球雅思高手帮忙 帮我改改作文吧,最好打个分Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large companies and factories with their employees to the countryside. To what extend do you agree or disagree? The iu

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 00:51:17

球雅思高手帮忙 帮我改改作文吧,最好打个分Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large companies and factories with their employees to the countryside. To what extend do you agree or disagree? The iu
球雅思高手帮忙 帮我改改作文吧,最好打个分
Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large companies and factories with their employees to the countryside. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
The iusses about traffic and housing are tend to be worse and worse.Some people suggest that we should encourage large companies and factories moving to the romote area in order to solved these problems.Personally,I am not a supporter to this opinion as well.
Firstly,we have to admit that spreading some big companies and factories out of the city area can release the pressure of traffic and housing problem in a certain extent,but I do not believe the problem will be solved by this way in a long run because new small companies will take up these spaces.And of courese,there are still unadequate houses to match the need of citizens.
On the other hand,with the ever-accelerate development of economic,nowadays almost all the families have at least one private car.So when the companies move to countryside,most stuffs will choose to drive to work rather than buy or rent a house near the companies.So in fact the housing issue will not be tackled by this way.Moreover,the moving of big factories may contribute some serious problems to the countryside such as the damaging of environment and the traffic problem in these remote areas.Futhermore,it is an undeniable fact that moving large companies and factories will cause a enormous financial burden to the states.
From what has been dicussed above,we can easily get a conclusion that moving those big companies and factories to countryside is not a ideal suggestion to solve the problem of traffic and housing in the large cities.I think building a better transportation system is a better method,at the same time the traffic problem can be solved,people will tend to buy a house in the countryside if the transportation system makes them as the same the convenient as living in the city.

球雅思高手帮忙 帮我改改作文吧,最好打个分Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large companies and factories with their employees to the countryside. To what extend do you agree or disagree? The iu
の,你的作文语法上的错误比较多哦,你可以仔细看看你的第一段,有挺多问题的,比如:are tend to be worse and worse这句话,这里不用are,就算你用了,那也要改成被动态.第一段的最后一句话,你是要表达你不赞成前一个观点吗?那么as well 就可以去掉了.
整个作文里的小错误挺多的,比如a ideal suggestion应该是an ideal suggestion吧.

球雅思高手帮忙 帮我改改作文吧,最好打个分Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large companies and factories with their employees to the countryside. To what extend do you agree or disagree? The iu 求雅思专业人士(大神)帮忙啊,能帮我改改文章吗?最好能够告诉我大概能打几分,In this contemporary society,the world is witnessing a new phenomenon,that is,the increasing popularity of information and communications tech 求求一个懂雅思老师帮我改一改雅思作文 改改语法等等 最好给我提点建议和给个分数哈In this essay, i will attempt to find out the main causes of these problems and provide some useful measures which may control them. 求个懂雅思的老师帮我看看我的大作文 改改我的语法等等 最好给个分数哈 谢谢A much debate issue these days is which one take charge to teach children as a good member of society, parents or school? In this essay,i will ar 雅思作文模板请大家帮我找个雅思学术类task1模版吧 有谁能帮我改改雅思作文?我是一名烤鸭,但是现在希望有谁能帮我批改一下作文,一直都找不到人帮我批改作文TAT,万分感谢> 帮我看看这篇 雅思作文 .顺便我改改,打个分.今年4月12号就要考雅思了,第二次考,自己要求6分以上,这是我练的一篇雅思作文.希望各位牛牛们帮我看看,指出不足之处,顺便给个分数.Some people thi 英语翻译帮我改改! 麻烦帮我改改! 麻烦帮我看看这篇 雅思作文 .顺便我改改,打个分.本人今年4月12号就要烤鸭了,第二次烤鸭,要求6分以上,这是我练的一篇雅思作文.希望各位大大牛牛们帮我看看,指出不足之处,顺便给个分数.Som 帮我改改托福作文吧····谢谢大家···· 请高手帮我改改雅思作文.主要是语法方面.Task:Nowadays ,some work places tend to employ equal numbers of men and women workers .Do you think it is a positive or negative development In my opinion ,the trend to hire equal numbers of mal 我希望较权威的朋友帮我改改我的雅思作文 我不知道自己作文到底什么地方还不够!顺便给个分数.Some people say that children should be displined in their early age,and punishment should be used.to some extent do you 对吗,不对帮我改改 帮我改改英语选择题 那位高手能帮我批改一下雅思作文,这是本人的处女作,毛病可能很多,希望有高手能帮帮小弟彻底修改一下!给个分数,最好能提一点实质性意见,topic:some people think music is just a form of entertainment wh 麻烦各位高手帮我改改作文,小弟献丑了!先谢过过各位棋 “塔——塔——塔”,不停发出棋子打在棋盘的声音,不错,我酷爱下棋我的棋手是我父亲! 小时七八岁时,完全不懂棋,只知道它是黑 哪位外语高手现在不忙,能帮我改改英语简历啊