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Book 3 Module 5参考答案及部分解析
1-5 ACBCA 6-10 BABAB
11-15 ABAAB 16-20 CACCB
21-25 ACDBD 26-30 ABADC
31-35 BACDB 36-40 BDACD
41-45 CBBAC 46-50 DCABA
51-55 DABCC 56-60 DCBDB
61-65 ACBCB 66-70 ABDAD
71-75 CFEGD
76. Because he did his work very well.
77. He regarded America as a land of opportunity.
78. To study languages and geography.
79. His bad / poor memory.
80. One should truly work to understand others. / One should try one’s best to understand others.
81. ... while it happened. while → when
82. ..., unexpected fell into ... unexpected → unexpectedly
83. ... was washing away. washing → washed
84. ... and act faster. faster → fast
85. All of the sudden, ... the → a
86. ... got to there, ... 去掉to
87. ..., but hung his ... but → and
88. She could see ... She → He
89. ... he is able ... is → was
90. ... is able grab ... able后加to
One possible version:
Many middle school students enjoy watching TV. It is widely believed that watching TV is good for us. Firstly, it can let us know what's happening at home and abroad. Secondly, it can increase our knowledge. What's more, it makes our life colorful and is a good way for us to relax.
On the other hand, watching TV also has some disadvantages. First of all, it sometimes wastes lots of time and even affects our studies. Besides, if we sit in front of a TV set for too long, we can easily put on weight and become short-sighted.
From my point of view, we should choose the programs we watch and spend only a reasonable amount of time watching TV.
21. A.philosopher 意为“哲学家”,是可数名词,在此表示泛指,故其前用不定冠词;that 后从句意为“人性本善”,man在句中指“人类”,故其前不用冠词.
22. C.根据后一句句意“因此,不管谁犯了法都将受到惩罚”可知,前句意为“法律面前人人平等(equal)”.similar相似;influential 有影响的;violent 猛烈的.
23. D.hurricane 与kill 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用动词-ing 形式表示预料之中的结果.不定式作结果状语时,常表示预料之外的结果.
24. B.根据“我知道一元钱对你来说不算什么,但我一定要还给你”可知,后句意为“ 这是一个原则(principle)问题”.justice 公正;belief 相信;freedom自由.
25. D.The reason why / for which / that ...was that ... ……的原因是…….
26. A.题意:那些小猴子想在井中捞月,但这是不可能的.空格处前后句意之间是转折关系,故用However(然而).besides 此外;instead 代替;otherwise 否则.
27. B.“我努力学习”是“考上大学的梦想会成真”的条件,故空格处用if.
28. A.题意:阅读,其重要性经常被强调(stressed),在英语学习中起重要作用.
29. D.asked 这个动作发生在过去,if 引导的宾语从句的动作发生在过去将来,故用“would+动词原形”表示过去将来时.
30. C.空格处指代与前面提到的the flowers 同类的事物,故用those,相当于the ones;that 用来指代前面提到的不可数名词或单数可数名词.them 指代前面提到的“同一”事物.
31. B.根据语境及时间状语for the first time 可知动作meet 发生在过去,故用一般过去时.32. A.由“吉姆不习惯在城市与父母一起住”可知,“他是在农村由祖父母养育大的”,故选Brought up.grow up 长大;take up 占去,开始从事;keep up保持.
