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Book 4 Module 5 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 ACCBA 6-10 CABAC
11-15 BBCAB 16-20 CBBAC
21-25 CDCBD 26-30 CBCBB
31-35 CDADC 36-40 ADCBB
41-45 CBADB 46-50 DAACD
51-55 BABCC 56-60 DACAA
61-65 BDACA 66-70 DBADA
71-75 BDACG
76. On the night of the Thanksgiving in 2011.
77. Because she can find some peace there. / To find some peace there.
78. On the church grounds.
79. Perry and her friends.
80. It makes them become happy. / It lights them up.
81. ... and take a ... take → took
82. ... some exercise in ... exercise → exercises
83. ... maths, what took ... what → which
84. ... quite hardly and ... hardly → hard
85. ... made a good ... 去掉a
86. ... I did go ... did后加not或did → didn’t
87. ... of me would ... me → mine
88. ... time listen to ... listen → listening
89. ... by this way. by → in 或去掉by
90. ... my studies rapid ... rapid → rapidly
One possible version:
My Hometown
Located in the southwest of China, Guiyang is my hometown, which is the capital city of Guizhou Province. It’s convenient to come here by train, bus or plane.
Named the City of Forest, Guiyang, with 40% of its total area covered with forests, lakes and rivers, is an attractive city. The climate is warm and wet, and it is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer. Some parks in the city, such as Qianlingshan Park and Hebin Park, are good places for people to enjoy themselves in their spare time.
More than 4 million people live here. Warm, wise and hardworking, they are determined to make the city a better place to live in.
21. C.get a kick out of ... 从……中得到乐趣;at the edge of ... 在……的边缘.
22. D.题意:你站起来,就能更清楚地看到台上的那位钢琴家.view 意为“视线,视野,观看”,指从某处看到的东西.
23. C.forbid sb. to do / from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事.
24. B.根据“而不用药物”可知,“健康的身体将能自然地(naturally)抵御疾病”.hopefully 满怀希望地;especially尤其;eventually最后.
25. D.根据“本不能像他希望的那样经常去看望父母”可知,“他在一个偏远的(remote)山村工作”.immense 极大的;crowded 拥挤的;varied多变化的.
26. C.根据“参观展览是免费的”可知,“你没有必要(needn’t)付费”.
27. B.“这张CD 的真实价格是5 美元,而你却付了20 美元”,显然是被“宰”了,故选B项.rip off 敲诈,敲竹杠.giveaway 泄露,出卖;pick up 捡起,拾起;cut down砍倒.
28. C.根据“不,我们打算去海边”可知,“至少我是这样打算的”.at least(用于减轻前面所说的话的肯定性)至少.at last最后;at most至多;at first首先.
29. B.surround 与主语Mrs Green 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故此处用动词的过去分词作状语.
30. B.当表示方位的介词短语置于句首,且主语为名词时,句子要采用完全倒装语序.hang 指“固定在墙上”时,可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,根据look 可知指现在的状态,故用一般现在时态.
31. C.分析句子可知,空格处引导定语从句,修饰先行词email,且在从句中作地点状语,故选where.
32. D.根据“趁着我们还没有最终面临资源短缺”可知,此处是指“我们应该开始开发(exploit)新的资源”.explode 爆炸;experience 经历,体验;experiment实验.
33. A.“汽车安全带有效”的前提是“它被正确地调节”.only if 意为“只要,只有当”,引导条件状语从句.even though即使;if only但愿;as though好像.
34. D.trade in ... with ... 与……做……买卖.
35. C.根据“我确实需要放松一下了”可知,答话者认为对方说的是个好主意(It sounds fine to me).
36. A.根据上文的volunteered 以及下文的volunteer, Volunteerism可知.
37. D.根据常识可知,志愿者不收取报酬.
38.C.根据下文的the great desire to help others可知,志愿者乐于助人.
39. B.根据上文的Can you imagine 可知,此处设想如果人人都志愿工作的情形.
40. B.根据上文的what would happen to our work以及下文的Contracts可知.
41. C.根据下文的or promised to do 可知,agreed和promised在此构成并列.
42. B.根据上文的Contracts require you to do 和下文的requires you to do so 可知,志愿工作也需要你做自己许诺过的 事情.
43. A.根据下文的higher productivity 可 知,此处用比较级来表达转折意义.
44. D.根据下文的throughout our country 可知,作者在此假设如果一个国家没有志愿者的情况.
45. B.根据下文列出的机构可知,这些组织机构都依赖于志愿者.
46. D.47. A.如果没有志愿者不计回报的无私奉献,那么我们的生活不会这么如意.
48. A.根据接下来解释为什么志愿者从事志愿工作可知,本段主要探讨其背后的原因.
49. C.根据下文的how to use our time more productively 以及it teaches us 可知,志愿工作可以培养个人技能.
50. D.根据下文两处提到的it teaches us 可知.
51. B.52. A.53. B.从事志愿工作可以培养个人技能,使我们更有效地利用时间.更“重要的(important)”是,它使我们明白,生活中最重要的“往往(always)” 不是你拥有什么,而是你能“给 予(give)”什么.what you have 与what you give形成对比.
