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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 09:39:50 高中作文









周迎杰:开头简洁,对痛而不言理解到位深刻,是一种隐忍是厚积薄发,不是逆来顺受,而是以退为进。 邵赛樱:痛而善言 刘伟贝多芬与海子正反对比,有一定层次。


















一. 审题




三. 构思角度


四. 论述层次


2.首尾:议论文的首段要概括精练 巧妙提出论点;结尾精练传神,强调论点,首尾呼应。






五.文(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)体意识



张悦蔚: 论点:不坚持传统文化的个人和民族是没有未来的。会分析:前不久在赴外旅游的飞机上大打出手的中国游客不正是遗忘传统文化的典型吗?在他心中,传统文化中的谦让不过是软弱,仁爱不过是愚蠢。于是他失去了人格的高度,更失去了对国家形象的捍卫。

邵赛樱: 开头好:龙应台曾说:每个人都是颗散落的珍珠,而文化便是将这些珠子串成项链的绳带。诚然,缺少文化的纽带,一个民族安能连接众心,在历史中永生。(由此可见国家统一、民族团结的过程中,文化发挥了必不可少的作用)邵赛樱:鲁迅文化救国的震撼,徐悲鸿画作的力量,龙应台文字直斥台湾黑暗的呼唤;

徐子羽: 肖邦音乐的力量的爱和愤怒;


黄洁:《文化的力量》将文化落实到一首歌《亮剑》一篇文章《花田半亩》化虚为实,化大为小,聪明! 经过了一个多世纪的代价巨大的社会实验,中国人终于懂得了一个真理:为了走向未来,需要的不是同过去的一切彻底决裂,将过去彻底砸烂,而是应该妥善地利用过去,在过去这块既定的地基上构筑未来大厦。














标题不妥:无关形式,莫让形式蔽双眼,何必“张贴”,突围形式,时间都去哪了,形式主义,秒钟。 再读材料:

一. 审题







两则材料: 江苏:有人说,没有什么是不朽的,只有青春是不朽的。

也有人说,青年人不相信有朝一日会老去,这种想法其实是天真的,我们自欺欺人地抱有一种像自然一样长存不朽的信念。 上海:你可以选择穿越沙漠的道路和方式,所以你是自由的;你必须穿越这片沙漠,所以你又是不自由的。



















不妥标题:数据无言;昆明的防空;较真而真;别较真,就这样吧;不可以“差不多”;差不多,差很多; 做一个严格地人;宽与容;“较真”是一种人生态度;差不多的人生不完美;松弛有度,活在当下;何必较真;学会较真; 严谨之美;留白








台湾著名作家龙应台用一把“野火”燃烧海峡两岸,唤起人们对民主的认识和思考。她是一位幼年尝尽战乱的女子。对和平与民主有着执着的追求。成年后她移居国外并结婚,对民主有了更深刻的认识。搬回台湾后,她目睹了台湾的社会黑暗和政治腐败,于是提笔书写她的愤怒和担忧。她没有像其他作家一样用文字为台湾社会歌功颂德,她逆行而上,直指最黑暗的现实,鼓励人们起来争取自己应有的权利。于是《野火集》诞生了,它被人们疯狂传阅,引起社会轰动,一直延至大陆。许多读者写信给她,为她的逆行而喝彩。龙应台的逆行在于她不甘堕落于现状,她奋起反抗,不仅 为自己应有的权利,也为更多人民的权利,也为国家的持续发展。他的逆行需要勇气,需要大无畏的精神,需要顽强的毅力。










1. 假设你是光明中学高三(1)班的学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,给你的美国笔友


注意:1.邮件的开头和结尾已为你写出。 2.词数不少于60。

Dear Mike,

Thank you for your email and I am glad to learn that you enjoyed your new school life.As

requested, I would like to briefly introduce my first day of Senior Three.



I have to stop here and I look forward to more of your stories.

Best wishes !

Li hua

Possible Version:

Dear Mike,

Thank you for your email and I am glad to learn that you enjoyed your new school life. As requested, I

would like to briefly introduce my first day of Senior Three.

On September 1st, together with other classmates, I came back to school as a Senior Three Student.

Enjoying the beautiful views in the school, I was full of expectation for the coming term. After we arrived at school, we had an opening ceremony on which the headmaster gave an inspiring speech on confidence. We listened carefully and were greatly encouraged. After that, we went back to our classroom where our teacher emphasized the importance of this year. In her smile, I could detect her confidence in us. Then we had a heated discussion on how to manage time efficiently and everyone came up with their own ideas. After discussion, I confidently stood in the front of the classroom and shared my idea with others.

