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说明型完形填空选材难度一般低于试卷中的阅读理解题。在设空与选项设计方面充分体现了语言知识运用题的要求:以实词为主,名动形副等词类占全部小题数的90%,绝大多数小题都要从全文角度进行判断。这一命题思路体现了“语篇意识”。说明型填空 一般用言简意赅的文字,按照一定的方法介绍事物,解释事理。最显著的特点是:


做说明型完形填空时,要明确说明的对象是什么,是具体实物还是理论性概念。因此,明确说明的对象是掌握说明细节的前提。在近年的说明型填空中,作者一般在首句 直接提出说明的对象。


把握语篇特征对理解文章与答题极为有利。说明文的写作一般按时间顺序(指先后顺序)、空间顺序(从局部到整体,从上到下,从内到外)、逻辑顺序(前因后果,先果后因先 主后次)、认识顺序(由此及彼,由浅入深,由具体到抽象,由现象到本质)。











在做完一篇完形填空后,文章完整了,应从头到尾读一遍,根据复读的语感和对整篇的理解,再次将较明显的错误改正,个别需要推敲的再做调整,尽可能少出错。 三.说明文类高考真题解析




The Voice of America began during the World WarⅡ. When Germany was broadcasting a radio program to get international , American officials believed they should the German broadcast with words that they thought were the facts of world events. The first VOA news report began with words in may be good or bad, but we shall tell you the truth.” Within a week, other VOA were broadcasting in Italian, French and English.

After the World WarⅡended in 1945, some Americans felt VOA’s had to be changed, the Soviet Union became enemy of America. They wanted to listeners. Then VOA began broadcasting in Russian.

In the early years VOA began adding something new to its broadcast that was“ Music USA”. Another new idea came along in 1959. VOA knew that many listeners did not know English to completely understand its English broadcast. So VOA a simpler kind of English, uses about 1,500 words and is spoken of course, it is special English.

In the of most VOA listeners, the most program is the news report. News from around the worldinto the VOA news rooms in Washington 24 hours a day. It comes from VOA reporters incities and also from otherlike BBC. VOA writers and editors use these materials to news reports, which are being broadcast in 43 languages.

1. A. business B. culture C. support D. information

2. A. replyB. answerC. join D. interrupt

3. A. sameB. shortC. English D. German

4. A. newsB. problems C. effectsD. opinions

5. A. stations B. newsC. announcers D. officials

6. A. home B. position C. purpose D. results

7. A. if B. supposingC. considering D. in order that

8. A. reach B. satisfy C. attackD. support

9. A. known

10. A. American

11. A. normal

12. A. invented

13. A. it

14. A. slowly

15. A. pleasure

16. A. difficult

17. A. flies

18. A. all

19. A. broadcasts

20. A. broadcast B. reported C. called D. printed B. BritishC. standard D. enough B. fastC. good D. exact B. discoveredC. taughtD. stopped B. who C. whichD. that B. rapidly C. normallyD. loudly B. courseC. opinion D. advice B. importantC. various D. common B. sendsC. delivers D. pasts B. majorC. AmericanD. news B. forms C. newspapers D. countries B. announce C. translate D. prepare


Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it improves with __1__. If you want to make friends, you must be able to take __2__. You must first go __3__ there are people. You won't make friends staying home alone.

Join a club or a group, for talking with those who __4__ the same things as you do is easier. __5__ join someone in some activity.

Many people are __6__ when talking to people. __7__ meeting strangers means facing the unknown. And it's human __8__ to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown.

Most of our fears about dealing with new people come from __9__ about ourselves. We __10__ other people are judging us, find us too tall or too short, too thin or too fat. __11__ don't forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself __12__ you are, and try to put the other person at ease. In this way you'll feel __13__.

Try to be self-confident even if you don't feel that way __14__ you enter a room full of __15__ such as a big hall, walk straight in, look __16__ at other people and smile. If you see someone you'd like to say something to, don't wait for the other person to __17__ a conversation.

Just meeting someone __18__ doesn't mean that you will make friends with that person-friendship is __19__ on mutual liking and "giving and taking". It takes __20__ and effort to develop. And there are things that keep a new friendship from growing.

1. A. practiceB. money C. girls D. everything

2. A. photosB. actions C. troubleD. place

3. A. whereB. thatC. whichD. when

4. A. haveB. likeC. own D. share

5. A. So B. OrC. HoweverD. But

6. A. nervousB. happy C. valuableD. familiar

7. A. Above all B. After all C. At allD. In all

8. A. natureB. advantage C. happinessD. friend

B. beliefs C. wondersD. doubts B. regret C. forgetD. imagine B. Therefore C. But D. So B. who C. when D. what B. hopeless C. nervousD. comfortable B. whileC. that D. why B. relatives C. classmates D. teachers B. angrily C. curiouslyD. directly B. finish C. end D. delay B. newC. familiarD. tired B. laidC. taken D. based B. people C. time D. talk


Rupert Murdoch, the Australian-born American media owner was voted best of British by the Sunday Express in London last week.

