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Book 8 Module 4 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 BCBCB 6-10 ABCCA
11-15 CCBBC 16-20 ACCAB
21-25 BCBCC 26-30 DADCD
31-35 CCACD 36-40 FAEGD
41-45 CACCB 46-50 ABADB 51-55 DCDAB 56-60 CDADB
61. with 62. am forced
63. an 64. lower
65. to deal 66. who / that
67. before 68. what
69. him 70. education
71. ... part-time job ... part-time前加a
72. ... worked in a ...
worked → working或worked前加and
73. ... when my parent ... parent → parents
74. On the morning ... On → In
75. ... came to home ... 去掉to
76. ... was harder for ... harder → hard
77. ... often felt tiring. tiring → tired
78. ... I'm gladly that ... gladly → glad
79. ... moon or stars ... or → and
80. ... people those work ... those → who / that
One possible version:
Some netizens suggest the English test for the College Entrance Exam should be held many times a year. Students can take the English test many times and only the highest score they obtain will count in the end.
In my opinion, there are two sides to this suggestion. On the one hand, more chances mean more freedom and more fairness. Students are more likely to perform their best and get an ideal result. On the other hand, more chances can also mean that many students will take the English test as many times as possible to achieve a top score, which will take too much time, lead to more stress, and affect their study of other subjects.

本文是新闻报道.Lisa Clinard因为早产的缘故,在直升飞机到达医院之前就在空中把女儿生了下来.
21. B.细节理解题.根据第二段中的headed to the hospital near her home for a checkup可知,Lisa Clinard是去医院做检查的.
22. C.推理判断题.根据第四段中的“It was a very exciting experience, and I'm just glad to hear that the mom and baby are doing great,” said Lampano可知,Lampano没料到会发生这种事情.
23. B.细节理解题.根据末段中的Proud papa Josh Clinard told KMIR-TV he missed the birth of his first child because he was driving to Loma Linda while his wife was giving birth overhead可知,他女儿出生时,他正在赶往医院的路上.
24. C.细节理解题.根据第二段中的Clinard of Twentynine Palms, Calif. expected to go into labor sometime around Sept. 5, but instead found she was going to give birth in a helicopter more than a mile up以及第三段中的Realizing she was in premature labor可知,这个女婴在预产期之前就生了下来.
25. C.推理判断题.根据第一段中的they have the longest life-expectancy rate in the world及The island also has the highest ratio of centenarians in the world可知,冲绳人以长寿闻名.
26. D.推理判断题.根据末段中的There is evidence that it is their behavior, not genetics, that allows Okinawans to live longer than most of us可知,冲绳人的长寿秘诀在于其健康的生活方式.
27. A.写作目的题.本文主要介绍了冲绳人的长寿之道,故选A项.
28. D.细节理解题.根据第三段中的At the meeting ... as Chief Aeronaut of the Army of the Potomac可知,Lowe向林肯总统说明气球的用途后得到赏识.
29. C.推理判断题.根据第四段末句可知,他是支持使用气球做间谍工作的.
30. D.细节理解题.根据末段中的many Union generals were not convinced of the value of the balloon air corps可知.
31. C.标题归纳题.本文主要讲述了美国内战期间的气球空军,故C项作标题最为贴切.
32. C.推理判断题.根据第一段中的第一句及like they were our own brothers可知,这些名字对于我们很熟悉.
33. A.推理判断题.根据第三段中的His interests led him to be a lexicographer, textbook editor, author, Bible translator and spelling reformer及第五段中的he became a noted lecturer and writer on anatomy, geology, bees, and more可知,他们都有许多爱好.
34. C.推理判断题.根据末段中的Not enough information?及 You Could Look It Up可知,本段意在鼓励大家进行进一步的研究.
35. D.篇章结构题.文章第一段为引言段,第二、三段介绍了Noah Webster,第四、五段介绍了Peter Roget,最后一段总结.故选D项.
36. F.由上文的More and more Australians are switching their pint of beer for a glass of lemonade or mineral water可知,越来越多的澳大利亚人不饮酒了.
37. A.本段中的20 years ago,only 6%分别与选项A中的Today,has doubled to 12%相对应,故选A项.
38. E.由本段及下段内容可知,越来越多的人开始说服别人改变饮酒的习惯,故选E项.
39. G.本段中的Other organizations与选项G中的These non-profit organizations相对应,故选G项.
40. D.本段中的the costs与选项D中的save you a lot of money相对应,故选D项.
41. C.与人相处的关键是良好的沟通能力,无论在家、在学校,还是在工作中都是如此.
42. A.由下文的the main problem is different communication styles可知,沟通是男女关系中的一大“挑战(challenges)”.
43. C.44. C.由下文的they can better understand each other可知,“了解(Understanding)”男女沟通的差异能够使他们“有效地(effectively)”沟通.
45. B.由下文的take a direct approach可知,男人的沟通方式更加“直接(direct)”.
46. A.男人通常对一个问题采取直接的办法并“提出(suggest)”一个解决方案.
47. B.由上文的discuss problems可知,女人更喜欢询问他人的“意见(opinions)”.
48. A.由上文的make decisions可知,女人在做“决定(decision)”之前喜欢与别人谈论.
49. D.由该段的Women like to discuss personal issues and talk about their feelings及下段的Men like to talk about current events ... 可知,男人与女人谈话的“主题(topics)”也是不同的.
