求英语周报2013-2014学年第8期 总第3192期答案~

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求英语周报2013-2014学年第8期 总第3192期答案~
求英语周报2013-2014学年第8期 总第3192期答案~

求英语周报2013-2014学年第8期 总第3192期答案~
Book 3 Modules 3-4参考答案及部分解析参考答案(第8期)
1-5 ADDAD 6-10 BBACC
11-15 BCCAD 16-20 CDDBA
21-25 BDDCC 26-30 BBACD
31-35 ADCBB 36-40 ADCBB
41-45 CDDBB 46-50 BABDA
51-55 GFCEB
56. Standard Grade and Higher pupils aged 9-1
7.57. A charity.
58. Two.
59. To work with Richard Murphy for a week.
60. Because an excellent building shape can influence people’s emotion.
61. ... 85 year old. year → years
62. ... there is always ... is → are
63. ... whom visit her ... whom → who / that
64. ... so old as her ... so → as
65. Surprising, most ... Surprising → Surprisingly
66. Unless she is old ... Unless → Although / Though
67. ... makes up food ... 去掉up
68. ... keep her healthy. keep → keeps
69. ... make dumplings ... make → making
70. ... for me have ... me后加to
One possible version:
Our Beautiful School
Following “Building a Beautiful China”, our school has done a lot to create a beautiful school.
Firstly, a new teaching building and office building have replaced the old ones. You can imagine how bright and clean our classrooms are. In order to green our campus, we have planted many trees in and around our school. Secondly, more modern teaching facilities have been brought in to help us study more efficiently. Thirdly, we are encouraged to behave well, develop good daily habits and have a better relationship with teachers. What's more, a new teaching concept has taken root in our school: Students are the master of studying and educating is the spirit of schooling. Meanwhile, our school organizes more after-class activities to enrich our school life.
Our school has taken on a new look, and I love it more than ever before.
1. A.It occurred to sb. that ...为固定句式,意为:某人想到…….
2. D.appear to 似乎,显得.What 和cause 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且cause 所表示的动作已完成,故选D项.
3. D.题意:如果(If)我们毁坏老建筑,就会破坏文化遗产和传统价值.
4. A.由主句中的went on 可知,从句谓语所表示的动作已发生,是过去的过去,且assignment 与do 之间是被动关系,故在此用过去完成时的被动语态.
5. D.分析句子结构可知,空格处内容引导同位语从句,解释说明forecast 的具体内容,且从句中不缺少任何成分,故用that 引导.句意:报纸关于第二位候选人会在海选中被彻底击败的预测最后变成了事实.
6. B.have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择只能做某事.
7. B.由for decades 可知在此应用完成时,且由were not prepared 及语境可知逗号前谓语表示的状态发生在“过去的过去”,故应用过去完成时.
8. A.因为要提供培训,所以先前的(previous)经验是不需要的.
9. C.can’t help but do sth. 不由得不做某事,不得不做某事.
10. C.答语中“创造力越来越少”和“重复一些旧想法”是呼应的,因此应答者赞成发话者的观点,故You’re absolutely right (你完全正确)符合语境.
11. B.由第三段中的I wanted to have an entire day to read the book 可推测,电话打来时作者正在看书.故选reading.
12. C.正在看书的作者不想被“打扰(disturbed)”.
13. C.由第二段中的Patty from my church said 可知,作者最终接起了电话.故选answered.
14. A.15. D.由第四段中的volunteers were already at work 可推测,Patty 要去施粥所“帮忙(helping)”,那里还需要“志愿者(volunteers)”.
16. C.由第三段中的Sure, I will be there at 5:15 可知,Patty 问作者是否有空.故选available.
17. D.作者想用一整天的时间读书,但嘴上却说自己有空.前后是转折关系,故选but.
18. D.由下文的other volunteers were already at work 可知,此处是说当作者“到达(arrived)”施粥所的时候.
19. B.由下文的A family with two kids in wheelchairs came through first 可推测,“队伍(line)”开始移动.
20. A.这个四口之家的父亲和母亲各自“推(pushed)”着一个轮椅.
21. B.由上文的Are you kidding?可知,作者“怀疑地(doubtfully)”问男子.
22. D.五口之家中的儿子“举起(held up)”盘子要西瓜和面包.
23. D.由上文的“Is that all you want?”I asked. He nodded 可推测,男孩说自己不“饿(hungry)”.24. C.由上文的Can I have some more? I'm only hungry for watermelon 及下文的served him another slice 可推测,作者听了男孩的话后“笑(laughed)”了.