This is my first day of Senior Three. I think it’s a wonderful beginning, making me more confident to

face the challenge in the coming year.

I have to stop here and I look forward to more of your stories.


一件事情。请根据图片的先后顺序,将这件事用英文以日记形式记述下来。提示词:剐蹭 scratch

Possible version:

This morning, I went to school by bicycle as usual. As I was listening to my favorite music with a

headphone on my head, I didn’t notice a car parked on the roadside. I searched the car and left a scar on it.

Thinking that I would have classes, I left a note with my name and address to let the driver know what


Later in the afternoon, while we were having a class meeting, our headmaster brought a stranger to

our class. He was the car owner. He explained the class the whole story and praised me. Both my teacher

and classmates were impressed and proud of my honesty. I think honesty should be valued most.

Today, I realized something important in a small accident.

It was a sunny day when I went to school by bike with a headphone on my head. Suddenly I heard a

terrible noise. It was because of my lack of attention that I scratched a car and left a scar on it. Nervous

and afraid, I was wondering the madness of the driver and the blame of being late for school. Then I came

up with a good idea. I left a note on the car with my name and address so that the driver could contact me

in time. In the afternoon, when I was having a class as usual, our headmaster came to the classroom

together with a stranger who was holding a note in his hand. It was the driver! My heart sank. However,

instead of being blamed, I was praised by the driver for my honesty. I felt greatly relieved. While our

headmaster and the classmate were clapping their hands loudly, I was deeply moved.

Enjoying the special atmosphere, I have realized the importance of being honest and shouldering the

responsibility bravely. I would value it forever. (Class5 王力)

Something happened lately has made me realize the importance of being honest.

Last Monday I went to school by bike as usual. While I was enjoying myself listening to the English

broadcast with a headphone on my head, I scratched a car parked by the roadside by accident and left a

scar on the car. For fear of being late for class, I left a note with my name and address on the car, hoping

that I made up for the owner’s loss. In the afternoon, the driver showed up in my class with the

headmaster. My heart sank and I was ready to feel the anger. To my surprise, instead of blaming me for my

carelessness, the driver praised me for my honesty and my courage to shoulder the responsibility.

Everyone in my class started to applauded for me and I was relieved and proud of myself.

Looking back, I’ve realized that being brave to take one’s responsibility can not only show their good

quality but also have an amazing effect on the people around them. We should always value honesty in

our hearts. (Class5 王晓菲


Monday,October 28 Fine

It was a sunny morning when I was going to school by bike. With a headphone on my head, I was

listening to the music happily.

However, soon came the terrible moment I met. Because of my carelessness, I scratched a car by the

roadside. I felt so afraid that I didn’t know what to do. I even wanted to ride away quickly as if nothing had

happened. But at that moment, I knew I must be honest. Waiting for a long time without anybody coming,

I left a note about the ways to contact me. Later in the afternoon, while I was sitting in the classroom, I got

nervous to see our principal with a stranger following him. I wondered whether he was the owner of the

car and whether he was coming to blame me. Unbelievable, smile appearing on their faces, I felt relieved.

I was praised by them in front of my classmates. Everyone clapped their hands, cheering and encouraging

me. I felt proud of myself and I made my mind to shoulder the responsibility all the time.

It was sunny not only in the sky but also in my heart. Honesty and taking responsibilities are what we

should treasure. It’s both of them that make us great. (Class5 翟云逸)

3. 假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华。今天是你父亲的生日,你给父亲买完生日蛋糕后,


注意: 1. 日记的开头已为你写好。 2.词数不少于60。

March 23, FridaySunny It’s such a meaningful day today because I gave my father a special gift for his birthday.

In the afternoon I hurried to a bakery and bought a big birthday cake, which was my father’s favorite.

Upon getting on the bus, I seated myself with the cake on my knees, imagining how happy my father

would be. It was not long before an old woman got on the bus, holding several big bags. I gave my seats to

her without hesitation. Seeing the bright smile spreading across her face, I felt warm in my heart. After

getting off the bus, I hurried home. I was about to cross the road when a blind man appeared in front of

me. So I stopped to help him get to the other side of the street safely. He thanked me again and again. It

was at that moment that I realized happiness and love increases while being passed on more people.

Arriving home, I gave the cake to Dad as well as my best wishes. And then I told my parents what I had

done on my way home. Hearing my story, Dad praised me and said my behavior was the best gift for him.

