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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 06:22:47 初中作文


  Once, we went to the zoo to visit. That"s a lot of people.

  There are many kinds of animal in the zoo. Monkeys are very lively, they jumped up and down. To go into, you will see many of the ostrich, and elephants in the zoo, the side with the children. The tiger in the zoo, and there is no television and book it is fierce, because they do notlive in their own on the grassland, they feel very lonely.

  In addition, I also see the pandas and many other animals, we are very happy to play.



My habits

I am a 13-year-old high school student. I have a lot of good habits. I exercise every day because it’s good for the mind and the body. I never eat junk food. I never stay up late and I always sleep for more than eight hours a day. However, I have a lot of bad habits. I read books for less than two hours and I never help with housework.

I live in a beautiful town in ShanDongProvince . The best high school is NO1 High School because it is the most beautiful high school and it has the best teachers. The best hospital is People’s Hospital because it has the most comfortable beds and the friendliest service. The biggest movie theater is Modern Cinema because it has the biggest screens and the shortest waiting line. The best clothing store is Wanbohong clothing store because it has the best quality and it is the most popular. The best radio station is Traffic Music 168 FM because it has the latest news and the most interesting music and it chooses the songs the most carefully. The best supermarket is silver Plaza because it has the freshest food and it is the closest to the People’s Square.

My favorite TV show

My favorite TV show is the news. One of the main reasons why I like it is that it’s more educational than any other show. I can expect to learn a lot from it and find out what’s going on around the world. However, I don’t like watching soap operas. I think it’s meaningless for us to study and we can’t learn nothing from it. Anyway, my favorite TV is

1、 The boys enjoy _(read) very much.

2、 He decides _ (study) hard from now

on .

3、 Her father wants him _(help) with


4、 Can you help me _(do) it.

5、 Nancy didn`t seem _ _ (be) happy


6、 He doesn’t have a job .So he has

nothing _ _(do) enery day.

7、 Did you do _(something ) special on


8、 I don’t feel like _ (walk) aroud the


9、 How _(be)the people?

10、We couldn’t see anything below _ _(because) the bad wether.

11、They (arrive) Beijing yesterday.



It is _ _today.


Do you want to go to _ _with us 3昨天我们在水里玩的很开心。

We _ _ great in the water


I was __last week , I _ _ _ _with my friends.


Why did you _ _ _yesterday? 6你在哪个城市遇到友好的人了吗? Did you meet _ _ in that city ? 7 暑假你去了有趣的地方吗?

Did you go _ _in your summer vacation? 8我们昨晚什么事也没做?

We _ _last night.


Yesterday we _ _to the zoo.


I forgot to bring an _ last so I _ _. 11上周日我哥哥和我尝试了滑翔伞运动 My brother and I _ _last Sunday.



游记 作文




One day a graduate student went to see his teacher. He had just got an important job and now was coming to say good-bye to him. The teacher asked him how he would behave among the high officials(高官)。

The graduate said, “I will be all right. I have prepared a hundred 'high hats’, one for each official I meet. I am sure I will succeed. ”The teacher became angry at the words. “What!” he cried. “Is this what I have been teaching you for the past ten years? Nothing but a mean flatterer(马屁精)!”“Forgive me, honored master! the student rose to his feet and apologized hurriedly.”But you have always been interested in your studies only and do not know how vulgar(庸俗的)the world has cothe to be. There are few men in the world who are behaving honestly like you. “”There is something in what you said, the teacher sighed(叹息道),nodding his head. So they parted(分手)on the best of terms, with the graduate's total number of“high hats” being one less.








When I was a little child, I was very naughty and eager to know how the things around me worked.

I would do something“bad” or surprising and often made others angry. But I will never forget what I did once and what had been told then. One day, I found a little clock in my Grandpa's room. It had a red hand which kept running and running. I wondered who was there turning the clock. So I took the clock apart. And then I looked carefully and seriously into it with great interest. At last I was delighted that I knew how it worked. But I didn't know how to put the parts together correctly. I tried my best but still a few parts were left. I didn't know where to fit them. So I hid them.