25. C.由下文的We've been married 48years 可知,此处说的是一对夫妇.故选couple.
26. B.由上文的I love her like I did when we just got married 可知,男子说这些话时是幸福的.故选happily.
27. B.故事发生在施粥所,故此处应该是说这些人“接受(accepted)”食物.
28. A.由下文的one's daughter was getting married, and another's sonwas learning to read 可知,人们告诉作者他们的家庭情况.故选families.
29. C.由上文的happy or sad 可知,作者将吃饭的人分为两种,一种是幸福地与朋友聊天的人,另一种则伤心地“独自(alone)”呆在角落里.
30. D.由上文的Although I love to read Harry Potter 可知,此处应该是说作者很“高兴(glad)”自己去施粥所帮忙了.
31. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的If the rangers had not shown up, the poachers would have taken the cubs too 可知,护林员的出现使得偷猎者没有足够的时间带走两只老虎幼兽.
32. D.细节理解题.由第四段中的Because they hunt in huge jungles thick with trees, poachers are hard to find可知.
33. C.细节理解题.由第七段中的The evidence came from a cell phone. On a poacher's phone, police found photos of the men posing with a dead male tiger 可知,警方通过一个偷猎者手机中的照片发现他们还曾杀过一只老虎.
34. B.推理判断题.警方能够认定偷猎者猎杀的老虎就是保护区的老虎主要通过调取摄像机捕捉到的镜头,由此可以推断这些摄像机起着很大的作用.
35. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的By the end of the experiment, he had been up for 264 hours 可知.
36. A.段落大意题.第三段介绍了睡眠不足会导致脑细胞死亡,久而久之,会给人们带来永久损伤,如会使青少年沮丧、焦虑、过度肥胖等.因而本段的主要内容是睡眠不足的影响.故A项正确.
37. D.推理判断题.由第五段中的During adolescence, that clock changes. Suddenly you feel like going to bed one to three hours later. But since school starts the same time it always has, getting enough sleep becomes difficult 可知,导致青少年难以得到足够睡眠的原因是他们进入青春期后生理节律与以往不同了.故D项正确.
38. C.推理判断题.由第六段首句There may be something else contributing to your lack of sleep: technology及该段中的研究结果可知,睡前长时间使用科技产品导致青少年难以获得足够睡眠.故C项正确.
39. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的Five hundred years ago, on April 2,1513, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce deLeón arrived on the east coast of what is now Florida ... Ponce de León was the first European to set foot in what would become the United States 可知,五百年前第一位欧洲人来到佛罗里达.
40. B.细节理解题.由第二段中的Ponce de León may have landed in Florida by mistake 可知,Ponce deLeón意外地发现了佛罗里达.
41. C.推理判断题.由第三段中的Helater returned to Spain but went back to Florida in 1521 to attempt to set up a permanent colony. However ...Ponce de León was killed 可推断,Ponce de León 在第二次踏足佛罗里达期间被杀害.
42. D.细节理解题.由第五段中的Florida has one of the fastest-growing populations of any state 可知,佛罗里达州人口增长迅速.
D 篇(现代技术)
43. D.细节理解题.由第一段最后一句The pool allows scientists to see for the first time how sea ice forms and melts, and study how frozen seawater interacts with the environment 可知,该室外水池的建立是为了帮助科学家研究海冰.故D项正确.
44. B.细节理解题.由第四段中的Sea ice in the pool is made from frozen seawater found in the Arctic Ocean 可知.
45. B.篇章结构题.由第六段中的Heat is then passed to the air, causing a rise in temperature, which affects both life in the area and climate around the globe 及... makes sea ice an important part of our ecosystem 可推断,划线词指代“海冰能够改变地球的温度”.
46. B.细节理解题.由第五段最后一句When the weather gets warm, such as in the summertime, some of the sea ice melts, exposing parts of the ocean.可知B项正确.
E 篇(环境)
47. A.细节理解题.由第三段中的the Pegasus pipeline, carries oil from Illinois to Texas, where it is processed可知,该管道将石油运往德克萨斯州加工处理.
48. B.推理判断题.由第四段中的The Keystone pipeline is a proposed pipeline 及第五段中的the spill is an example of what would happen if the Keystone pipeline is built 可知,该管道已被提议建造,但尚未建成.
49. D.推理判断题.Dan Gatti 担心如果Keystone 管道建成的话也会发生类似的石油泄漏事件,因而他希望政府从此次事故中吸取教训,杜绝类似灾难的发生.让那些反映石油泄漏的照片成为过去时代的提醒物,而不是即将发生的事情的迹象.故D项正确.
50. A.主旨大意题.文章介绍了Pegasus石油管道泄漏的情况、影响及人们由此事件引发的思考.故A项正确.