He is the most famous owner in the world and newspapers and TV channels across the now he has been called the greatest in Britain by one of his biggest rivals(竞争对手).

The paper, which competes for with Murdoch’s own papers, called him “the man who made modern Britain” and it said he had brought a “revolution”(革命) to television and newspaper production.

,in 1931.Today he is better as the owner of News Corporation Ltd., a media group that owns many different of media: television, films, books, and the Internet.

becoming the success he is today, Murdoch studied at Oxford University in Britain. He returned to Australia in 1916,when he The Adelaide News from his father. His life since then can be seen as a series of international jumps in which he’s more and more newspapers and TV stations.

In the 1960s,it was The Mirror in Sydney and The Sun in


London; in the 1970s,he bought the New York Post; in the 1980s,he took on Hollywood when he bought 20th Century Fox and Fox TV. At this time he also bought the Times and the Sunday Times in London. And mostin the 1990s,he bought Star Television in Asia.

His company has also formed a joint-venture(合资的) television company with the Chinese Government, Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd(凤凰卫视控股有限公司).It—Xingkongweishi, Channel V, Star Movies, National Geographic, Star Sports and ESPN—to millions of Chinese

One how Murdoch could have found the time for love and relationships since he owns such a big business. In 1967,he married Anna Troy, whom he met she was a reporter on the Sydney Daily Mirror. The couple got in 1998.The next year, he 9. A. mistakes 10. A. suggest 11. A. And12. A. as13. A. dangerous 14. A. when15. A. strangers 16. A. anxiously 17. A. start18. A. tall19. A. made20. A. hope

married Chinese-born Wendy Deng. Deng, Murdoch’s third wife, is 37 years younger than Murdoch and used to work Star TV in Hong Kong. The 71-year-old Murdoch is now father of five children after Deng gave birth to a baby daughter last year.

1.A.mediaB.TV C. radioD.newspaper

2.A.edits B. buysC. controlsD.updates

3.A.HoweverB. UntilC. AndD.Since

5.A.readersB. mediaC. headlines D.journalists

6.A.electedB. debated C. praised D.matched

7.A.He B. It C. Everyone D.Who

8.A.EnglandB. America C. Australia D.China

9.A.knownB. received C. reflected D.informed

10.A.waysB. areas C. forms D.fields

11.A.UntilB. After C. Since D.Before

12.A.took outB took upC. took over D.took in

13.A.createdB. soldC. published D.bought

14.A.recentlyB.immediatelyC. newly D.yearly

15.A.facedB. related C.demonstrated D.introduced

16.A.readersB. listenersC.viewers D.media

17.A.boresB. concerns C.knows D.wonders

18.A.whileB. because C.tillD.once

19.A.marriedB. separatedC.disappointed D.tolerated

20.A.on B. among C.forD.within


People do not analyze every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution, from the last time they had a problem. They often accept the opinions or ideas trial or error. , the person with a problem has to start analyzing. There are six in analyzing a problem.

the person must recognize that these is a problem. For example, Sam's bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must that there is a problem with the bicycle.

Next, the person must find the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must know why it does not work. For example, he must the parts that are wrong.

that will make the problem clearer and lead to solutions. For example, suppose Sam decides that his bicycle does not work because there is something wrong with the , he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes, talk to his friends at the bike shop, or look at his brakes carefully.

Afterthe problem, the person should have suggestions for a possible


Passage 4

For those who are conditioned to think that learning only happens in a classroom, the world of self-learning can be a little daunting. How do we best take Your interest in the subject is the essential driver of success. You can’t learn what you do not want to learn. Emotion is an important part of the learning interested in a subject, give yourself a chance. The key is to get started. If you can create some pleasurable3 , you may find that the subject grows on you.

Don’t expect to understand things, much less remember them, the first time you study them. your brain comes to grips with new information. It is like a cross-word puzzle. As you start to put the pieces together, or string the words together, the full picture becomes clearer. The brain learns all the time, but does not take place according to a schedule laid down by a curriculum or teacher. Some things are easier to learn than others. Some things just take gradually find that things that seem difficult at first , will become easy with time.

