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篇一:dear John英文读后感

After reading Dear John

To be frank, Dear John is not a story which catches my eye at first sight. It is a slow hot story which make me moved little by little.

The novel refers to many aspects ,such as love ,family ,friendship ,and even the war ,which reflecting how major events take impact on ordinary people .The author analyzes people’s growth path and dialyzes the frailty and firmness of human.

The novel uses the first person in narration. The hero is called John.His mother left him when he was still a baby. His father worked in a post office who was a man of routine and lacked social communication ability and whose only enthusiasm was collecting coins .John couldn’t understand why his father was such a man of silence and, to some extent,was a weird one,which was actually caused by a disorder called Asperger’s .So John felt life tedious and pale and he always tried to do anything exciting, such as drinking and cutting class. However,the days went round and round. He felt tired of his life and wanted to make a change. So he joined the army. Military life changed John. He no longer drank and had a routine life. When he went back home on vacation, he met Savannah, a girl full of innocence, vigor and love .He fell in love with her at the first sight. And Savannah loved him, too. The love between them became stronger at every moment. “She had one arm across her chest and another above her head,and I could think was that I would like to spend every morning for the rest of life waking up beside her.” And when John was leaving for the first time, Savannah said “I won’t be able to see your silly expressions. We won’t be able to lie on the beach together and stare at the stars. We won’t be able to sit across from each other and talk and share secrets. And I won’t feel your arm around me, like I do now.” How sweet! And with the help of Savannah, John accepted the fact that his father had Asperger’s. He also attempted to understand him and realized his love.

When John came back from the army for the first time,he and Savannah had a quarrel. John wanted to spend more time with Savannah, but Savannah thought John had humiliated her in front of her friends. But the anger melted away. They even made love. But it may be a sign of separation. Just as what John felt“I couldn’t help wondering there had been a trace of desperation in our actions, as if we were both clinging to the hope that this would sustain our relationship through whether the future would bring.”And the anxiety lasted even when John was in the army. “I listened carefully during the calls, trying to pick up any signs of depression and longing to her any words of affection or desire.”

Then what fate brought was the horrible 911 attack. This was the very patriotic part of the novel. “It was as if all personal differences and political affiliations of any kind melted away.”“For a short period of time,we were all simply Americans.” John “was caught up in the same patriotic wave, but more than that, was bound by the twin ties of friendship and responsibility.”And he finally decided to extend his service for the country with the support of Savannah.

However, space and distance ate into the love between them. When John came back for his father’s illness,he found something irrevocable had changed between them. During his service in Iraq, he was tortured both physically and mentally. What could been seen in Iraq were” the charred remains of a truck, the driver’s lifeless body beside it; a partially demolished building;ruins of cars smoking here and there.”But what was worse was that he received Savannah’s dearJohn letter. He was angry and sad, but unable to change anything. Then his father was in danger so John came home only to find that his father was in such bad condition .John decided to send his father to the extended care facility. Pitifully his father died at last and left

John sixteen heavy boxes with gold coins involving the 1926-D buffalo nickel which was the only coin that really meant anything to them. For this part, I am so moved by the picture when John saw his father for the last time. “He held the paper close to his face, and I could see the page shaking slightly. His lips were moving as he concentrated on the words, and I forced myself to study him, hoping to memorize his face forever.”It is full of warmth but heartbreaking.

The sadness made John want to see Savannah, his lover. He finally saw her but got that she was married and her husband was her good friend—Tim. Yes, he knew and he always knew that Tim loved Savannah. Savannah asked John to see Tim tomorrow. John wanted to refuse but he just couldn’t do so. He also knew that himself always loved Savannah. Next morning, John saw Tim in the hospital. Tim had got an almost incurable disease but there was hope to recover if they had enough money to get MD Anderson test treatment. When alone with Savannah, John felt the ambiguous air between them. When alone with Tim, he felt a sense of guilty, especially when Tim asked him to be with Savannah again if he died. John became confused. Love should bring joy, it should gran


t a person peace but not pain.When he removed Savannah’s picture from his wallet, I understood his decision.