50. B.由上文的Women like to discuss personal issues and talk about their feelings可知,对女人而言,谈论自己的问题对增进友谊是很“重要的(important)”.
51. D.由下文的less comfortable可知.
52. C.由下文的are less comfortable discussing their feelings可知,此处表示对比,故选C项.
53. D.由下文的women build friendships可知.
54. A.由上文内容可知,女人通过“分享(sharing)”情感建立友谊.
55. B.由下文内容可知,不同的沟通方式能够“导致(cause)”一些问题.
56. C.由上文的Women like to discuss personal issues可知.
57. D.discuss how they feel about a problem与prefer to come to a solution之间形成对比,故选however.
58. A.男人经常认为女人总抱怨,因为她们“不断地(continue)”谈论自己的感受.
59. D.男人只是想要谈论“不同的(different)”事情.
60. B.当男人与女人“认识到(learn)”更多关于他们不同的沟通方式时,他们才能更好地互相理解.
61. with.have trouble with是固定搭配.
62. am forced.主语I 和动词force之间是被动关系, 再结合上下文时态可知,用一般现在时的被动语态.
63. an.example是可数名词且此处表示泛指,又因以元音音素开头,故填an.
64. lower.由than 可知, 此处应用low 的比较级形式lower.
65. to deal.the best way to do sth. 做某事最好的方法/方式 .
66. who / that.空格处引导定语从句, 修饰先行词customer, 且在从句中作主语,故填who / that.
67. before.结合语境可知,此处表示“在……之前”,故填before.
68. what.分析句子结构可知, 空格处引导表语从句,且在从句中担任do的宾语,故填what.
69. him.由句意可知,此处指代上文提到的customer,故填代词him.
70. education.根据空格前面的children’s可知,此处需填educate的名词形式education.
完形填空:1-5 CABDA 6-10 CDDAB
11-15 BCCDA 16-20 BBCDA
阅读理1-5 BCDBA
1. C.根据首句可知,此处是指Goldman“发明(invented)”购物车的时候.
2. A.由下文的They preferred a basket on the arm可知,人们用“篮子(baskets)”购物.
3. B.一天Goldman“突然(suddenly)”有了一个主意.
4. D.由下文的customers可知,购物车能让“顾客(customers)”购物容易些.
5. A.根据常识和最后一段可知,他的目的是为了“吸引(attract)”更多的顾客.
6. C.由下文的folded up可知,Goldman坐在一个“折叠(folding)”椅上.
7. D.由上文的so they could be folded up可知,当不用的时候,购物车可以很容易地“存放(store)”.
8. D.9. A.由下文的He couldn't wait to see them using his invention可知,当顾客“到来(arriving)”时,Goldman很“激动(excited)”.
10. B.由下文的Most shoppers gave the carts a long look ... would give them a try可知,结果让Goldman很“失望(disappointed)”.
11. B.大多数顾客看了看购物车,但是“几乎没有(hardly)”人去尝试使用.
12. C.Goldman“决定(decided)”去问顾客为什么不使用购物车.
13. C.由下文的They preferred a basket on the arm to a basket on wheels可知,人们还是没有“使用(use)”购物车.
14. D.“只要(if only)”他能说服人们尝试使用一下,他的发明将会成功.
15. A.从下文中Goldman吸引顾客使用购物车的方法可知,这个方法很“聪明(clever)”.
16. B.17. B.Goldman“雇(hired)”了一群人推着购物车假装他们在“购物(shopping)”.
18. C.人们“逐渐地(gradually)”开始使用购物车.
19. D.由上文的He knew his carts would be a great success可知,正如Goldman所“希望(hoped)”的,购物车很快就吸引了大量的顾客.
20. A.购物车的便捷使得顾客“不知不觉地(unconsciously)”买了比以前更多的东西.
1. B.细节理解题.根据第一段中的Scientists are warning that tattoo ink may contain chemicals that cause cancer可知,纹身颜料对我们的健康有害.
2. C.词义猜测题.根据第五段中的when I discovered there is no regulation whatsoever of these inks可知,当发现这些颜料没有任何监管时,Desmond Tobin大吃一惊.故选C项.
3. D.细节理解题.根据倒数第二段中的People should be given written information about the inks that are used on them ... they still choose to take the risk but they need to be informed可知.
4. B.文章出处题.文章主要介绍了纹身颜料能够致癌,跟健康有关,故选B项.
5. A.写作目的题.文章主要告诉我们纹身颜料的危害,故选A项.