54. C.根据上文的what we contribute to society 可知,我们应该更重视我们能为社会做什么而不是我们能从社会中得到什么.
55. C.根据上文的we make more than just a living with our lives 以及下文的 create “ordinary” miracles 可知,通过志愿工作,我们能有所改变.
56. D.推理判断题.根据8月31日描述的“尽管天还没黑,但是芝加哥的商场就已经关门了,而上海最繁华的街道则是通宵营业”可知,芝加哥的商店营业时间比上海的短.
57. A.细节理解题.根据9月5日描写的 Whenever a teacher asks a question, my classmates immediately shout out their answers. And some of them interrupt the teacher 可知,美国学生在课堂上很直率.
58. C.推理判断题.根据最后一段的 People in Chicago seem very comfortable with each other. It seems quite natural for two people to start talking in a café可知,芝加哥的人遇到陌生人时很愿意交 谈.
59. A.主旨大意题.文章主要描述了上海的女孩在芝加哥受到的文化冲击.
本文是记叙文.文章主要介绍了国际 著名的人际关系和身体语言专家——亚伦·皮斯.
60. A.推理判断题.根据第二段描述亚伦30 岁前的个人成就可知,他年轻有 为.
61. B.段落大意题.第三段主要讲述了亚伦的成就.他受到众多名人的追捧和广大观众的关注.
62. D.词义猜测题.根据划线词接下来 的句子He makes his class very humorous 可知,亚伦很风趣、幽默.由此可知, hilarious和funny 意思相近.
63. A.推理判断题.根据最后一段Tetra Pak 所说的“亚伦可以一直风趣地给观 众讲几个小时的课,他的工作非常杰 出”可知,Tetra Pak 高度赞扬亚伦.
本文是应用文.文章主要介绍了圣地亚哥的Valley Center.
64. C.细节理解题.根据Bates Nut Farm 部分的760-749-3333 和The farm has a picnic area可知.
65. A.细节理解题.根据Keys Creek Lavender Farm 部分的it offers lavender picking 可知,这家农场提供采摘活动.
66. D.细节理解题.根据Bates Nut Farm 部分的home to many family-friendly events ... music festivals 以及Valley Center Western Days 部分的the week-long series of events ... and an evening musical performance可知.
67. B.主旨大意题.本文主要讨论了网购该不该收税.
68. A.细节理解题.根据第一段的The only reason Internet sales are not taxed is because we did not know the Internet would be used to sell products when it was created 可知,网购之所以没收税是因为网购出乎人们意料.
69. D.推理判断题.根据第二段的they buy it online to save money on the sales tax 可知,在网上购物实际上是逃避纳税.
70.A.推理判断题.根据第三段的Internet taxing is a way ... improve the quality of life for all who live in that country 可知,作者认为网购征税对全民有利.
A 1-5 CBDBD B 6-10 DCADB
1. C.主旨大意题.本文主要讲述了生物污染源对本土动植物造成的危害.
2. B.推理判断题.根据第二段的It killed seven people in New York last year 可知,西尼罗病毒已造成人员死亡,因此威胁到人类的生命安全.
3. D.细节理解题.根据第二段的they adjust very easily to those climates 可知,生物污染源的特点之一是对新环境的适应能力很强.
4. B.推理判断题.第四段举的例子主要是为了说明第三段的these biological polluters have also started journeying much more. They travel in many things carried from one country to another,由此可知,生物污染源已经在全世界范围内开始传播.
5. D.细节理解题.根据最后一段的 these kinds of plants ... have the power to spread new diseases among native plants and animals可知.
6. D.推理判断题.根据第一段的Young people almost never get a good press these days, Teenagers today are brighter, more energetic, more outgoing, and more interesting than any generation before 以 及第二段的The truth is, we hear plenty of bad news about youth, but ... 可知,社会上的很多人对年轻人有偏见.
7. C.词义猜测题.划线部分所在句的主语It 指代研究公司BritainThinks 的发现:the most popular goal (shared by some 70 per cent) was to “have a job you love”;another study 指代:what made teenagers happiest ... but “the simple things in life”.由此可知,两次的研究发现相一致.
8. A.推理判断题.第四段举的例子主要 是为了说明第三段的they’re creators. Think of all those young people developing their own websites or machines,由此可知答案.
9. D.推理判断题.根据最后一段的But I think our future is in safe hands 可知,作者对年轻人满怀希望.
10. B.写作目的题.文章主要讨论了当今的年轻人.