He left and sold his father’s coins for Tim’s treatment without telling them who he was. The last picture of this sad love story is that John and Savannah saw the moon together without face-to-face, but maybe heart-to-heart.As John thought, it’s a miracle.

Just as what I write at the beginning, it’s a slow hot story. But when reading it more and more, I couldn’t help being moved and feel its magic. The author’s description is so beautiful that arouse echo in my heart. Besides the preceding quotation, there are other sentencesI want to share. “We watched a show of falling stars, staring in amazement as the flashed of white raced across the sky. It was one of those perfect evenings with just enough breeze to keep us from either hot or cold,”“The kiss that followed was like its own magic kingdom, complete with its special language and geography, fabulous myths and wonders for the ages.”“The realization left me feeling as empty as a rusted paint can.”

The author uses some felicity and sometimes wonderful comparison to describe the feeling of the characters. That makes me identity with the people in the story. From the two relationships (John and his father; John and Savannah), I understand what true love is. From John’s father, I realize that sometimes love can’t be told by mouth, we should learn to touch love by our hearts. When you view things from the point of others, you may find another world. John’s father is undoubtedly a great father. As a man with Asperger’s, he still raised his son up and gave him care and love. I admire him. Regarding the sad love story between John and Savannah, I still feel so pitiful, even sympathize with John. It is not until the end of the story, I get comfort. John said it when he gazed at Savannah secretly: True love meant that you care for another person’s happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be.

篇二:《dear john》英语书评

After《Message in Bottle》 and 《Night in Rodanthe 》, Nicholas Sparks’ another fiction , 《dear john》,became the No.1 of New York Times Bestseller.

As a book about pure love,《dear john》chooses a common tale, asking us a question : what dose “true love” mean? Everyone may have thought about this, but there’s no exact answer. Nicholas Sparks shows one, that is leave。

John grew up in a single-parent family. As an angry rebel, he dropped out of school and joined the Army, not knowing what else to do with his life until accidentally becoming acquainted with the pure, pleasant Savannah. Their mutual attraction quickly grows into the kind of love that leaves Savannah waiting for John to finish his tour of duty, and John wanting to settle down with the girl who captured his heart. John about to retire on, the two eventually punctuality when 9·11 Incident broke out, which changed everything. John feels it is his duty to relist. And sadly, the long separation finds Savannah falling in love with someone else. "Dear John," the letter read...and with those two words, a heart was broken and two lives were changed forever. Returning home, John must come to grips with the fact that Savannah, now married, is still his true love--and face the hardest decision of his life. Finding Savannah physically and mentally exhausted

because of the cancer of her husband, john donated most his money and left there silently with his true love for her.

The hero a kind of love called great love or selfless love. He hope his lover happy instead of possess her. Sitting on the hill quietly, watching Savannah and her recovered husband sweet and john felt satisfied。True love should like this , however, when he or she forsake us ,we may never tolerate that.

《dear john》 not only brings us to a world filled with romantic, but leads us to think over our understanding of love . “if you ask what is nice romantic history? This is the most classical romantic history. ” Peici Wu said.

The magazine 《book list》 comment:Nicholas Sparks is absolutely matched with his fame.《dear john》 is a best definition about brave and sacrifice.

The book teach us what is love and how to love.

篇三:Dear John影评

Something about Dear John


[summary] Dear John is based on the book by Nicholas Sparks, Dear John follows military man John Tyree (Channing Tatum) as he finds himself falling for Savanna(Amanda Seyfried's Savannah Curtis), a free-spirited beautiful girl, while on leave - with their idealized romance hitting a seemingl insurmountable road block after John extends his tour in the army because of 9/11. In the story, John’s father is a special role with some psychology problem but loving John even since his childhood, he passed away with John’s regrets. In the end of movie scene, the tow beloved lovers get together again with a pefect romantic final result.

