
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 13:55:18
C开头的什么单词读音类似“斯南”?C开头,是不是单词不要紧,自己拼凑的也可以,读音一定要类似“斯南”,我想做自己的英文名, 以A开头的单词的发音特点象ABSENCE中的A就发”哎”的音,ABANDON的A就发”额”的音,这个有什么特点么,什么样的发什么样的音 i come in to your dreams make you beg for more translate! 明天就初二期末考试了.我水平很好很好.可是 语文古文、数学应用、英语完形、科学实验题时候,题都在我看来很简单(题难我就会卑微地认真地看题)而考前对自己说的静心,尊重都基本忘 北美洲人口超过1亿的国家是? My first stay at home alone was unusual.动词短语可以做主语?stay不应该改成staying吗? 英语语法:动词短语stay off 和 stay away 有什么区别 我看国外告示牌都是同时标出的 stay是个及物动词,请用它造个句,不要加介词如“at” 动词短语与短语动词区别 比如说work at 它既可以说成动词短语也可以说成短语动词 这是为什么? 关于动词不定式做后置定语she is shy and she has no friends to talk with.为什么后面要用to talk with而不是to talk 世间万物都有一个循环,周而复始,那生和死是否也有一个循环?轮回一说是真的?连宇宙都会崩塌然后在爆炸,无限小与无限大也有着联系,那生与死是否也有一个循环呢?死亡只是新生的开始 请问世间万物都是相生相克的吗? 谁能教我一下i don't think i've ever said that out loud before这句话是怎么连读断句的主要是said that out loud那一部分 求英语动词过去式,要多 perhaps you would like to go this way "Perhaps you would like to go this way?" _ the man shyly A.advised B.suggested 为什么选B不选A "我和他”在英语中如要用B动词应用什么 动词不定式作后置定语 此句中的as much as 能否用as many as代替The number of the people that/who come to visit the city this year is twice as much as last year.能否用many?number 是可数的 我知道有do as much as sb can的用法如:I run as fast as I can.那么 He does as many as invetigations as he can.这句话里有什么语法点?1)as many+可数名词复数+as sb can 2)do as +adv+ as sb can 和 as many+可数名词复数+a i will go this way怎么念?i will say i choose this way咋念 I will go and see a short p_ _ _ this Friday evening.填什麽 急 - 急 - 急 - 急 - 急 - 急 - You will go birdwatching this afternoon.I will go.too (合并成一句话) i will go birdwatching this 高温杀菌原理,高温杀死的大肠杆菌葡萄球菌会在液体培养中聚沉吗? 外研初中二年级英语课文Module 11 The Weather,求课文原文!还有原文翻译, 英语作文(用初二上册的内容和语法)60词左右的短文,提示词:(wonder,history of 2600 years,stone,symbol,protect,visitors)假如你是一名英国游客的导游,带他们参观长城.介绍长城. 英语parents的正确发音是什么? 谁能帮我写篇作文 我会追加200分主旨是围绕着“没有开花怎么会结果?没有现在怎么会有将来?” 证明植物光合作用产生淀粉其中水浴加热是为了干什么 Riding a bicycle can be great fun.So many people like riding bicycles to work or to school.But do you know how to ride a bicycle 36 Careful people learn to ride bikes well 37 they go out on the road.Do you know how you can tell 38 a person is a good 蒋介石邀请毛泽东到重庆谈判的理由是什么?A 争取备战时间B迫于全国人民要求和平的压力C欺骗人民D商谈和平,结束"内战“我觉得是D,为什么呢?首先C不对是肯定了的A和B我觉得是谈判的目的, meaning:what's gone is gone.It's no use talking about it any more.