33. C.由be proud of …(以……而自豪)的搭配可知,此处用of whom引导定语从句,修饰先行词boy.
34. D.根据答语“咳,得了吧”可知,应答者认为对方走得和自己一样慢.no faster than表示“和……一样慢”.
35. B.根据上句“会议取消了”以及答语中的“你为什么不提前告诉我?”可知应选If so(如果是这样).
36. B.根据下文的realizing her dream 可知.
37. D.38. A.根据下文描述在教堂举办的音乐会上发生的事情可知,那是一段令人伤心的记忆并让她感到恐惧.
39. C.根据下文的event at church可知.
40. D.41. C.根据上文的stood straight and stiff 可知,Melody 一开始呆呆地站在台上不敢看观众,最后好不容易才张口唱歌.
42. B.43. B.根据上文的almost every note was off-key 可知,对Melody 来说那是一场失败的演出,因此她决定以后再也不上台唱歌.
44. A.根据上文的Melody's mind lived on the upcoming auditions 和下文的but unfortunately 可知,Melody 只是心里想着报名参加试音.
45. C.Melody 还是一直害怕并担心登台表演.
46. D.根据下文的After her performance可知,Melody去看同学表演.
47. C.48. A.Melody 告诉Blaine 她并没有报名参加试音.
49. B.根据上文的write her name down on the list可知.
50. A.根据上文的felt unable to breathe 可知,Melody感觉好像心脏停止了跳动.
51. D.根据上文描述教堂的音乐会上发生的事情可知,Melody 又想起了那次不愉快的经历.
52. A.根据上文的made it on stage 可知.
53. B.根据上文的Her eyes were saying, “You can do this, just believe”可知,Ebony是在鼓励Melody.
54. C.shakily at first 和every note was sung perfectly之间构成转折关系.
55. C.Ebony 向Melody 解释她所做的一切并希望Melody不要生她的气.
56. D.细节理解题.根据第一段的She later changed her first name to “Elisa”..., because there was already an actress in that union named Lisa Donovan可知.
57. C.细节理解题.根据第二段的In 1995, she almost died可知.
58. B.词义猜测题.根据第三段的I never thought I would have to eat something or die 和Elisa ate less and less food可知,Elisa得了厌食症.
59. D.细节理解题.根据最后一段的 The worst part of the disease, she says, is that anorexics live a secret life可知.
60. B.推理判断题.根据第一段的5,000 years ago, Egyptians used a material called papyrus 和第二段的the paper we know today did not exist until 3,000 years later 可知,纸莎草纸比纸张的历 史悠久.
61. A.段落大意题.根据第二段的 history does tell us about one man who improved the process 以及接下来描述蔡伦如何造纸可知,该段主要讲述了蔡伦改进纸张的过程.
62. C.细节理解题.根据第二段的But the paper ... was created in China 和第三段的From the Middle East, paper travelled to Europe and then the Americas可知纸张的传播路线.
63. B.细节理解题.根据第三段的For many years paper cost a lot of money and time to create 和第四段的Long ago, when paper was difficult to make 可知.
64. C.细节理解题.根据Chile's Giant Telescopes 部分的this South American country 以及Astronomy lectures by David J. Eicher可知.
65. B.细节理解题.根据Total Eclipse in Kenya 部分的the Great Rift Valley, ... Here, the 2014 total eclipse path crosses the sand and sandstone on Nov. 3 可知.
66. A.细节理解题.根据Northern Lights in Norway 部分的nightly northern lights hunting 和Iceland: Northern Lights and Volcanoes 部分的in search of the northern lights可知.
67. B.写作目的题.根据文章出现四处的The tour includes 可知,本文主要是吸引人们参加Astronomy 杂志举办的旅行活动.
68. D.细节理解题.根据第二段的The 20-minute story gives you a time limit to pen a tale可知.
69. A.推理判断题.根据第三段的wrote about the weather I might encounter 和第四段的set my story in the mind of ... 可知,第一个故事是编的.
70. D.推理判断题.根据最后一段的It feels good to be writing something for no other reason than the fun and the challenge of it可知.
选做题:1-5 DBABC
备选题:1. The 2. longest 3. by 4. as 5. it
6. routes 7. served 8. carrying 9. out 10. while
1. D.细节理解题.根据Live in a Cave 部 分的Kokopelli’s Cave Bed & Breakfast, ... the views of the La Plata River 可 知.
2. B.细节理解题.根据Sleep below the Surface 部分的Jules' Undersea Lodge, ... is the world's only underwater hotel. Lonely Planet says that ... a pleasant hotel 可知.
3. A.推理判断题.根据Let Your Imagination Run Wild 部分的The Winvian, ... 19 special country cottages 以及接下来详细描述的The Golf cottage, the Helicopter cottage 和the Beaver Lodge 可知,你可以在这里体验乡居的乐趣.
4. B.细节理解题.根据Sail into History 部分的The Queen Mary, ... this ship-turned hotel 可知.
5. C.推理判断题.文章介绍了四个奇特的宾馆.根据每部分描述的各家的特色以及价格、网站介绍可知,文章出自网站的旅游栏目.
1. The.最高级前加定冠词the.
2. longest.大运河是世界上最长的运河,故用long的最高级.
3. by.大运河是通过连接新旧运河修筑而成,by 表示“通过……的方式”.
4. as.句意:运河正如皇帝们所希望的那样发挥着作用.
5. it.在“make it + adj. + to do sth.”结构中,it为形式宾语.
6. routes.“one of +复数名词”表示“……之一”.
7. served.讲述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时.
8. carrying.businessmen 与carry 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且carry 所表示的动作与travelled 同时发生,故用carrying 作伴随状语.
9. out.set out出发.
10. while.前后分句句意表示对比,故用while.