[keywords] love war

Dear John is an American film, which tells us a love story between John and Savanna, and love between John and his father。 John is a soldier. When he had his vacation in his hometown, he met Savanna, John saved her bag, which created a satisfactory atmosphere between John and Savanna, they fell into love with each other, but it was soon time for them, because John went back to army and Savanna went back to school, they had no choice, they faced the problem of getting apart, John promised Savanna that after one year he would retire from the army and then he could come back for getting together with Savanna for good.

Then, they two lived in their own world, the only connection was writing letters. At that separate time, they communicated with each other about their deep missing and their own life, and they both had each other in their minds. Unfortunately, in 2001, the terrible event

9.11 made the world turn to be a new own, and also changed the small world between John and Savanna. John, an soldier as before, had to prolong his service in army to make the world more peaceful, which, to some extent, to contribute to the safeguard of the country. However, it totally destroyed his promise to Savanna, their relationship came into a difficult time, and they faced the problem of saying goodbye.

Anyway, they met together with each other once again.After the quarrell, they could not but solved the problem by separate for longer time just tow years more.Then they became as good as before, and during this time, Savanna went to John’s home to see his father, who was a people with some psychology problem. John, as his son, knowed little of his father, but Savanna could be affected by the love that the father cared much about John, they have a lot to talk about. This does not last very long, they still have to complete their own things, they both returned to their own places.

When John was back in army, he didn’t received army letters from Savanna anymore for a very lone time, John felt very sad about that. Many days later, he received a letter from Savanna, but it was a letter noticing him about that she had married with Tim. John was so upset that burned all the letters from Savanna before.

After that, John was hurt in war, the coins of his father gave his the courage and energy to live, and it happened that John’s father was iller and iller. John didn’t take notice of his father’illness.when his father was found falling down in a faint ,he was beyond recovery , John felt soo regret that he wrote a letter to his father. At that time

when John reading the letter, the father and the son understood each other. After John’s father death,Tim passed away.After experiencing the unhappy things that happened, John again met Savanna and they get together in the final of the long story.

So this is the main idea of the story, then I want to show some views of mine about the film, which, of course, includes those good about it and poor about it! And first let take the good sides.

The good sides of the film are as follows. First of all, the film shows us a series of beautiful scenery, which attracts our attention constantly, the long beach, the strong waves, the unique house, all those bring us into a world full of happiness, enthusiasm and harmony. Second, the film points out a characteristic but really kind father and figures out a warm relationship between the father and the son actually. Thirdly, another side of this is that it is not doubt right for the director to choose a beautiful woman and a handsome man to be the main characters.Supposing that the film doesn’t have a beautiful woman and a handsome man to support it, I afraid few people will be there to listen to this boring and mixed dialogue between them!

The poor sides of the film are as follows: firstly, this film tries to mix a lot of things together but it is not spontaneous, it is failed. So this film gives us a feeling of three kinds of dislike. It doesn’t like a simple love story in modern time, it doesn’t like a pitiful story of war in our common sense, it donesn’t like a touching story between relatives.If you want to ask an audience who have seen the film what the film talked about, he would have his mouth closed, having nothing to say, on the contrary,he would make his mouth open,having too many words to say,however couldn’t show his main idea. Secondly, the film was devious from the original novel, which has a story quite difficult from the film, it would be good if the film follows the original novel.Just like the end of the story, the film has a perfect ending.Maybe director won’t be criticized by the people who don’t think his work is good.while in my view,I think the end should give the audiences limitless imagination.

Next, I think it will be my main things to write. I want to talk about my personal opinion of the film and things I learned from the film.

