雅思作文修改,谁好心给我改改吧.QMost of us believe it is important to protect the environment but few of us make efforts to achieve this goal.What are the causes of this phenomenon and what are your solutions.ANowadays,the continuously i

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 19:43:19

雅思作文修改,谁好心给我改改吧.QMost of us believe it is important to protect the environment but few of us make efforts to achieve this goal.What are the causes of this phenomenon and what are your solutions.ANowadays,the continuously i
Most of us believe it is important to protect the environment but few of us make efforts to achieve this goal.What are the causes of this phenomenon and what are your solutions.
Nowadays,the continuously increasing environmental degradation has become to a critical issue in modern society.Although the problem is already noticed by the public,there are still few actions taken by people.In this essay,I will analyse some possible causes of this phenomenon and the corresponding solutions.
First of all,compare to previous age,people have a higher living standard as a result of new technology development.On the other hand,people over exploit natural resources and make the environmental problem aggravated.Even though people start to know protecting environment is everyone’s duty,the conflict still exists.Whether people should sacrifice the environmental resources or their enjoyment has become to a struggling decision for them.Secondly,it is a fast pace society today and everyone is busy with their life.The huge competitions in different industries and relatively high unemployment rate are the cases in point.Therefore people have less time to care about remote future environment problem.In other words,they need to look after the surviving problems which may directly influence their life now.Moreover,people might find it is quite difficult for them to take actions to protect the environment as they short of general knowledge about it.For instance,people may not even know they are using too many plastic bags and stop using them is one of the things they can do to save the environment.
Accordingly,the solutions could be the following.To begin with,governments should set the regulations to control the situation.For example,people go shopping in the supermarket in China have to either bring their own bag to carry the goods or pay for the every single plastic bag.It is a really effective control to the whitepollution.After that,the media plays a key role in terms of general environmental protecting education.TV and radio programs can be utilised to proliferate the general ideas about saving environment.Finally,voluntary associations should be organized and people should be encouraged to join them as well.
Overall,the causes of this phenomenon are various and complex.However,if the public and the governments work together,I believe the situation can be improved tremendously.

雅思作文修改,谁好心给我改改吧.QMost of us believe it is important to protect the environment but few of us make efforts to achieve this goal.What are the causes of this phenomenon and what are your solutions.ANowadays,the continuously i
但是注意一些小问题:1 第一句 become 后面为什么要接to呢?
2 注意一些词中间要加连字符 如over-exploit fast-pace等
在注意一些细节问题 文章会更好的!


雅思作文修改,谁好心给我改改吧.QMost of us believe it is important to protect the environment but few of us make efforts to achieve this goal.What are the causes of this phenomenon and what are your solutions.ANowadays,the continuously i 雅思大牛们,麻烦帮忙看看这篇作文吧!麻烦各位大牛看看有什么问题,哪里需要提高...话说我之前考,写作最高也就5.5 ,太低了太低了...现在想要提到6...有好心大牛能够帮忙改改更好啊!An increasi 修改雅思作文 谁能帮我改改英语作文?.. 帮我看看这篇 雅思作文 .顺便我改改,打个分.今年4月12号就要考雅思了,第二次考,自己要求6分以上,这是我练的一篇雅思作文.希望各位牛牛们帮我看看,指出不足之处,顺便给个分数.Some people thi 找人替我改英文作文由於本人英文水平不是太高,一直也有自己练习作文.可是我认为自己的作文🈶很大改善🈳间.希望各位好心的大大能免费替我改改我的作文(要有评语,最好能给我 英语改错谁给改改! 求雅思大作文模板.哪位好心的烤鸭,分享一下大作文的模板给我吧,最好是已经考过的烤鸭们,我不敢用小姨的那个,用的人太多了,发邮件给我吧!cn 初三的英语作文求修改呃,老师要检查作文啊,大家帮我改改吧.我一句一句的分开打,大家多指出点错啊英语不好,句子都是轻给里喜.一句一句凑上的.要求:简单介绍一下你认为最有用的发明( 雅思小作文求修改! 有谁能帮我改改雅思作文?我是一名烤鸭,但是现在希望有谁能帮我批改一下作文,一直都找不到人帮我批改作文TAT,万分感谢> 麻烦帮我看看这篇 雅思作文 .顺便我改改,打个分.本人今年4月12号就要烤鸭了,第二次烤鸭,要求6分以上,这是我练的一篇雅思作文.希望各位大大牛牛们帮我看看,指出不足之处,顺便给个分数.Som 求求一个懂雅思老师帮我改一改雅思作文 改改语法等等 最好给我提点建议和给个分数哈In this essay, i will attempt to find out the main causes of these problems and provide some useful measures which may control them. 题目是青春的脚步800字左右..高一的作文..谁给个范文 我实在是不会写.找个作文 改改.. 求助好心朋友发十天突破雅思写作和十天突破雅思口语PDF给我邮箱nxyunlu@hotmail.com 我希望较权威的朋友帮我改改我的雅思作文 我不知道自己作文到底什么地方还不够!顺便给个分数.Some people say that children should be displined in their early age,and punishment should be used.to some extent do you 地球一小时的海报 谁来给我改改 评价评价。 求个懂雅思的老师帮我看看我的大作文 改改我的语法等等 最好给个分数哈 谢谢A much debate issue these days is which one take charge to teach children as a good member of society, parents or school? In this essay,i will ar