When Grandpa came back, he found the clock didn't work any more. He asked me who had touched it. I said I hadn't, but my heart was beating rapidly because I was lying. Grandpa began to repair the clock. Of course he couldn't make it work again without those missing parts. He was very angry when he realized that someone had once taken it apart. I became quite afraid and took out the parts to him, my face turning red. Then I heard his voice, “Good!That's right.But you should not have told the lie. Remember:

if you want to be a true man you must be honest first.” Up to now, I still remember Grandpa's words. And I have never told a lie, because I want to be a true man.

河北 高岭军




It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the door-bell, but she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window. I was almost there when a sarcastic(挖苦的)voice below said, “I don't think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night.”I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said, “I enjoy cleaning windows at night.”

“So do I ”, answered the policeman in the same tone(口吻)。

“Excuse my interrupting(打搅) you. I hate to interrupt a man when he's busy working, but would you mind coming with me to the station?”

“Well, I'd prefer to stay here,”I said. “You see, I've forgotten my key.”

“Your what?” he called.

“My key,”I shouted.

Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards me.







南大附中 穆桂新

在近几年的中考中,英语科目中的写作占的比例越来越大。因此写作的得分对总成绩的影响不容忽视。写作的话题和体裁灵活多样,现在就我们在教材Module 7中出现的有关游记的写作技巧做些总结,以帮助同学们掌握写作要点,理清写作思路。


在教材Module 7中,Tony在写给爸爸妈妈的信中介绍了他眼中的澳大利亚。每一段都介绍了澳大利亚的一个特色与特点。从澳洲文化的中心——Uluru,也就是著名的艾尔斯岩石,到澳大利亚人最爱的食品、饮料和运动;从澳大利亚的气候特点,到澳大利亚英语的不同之处以及他自己骑骆驼的有趣经历和感受??








集合地点:校门口(meet at the school gate)

交通工具:自行车(go there by bike)


活动内容:参观动物园(visit the zoo)、划船(go boating)、照相(take photos)、野餐(have a picnic)


I had a picnic with my classmates last Saturday. We met at our school gate at 8:00 in the morning and went to the zoo by bike. It is about 10 kilometers away from our school, We spent the whole morning visiting the zoo. At lunchtime we had a picnic. In the afternoon, we went boating and took some photos. We had a great time and went home at 4:30 pm.


例2.去年我去桂林旅游,玩得很开心。我游览了桂林西北部的芦笛岩(the Reed Flute Cave),在水下的岩洞里看见许多奇异的钟乳石。我还租了辆自行车游览了其他景点。


Guilin, which lies by Li River, is a beautiful city in the south of China. All around the city stand mountains with different shapes. I went to visit Guilin last year. I can never forget such a pleasant trip.

In the northwest of the city is the Reed Flute Cave. In this underground cave, there are a lot of wonderful rocks. They have strange shapes. How amazing!

It is also fun to cycle around Guilin. After visiting the Reed Flute Cave, I hired a bike and rode around the city. I saw many interesting people and interesting things. I like their special clothes. I really enjoyed myself traveling in Guilin very much.



【网络综合 - 英文写作翻译】








There has been a long time of existence for zoos in human history. While zoos bring about considerable entertainment to both adults and children, many insist that zoos should be closed due to the cruel treatment to animals which kept inside the zoo.

Above all, I support part of the statement above – it is not humane to restrict animals’ freedom by locking them behind cages. Animals, just like human beings, need enough room for activities such as running or jumping, rather than asked to stay still for being visited by people, which otherwise lead to their health going down, for both outward and mental. This could be a death trigger with the result that decreasing their life expectancy.

However, I do not believe it is supportive enough as a reason for closing all zoos. As we know, not only for rare animals but also for normal ones, zoos are more like shelters compared with prisons. For example, a large number of animals get injured under the shot of poachers every year in Africa. Thanks to the zoos, they have a place for resting and recovering

after being rescued. As a consequence, this behavior enhances the prosperity of rare animals. Meanwhile, zoos can also be useful as an education base. It is, for the citizens, a comparably convenient way to come to get the knowledge about wild animals by visiting to the zoo.