First, the truth of the love is more and more difficult as we know, this story is quite irritating us, because it always let our good way thinking disappear, when we expect a true love, it turns out to be apart, when we expect a deep father-son love, his father died, when we expect a fiercious way, it shows little of it, when we are finally heart broken, and we doesn’t expect any good results any more, because it is too tired to follow the director’s developing way of the story, they two get together and live together, what a difficult path we have to go through before we reach the place we want to. This is quite similar in our daily life. No matter who you are, if you want to choose something great, it will never be a work of days, months, or even years, they will be many difficulties there stopping you from realizing your dream, so as we meet some difficulty, do not feel depressed, you should know that this is very normal, everyone is the same as you, everyone meets the same problem as you, the difficult you are felling in, maybe, to the others,it is a piece of cake, maybe there will be a much greater difficulty waiting for you there, what you have to do is to be positive, and never to give up, then you can win those you want.

Second, love between father and son, in common, you do not get a father as John, a

father who has some psychological problems, a father who doesn’t feel like to talk with you, a father who is only interested in his coins. However, does things really likes so? Does not John’s father care little about John? Is there no any love between them? My answer to these is absolutely “NO”. Love is there, waiting for the father and the son to find out, love is there,waiting for the father and the son to enjoy. However, it comes to be late, before John noticed the existence of the love in his father heart.The father had passed away, the love in real life disappeared forever.Even John kept the love in memory, he and his father had no choice to live together once more. So, everyone! For us, we have a father. We have a father much better than John, or at least no worse than John.Before our father left us alone in this world, let’s appreciate the love, of course, I didn’t mean that we should only appreciate the love between father and son, we should also appreciate the love between everyone we think they worth to. So from now on, love your mother, love your father, love your litter brother, love you elder sister, love everyone that you feel like to love. Don’t let yourself regret after there is no choice just like John.

Thirdly, the love between man and woman,the lovers’ love. For this topic, I have a lot to talk about, I would start with a question “what’s the true love?” Is true love the first impression of somebody? Is true love a process of giving and being given? Is true love the kind love between John and Savanna. Anyway, I don’t think the love between John and Savanna is the true love, in my heart, I think true love is not giving up, but sticking up to it, never with abandonment to yourself and the one who you love.

In the movie, the love is quite strange, compared with the love in our daily life, the love in this movie is not a continuous story.This, of course, can not be called love. Love is a process with enjoyment between lovers, a process to lovers is experiencing happiness, not a process to make each other extraordinary broken-hearted.Love is a show, showing the true feeling of their hearts to each other, not hiding something from each other. Although John and Savanna have their own difficuties that hindering them expressing true feeling in their hearts, the love in this movie, in my opinion of love, can never be called true love.

So what’s wrong with their love? First, they should not give up during the love. A survey shows that love can be divided into three parts. In the first period the lovers will discover their mutual disadvanages.However in the third period, they fell deeply in love with his or her partners, ignoring their mutual disadvanages. But what about the second period? As we all known, most lovers give up during the second period when they should learn understanding, as well as making concessions.In fact,they always give up doing what they should do, so they fail to enjoy the happiness of the third period.If you are just in love with someone at present, when you decided to go steady with a boy or a girl, once you start your love, you should stick to you original choice,never giving up yourself and your lover. Of course, this is not only limited in the field of love, it is really suitable for all the area of our daily life.In spite of what we are facing, we should not give up, so that we could enjoy the beautiful life in every day.

Next, I want to talk about war and conflict. In this movie, through it didn’t show us some bloody scenery, we can still feel the terrible of war, war kills people, war destroys things, what is more ruthless is that war kills love , just like the fine relationship between lovers. We live in a more peaceful world, but we don’t realize the importance of peace, we

complain about many things, we complain about the food we eat, the surroundings we live, and the teaching equipment we apply.In a word, maybe we complain about everything we have, nevertheless in other area of the world,many people are facing starvation and even chaos caused by war.So let us appreciate everything we own now.

Anyway, I hope that we all have our beautiful and colorful life, love others,as well as be loved by others. I also hope that our world can be more peaceful and be full of happiness.That’s all what I want to write.
