He was technically running the business,but his father still called the tune.technically 让我不解

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 16:33:37

He was technically running the business,but his father still called the tune.technically 让我不解
He was technically running the business,but his father still called the tune.
technically 让我不解

He was technically running the business,but his father still called the tune.technically 让我不解
翻译成 严肃地,认真地

technically ['teknikəli]

He was technically running the business,but his father still called the tune.technically 让我不解 He was in breach of contract technically.这个句子语法对吗? he was technically a prizefighterhe was technically a prize fight 修饰的是BE动词?没有这么用的吧?因为后面是名词.1楼 请问你知道我问的是什么吗? 新概念英语第三册21课 这句话 Though he was technically a prizefighter.这句话中technically为什么不是technical 为什么用副词 不是形容词修饰名词吗 句子中的for什么作用?Though he was technically a prizefighter,Mendoza did much to change crude prizefighting into a sport,for he brought science to the game. he was technically a prize fight 为什么 technically这么用 请详解谢谢对不起大家 我解释的不太清楚 我是说这句为什么 Be + technically + 名词 或者举个其他副词这么用(be + adv +n)的例子 谢谢了 technically 翻译 technically no-----------的technically怎么翻译 When he r _ what had happened to the environment ,he was sorry. He r--- to help us mend the computer although he was a computer engineer.快 “He was (填词汇)Suddenly he r()what was happening at that time. by the time he took a shower,the telephone was r-----------. r开头单词 ,原句是:his bike was broken,so he had to have it r___ yesterday 填空 1,At last he r--- he was wrong 2,The Smiths are going to t--- to China next week the man we followed suddenly stopped ang looked as if he was not sure whether he was going in the r It was (r )fun 英语翻译The rule againest hearsay developed through fear of the unreliablility of hearsay evidence .However,the common law recognised that ,in certain circumstances,evidence that was technically hearsay to be admissible.There was no generral exce