Happy and content, we cut the cake together and enjoyed this best gift, knowing that nothing was

valued more than a loving heart.

Possible version:

Today is Dad’s birthday and I wanted to buy him a gift. So after school I hurried to a bakery and bought a big birthday cake. Imagining the delighted look on his face when Sad saw the cake, I couldn’t wait to go back home.

When I got on a bus, I was pleased to find a vacant seat, so I sat down with the cake on my legs. When the bus got to the next stop, an old lady got on, carrying many bags. Without hesitation, I gave my seat to her and I was standing until arriving at the destination. I got off the bus and was about to cross the road when I saw a blind man waiting by the crosswalk. I walked over quickly and led him across the road safely. Arriving home, I gave the cake to Dad as well as my best wishes. And then, I told Mum and Dad what I had done on my way home. Hearing my story, Dad smiled, “It is not the cake but your

deed of helping others that is the most valuable gift for me.”

4. 假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华,发现爷爷奶奶思念定居国外的姑姑。请根据以下四


Possible version:

Last Saturday, when I got home after school, I happened to see my grandparents looking at the photos of my aunt, who is now living abroad. I realized that they were missing her. When I told this to my parents, we all agreed that we should help them see each other, so we went to a store to buy a Pad so that they could talk online. Back at home from the store, I taught my grandparents how to use the Pad step by step. Soon, they learnt how to get online and talked with my aunt that evening. Seeing my grandparents and my aunt chat happily online, both my parents and I felt a sense of contentment.

Last Saturday was an amazing day as I helped my grandparents get in touch with my aunt living abroad now. And I also felt parents’ deep love to children.

When I came back home, I found my grandparents looking through an album of my aunt, with sad tears welling up in their eyes. Deeply touched by their love, I determined to help them have a video call with my aunt. Together with my parents, I went to the store to buy a pad for them. By using written instructions, I carefully and patiently taught them how to use it step by step. Soon came the exciting moment when they chatted online. As soon as my aunt’s face appeared on the screen, their face brightened up, with happy tears twinkling in their eyes.

Enjoying the warm atmosphere, I felt so proud of myself because I could help pass on their love. It’


the power of love that holds our hearts tightly. I will love them in return. (Class5翟云逸)

Last Saturday, I realized that no matter how far the children were, their parents were always missing them.

It all started when I got home as usual, finding my grandparents were looking through the photos of my aunt. The love in their eyes was beyond description, telling me how much they missed her. After telling my parents about it, we went to the store immediately to buy a pad for them. Unfamiliar with the new technology, my grandpa took notes while I explained to them how to use the machine step by step. When he wrote with trembling hand, his love deeply touched me. The moment finally came when we saw my aunt’s smiling face on the video, greeting us with a warm “Hi.” Our laughter created a warm atmosphere, which left me a deep impression of the power of love.

Looking back, I’ve realized that nothing is stronger than love. Even though we are far away from our family, our hearts connect tightly.

5. 假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的班长李华,去年冬天你们班开展了“为西藏希望小学献爱心”的活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文短文向某中学生英语报投稿,介绍你们本次献爱心活动的全过程。

注意:1.词数不少于60。 2. 开头已写好。3. 适当增加细节以使行文连贯。

Last winter, we carried out an activity themed “Helping the Children in the Hope Primary School in Tibet”.__________________________________________________________________________ One possible version:

Last winter, we carried out an activity themed “Helping the Children in the Hope Primary School in Tibet”. In the class meeting, we watched CCTV news and learned about what the life of the children there was like and all of us were shocked. So we decided to do our bit. We put up some posters on the school notice board and gave out the handouts to the schoolmates. The next day, many students took part in the donation on the playground. Some donated their pocket money and some brought their new clothes and quilts. After that, we went to the post office to mail the donations to Tibet. We are more than glad to have such kind of activities, for we not only set up the bridge of friendship with the children in Tibet but also show our love to the children there.

Last winter, we carried out an activity themed “Helping the Children in the Hope Primary School in Tibet”. In the class meeting,we watched the TV news attentively and learned about the children’s life in Tibet. After that, we had a heated discussion, during which we reached the agreement that we needed to give a helping hand to them. The next day, we put up a poster to call on everyone to donate some pockets money or other things to the children in Tibet. To our surprise, it wasn’t long before many students gathered together to talk about it.

Next came the most exciting part of the activity. Throughout the donation, the atmosphere was extremely exciting. So many students took part in the donation, which made us moved. With the donation
