of) 4.李华认识到了美国英语的重要性,成了学习美国英语的一员。(recognize) 5.李华说他会不断努力,即使困难重重,也不会放弃。(frequent,come up)6.他充分利用时间,丰富词汇,练习听说。(make use of,eich,vocabulary)7.我相信他一定能掌握到美国英语。(have a good command of) 8.他一定能说一口流利的美国英语。(fluent)

American English is based on British English.Believe it or not,American English is playing a more and more important part than ever before. At present,millions of people take up American English because of (trying to achieve) their American dream. Li Hua has recognized the importance of (learning) American English and becomes one of those learning American English. Li Hua says that he’ll make frequent efforts and won’t give it up even if many learning difficulties may come up. He makes full use of his time,eiching vocabulary and practicing listening and speaking. I believe he’ll have a good command of American English.He will be able to speak American English fluently.


1.今年,Chris将大学毕业。他一直梦想能成为一名优秀的CEO。(graduate from,dream about)。

2.他迫不及待地想要找到一份自己满意的工作。(can hardly wait to do sth.;)3.在被几家公司拒绝之后,他改变主意,说服自己从一个普通员工做起。(change one’s mind,persuade sb.to do sth.)4.自那以后,Chris明白了应该找一份适合自己的工作并充分利用自己在大学学到的知识。(ever since;make use of)5.像往常一样,Chris一边忙于毕业论文,一边找工作。(as usual)6.同时他也不忘锻炼身体,使自己更强壮。(keep...strong)7.最近,深圳一家大公司决定接收他,并准备派他去美国进修半年。(decide)

Chris, who will graduate from university this year,is dreaming about becoming an excellent CEO,and he can hardly wait to get his ideal job. But not offered a job by a few companies,he changed his mind and persuaded himself to start from an entry level. Ever since then,he has been trying to find a job which is suitable for him,and above all,he will be able to make full use of his knowledge learned at university. As usual,he goes on searching for a job while he is preparing his graduation essay,and he hasn’t forgotten to do exercise to keep himself strong. Luckily,recently,a big company in Shenzhen has admitted him and decided to send him to the USA for further study for half a year




Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Guangdong Province. Danxia Mountain, about 280 kilometers away from Guangzhou, is located in the north of Guangdong Province and it will take us 6 hours to get there. At noon, after stopping in Shaoguan City for an hour to have our lunch, we will start for another city Nanxiong and reach it at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Having spent a night in Nanxiong, we will climb Danxia Mountain next morning.

Although the trip to Danxia Mountain is a bit long and difficult, the beautiful scenery and interesting things on the way will catch your eyes and help get rid of your tiredness. Besides, from time to time, I’ll give you a brief introduction to Danxia Mountain.



登陆方向 在进入我国东部后,正面冲击浙江。

灾情 480万人受灾,154.6万人紧急转移;大雨造成房屋倒塌、农作物受淹,供电中断。 损失 估计直接经济损失达100.25亿元。

救援 当地政府表示因为防台风的准备工作做得充分,灾后各部门全力参与救援工作,因此灾区人民的生活也慢慢地恢复正常。

Typhoon Haikui, which landed in east China, hit Zhejiang Province severely, affecting 4.8 million people and forcing 1.546 million people to be relocated urgently. It’s reported that the heavy rainfall caused the houses collapsed and crops damaged. What’s worse, the power lines were cut off. Consequently, the economic losses were estimated to be 10.025 billion yuan. Local government announced that thanks to the enough preparations, all departments went all out for the rescue work after the typhoon, so people’s life there returned to normal soon.



1958年8月29日 出生于美国印第安纳州(Indiana)。

幼年时期 与四位兄长组成“The Jackson 5”合唱团,走上演艺之路。

1982年 专辑“战栗”(Thriller)自发行(issue)以来在美国乃至全球受到热捧,销量巨大。 2009年3月6日 在伦敦宣布将于夏季举办最后的演出。

2009年6月25日 在家中去世,流行音乐之王陨落。

Michael Jackson, who was born in Indiana on 29th August 1958, formed “The Jackson 5” with his four brothers. With his Thriller issued in 1982 and creating a buzz in America and even the whole world, the album led a big sale. On March 6, 2009 in London, Michael Jackson announced that he would give his last performance in summer. But unfortunately on June 25, Michael Jackson, the greatest king of pop music, passed away in his home. Although he left us, his music will live with us forever.