Your brain is struggling to form patterns to 7 new input from your learning activities. Sometimes, no matter how long you focus on one subject, your brain is not going to pick it up. If you are stuck, move different book, or a podcast, or an online lecture or a video. Try to become a grazing learner, roaming the countryside, your base, the easier it is to learn. Just as the “rich get richer”, the more you know, 10you can learn.

mobile devices, not to mention good old-fashioned books and magazines. Learn during “dead time”. Listen in your car, on the train, or u while waiting in the doctor’s office, or listen while checking out at the supermarket. Anytime is time. Remember, you are

learning through exposure, not by nailing things down. It is more like moisture accumulation in a

The more varied your learning content, and the more varied the ways in which you learn, the the day. Vary your activities in order to keep your interest level . Even if listening and reading work best for you, treat yourself to the odd video lecture, or get-together with other learners. This will renew your batteries.

The “loneliness of the distance learner” is a thing of the17 . Join a learning community on the web, where members share their knowledge and experience. Search for the communities that suit your interests and learning style. You will find encouragement, advice and stimulus from fellow learners, 18 from tutors, teachers and coaches. In these communities, you can measure your progress against your own goals, or compare your experience that of other learners. You can even teach and help others, which is a great way to learn.

Never has it been easier nor more exciting to be a learner. Let constant learning be a major part of your life-style. The will be constant, personally, socially, and professionally. () 1. A. advantage B. place() 2. A. progress B. process () 3. A. roadsB. streets

C. possession C. pressureC. routinesD. example D. proposal D. building

() 4. A. with() 5. A. on() 6. A. shorter() 7. A. take with () 8. A. down() 10. A. less() 11. A. same() 12. A. while() 13. A. playing () 14. A. cloud() 15. A. cleaner () 16. A. down() 17. A. present

B. if

C. unless C. withC. longer C. go with C. awayC. lower

D. as D. for D. lower D. cope with D. off D. other than D. more D. various D. if D. speaking D. sea D. lower D. out D. night D. as soon as D. beyond D. rewards

B. toB. sooner B. com with B. onB. quicker B. similar B. before B. skyB. clearer B. upB. day

() 9. A. more than B. less thanC. rather than C. familiarC. after C. talking C. earthC. harder C. inC. past

B. learning

() 18. A. as long as B. as far as() 19. A. without B. with () 20. A. awards

B. words

C. as well as

C. to C. remarks



1. A 我们该如何利用这些新的机会,其中的利用,也就是take advantage of :利用,take place:发生,take possession of:占领,take an example of:拿当例子,明显不合适。

2. B 情绪是学习过程中的一项重要部分,其中的过程就是process,而不是进展:progress,压力:pressure和提议:proposal。

3. C 如果你能创造一些能带来乐趣的具体做法,你就会发现就会有进展,其中的具体做法就是routines,而不是大路:roads街道:streets和建筑物:building。

4. D 随着你的大脑渐渐的掌握了这些信息,事情自然变得清晰,其中的随着,就是连词as,而不是介词with:随着,又不是如果:if和否则:unless。

5. A 大脑一直都在学习,但是是按自己的节奏:on one’s schedule,最具有迷惑性的是with,但是它表示随着……,to:对于……, for:为了……,都不能和schedule搭配表示按……..之意。

6. C 前一句的意思是:一些东西比别的容易学,这一句就应该是:一些东西难学,也就是要花更长的时间去学,更长:longer,更多:shorter,时间更快:sooner和更低:lower,显得不合适。

7. D 你的大脑一直尽力形成某种方式来应对来自你学来的新输入的东西,其中的应对就是cope with,而不是和…….一起来:com with,和…….一起走:go with,把……带走:take with 8. B 如果你有困难,请继续向前。继续就是on,而不是向下:down,远去:away和离去:off。

9. C 尽力成为多角度的学习者,而不是单一的学习者。而不是就是:rather than,少于:less than,多于:more than除了:other than,都不合适。 10. D 知道的越多,学得就越多。这儿是the more……,the more…….句型,用more表示多,而不是越少:less,越快:quicker,和越低:lower。