Despites most zoos contribute to the development of animals welfare, there does exist a few selfish businessmen who constructing zoos only for attaining more fortune. They take animals as tools of pleasing visitors in order to make money from them, by different means of unkindness. This kind of zoo, as far as I say, definitely should be closed. On contrary, for those legitimate zoos, we need to keep them and moreover, to improve them as more suitable environment for animals’ growing.

Unit 5 Visiting the Moon 必背材料

Unit 5 Visiting the Moon 必背材料


1. diary 日记,日记簿 2. space太空 3. spaceship宇宙飞船 4.spacesuit宇航服,航天服 5. nervous紧张的 6. leave 离开 7.able 能够8. tie糸,捆,绑

9.ourselves 我们自己 10. without没有 11. weak虚弱的,无力的 12. breathe 呼吸 13. if如果 14. camera照相机 15. work运转;运行 16. garden花园 17. rock 岩石 18.postcard明信片 19.machine机器 20. return返回 21. gravity重力,地球引力 22. float漂浮;浮动


1. more than 多于 2. be able to能够 3.have to 不得不,必须 4.so that 以便

5. take photos 拍照 6. as…as…像。。。。。。一样;如同7. that is 也就是说

8. get weak变虚弱 9. tie…to…把。。。。。。糸在。。。。。。上 10. be excited about对。。。。。。感到兴奋 11. bring back 带回12. such as例如 13. take…to… 带。。。去。。。14.one of the first students

4. It takes/took/will take sb. +some time +to do sth.

(1) The Moon is around 380,000 kilometres from the Earth, so it’ll take us about four days to get there.


(2) It usually takes me two hours to do my homework every day.


(3) It took Tom one hours to clean his room yesterday.



一般将来时表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,或表示将来经常或反复发生的动作。常与tomorrow,next year,this Saturday, soon, in the future, in a moment等表示将来的时间状语连用。

(一)、含助动词will的一般将来时 例如:

1. He will have an important meeting tomorrow morning.

2. I won't go swimming with you this afternoon.

3. --- Will Lucy come to the party tomorrow?

--- Yes, she will./No, she won’t

总结: 通过以上例句我们可以看出,含助动词will的一般将来时的结构如下:

肯定句:主语+ will + do+其他

否定句: 主语+ will + not + do+其他(will not可缩写为won't)

一般疑问句: Will+主语+do+其他

肯定回答: Yes,主语+will;否定回答:No,主语+ won't

(二)、be going to表示一般将来时 例如:

1. He is going to visit his grandfather next weekend.

2. We aren’t going to fly to Beijing tomorrow because of the bad weather.

3. --- Are you going to have a picnic this Sunday?

--- Yes, we are./No, we aren't.

总结:通过以上例句我们可以看出,be going to表示一般将来时的结构如下:

肯定句:主语+am/is/are + going to+ do+其他

否定句:主语+am/is/are not + going to +do+其他

一般疑问句:Am/Is/Are+主语+going to+ do+其他


No,主语+am/is/are + not


when 引导的时间状语从句或 if引导的条件状语从句中用一般现在时代替将来时,简称“主将从现”

(四) there be句型的将来时形式

There will be …

There is gong to be…

Unit 5 Writing









短语: meet at the school gate;

arrive at;

look at;


play games;

go home 句式:…,because....

After we do…,we do…

Before we do…,we do…


This Saturday, we are going to visit the zoo. _____________________________________________________________________ Hope we will have a good time!


This Saturday, we are going to visit the zoo. We are going to meet at the school gate at 8:00, and take a bus together. After an hour's journey, we will arrive at the zoo. Then, we will have two and a half hours to visit the zoo. We can look at the animals, watch the shows and play games. At 11:30, we will get together again to eat the food we bring. We will meet at the gate of the zoo at 14:00 and take a bus again to go back to school. Then we'll go home.

Hope we will have a good time!





3. 7:30下来,在塔下继续拍照留念;

4. 大约9:00回到宾馆。




Dear Jack,

I am very glad to receive your letter. You ask me about my plan to visit the Guangzhou Tower. Now I can tell you something about it.

I'm looking forward to your visit.

Best wishes!

Yours, Wang Qing