你的美国朋友James对中国的寓言故事很感兴趣。请你给他讲一讲纸上谈兵的故事及其寓意。文章题目是“Discussing Strategy on Paper”。

战国时,赵国名将赵奢的儿子赵括,喜欢看兵书,谈兵法。他把兵书背得滚瓜烂熟,谈起打仗来头头是道,似乎他的父亲也比不过他。一次秦国攻打赵国,赵王派赵括率领四十万大军去抵抗。由于他只知道死抠书本而不会在实际中灵活运用,最后指挥失策,以致全军覆灭,他自己也中箭身亡。参考词汇:军事military;战国时期Warring States Period;策略strategy。 Discussing Strategy on Paper

In the Warring States Period, the State of Zhao had a famous general called Zhao She, whose

son, Zhao Kuo, was very fond of reading books on military science and discussing strategy. He could recite military texts by heart, and when discussing warfare he spoke so clearly and logically that it seemed that even his father was not his match. When the State of Qin attacked the State of Zhao, the ruler of Zhao ordered Zhao Kuo to lead 400,000 soldiers to resist the attack. But since Zhao Kuo had no practical experience of battle, he was defeated and lost his life.

Later people used this idiom to describe those who are good only at theorizing, and lack practical experience.



1、简况:孙淑伟,男,14岁,广东人 。2、训练项目:跳水。3、取得成绩:第十一届亚运会冠军,第六届世界游泳锦标赛冠军。 4、其他情况:从小就喜欢游泳,8岁进广东省跳水队;在学校里认真学习,在跳水队里认真训练,13岁进入国家队;一年后(1990)夺得第十一届亚运会金牌;今年年初获第六届世界游泳锦标赛冠军。 注意:1、要有标题。2、介绍须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。(全国高考作文题)

Sun Shuwei—A World Champion in Diving

Sun Shuwei, a world champion in diving, is a boy of 14 from Guangdong. He loved swimming when he was a small boy and at eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province. He studied hard at school and trained hard for five years before he came to the national team. A year later in 1990, he won a gold medal at the 11th Asian Games and became a world champion at the 6th World Swimming Championships early this year.


(A) 10月26日,微软在纽约正式发布Surface平板电脑的相关信息。请根据表格内容,为校刊简单介绍一下这个产品。

名称 Surface平板电脑

开发公司 美国微软公司

评价 被称为“真正的平板电脑”

价格 300美元到800美元不等

特点 ●触屏,高清显示。可运行Windows 8系统。



●支持更大范围的设备,包括USB,micro SD等,提供一个更大的运用平台。

参考词汇:发布release;平板电脑tablet;高清HD;插入plug in;支架kickstand。

(B) 上月,我们公司以35岁以下的人群作为调查对象,选取了1000人进行了关于“网上购物”的一项调查,调查情况如下:


结果 64%愿意 36%不愿意

原因 1、方便,在家可以买到所需物品

2、网上商品比较便宜,而且可选择的品牌多 1、害怕买到赝品


结论 只要防范网上购物的弊端,将有越来越多的人选择网上购物。

请根据以上的数据,写一篇调查报告。参考词汇:调查对象interviewee,防范guard against。


On October 26, Microsoft released its Surface tablet and I would like to introduce it to you.

Surface tablet, which is considered as “the real tablet” in the world, is developed by Microsoft

Company in the USA. It is sold at the price ranging from 300 dollars to 800 dollars. Operated by Windows 8 system, Surface tablet, with HD displayed touch-screen, is 696g in weight and 9.3mm thick, which can be carried anywhere. Apart from surfing the Internet and playing games for entertainment conveniently, if you want to do office work, you can plug in the thin keyboard, open the kickstand behind the screen, put it on the desk and do whatever you like as other computers. What is most amazing is that it supports a wider range of devices, including USB, micro SD, etc., providing a larger platform for operation.

BLast month, our company carried out a survey about shopping on line among 1000 interviewees younger than 35 years old. 64% of those interviewed are willing to shop on line, mainly because they think the Internet makes it convenient for them to buy what they need although they stay at home. Besides, they believe that goods on line are cheaper, with a variety of brands to choose from. The rest (36%) of the interviewees don’t want to shop on line, claiming that goods on sale on the Internet might be fake and that they are worried about being cheated out of money. In conclusion, only by guarding against the disadvantages of on-line shopping will more and more people choose the shops on line.



目的 1、加强野生动物资源保护,维护生态平衡。


相关规定 1、餐饮业经营者不得加工、出售禁止食用的野生动物及其产品。



In order to protect wild animals and keep the balance of nature, the government has made a regulation to forbid the eating of wild animals. Meanwhile, the regulation is aimed to encourage people to live a civilized life and keep a healthy diet. According to the ban, all the restaurants are not allowed to process and sell wild animals and their related products. Those who break the regulation will be forced to close their restaurants. What’s more, some of them may even be fined.