11. D 各种各样的移动设施。各种各样也就是:various,而不是相同:same,相似:similar,熟悉:familiar。

12. A 边散步边听,while:一边……一边…..,而不是在……之前:before,在…..之后:after,和如果:if。

13. B 如何时间都是学习时间:learning,而不是玩的时间:playing,谈话的时间:talking和说话的时间speaking:。

14. A 这就像云中的水汽积累,而不像砌砖墙。云就是:cloud,而不是天空:sky,地球:earth和大海:sea。

15. B 你学习的方式越多,难题就越清晰,也就是clearer,而不是越干净:cleaner,越难:harder,和越低:lower。

16. B 为了保持你高昂的兴趣,要是你的学习行为多样化,keep up:使……高涨,keep dwon:使……..降低,keep in保持……..在里面,keep out把……..挡在外面。

17. C 远程学习的孤独那是过去的事,是过去:past,而不是现在:present,白天:day和夜晚:night。

18. C 也可以从辅导员、教师和教练那儿找到鼓励、建议和动力。也:as well as,而只要:as long as,就而论:as far as,尽快:as soon as,都不合适。

19. B 或者和别的学习者对比彼此的经验,和……就是with,而不是没有:without,对于:to,超出:beyond。

20. D 这样一来带来的回报,无论是个性,社交还是职业上,将是长期的。回报就是rewards,而不是奖品:awards,单词:words和言语:remarks。





2.结构清晰。 说明文一般按一定的顺序展开。理清文章的说明顺序,对于正确把握文意和上下文的逻辑关系,选择正确答案具有重要意义。








把握了说明顺序,就能准确把握文章的脉络,加强对整篇文章的理解。 第三,把握文章的组织结构,理清事实细节。








4.符合搭配。英语中固定搭配很多,需要熟练掌握,才能做好此类题目。 典例

It’s a good habit to say “Thank you” when others help you or say something kind to you.

You should say “Thank you” when someone you the salt on the table, when someone says you do your work well, or you buy a nice thing, or your city is very “Thank you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and , husbands and wives.

26. A. takes B. passes C. sells D. makes

27. A. beautiful B. bad C. small D. hot

28. A. classmates B. teachers C. sisters D. cousins

本文开头点题,是关于 “Thank you”这个话题的,然后说明“Thank you”所用的情景和氛围。在选择时要围绕这个话题做题。

26.B.在此设置了四个情景,根据“合情合理”原则,只有在别人递给你盐这种情景下,才应该说Thank you。

27.A. 同样四个情景,也是根据“逻辑合理”的原则,选A。

28.C. 根据“上下一致”原则。这是并列列举。

2014广东高考完形填空说明文解题指导与训练 (2014-02-17 18:21:11)






一. 解题指导




1. 开头点题

2. 篇章的条理清晰、层次分明


二. 题例

( 2013广东卷)

Number sense is not the ability to count. It is the ability to recognize a 1 in number. Human beings are born with this ability. 2 ,experiments show that many animals are, too. For example, many birds have good number sense. If a nest has four eggs and you remove one, the bird will not 3 .However, if you remove two, the bird 4 leaves. This means that the bird knows the 5 between two and three.

Another interesting experiment showed a bird's 6 number sense. A man was trying to take a photo of a crow(乌鸦)that had a nest in a tower, but the crow always left when she saw him coming. The bird did not 7 until the man left the tower. The man had an 8 .He took another man with him to the tower. One man left and the other stayed, but they did not 9 the bird. The crow stayed away until the second man left, too. The experiment was 10 with three men and then with four men. But the crow did not return to the nest until all the men were 11 .It was not until five men went into the tower and only four left that they were 12 able to fool the crow. How good is a human's number sense? It's not very good. For example, babies about fourteen months old almost always notice if something is taken away from a 13 group. But when the number goes beyond three or four, the children are 14 fooled.

It seems that number sense is something we have in common with many animals in this world, and that our human 15 is not much better than a crow's.

1. A. rise B. pattern C. change D. trend

2. A. Importantly B. Surprisingly C. Disappointedly D. Fortunately

3. A. survive B. care C. hatch D. notice

4. A. generally B. sincerely C. casually D. deliberately

5.A. distance B. range C. different D. interval

6.A. amazing B. annoying C. satisfying D. disturbing

7. A. relax B. recover C. react D. return

8. A. appointment B. excuse C. idea D. explanation

9. A. fool B. hurt C. catch D. kill

10.A. repo B. repeated C. designed D. approved

11.A. confused B. gone C. tired D. drunk

12.A. gradually B. luckily C. strangely D. finally

13. A. single B. small C. local D. new

14. A. seldom B. temporarily C. merely D. often

15. A. sight B. nature C. ability D. belief

分析:文章一开始就点题:Number sense is not the ability to count. It is the ability to recognize a 1 in number, 看到此句,考生马上明白文章要谈的是:Number sense,而且,1空处即是文章的核心信息:change. 文章开头就是文章的主题句,全文采用先概述,后分述展开的写作结构。同时,文章中的主题词:Number sense, change也呈现出来了,全文就是围绕着这2个词来展开的。全文采用对比的方式,说明animals,特别是birds和人在the sense of number change上的异同。最后文章归纳出It seems that number sense is something we have in common with many animals,全文采取“总—分—总 ”的组织结构来写的。

